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Dilla University

College of Engineering & Technology

School of computing and Informatics

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Title: healthcare management system

Submission Date: 05/06/2015 E.C


At the first our teacher we want to thanks. His name is teacher Mr.Adane. For that
project doing, class teaching in good guidance and also some software setup for
That project we get from him. Additional good advice that used for futurity nearly
that course and also for our plan at will useful person and maturity mind we gain
that from the more thanks our teacher.
Additional our dep-college of computer science we say thanks for that project and
also the others projects, we gain from good internet ,computer and also suitable for
discussion the place where we done it.
I would like to thank my classmate, whose love and guidance are with me in
whatever I pursue. They are the ultimate role models.
1. Chapter 1: Introduction................................................1
1.1 Background of Organization.............................................1
1.2 Introduction about the Project...........................................3
1.3 Statement of the Problem...............................................3
1.4 Objective of the Project.................................................4
1.5 Scope and Limitation...................................................5
1.6 Methodology..........................................................6
1.6.1 Data gathering Methodology.........................................6
1.6.2 Design Methodology................................................6
1.6.3 Implementation Methodology........................................7
1.6.4 Testing Methodology...............................................7
1.6.5 Development Environment and Programming Tools.....................7
1.7 Feasibility Study.......................................................8
1.7.1 Technical Feasibility................................................8
1.7.2 Operational Feasibility..............................................9
1.7.3 Economic Feasibility................................................9
1.8 Benefit of the Project...................................................9
1.9 Project Schedule......................................................10
2. Chapter two: Existing System.........................................10
2.1 Introduction.............................................................10
2.2 Description of the Existing System..........................................11
2.3 Limitation of the Existing System...........................................12
2.4 Model of Existing System..................................................13
2.4.1 Actors................................................................13
2.4.2 Essential use-case.......................................................13
2.5 Business Rule............................................................14
3. Chapter 3: Proposed System.............................................14
3.1 Overview of Proposed System............................................14
3.2 Requirement Specification................................................15
3.2.1 Functional Requirements................................................15
3.2.2 Non – Functional Requirement...........................................17
3.2.3 System Requirement....................................................19
3.3 User Interface Specification and Description..................................20
4. Chapter 4: System Modeling...........................................21
4.1 Introduction.............................................................21
4.2 Use case diagram.........................................................23
4.3 Sequence diagram.......................................................24
4.4 Activity diagram.........................................................28
4.5 Class diagram...........................................................29
5. Chapter 5: System Design.............................................31
5.1 Introduction.............................................................31
5.1.1 System Overview.....................................................32
5.1.2 Design Goals.........................................................33
5.1.3 Architecture of the system............................................34
5.2 System Design...........................................................34
5.2.1 Subsystem Decomposition..............................................34
5.2.2 Component diagram..................................................35
5.2.3 Hardware/Software mapping...........................................36
5.2.4 Deployment diagram..................................................36
5.3 Detailed design..........................................................37
5.3.1 Package diagram.....................................................37
5.3.2 Collaboration diagram................................................39
5.4 User interface design.....................................................40
5.5 Access control and security................................................40
6. Chapter 6: Implementation................................................43
6.1 Objective of implementation...............................................43
A quality management system may serve a wide range of objectives:...............43
6.2 Hardware and Software acquisition.........................................44
6.3 User manual............................................................44
6.4 Installation process.......................................................49
6.5 Algorithm and outputs....................................................50
6.5.1 Sample code.........................................................50
1.5.2 Sample results.......................................................60
7. Chapter 7: Testing.......................................................62
7.1 Introduction.............................................................62
7.2 Unit testing.............................................................63
7.3 Integrated testing........................................................64
7.4 System requirement testing................................................67
Undertaking various registration...........................................67
Check out...............................................................67
Generating various reports................................................68
8. Chapter 8: Conclusion and Recommendation.................................70
8.1 Conclusion..............................................................70
8.2 Recommendation........................................................71
9. Reference...............................................................72
10. Appendix..............................................................72

List of Figure

Figure 1 usecase diagram...................................................24

Figure 2 sequence diagram..................................................25
Figure 3 sequence diagram 2................................................26
Figure 4 sequence diagram 3................................................27
Figure 5 activity diagram..................................................28
Figure 6 class diagram.....................................................30
Figure 7 architecture of the system........................................34
Figure 8 subsystem decomposition...........................................35
Figure 9 component diagram.................................................36
Figure 10 deployment diagram...............................................37
Figure 11 package diagram..................................................38
Figure 12 collaboration diagram............................................39
Figure 13 collaboration diagram 2..........................................40

List of Table

Table 1 gantt chart........................................................10

Table 2 list of actors.....................................................22
Table 3 list of use case...................................................23

List of Acronym

Graphical user interface ID.............................15

(GUI)..........................24 information technology
Health Information Management IT.............................15
(HIM)..........................65 Software Requirement Specification
healthcare management system (SRS)..........................18
HCMS...........................14 subject matter experts
identification (SMEs).........................66


The main intention of introducing this system is to reduce the manual work at
Health center counters. Every sort of task is performed by the system, such as
registering different types of persons (i.e employees , students and
others) ,enquiries, and complaints etc. reducing much paper work and burden of
file storage. Also the latest information is right available for the officials and
executives wherever they require. The system also facilitates the pharmacist to
enquire about the drugs and about the stock to be ordered and about the expiry
date .
Where the system must be placed?
There are a lot of benefits to the Health center by placing the system at their
registration and at drug store office . At the same time the patients are also
benefited using this system. They can get the work done within no time.
How to use the system?
Using the system is as simple as using the personal computer. Since end user
computing is developing in our country, It is beneficial to both Health center and
the patients. Every step is clearly defined and help is provided through out the
application to the user. Even the exceptions are handled well to avoid confusion.
How is it beneficial to the Health Center?
The heath center can get much out of the system. The system is used to enter the
patient details and to enter the details about the health center and the details about
the in-patient and out-patient in detail and about the reports of the patients . This
system represents the patient by the OP number and this is main criteria how the
patient is provided by the free services . The drug information and the
specifications is also provided in this Health Center Management System.
1. Chapter 1: Introduction

Management There is many tasks that a healthcare management software system

can do much faster than a human being. The system can take over all the workload
healthcare staffs have to face every day to manage the processes. It can automate
tasks and processes which will speed up the functions smoothly. Successful
implementation of a healthcare management is one of the difficult and complex
works around the world. Every organization needs talent management system to
facilitate the work and achieve the goals of that institute specially to manage
resource and personal activities it needs to use the computerized system as well.

system can reduce the time-consuming in long queues for each service, checking
patient history, searching for patient data and information etc. It is an extremely
powerful system as well as user-friendly and can be customize according to
the client's needs. Healthcare industry is adopting IT solutions enabling them to
manage their resources in a better way and optimize their entire functionalities
efficiently. Management software solution is especially necessary in healthcare
industry such as Healthcares, clinics, nursing home etc., as they require highly
flexible, robust, scalable and accurate solution and cannot do more with paper-
based system. Healthcares need to take latest and advanced information technology
so that they can have things / information at fingertips and offer high quality
services to their patients.

1.1 Background of Organization

The project Healthcare Management system includes registration of patients,
storing their details into the system, and also computerized billing in the pharmacy,
and labs. The software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and
stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search
facility to know the current status of each room. User can search availability of a
doctor and the details of a patient using the id.
The Healthcare Management System can be entered using a username and
password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can
add data into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very
user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data
processing very fast.
Healthcare Management System is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is
designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to Healthcares.
Healthcare Management System is designed for multispecialty Healthcares, to
cover a wide range of Healthcare administration and management processes. It is
an integrated end-to-end Healthcare Management System that provides relevant
information across the Healthcare to support effective decision making for
patient care, Healthcare administration and critical financial accounting, in a
seamless flow.
Healthcare Management System is a software product suite designed to improve
the quality and management of Healthcare Management in the areas of clinical
process analysis and activity-based costing. Healthcare Management System
enables you to develop your organization and improve its effectiveness and quality
of work. Managing the key processes efficiently is critical to the success of the
Healthcare helps you manage your processes

1.2 Introduction about the Project

Healthcare is a field in which accurate record keeping and communication

are critical and yet in which the use of computing and networking technology lags
behind other fields. Healthcare professionals and patients are often uncomfortable
with computers, and feel that computers are not central to their healthcare mission,
even though they agree that accurate record keeping and communication are
essential to good healthcare. In current healthcare, information is conveyed from
one healthcare professional to another through paper notes or personal
communication. For example, in the United States, electronic communication
between physicians and pharmacists is not typically employed but, rather, the
physician writes a prescription on paper and gives it to the patient. The patient
carries the prescription to the pharmacy, waits in line to give it to a pharmacist, and
waits for the pharmacist to fill the prescription. To improve this process, the
prescriptions could be communicated electronically from the physician to the
pharmacist, and the human computer interfaces for the physicians, nurses,
pharmacists and other healthcare professionals could be voice enabled.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Lack of immediate retrievals: -

The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular information like-
E.g. - To find out about the patient’s history, the user has to go through various
registers. This results in convenience and wastage of time.
Lack of immediate information storage: -

The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be
stored at right place.
Lack of prompt updating: -
Various changes to information like patient details or immunization details of
child are difficult to make as paper work is involved.
Error prone manual calculation: -
Manual calculations are error prone and take a lot of time this may result in
incorrect information.
For example calculation of patient’s bill based on various treatments.
Preparation of accurate and prompt reports: -
This becomes a difficult task as information is difficult to collect from various

1.4 Objective of the Project

 Define Healthcare
 Recording information about the Patients that come.
 Generating bills.
 Recording information related to diagnosis given to Patients.
 Keeping record of the Immunization provided to children/patients.
 Keeping information about various diseases and medicines available to cure
These are the various jobs that need to be done in a Healthcare by the operational
staff and Doctors. All these works are done on papers.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

Effective and timely communication between patients, physicians, nurses,

pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals is vital to good healthcare. Current
communication mechanisms, based largely on paper records and prescriptions, are
old-fashioned, inefficient, and unreliable. When multiple healthcare professionals
and facilities are involved in providing healthcare for a patient, the healthcare
services provided aren’t often coordinated. Typically, a physician writes a
prescription on paper and gives it to the patient. The patient carries the prescription
to the pharmacy, waits in line to hand the prescription to the pharmacist, and waits
for the pharmacist to fill the prescription. The pharmacist might be unable to read
the physician’s handwriting; the patient could modify or forge the prescription; or
the physician might be unaware of medications prescribed by other physicians.
These and other problems indicate the need to improve the quality of healthcare.

 Information about Patients is done by just writing the Patients name, age and
gender. Whenever the Patient comes up his information is stored freshly.
 Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to Patient on a
separate sheet and at last they all are summed up.
 Diagnosis information to patients is generally recorded on the document, which
contains Patient information. It is destroyed after some time period to decrease
the paper load in the office.
 Immunization records of children are maintained in pre-formatted sheets,
which are kept in a file.
 Information about various diseases is not kept as any document. Doctors
themselves do this job by remembering various medicines.

All this work is done manually by the receptionist and other operational staff and
lot of papers are needed to be handled and taken care of. Doctors have to
remember various medicines available for diagnosis and sometimes miss better
alternatives as they can’t remember them at that time.

1.6 Methodology

In this section we are going to discuss about system development

methodology that we follow to develop our system and the method we used to
collect data.

1.6.1 Data gathering Methodology

The method we employed in the data collection are observation, analysis of

document that is directly related with healthcare management system also we
have used Google search.

1.6.2 Design Methodology

S/W design is a process through which the requirements are translated into a
representation of s/w. One of the software requirements have been analyzed and
specified, the s/w design involves three technical activities: design, coding
generation and testing. The design of the system is in modular form i.e., the s/w is
logically partitioned into components that perform specific functions and sub
functions. The design phase leads to modules that exhibit independent functional
characteristics. It even leads to interfaces that reduce the complexity of the
connections between modules and with the external environment. The design phase

is of main importance because in this activity, decisions ultimately affect the
success of s/w implementation and maintenance.

1.6.3 Implementation Methodology

The implementation methodology is for translating the design of the system

produced during the design phase into code in a given programming language,
which can be executed by a computer and which performs the computation
specified by the design.
The implementations have been performed by java language.

1.6.4 Testing Methodology

We use

 Unit testing
 Integration testing
 System testing

1.6.5 Development Environment and Programming Tools

The development phase includes choosing of a suitable s/w to solve the

particular problem given. The various facilities and the sophistication in the
selected s/w give a better development of the problem.

Our project is applicable in with every smart phones, pc, and desktop for people
who have accessibility to electricity and have an access to connection.

To develop our system, we are going to use different tools to develop the web-
based system:

Personal computer, flash disc, digital camera, printer, Microsoft office word 2019

1.7 Feasibility Study

The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal
is put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates.
During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried
out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the company. For
feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements for the system
is essential.

Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are:

1.7.1 Technical Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical
requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand
on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands being placed
on the client. The developed system must have a modest requirement, as only
minimal or null changes for the implementing this system.

1.7.2 Operational Feasibility

The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user.
This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user
must not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The
level of acceptance by the users solely depends on the methods that are employed
to educate the user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of
confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some constructive
criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final user of the system.

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the economic impact will have on the system will
have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the
research and development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be
justified. Thus the developed system as well within the budget and this was
achieved because most of the technologies used are freely available. Only the
customized products have to be purchased.

1.8 Benefit of the Project

The heath center can get much out of the system. The system is used to enter the
patient details and to enter the details about the health center and the details about
the in-patient and out-patient in detail and about the reports of the patients. This
system represents the patient by the OP number and this is main criteria how the

patient is provided by the free services. The drug information and the
specifications are also provided in this Health Center Management System.

1.9 Project Schedule

This project will comprise all the activities involved in SDLC (see Fig 1). All these
activities have been summarized in a Gantt chart below.

Table 1 gantt chart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

2. Chapter two: Existing System

2.1 Introduction

The existing system is very complex as every work is done manually. By using the
present system, work is done manually. So, each and every work takes much time

to complete. Whenever the doctor needs the information it is very difficult for the
employee to search for that particular opno details and the drug information to be
ordered. Every time we should search the records at the shelves.

Our present modern information system makes use of computers for the execution,
each of them connected through an optimized network. Healthcare is the most
critical aspect of our society, and many health care providers face challenges to
offer practical and active services to patients.

Now we will discuss how the different actors interact with healthcare management
system like nurse, doctors, patients and others. The drawback of healthcare
management system or limitation of the HCMS.

2.2 Description of the Existing System

In the typical Health Center Management System is developed to make all the
sections computerized. The entire process is very time consuming and involves
tones of paper work- mostly manually, which is both error prone and time

The new system would have the patients are requesting for the receipts at the
Registration office by showing the ID given to the patients that are given at there
respected departments at the university level , Just by submitting the opno to the
database the person is confirmed that the person is eligible or not . If the person is
eligible the service is provided to the person. In the Drug Store the maintenance of

the drug information that how many drugs are there in the store and how much is
dispatched to the Pharmacy house and how many are in the main stores and what
content of the drugs are to be ordered? All this information is in the drug store. The
information that how many out- patients that have visited the health center and
how many patients are In-patients this information is stored in the Case Records
and the daily dispatching of the drugs from the pharmacy to the patients are
maintained in the Daily Records.

2.3 Limitation of the Existing System

There are also many limitations of IT in Healthcare management. We’re going to

explain four of them in this research paper. First limitation is the expenses; a more
sophisticated technology developed for healthcare will be more expensive than a
lesser one. People are living longer and healthier which means there is an increased
of needs in healthcare. A healthcare system where it captures all activities and
provides support for the person to use it effectively would be the best. The more IT
system can reduce downtime, the more expensive the system can be for the users,
doctors, nurses, physical trainer, speech therapy, etc. A second limitation is the
time requires adapting to the new system.

Other Limitations

 The work is done manually so that it takes much time to recognize the
patient at the registration office.
 More number of labors is needed.
 We can’t asses the calculations accurately.

 Amount of time is more needed when the more patients come to registration
counter. It counts time factor.
 As there are thousands of patients records; Searching process is a difficult

2.4 Model of Existing System

The healthcare management system (HCMS) is integrated software that handles

different directions of clinic workflows. It manages the smooth healthcare
performance along with administrative, medical, legal and financial control. That is
a cornerstone for the successful operation of the healthcare facility.

2.4.1 Actors

 Administrator
 Doctor
 Patient
 Nurse

2.4.2 Essential use-case

 Registration
 Drug Store
 Case Records
 Daily Entries
 Eligibility Enquire
 Expiry Alert
 Registration Enquire
 Prescription
 Diagnosis Receipt

2.5 Business Rule

Healthcare Management relates to the overall management, administration and

leadership of private or public health facilities. The aim is to maintain seamless
operations by meeting specific outcomes, within budget. Healthcare managers
define the outcomes, optimizing budgets, resources and people to meet these goals.

3. Chapter 3: Proposed System

3.1 Overview of Proposed System

The present system has obvious problems, inhibiting growth and more usage of
man power. The present system which has been proposed is very easy to

work .The computerization of the every department in the health center will
reduce the work that is done manually. The man power is reduced to the
maximum extent. The patients at the registration office are registered within no
time, because every time there is no need search for the particular opno in the
shelf’s .The drugs information are maintained without any complexity and all
the calculations are made automatically by this system there is no need for the

3.2 Requirement Specification

Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software

developing activity. As system grew more complex it became evident that the goal
of the entire system cannot be easily comprehended. Hence the need for the
requirement phase arose. The software project is initiated by the client needs. The
SRS is the means of translating the ideas of the minds of clients (the input) into a
formal document (the output of the requirement phase.)

Here, the focus is on specifying what has been found giving analysis
such as representation, specification languages and tools, and checking the
specifications are addressed during this activity.

The Requirement phase terminates with the production of the validate

SRS document. Producing the SRS document is the basic goal of this phase.

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

There are a lot of software requirements specifications included in the functional
requirements of the Healthcare Management System, which contains various
processes, namely Registration, Check out, Report Generation, and Database.

Registration Process of SRS (Software Requirements Specification)

● adding Patients: The Healthcare Management enables the staff at the front desk
to include new patients in the system.

● assigning an ID to the patients: The HMS enables the staff at the front desk to
provide a unique ID for each patient and then add them to the record sheet of the
patient. The patients can utilize the ID throughout their healthcare stay.

Check Out of SRS:

● Deleting Patient ID: The staff in the administration section of the ward can
delete the patient ID from the system when the patient checkout from the

● adding to the beds available list: The Staff in the administration section of the
ward can put the bed empty in the list of beds available.

Report Generation of SRS:

● Information of the Patient: The Healthcare Management System generates a

report on every patient regarding various information like patients name, Phone
number, bed number, the doctor's name whom its assigns, ward name, and more.
● Availability of the Bed: The Healthcare Management system also helps in
generating reports on the availability of the bed regarding information like bed
numbers unoccupied or occupied, ward name, and more.

Database of SRS:

● Mandatory Patient Information: Every patient has some necessary data like
phone number, their first and last name, personal health number, postal code,
country, address, city, 'patient's ID number, etc.

● Updating information of the Patient: The healthcare management system enables

users to update the information of the patient as described in the mandatory
information included.

3.2.2 Non – Functional Requirement

There are a lot of software requirements specifications included in the non-

functional requirements of the Healthcare Management System, which contains
various processes, namely Security, Performance, Maintainability, and Reliability.


● Patient Identification: The system needs the patient to recognize herself or

himself using the phone.

● Logon ID: Any users who make use of the system need to hold a Logon ID and

● Modifications: Any modifications like insert, delete, update, etc. for the database
can be synchronized quickly and executed only by the ward administrator.

● Front Desk Staff Rights: The staff at the front desk can view any data in the
Healthcare Management system, and add new patients record to the HMS but they
don't have any rights to alter any data in it.

● Administrator rights: The administrator can view as well as alter any information
in the Healthcare Management System.


● Response Time: The system provides acknowledgment in just one second once
the 'patient's information is checked.

● Capacity: The system needs to support at least 1000 people at once.

● User-Interface: The user interface acknowledges within five seconds.

● Conformity: The system needs to ensure that the guidelines of the Microsoft
accessibilities are followed.


● Back-Up: The system offers efficiency for data backup.

● Errors: The system will track every mistake as well as keep a log of it.


● Availability: The system is available all the time.

Hope you got a clear idea of the functional and non-functional requirements and
the features required by the healthcare. Any other queries on the topic are

3.2.3 System Requirement

Software Requirements:

Platform - Windows /Unix/Solaris

Software - JSDK 5.0, Ms-Access.

Hardware Requirements:
Processor - Intel Celeron class Processor with 2.0 GHz

RAM - 256 MB

Hard Disk - 40 GB

Keyboard - 101 keys

Mouse - Any pointing device

3.3 User Interface Specification and Description

The system will be used in the healthcare. The administrators, doctors, nurses and
front-desk staff will be the main users. Given the condition that not all the
users are computer-literate. Some users may have to be trained on using the
system. The system is also designed to be user-friendly. It uses a Graphical user
interface (GUI).
Front – desk staff:
They all have general reception and secretarial duties. Every staff has some basic
computer training. They are responsible for patient’s check-in or notification of
appropriate people (e.g. notify administrator or nurse when an event occurs).
They all have post-secondary education relating to general business administration
practices. Every administrator has basic computer training. They are responsible
for all of the scheduling and updating day/night employee shifts. Administrators in
the wards are responsible for assigning doctors and nurses to patients.
All nurses have post-secondary education in nursing. Some nurses are computer
literate. Consulting nurses to whom patients give short descriptions of their
conditions are also responsible for assigning patients to appropriate wards if the
beds are available, otherwise

Putting patients on the waiting list. Nurses in wards will use the system to check
their patient list.
All doctors have a medical degree. Some have further specialized training and are
computer literate. Doctors will use the system to check their patient’s list.

4. Chapter 4: System Modeling

4.1 Introduction

This is the first in a series introducing the best approach, preparation and practice
when system modeling. This post specifically investigates what you should
consider before you start modeling.

Modeling a system can be a difficult task to get right. There are many things to
consider before approaching a system modeling software that can save you a lot of
trouble and make your results more accurate. Choice of component detail and
target outputs is just as important as component accuracy when building a system.

In this post I’ll outline some basic principles to system modeling that could save
you a lot of trouble in the long run. I’ll be using a vehicle model as a basis and for
examples as a system with a range of complex, multi-domain sub-systems.

Modeling of a system of components/sub-systems. But the key to it all is the

efficient, accurate modeling of a system so that it is representative of the true

system. It is also imperative to understand the interaction between each system.
This is especially relevant when troubleshooting.

One of the key qualities of a good system model is not that of the greatest detail or
highest accuracy, but applicability to investigation. Choosing the correct
fidelity/detail of the system/sub-systems to suit the goal of the investigation in the
most efficient way is arguably just as important.

Use case Description

List Of Actors
Actor No Actor Description
A1 Treat patient and view patient records.

Administrator can perform the operations such as deletion of

A2 Administrator
consumer, update employee details, query employee.

A3 Treated by doctors and nurse

Table 2 list of actors

List Of Use Cases

Use Case No Use Cases Description

UC1 Register Actors: staff

UC2 Login Actors: Administrator , staff

UC3 Other test Actors: Patient

UC4 View patient detail Actors: Nurse, doctor

UC5 Eligibility enquire Actors: Administrator

UC6 Prescription Actors: Doctor

UC7 Medicine receipt Actors: patient, doctors

UC8 Drug store Actors: Administrator

UC9 Case record Actors: Administrator, doctor

UC10 Daily enters Actors: Administrator, doctor

UC11 Diagnosis receipt Actors: doctor, nurse

Table 3 list of use case

4.2 Use case diagram

Figure 1 usecase diagram

4.3 Sequence diagram

Figure 2 sequence diagram

Figure 3 sequence diagram 2

Figure 4 sequence diagram 3

4.4 Activity diagram

Figure 5 activity diagram

4.5 Class diagram

Figure 6 class diagram

5. Chapter 5: System Design

5.1 Introduction

Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles
for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detail to
permit its physical realization.
Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software
design involves three technical activities design, coding, generation and testing that
are required to build and verify the software.

The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity,
decisions ultimately affecting the success of the software implementation and its
ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the final bearing upon
reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only way to accurately
translate the customer’s requirements into finished software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a

process through which requirements are translated into a representation of
software. Software design is conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is
concerned with the transformation of requirements into data

5.1.1 System Overview

A Healthcare Management System (HCMS) is a software solution that helps a

Healthcare or medical care facility to manage its operations. In other words, it is an
integrated solution that helps manage Healthcare resources and functions
efficiently by integrating multiple Healthcare departments into one single network.

Not to confuse, a Healthcare management system is also known as a Healthcare

information management system.
The most widely used type of Healthcare information management system is a
computer-based patient record (CPR), which maintains the medical and treatment
history of patients. An efficient Healthcare information management system can be
beneficial for a team consisting of doctors, health workers, pharmacists, nurses,
business managers, etc.

For example – A nursing staff member may be required to enter data into a
computer database every time they change a patient’s position or administer
medication. This allows all relevant personnel to access accurate information about
each patient’s condition at any given time. Thus, it improves communication
between departments as well as reduces errors caused by miscommunication
among medical professionals.

The HIM department has been increasingly using technology over time to make
sure that its processes are streamlined and efficient. This means that you will be
able to keep track of all your patients’ records on one platform so that you are
aware of everything from the start to finish.

One of the most important things about a Healthcare information management
system is that it is constantly evolving to meet new challenges.

5.1.2 Design Goals

High-quality health care helps prevent diseases and improve quality of life.
Healthy People 2030 focus on improving health care quality and making sure all
people get the health care services they need.

Helping health care providers communicate more effectively can help improve
health and well-being. Strategies to make sure health care providers are aware of
treatment guidelines and recommended services are also key to improving health.

Some people don’t get the health care services they need because they don’t have
health insurance or live too far away from providers who offer them. Interventions
to increase access to health care services — like lowering costs, improving
insurance coverage, and increasing use of tale health — can help more people get
the care they need.

5.1.3 Architecture of the system

Figure 7 architecture of the system

5.2 System Design

5.2.1 Subsystem Decomposition

Figure 8 subsystem decomposition

5.2.2 Component diagram

Figure 9 component diagram

5.2.3 Hardware/Software mapping

5.2.4 Deployment diagram

Figure 10 deployment diagram

5.3 Detailed design

5.3.1 Package diagram

Figure 11 package diagram

5.3.2 Collaboration diagram

Figure 12 collaboration diagram

Figure 13 collaboration diagram 2

5.4 User interface design

5.5 Access control and security

In terms of the amount of sensitive data medical facilities work with, Healthcare
security is subject to strict regulatory compliance standards , specialized security
staff training, clear policies and procedures, and installation of functional access
control equipment which must meet the needs of patients and medical staff and
observe the values of life and health characteristic to Healthcare work.

Biometric access control

Certain Healthcare sections must adhere to strict access control rules. For
example, medical research labs or surgery rooms deal with highly sensitive
values, and people allowed to get in must be clearly identified. Therefore,
Healthcares deploy biometrics, using fingerprint or iris readers to allow entry into
the restricted area. Biometric access control, though, is more expensive, and can
pose risks in emergencies, such as a fire occurrence, and the authorized person is
not present to provide access.

Cloud access control systems

Cloud-based access control systems for Healthcares can include various

components for granting access, many of which are described above. The
integrative component of cloud access for Healthcare security is the capability of
using a consolidated admin panel for all access points, storing the data into the
cloud without burdening the Healthcare on-site system, and the possibility to
integrate various access control options into an electronic platform that provides
precise reporting insights by following what happens in real-time around the
medical facility.

Modern cloud-based access control applies cabling and/or wireless technologies,

bringing together multiple touch points without the need for heavy staff reliance
or physical barriers. For instance, staff can use pass codes received from a smart
phone app which they must type in to get access or use the smart phone’s NFC
capability. On the other hand, visitors can get access cards but also use smart
phone codes. Such an option is highly secure, as unique codes can be related to a

single entry, as well as monitored from the central dashboard. Cloud Healthcare
security is easy-to-install, versatile, and very secure.

Data Security

Since Healthcares deal with protected health information (PHI) and personally
identifiable information (PII) their security systems must guard both types of data
at all costs. Think of situations when a Healthcare data breach hits the headlines
—it generates a huge hype among patients who are naturally concerned about
what happened to their medical records, patient histories, and payment
information. Therefore, people in charge of protecting sensitive medical
information have an important task of keeping due care to meet all data
regulatory requirements . It’s an almost a “no-choice” scenario as Healthcare
security is not something that can be taken lightly with a great freedom of how to
implement access control measures.

‍Patient safety and security is of utmost importance for the Healthcare reputation

Keypad readers with pass codes

This security option enables entry by typing a code into a reader. Readers can be
standalone or integrated into an access control system. Typing a pass code
delivers a different risk than cards. Users must share it knowingly in order to be
used against the rules, but it can be shared an unlimited number of times, so there
is no way to identify who made the unauthorized entry - it can be anyone.

6. Chapter 6: Implementation

6.1 Objective of implementation

The quality management system forms part of an institution’s overall management

system and aims to improve patient safety, and hence the quality of care. Many
healthcare institutions choose to digitally process quality indicators, in order to
monitor them effectively. However, when purchasing a digital quality management
system, it is important to understand why the organization needs such a system.

By having objectives clear, is also becomes clear as to what requirements the

software should meet.

A quality management system may serve a wide range of objectives:

 Achieving organizational objectives

 Improving patient/client satisfaction
 Cost management by reducing preventable errors
 Increasing the organization’s effectiveness
 Improving customer service
 Improving the safety culture and risk awareness
 Providing insight into performance at individual and team levels

6.2 Hardware and Software acquisition

Platform - Windows /Unix/Solaris

Software - JSDK 5.0, Ms-Access.

Processor - Intel Celeron class Processor with 2.0 GHz

RAM - 256 MB

Hard Disk - 40 GB

Keyboard - 101 keys

Mouse - Any pointing device

6.3 User manual

Login and make basic admin account

Before Enter to the system the user must need basic Admiration user login
information to login
to system. If you do not have user account, you can simply click on register here
for mage user


User must file the all the fields in registration from after submitting valid data to
User can simply enter data to login form and can enter to software main menu.

In the main menu, you can use the navigation bar or navigate buttons to navigate
around the
After the main steps, before working with system make super admin account is the
best way
to start system.
• Setup super user account
To make super admin account user must needs to top level admin. You can create
super admin
account by clicking Super admin account from navigation bar.

After entering to super admin function user need top level admin username and
password to
login to create super admin account.
PASSWORD = Password
After adding login information of top level admin account, you can go to top level
After making Super Administration account user can use software. The usage of
administration account is it is needs to update or delete data in system.
• Patient info.
User can click and go to Patient info function by using navigation bar or main
Options of Patient info

• Patient Registration.
In Patient Registration, user need to fill form with patient data and this form direct
connects to
OPD of healthcare and user need to select OPD doctor for patient.
Need to select OPD doctor, Gender and Blood group of Patient.

• Patient Information.
Patient Information, this function can view all Patient of Healthcare. It shows
Patient name, OPD
Doctor name and blood group.

By clicking More Information in OPD doctor column user can view information of
By clicking Make OPD invoice user can make invoice for patient.
By clicking Admit to Healthcare user can admit patient to Healthcare.

After clicking Make OPD invoice user can see new tab with forum user needs to
insert medical
charge and Doctor Charge. After inserting data user can print it by using patient
After clicking Admit to Healthcare user can see new tab with forum user needs to
Disease and
Room number. After inserting data user can remove patient form Admitted Patient
• Patient Search.
Patient Search function able user to find some advanced information about Patient.
In Patient
Search user need to insert registration number, Mobile number, Emil, first name or
blood group
in search box, by click search button without inserting data it shows all data in
system about

• Patient information Edit and Delete.

To work with Patient information, Edit and Delete user need a super user account.
By clicking
Patient Information Edit and Delete form tab it shows login form again, user needs
to insert
Super user login information After login, it shows interface with search bar user
can search
user by inserting registration number, Mobile number, Emil, first name or blood
group in search

By entering search value to search box user can get results like figure 72. It has
two options
Update and Delete. By clicking on Delete it simply delete the record of Patient. By
Update use can update patient information.

After clicking update system shows registration form with previous values of
patient after
Entering new values to form user need to active update button by selection “Enable
Fields” form
Active fields selection. After select user can update patient information.

To go back user needs to press logout, to logout user can click on logout text form
Bar and after login out to work with other functions user needs to insert basic
Account login information again.
NOTICE: Staff info function works same as Patient info function
• Patient Invoices.
Patient Invoices function can view and print both OPD and ADMITED PATIENT

By pressing “View” user can view patient invoice and by click on Print button on
new patient
Invoice user can print the invoice. Both OPD and Admitted patient invoices work
as same.

• Admit Patient Information

In this function user, can view admitted patients and user can discharge patient by
“Remove form room”

After clicking “Remove from Room” there is no turning back, it shows invoice
forum and
Discharge patient form healthcare.

In admitted patient invoice user need to insert Medicine Charge, Doctor Charge
and Count of
Days to forum. After submitting user can view and print invoice form Patient
invoice function.

6.4 Installation process

Before we begin, first install the following pre-requisites:

 Java software development kit

 Wampserver for window
 MySQL connector
Once pre-requisites are installed, save the source code the same folder with
MySQL connector

Create the necessary table for the project on wampserver, phpMyadmin

 Establish a connection with a database

 Send SQL statements
 Process the results.
The following code fragment gives a basic example of these three steps:



Statement stmt=con.createStatement ();

Finally run your project

Open your command and set the path where the source code is

Run the following command

 Javac start.java
 Java start
Or you can use NetBeans for run the project

Now you can access healthcare management system

6.5 Algorithm and outputs

6.5.1 Sample code

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.sql.*;

public class Start extends JFrame implements ActionListener,KeyListener

JLabel title,title1,title2,line,image;

JButton admin,exit;

JPanel p;

int key;

String b;

public Start()




title=new JLabel("WELCOME TO HCMS");

title.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,60));



title1=new JLabel("SV UNIVERSITY");

title1.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,30));



title2=new JLabel("TIRUPATI");

title2.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,50));



line=new JLabel("--------------");

line.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,45));







p=new JPanel();

p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));


admin=new JButton("Admin");


admin.setToolTipText("Press it and Enter Password to become Administrator");

admin.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,20));


/* stud=new JButton("Student");

stud.setToolTipText("Press it and Enter CD-Number to View the Balance Details");


stud.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,20));

stud.addActionListener(this); */

exit=new JButton("Exit")


exit.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,20));

exit.setToolTipText("Press it to go to Back");



// p.add(stud);



// stud.addKeyListener(this);



image=new JLabel(new ImageIcon("title1.jpg"));





public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)


AdminPwd ap=new AdminPwd(this);


else if(ae.getActionCommand().equals("Student"))

StudPwd ap=new StudPwd(this);

String cdn=ap.pwd.getText();





else if(ap.test.equals("CANCEL"))


} */

else if(ae.getActionCommand().equals("Exit"))


public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)



AdminPwd ap=new AdminPwd(this);

/* else if(key==KeyEvent.VK_S)

StudPwd ap=new StudPwd(this);

String cdn=ap.pwd.getText();





else if(ap.test.equals("CANCEL"))


} */

else if(key==KeyEvent.VK_E)


public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke){}

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke){}

/* public void studDet(String cdn)



Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Hsv");

PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("select *from where cdnum=?");


ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();


StudentDia pd=new StudentDia();














JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Not Found","Not Found",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,null);


catch(Exception ex){}

} */

public static void main(String args[])

Start sf=new Start();

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.sql.*;

import java.io.*;

public class InDg extends JFrame implements ActionListener

String dname,ex1,ex2;

int is;

JLabel l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5;

JTextField t1,t2,t3,t4;



setTitle("Connection Example");



JButton b1,b2;

l0 = new JLabel("INSERT DATA: ");

l0.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,40));


l1 = new JLabel("DRUG NAME: ");


l1.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,25));

t1 = new JTextField(30);

t1.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,18));


l2 = new JLabel("IN-STOCK: " );


l2.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,25));

t2 = new JTextField(30);


t2.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,18));

l3 = new JLabel("EX-DATE1: ");


l3.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,25));

t3 = new JTextField(30);


t3.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,18));

l4 = new JLabel("EX-DATE2: ");


l4.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,25));

t4 = new JTextField(30);


t4.setFont(new Font("Arial Narrow",Font.BOLD,18));

b1 = new JButton("SUBMIT");


b1.setToolTipText("Press to submit the detials");


b2 = new JButton("BACK");



b2.setToolTipText("PRESS TO DISPOSE");












addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

public void windowCloseing(WindowEvent we)



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)



else if(ae.getActionCommand().equals("SUBMIT")){



Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ambodb2","root","");

PreparedStatement pstm=con.prepareStatement("insert into drug values(?,?,?,?)");

dname = t1.getText();

is = Integer.parseInt(t2.getText());

ex1 = t3.getText();

ex2 = t4.getText();






JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"saved successfully");


}catch(Exception e){


public static void main(String[] args){

InDg ob = new InDg();

1.5.2 Sample results

7. Chapter 7: Testing

7.1 Introduction

There are three testing mechanisms unit testing, integration testing and system

Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code produced during the
coding phase and the goal is test the internal logic of the module/program.

This project is thoroughly tested by exposing it to the various test cases regarding
correct event generation, as this project passed all the tests its quality is completely

All the tested modules are combined into sub systems, which are then tested. The
goal is to see if the modules are properly integrated, and the emphasis being on the
testing interfaces between the modules. On this project integration testing is done
mainly while implementing menus in a sample application such as Browser for

It is mainly used if the software meets its requirements. The reference document
for this process is the requirement document.

7.2 Unit testing

 Verify that the portal for new patient registration has all the mandatory
fields required for registering a patient.
 Verify that after filling the patient details and successful payment a
Patient-Card is printed.
 Verify that card has information like patient details, doctor assigned,
department, the application number, DOJ, bed allocated(if applicable)
 Verify that after patient checkup based on the requirement the details are
updated in the patient details database.
 Verify that for existing patients based on the application number of the
patient, their records are added/updated in the database.
 Verify that the system has an admin for doctors as well.
 Verify that for each doctor’s details like their timings, specialty, fee,
patient visited etc is visible to the authorized users.

 Verify that new details of new doctors can be added to the system.
 Verify that the details of existing users can be updated in the system.
 Verify that the doctor’s record can be deleted from the system.
 Verify the billing admin of the system calculates the bill based on the
patient’s unique application number from the data generated from
different systems.
 Verify that the hard copy of the bill can be generating by printing the bill.
 Verify that authorized users can also see total day-wise billing done.
 Verify the admin for Healthcare inventory, room and bed management.
 Verify that the admin has the record of all the equipment, machines and
medicines and the same gets updated when used or added to the system.
 Verify that the admin has a record of rooms and beds availability and the
same gets updated based on their allotment and departure to patients.

7.3 Integrated testing

1. Determine Which Patient Care Scenarios to Incorporate

Typically, the best way to determine which patient care scenarios to include in an
integration test script is to ask the Health Information Management (HIM)
department to provide the list of the highest volume discharge diagnoses and the
highest revenue discharge diagnoses. By utilizing a combination of these two
groups of episodes of care you will ensure that you cover the most important
workflows in the fewest number of test scripts.

2. Flesh out the Story of Each Patient Care Scenario

Once you know which patient care scenarios your test scripts are going to be built
around, it is best to convene the subject matter experts (SMEs) for the departments
that will participate in each scenario, along with the informaticists, business
analysts and application analysts to get all of the necessary details for what should
be in the story.
This should include the patient demographics, which providers should be involved,
what order sets will be ordered, and add-on orders, what the results should be, how
the patient should present, how the patient should be discharged, whether there
should be follow-up, and so on.

3. Ensure All Major Workflows Are Incorporated

Do you have a list of all major workflows for each department in your
organization? If you do not, you should have. This should include all
departments, not just clinical, but also revenue cycle. Once you have the stories
outlined for each patient care scenario you should pull out your list of workflows
and start checking them off.
Each one should be included in one or more of the patient care scenarios. If there
are ones that are not included the next step is to determine whether you can easily
incorporate them into one of the existing scenarios. If not, you may need to add
another scenario. It is always better to incorporate into an existing scenario if
possible – fewer scenarios mean less resources to run the scripts and maintain the
scripts over time.

4. Add the Details of Each Integration Test Script

Now that you have your stories finalized and know that you have all the workflows
covered, you need to go back to each scenario and start filling in the details. For
these test scripts to be a real corporate asset they need to be documented click-by-
click and call out all of the expected outcomes so that even someone that has not
been trained on the applications being used is able to execute the test script.
This is what allows SMEs to participate in integration and really confirm their
acceptance of the system prior to go-live. Without the proper details being
included as part of the scripts you can not ensure that the same exact steps will be
executed each time the scripts are run, nor that you will have the desired outcomes.

5. Complete a "Dry Run" with the Integration Test Scripts

Each integration test script will contain hundreds, if not thousands, of steps. The
first time that your organization runs through the test scripts with the SMEs is very
important. If the scripts are riddled with mistakes it will be a bad experience for
the SMEs.
If however they can run through the scripts and get a good idea of the workflows
represented by the scripts, it will help to build buy-in to the new workflows and
create the appropriate connection between the workflows and integration testing.
For this reason, it is important to have the informaticists, business analysts and
application analysts that have configured the applications run through the
integration test scripts prior to the first round of integration testing to ensure that as
many errors as possible are removed from the scripts. This run through of the
scripts is referred to as the “dry run”.

6. Make Updates and Corrections to the Integration Test Scripts

Each time the integration test scripts are run a mechanism needs to be in place to
allow testers to identify issues with the integration test scripts themselves, as well
as issues found with the system configuration as a result of the test cycle. Once
identified, the issues in the test scripts need to be corrected prior to the next time
the scripts are run. This is especially true if SMEs are running the test scripts. If
they identify the same issues time and time again, they will lose confidence in the
integration test scripts.

7.4 System requirement testing

Undertaking various registration

HCMS is able to facilitate various registration needs in a healthcare. The system
not only records all relevant information about the patient but also assigns a
specific ID that uniquely identifies the individuals throughout the patient lifecycle
in the healthcare. This essentially means the operators in all subsequent
departments, say diagnostics, IPD registration, physiotherapy or rehabilitation care,
pharmacy, etc need not again record patient data but retrieve the information from
the unique ID. This helps in uniquely integrating the entire treatment lifecycle,
health data, and information pertaining to an individual automatically, thereby
building transparency, reducing redundant and cyclical activities, infusing
efficiency, and saving time and money by automating processes.
Check out
Similarly, during checkout, the HCMS helps healthcare facilities in ensuring all
formalities and commitments from healthcares to patients and vice versa are

fulfilled. It thereafter is able to close the case during the checkout of patients.
Healthcares can choose either of the two options: The first is that they can close the
case during checkout but keep the patient ID intact and retrieve the ID and
information in a follow-up visit. Or they can choose to delete the ID altogether and
generate a new ID on a fresh visit.
Generating various reports
Healthcares need to generate various reports which include those that are related to
patients and those that are pertaining to administration. By integrating all
information flow and data recording through HCMS, the generation of various
reports becomes rather easy. HCMS, therefore, helps record relevant information
and relays them as per need, helping both treatments of patients and administration
of healthcares.
HCMS helps in maintaining the database of patient information and health data in
a transparent, secure, and accurate way. It makes recording and storage of the
information rather easy. The platform facilitates almost instantaneous retrieval of
data when required.
HCMS oversees humongous volumes of data generation, information exchange,
storage, and analysis at every level of healthcare functioning. As it is based on
Cloud and other advanced digital technologies, it offers strong, multi-layered
security to all data exchanges, and thereby protects the system from misuse or loss
of information. The HCMS platforms usually comply with the most stringent data
security and privacy policies set in a country. As HCMS is hosted on Cloud-based
servers which are located away from the premises, it remains protected from
cyberattacks on healthcare systems. Overall HCMS promotes transparency,

protects the confidentiality, prevents data theft, and offers a safe and secure
ecosystem for healthcares operations to continue.
By streamlining and integrating multiple processes, HCMS infuses much speed,
agility, and efficiency into the system. The platform has specially designed
modules for various functions such as OPD management, IPD management, Cath
Lab and diagnostics management, emergency care response, billing and payments,
and operations. It has the ability to offer role-based control to users to allow them
the use of one part of the function or multiple functions and help them monitor and
track every activity necessary for healthcare delivery. Due to such intra-operability
and flexible properties, HCMS boosts the performance and capabilities of a
healthcare facility in treating patients.

Good HCMS technologies are easy to maintain. They are usually SaaS-based
platforms that can be upgraded and improved upon remotely without hindering the
daily activities of healthcares. Its maintenance activities can be pre-scheduled in
parts considering when the activity is lowest, and it doesn’t take long to upgrade.

Being software as a service, HCMS is highly resilient to any technology

disruptions, downtime, or crashes experienced by other technology systems. It has
a certain capacity to work offline. It is highly secure from a data safety point of
view. Furthermore, good HCMS has a highly instinctive and intelligent user
interface which makes them convenient to use.

8. Chapter 8: Conclusion and Recommendation

8.1 Conclusion

The need for the Health Center to computerize the application processing and
servicing the Patients request through automated modules is most necessary and
now inevitable.

As we have already seen that the need cannot be emphasized for the further
development of this system is only timely and helpful to Health Center, the system
defined in the above script is up to date and caters to all kinds of request faced by
the Health Center employees requirements to provide the better service to the
patients, being developed in java it is also flexible modularized highly
parameterized and hence can be easily deployed by any other application because
of its componentized approach.

Based on the various parameters and properties files everything from the look and
feel to the functionalities can be customized. Thus this project is developed from
the beginning with reuse in mind and implicitly uses several design patterns. The

architecture of this project is such that it suits the diverse and distributed nature of
the Health Center Applications.

The features provided by the (Health Center Management System) are in no means
comprehensive but by all means full filling all important functionalities of Health
Center services. Inclusion of further functionalities as days go by can be easily
done because the project has been developed in a layered architecture.

Plug-in modules would easily add new features which change with the times and
being performance oriented the project will not face any issues. It is also extensible
and scalable as all applications should be thus it can be said that it will meet surges
of huge employee and patient requests that may come up in the near future.

8.2 Recommendation

I am recommend you 1000 project website to get different project titles , source
code and documentations. It is better for you because 1000 project website is
suitable to use and seat projects and documentation in different partition like which
project is writing by java, java script or oracle so you are easily get whatever you
want code or documentation. Because of this I recommend you to use this website.

And you are not good on programming I recommend you ethio programming on
you tube because it explain everything about programming for begging to end.

9. Reference

Mahindra. (2022, January 13). 1000Project. Retrieved Januar 13, 2022, from
1000Project: https://1000projects.org/

Java 2 Core by sun publications

The Complete Reference, (Herbert Schildt)

Web Sites:




10. Appendix


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