Preposition Answerkey

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Preposition answerkey

fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

I'm looking forward __________ my vacation next month.

Answer: to

She apologized __________ being late to the meeting.

Answer: for

He's interested __________ learning a new language.

Answer: in

The book is __________ the table.

Answer: on

She's been married __________ ten years.

Answer: for

The store is __________ the corner of Main Street and First Avenue.

Answer: at

I need to go __________ the grocery store to buy some milk.

Answer: to

They're planning __________ a road trip across the country.

Answer: on

The restaurant is known __________ its delicious seafood.

Answer: for

We're going __________ a hike in the mountains this weekend.

Answer: on

Sure, here are 10 more challenging examples of fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

She was accused __________ stealing money from the company.

Answer: of

The concert was postponed __________ bad weather.

Answer: due to

He's always been interested __________ art and literature.

Answer: in

The car was parked __________ the curb.

Answer: at

She's been living in New York City __________ five years.

Answer: for

I'm not very good __________ playing the guitar.

Answer: at

They're arguing __________ who should be in charge of the project.

Answer: over

The movie is based __________ a true story.

Answer: on

I'm counting __________ my friends to help me move this weekend.

Answer: on

The new software is designed __________ improving productivity.

Answer: for

I always get nervous __________ public speaking.

Answer: about

The ball bounced __________ the wall and landed __________ the ground.

Answer: off, on

We need to make a reservation __________ the hotel for our vacation.

Answer: at

She's allergic __________ cats, so she can't be around them.

Answer: to

The kids ran __________ the field and jumped __________ the pond.

Answer: across, into

I'm going to the grocery store __________ some milk and bread.

Answer: for

The book is __________ the shelf, next __________ the dictionary.

Answer: on, to

He's been working __________ his thesis for months now.

Answer: on

The car was parked __________ the street, __________ the sidewalk.

Answer: on, beside

She was surprised __________ the news, and couldn't believe it at first.

Answer: by

The restaurant is located __________ the corner __________ Main Street.

Answer: on, of

The key is __________ the door, __________ the lock.

Answer: in, under

The dog ran __________ the yard, chasing __________ the squirrel.

Answer: through, after

She's been living __________ her apartment __________ five years now.

Answer: in, for

The plane took off __________ the runway and climbed __________ the sky.

Answer: from, into

He's interested __________ music, and plays __________ the guitar.

Answer: in, on

The beach is __________ the ocean, with miles __________ sandy shores.

Answer: by, of

The store is open __________ 9am __________ 9pm, seven days a week.

Answer: from, to

He's driving __________ the highway, heading __________ the mountains.

Answer: along, toward

The museum is __________ the city center, near __________ the park.
Answer: in, to

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