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Nama Sekolah: SMK PULAU NYIOR Kod Sekolah: KEE4040




4. Tarikh Pembentangan - 5. Masa: 13/8/2023-26/8/2023

Tempat Pembentangan
7. Sinopsis

"The Practice of English Language Teaching" is a widely acclaimed book by Jeremy Harmer, which
serves as an invaluable resource for both novice and experienced English language teachers. The
book delves into the art and science of teaching English, providing a comprehensive overview of
various teaching methods, techniques, and principles. Harmer explores the complexities of
language acquisition and offers practical insights into lesson planning, classroom management, and
effective communication with students. The book also addresses the importance of understanding
learners' needs, cultural differences, and the role of technology in modern language education. With
its blend of theory and practical guidance, "The Practice of English Language Teaching" equips
educators with the knowledge and tools they need to create engaging and effective English
language learning environments.

Jeremy Harmer's book is a go-to reference for teachers seeking to enhance their pedagogical skills
and create a positive impact in the language classroom. It emphasizes the dynamic and evolving
nature of English language teaching, staying attuned to contemporary educational trends and
student preferences. With its user-friendly style, insightful case studies, and illustrative examples,
this book has become a staple in the field of English language teaching, guiding educators in
fostering language proficiency, communication, and intercultural competence in their students.

8. Nilai Pengetahuan / Pengajaran

1. Student-Centered Learning: The book promotes the value of student-centered learning,

where the needs and interests of the students are central to the teaching process. It
emphasizes the importance of understanding individual student differences, adapting
instruction to accommodate diverse learning styles, and creating a supportive and inclusive
classroom environment. Harmer encourages teachers to tailor their lessons to meet the
specific goals and aspirations of their students, thus empowering them to take an active role
in their language learning journey.
2. Communication and Interaction: Effective communication and interaction are highlighted as
fundamental values in language teaching. The book underscores the importance of
fostering meaningful communication in the classroom, whether between teacher and
students or among students themselves. Harmer emphasizes that language learning is
most effective when students are actively engaged in using the language for authentic
purposes, such as problem-solving or expressing their thoughts and opinions.
3. Lifelong Learning: "The Practice of English Language Teaching" promotes the value of
lifelong learning for both teachers and students. Harmer suggests that language teaching is
an evolving field, and teachers should continually update their knowledge and skills to stay
current with the latest developments in language education. Likewise, students are
encouraged to see language learning as an ongoing process that extends beyond the
classroom, highlighting the value of language skills for personal and professional growth.
4. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: The book underscores the value of cultural sensitivity
and inclusivity in English language teaching. Harmer emphasizes that teachers should be
aware of and respectful toward the cultural backgrounds and experiences of their students.
Creating an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment is essential to ensure
that all students feel valued and can relate to the content of the lessons. This value reflects
the idea that language teaching goes beyond just linguistic proficiency and encompasses
intercultural competence and empathy.

9. Aplikasi Ilmu Dalam Organisasi / P&P

1. Teaching Methods and Approaches: The book explores various teaching methods and
approaches, such as the Communicative Approach, Task-Based Learning, and the use of
technology in language teaching. Harmer provides a comprehensive overview of these
methods, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and helps teachers understand how
to select and adapt them to meet the needs of their students.
2. Lesson Planning and Materials: Harmer emphasizes the importance of effective lesson
planning and the development of appropriate teaching materials. He offers practical
guidance on how to design engaging and well-structured lessons, including setting clear
objectives, choosing relevant materials, and creating a balanced mix of activities to facilitate
language acquisition.
3. Classroom Management and Interaction: The book addresses the critical aspect of
classroom management, focusing on how teachers can create a positive and productive
learning environment. Harmer discusses strategies for managing student behavior, fostering
student engagement, and promoting effective communication in the classroom. He also
provides insights into the role of teacher-student and student-student interactions in
language learning.
4. Assessing and Evaluating Learners: "The Practice of English Language Teaching" delves
into the assessment and evaluation of language learners. It covers various assessment
techniques, such as formative and summative assessments, as well as the importance of
providing constructive feedback to students. Harmer highlights the need for ongoing
evaluation to track students' progress and adjust teaching methods accordingly.

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