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Successful Commissioning and Initial Start-up key steps and activities:

1) Preparation and Planning: Appointment of Commissioning Manager or Lead Commissioning

Engineer and Team Members; Training; Information Compilation; Safety and Risk Assessment;
Commissioning Strategy Development; Procedures and Checklist Development; Detailed Plan and
Budget Preparation.

2) Mechanical Completion and Integrity checking Base line Inspection; Pressure testing; Cleaning
and Flushing; Machinery checkout.
3) Pre-commissioning & Operational Testing Steam and other utilities introduced; Dry running trials;
hot running trials; Safe-fluid dynamic testing; solvent dynamic testing; Process fluid tests.
4) Start Up & Initial Operation Introduction of process fluid; Start-up and initial operation; Trouble-
shooting and problem correction; Plant taken to full operations.
5) Performance and Acceptance testing Performance trails; Formal Acceptance test.
6) Post Commissioning From plant on-stream to settled down and in regular production;
Adjustments, modifications and fault correction; Completion of outstanding punch list items.

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