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Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258

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Reproductive biology of Magnolia sinica (Magnoliaecea), a threatened

species with extremely small populations in Yunnan, China
Ye Chen a, b, Gao Chen a, Jing Yang a, *, Weibang Sun a, **
Kunming Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650201 Yunnan, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049 Beijing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Magnolia sinica is one of the most threatened trees endemic to Southeast Yunnan. Based on our in-
Received 27 May 2016 vestigations, only 52 individuals and eight populations are found in the wild. M. sinica has been cate-
Accepted 7 September 2016 gorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and identified as a “Plant Species with Extremely
Available online 13 September 2016
Small Populations (PSESP)”. Its fruit/seed set is very low and seedlings are rarely found in the wild. It is
(Editor: Zhekun Zhou) hypothesized that it may encounter obstacles to reproductive success. This study, therefore, focuses on
its reproductive biology, knowledge of which is essential for effective conservation. Flowers of this
Keywords: species are protogynous and nocturnal, and possess a two-day rhythm of sexual presentation. For the
Magnolia sinica first night of anthesis, the flowers are in the pistillate stage during which tepals open at dusk and close
PSESP approx. 1 h later (except for the open outer ones). They remain closed until the next afternoon, when
Flowering process flowers, now in the staminate stage, re-open and remain so until the tepals drop. Nocturnal beetles enter
Pollination into the flowers and remain trapped throughout the night as the flower closes, during which time they
Seed dispersal feed on tepals. Pollen-gathering bees are found to visit the re-opened flowers and the beetles are
released during this stage. Two species of Pleocomidae and Curculionidae beetles appear to be effective
M. sinica is a self-compatible, pollinator-dependent species, and its fruit/seed set can be significantly
increased by hand-pollination. No functional seed dispersers have been found in its extant natural
habitats. These findings suggest that it may face both pollination and seed disperser insufficiencies in its
current fragmented habitats, which may account for its low regeneration. Here we propose conservation
strategies based on our findings.
Copyright © 2016 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Publishing services by
Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Magnolia sinica (Law) Noot. (Magnoliaceae), a rare tree species M. sinica distributes in south subtropical monsoon broadleaved
endemic to Southeast Yunnan, China, was first described as Man- evergreen forests and scatters at altitudes between 1339 and
glietiastrum sinicum Law in 1979 (Law, 1979). Most Chinese bota- 1707 m (Wang et al., 2016). Recent anthropogenic activities,
nists often call this species M. sinicum and also use its common including deforestation for commercial cultivation (e.g. Amomum
name huagaimu (Sun et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2016). Its other tsao-ko Crevost et Lem. and Cunninghamia lanceolata) and habitat
synonyms are Manglietia sinica (Chen and Nooteboom, 1993) and destruction, have lead both to the reduction of its population size
Pachylarnax sinica (Xia et al., 2008). Because the species has been and to serious habitat fragmentation. This species is categorized as
referred to as M. sinica internationally, M. sinica is also used in the Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List (Cicuzza et al., 2007;
present study. Rivers et al., 2016) and has been identified as a “Plant Species
with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP)” (State Forestry
Administration of China, 2012; Ren et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2013;
Volis, 2016) for priority conservation in China. It has also been
* Corresponding author. targeted as one of the 20 species approved by the Yunnan gov-
** Corresponding author. ernment for urgent rescue action before 2015 (Wang et al., 2016). In
E-mail addresses: (J. Yang),
the field, a total of 52 individuals of M. sinica were isolated in eight
(W. Sun).
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Office of Plant Diversity.
isolated populations. Of these 52 individuals, nine are young trees
2468-2659/Copyright © 2016 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
254 Y. Chen et al. / Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258

with a DBH (diameter at breast height) of less than 22.5 cm (Wang Wenshan Zhuang-Miao Autonomous Prefecture (two plots, label
et al., 2016). MC-T-1 and MC-T-2).
Although M. sinica flowers well, its fruit/seed set is low and
seedlings are rarely found in the wild. Conservation via ex situ 1.2. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity
cultivation in gardens and reinforcement/reintroduction in the wild
have been conducted by Kunming Botanical Garden (Sun, 2013). The examination of pollen viability and stigma receptivity was
However, the rarity of seedling/saplings in the wild limits the po- conducted on three flowers per day over five consecutive days at
tential for the natural regeneration of this species. Therefore, full-bloom stage in both 2014 and 2015.
despite ex situ and in situ conservation trials, effective conservation Pollen viability was examined using the MTT method (Dafni,
measures based on scientific studies are imperative. 1992). After pollen has been mixed with MTT solution and left for
Knowledge of reproductive biology is essential for the effective 10 min, viable pollen will turn dark purple in color whereas inviable
protection of endangered plants, especially for species with small pollen will turn tawny-yellow or remain unchanged. Pollen was
populations (Spira, 2001; Evans et al., 2004; Xiao and Xu, 2006). taken from anthers at different flowering stages and mixed evenly
Successful reproduction is crucial in maintaining a viable popula- with 1‰ MTT on two slides. The numbers of viable and inviable
tion size, which is of critical concern to highly endangered taxa pollen grains were counted over three separate views per slide,
facing extinction (Pandit and Babu, 2003; Gong et al., 2014). In using a light microscope.
species relying on seeds to recruit new individuals into populations, Stigma receptivity was examined by the benzidine-hydrogen
population viability may be closely related to seed dynamics and peroxide method (Dafni, 1992). After soaking in a benzidine-
conservation measures may depend on understanding the factors hydrogen peroxide solution, a receptive stigma will show peroxi-
that limit seed production (Pavlik et al., 1993; Zhao and Sun, 2009) dase activity and turn blue with a mass of bubbles surrounding it.
and dispersal. When seed production is mediated by pollinators, it The depth of the blue color indicates the intensity of receptivity. At
can be influenced by pollinator abundance or behavior different flowering stages, two stigmas per flower were picked and
(Bierzychudek, 1981; Larson and Barrett, 2000). It may be limited assessed for mucus secretion. They were then soaked in the
by pollen, because self-pollen may cause reduction in seed pro- benzidine-hydrogen peroxide solution. The changes of color and
duction through inbreeding depression (Bosch and Waser, 1999; occurrences of bubbles were observed by eye.
Brown and Kephart, 1999; Zhao and Sun, 2009). Seed production
in particular, as a seed source for offspring, may directly affect seed 1.3. Flowering dynamics
dispersal. Seed dispersal may also be influenced by disperser
abundance or behavior, if seed dispersal is mediated by dispersers. Based on primary observations, flower buds that are about to
Studies on the reproductive biology of threatened species with open can easily be recognized by the softness of their bud tips and
low reproductive capabilities have been the focus of recent research their stronger fragrance, and some mature flower buds will open
and have become an important aspect of conservation manage- simultaneously at the same time every dusk over the flowering
ment. Despite extensive attention and critical conservation status, duration of the tree. In every flowering-season over two consecu-
little information is available on the reproduction of M. sinica. The tive years, five flowers were labeled and their flowering stages were
current study was undertaken to gain knowledge of the repro- observed continuously until the tepals wilted.
ductive characteristics of M. sinica and aims to address the
following issues: (1) its floral biology, especially the flowering 1.4. Observation of floral visitors
process; (2) its pollination biology and the role of pollinators in fruit
set; (3) its breeding system; (4) the characteristics of seed dispersal Observations of floral visitors were carried out from 8:00 AM to
and seed germination of the species in the natural habitats. 22:00 PM over four consecutive days, spreading across two flow-
ering seasons: March 2014 and April 2015. During observations, five
or six flowers were randomly labeled per day. Visitors to these
1. Methods and materials flowers were caught using tweezers and kept in 70% ethyl alcohol
for subsequent identification in the laboratory.
1.1. Study sites
1.5. Breeding system
The pollination biology of M. sinica was investigated from 2014
to 2015 in Jingping County of Honghe Hani-Yi Autonomous Pre- To evaluate the breeding system of M. sinica, flower buds that
fecture. The population there comprises four individuals. One is would definitely blossom at dusk were selected randomly, marked
located beside a mountain trail in Zhongliang village and the other and caged with sulfate paper bags (30  25 cm) every day in the
three are located in the thick forest on Luoguoping Mountain. morning at the full-bloom stage in both 2014 and 2015. Five
Reproductively mature individuals of M. sinica are usually tall trees. pollination treatments were assigned at the moment when the
The tree in Zhongliang village was chosen as the experimental flowers started to open. Autonomous self-pollination (label SPON,
subject because of its convenience and easy access, and a 17 m high n ¼ 12) was tested by bagging flowers to exclude visitors. Self-
stand was built around it for experiments. All observations and compatibility was tested by bagging emasculated flowers and
experiments on the reproduction of the species were carried out on transferring their own pollen by hand (label SELF-S, n ¼ 22) and
this tree, in the middle of March when M. sinica began flowering. bagging emasculated flowers and being hand-pollinated with
The seed dispersal experiment was conducted in November pollen from other flowers at the same tree (label SELF-D, n ¼ 62). To
2014 in a natural habit of M. sinica in Chinese fir seed orchards test for xenogamy (label CROSS, n ¼ 47), flowers were treated
(label DLS-T), located in Dalishu Township of Maguan County in similarly but were hand-pollinated with pollen from other trees.
Wenshan Zhuang-Miao Autonomous Prefecture. Control flowers were unmanipulated (label OPEN, n ¼ 150).
Further seed germination experiments were conducted in The marked flowers were harvested in early November, when
November 2014, at three natural localities: DLS-T, Zhongliang fruits were collected to assess fruit and seed set.
village of Jingping County in Honghe Hani-Yi Autonomous Prefec- The self-compatibility index (SCI) was used to determine the
ture (label ZL-V), and Miechang Township of Maguan County in breeding system of M. sinica and was obtained as mean percentage
Y. Chen et al. / Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258 255

fruit set from hand self-pollination over that from hand cross- stage initiated. The pre-staminate stage continued throughout the
pollination. Species with SCI ratios 0.2 are considered to be self- whole night until ca. 12: 00 AM of the next day, when the anthers
incompatible, otherwise, they are considered to be self- started dehiscencing introrsely. The re-closed flower in this stage
compatible (Jhumur et al., 2008). could be easily distinguished from the pre-pistillate flower by the
extended outer tepals (Fig. 1E). The staminate stage lasted from ca.
1.6. Seed dispersal and seed germination in the wild 12:00 AM to 17:30 PM of the second afternoon. The flower began to
re-open approximately 3.5 h (ca. 15:30 PM) after the commence-
Field trials were conducted to determine the seed-dispersal ment of the staminate stage and was completely open after
strategy of M. sinica. A total of 900 seeds were assigned to the 10e15 min (Fig. 1F). Stigmas gradually turned yellowish without
following six treatments (five replicates of 30 seeds each): seeds obvious exudates. The wilting stage commenced at ca. 17:30 PM
with red arils were distributed: (a) on a dehiscent fruit shell which and lasted for 1e2 days until the stigmas turned black and wilted,
was bound above the ground on a branch, (b) in a circle (diameter, and anthers and tepals gradually detached from the receptacle.
ca. 1 m) on the ground. Seeds with the arils removed, and half seeds
with red arils and half seeds with the aril removed were arranged 2.2. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity
the same ways. In the treatments where seeds were placed on the
ground, every seed was labeled with a numbered plastic tag The examination of pollen viability revealed that during the pre-
(1 cm  3 cm) attached by a thin stainless-steel wire (diameter, ca. pistillate stage and the pistillate stage, pollen was immature and
0.2 mm) 10 cm long, similar to the procedures reported by Xiao inviable. Some pollen began to show viability (42.03 ± 3.98%) the
et al. (2006). This seed-tagging method allowed us to follow the following morning (about 8:30 AM) and the overall pollen viability
exact fate of the seed over time. The seed-carrying behavior of increased to a peak (93.93 ± 0.71%) 30 min after the anthers
rodents and birds was monitored continuously by infrared cameras. dehisced at about 12:00 AM. After that, pollen viability declined to
During seven consecutive days, numbers of seeds remaining were 80% at the beginning of the wilting stage when the anthers started
recorded, and, during each visit, seeds that had been removed were to fall from the flower.
retrieved from around seeds stations (diameter of searching area, Stigmas receptivity was weak during the pre-pistillate stage,
ca. 10e15 m) at dusk. though it increased up until the opening of the flowers at the
To test the effects of removing red arils from seeds on germi- pistillate stage. Stigma receptivity then declined until the end of
nation rates, germination assays were performed on a total of 800 staminate stage.
seeds, 400 seeds of which the red arils were removed. A total of 100
seeds with red arils and 100 seeds with arils removed were paired 2.3. Observation of flower visitors
and sowed in ZL-V. Other seeds were arranged in the same way in
MC-T-1, MC-T-2 and DLS-T. All seeds were buried in a circle Visitors observed during flowering period were unidentified
(diameter, ca. 1 m) under the surface soil at a depth of 6 cm. Con- species of beetles belonging to the taxa Pleocomidae, Cetoniidae,
ditions of seed germination were recorded, and the germination Curculionidae, Geotrupidae, Carabidae, Elateridae and Scar-
rates of seeds with red arils and seeds with arils removed were abaeidae and bees identified as Apis mellifera (Apidae). Based on
compared in 2015. observations made over two years, the beetles and bees showed
different visitation patterns.
2. Results Coleoptera beetles were observed to be relatively abundant
between about 18:30 and 20:30 PM. The beetles entered the
2.1. Flowering process flowers either from the tip of the tepals or across the base of tepals
(Fig. 1GeH) and became trapped inside in the floral chamber when
Two consecutive years of observation of M. sinica at the exper- the tepals re-closed tightly in the pre-staminate stage and the
imental site showed that flowering started around mid-March and staminate stage. Inside the re-closed flowers, beetles continued
lasted until the middle of April. The peak flowering time was from actively moving and feeding on tepal tissue. Upon the re-opening of
late March until early April. The terminal, bisexual flowers opened the flowers, the beetles were finally released (Fig. 1IeJ). During the
and closed in a two-day rhythm and the flowering period for a visitation, only two species of Pleocomidae (Fig. 1KeL) and Cur-
single flower was three to four days. Based on data gathered from culionidae beetles were observed to enter and leave the chamber
pollen viability and stigma receptivity experiments described carrying pollen grains, suggesting that these two beetles might be
below, five different flowering stages were distinguished to clarify effective pollinators, while the role of other species remained un-
floral processes and pollination. clear. Beetle excrement was sometimes found filling the interior
Before a flower opened, several whorls of green bracts detached, tepals of flowers that had been visited (Fig. 1M), although the
and, after the last whorl of a red bract detached, the pink-purple stigmas of these flowers suffered no damage. A. mellifera visited
tepals were exposed. The pre-pistillate stage commenced in the only when the flowers re-opened with peak abundance at
morning (ca. 8:00 AM) and ended at dusk (ca. 18:30 PM) (Fig. 1A). 15:30e16:30 PM, and with a visiting frequency of 28.3 ± 1.47 h1.
During this stage, the flower bud became soft and emitted a strong As the bees only occurred at the staminate stage to gather pollen
fragrance, and this was the indication that the tepals would open grains, they might not be the effective pollinators. Some flowers
soon and the anthesis of this flower would be initiated. The had their androecia severely damaged (or detached) as a result of
pistillate stage commenced at ca. 18:30 to 19:00 PM and continued vigorous pollen gathering by A. mellifera (Fig. 1N).
until ca. 20:30 PM. The tepals started to separate and moved out-
wards to completely open within 10e15 min (Fig. 1BeC), revealing 2.4. Breeding system
the gynoecium. The green stigmas were brilliant with viscous, non-
odorous exudates, and the anthers were closed tightly at the basal The mean percentage fruit set for the five pollination treatments
part of the torus. Beetle visitors were found present and active in are given in Fig. 2A. The fruit set resulting from natural pollination
the flower. Tepals of the flower in the pistillate stage started closing (OPEN) was 22 ± 3%. Bagging-flowers without emasculation (SPON)
approximately 1 h later (ca. 20:10 PM) within 15e20 min (Fig. 1D), yielded no fruits, indicating that autonomous self-pollination was
indicating that the pistillate stage ended and the pre-staminate not possible in this species. The hand-pollinated within flower
256 Y. Chen et al. / Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258

Fig. 1. Flowering process, insects visitors and fruits of M. sinica. (A) A bud tip at the pre-pistillate stage; (B)e(C) Tepals separating and moving outwords to a fully open at the
pistillate stage; (D) Tepals re-closing at the end of the pistillate stage; (E) Tepals except for the outer ones remaining closed during the pre-staminate stage; (F) The tepals completely
re-opening at the staminate stage; (G)e(H) Beetles entering the open chamber at the pistillate stage. (I)e(J) Beetles leaving the re-opening chamber at the staminate stage; (K)e(L)
Beetles (Pleocomidae) visiting the open flower, touching the exudate-secreting stigma; (M) Tepals partly eaten on the inside by visiting beetles. (N) Bees (A. mellifera) visiting a re-
opening flower during the staminate stage; (O) Young fruit; (P) Mature fruit with red aril on seeds.

Fig. 2. Fruit sets and seed germination rates of M. sinica (A) Fruit sets (mean percentage and standard error) with different pollination treatments; (B) Seed germination rates in
different plots.

(SELF-S) mean percentage fruit set was 63.64 ± 0.00%, which was 8 ¼ 6.47, p ¼ 0.003). Nevertheless, fruit set under hand-pollination
marginally higher than that under hand-pollinated within the plant within the same plant was not significantly different from that
treatments (SELF-D) (58.15 ± 8.06%). The fruit set resulting from under outcrossed hand-pollinations (F1, 6 ¼ 0.33, p ¼ 0.586). The SCI
outcrossed hand-pollinations was recorded as 69.04 ± 4.84%. ratio was calculated as 0.86. This showed that M. sinica was mostly
ANOVAs manifested differences between hand-pollinations and self-compatible. The seed set from hand-pollination was
pollination under controlled conditions were significant (F1, 31.77 ± 1.10%, but the seed set from natural pollination was
Y. Chen et al. / Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258 257

16.97 ± 0.19%. The difference between the two treatments was beetle visits. In this system, the re-closed tepals formed wide floral
significant (F27, 39 ¼ 8.51, p ¼ 0.004). chambers and the plants forming such chambers are mostly beetle-
pollinated (Dieringer et al., 2015). The floral chambers have been
2.5. Seed dispersal and seed germination in the wild suggested to induce long beetle visits by providing shelter, food and
sometimes potential mating places (Dieringer et al., 2015). The
Our study did not record birds, rodents or other animals taking beetles may stay inside for a longer period to be protected from
M. sinica seeds, either with or without red arils, in the wild. This predation and to some extent from adverse ambient conditions,
may indicate that the experimental site lacked effective animal thus increasing potential pollination for such species. We found
populations for M. sinica seed dispersal, or that frequencies of an- that the tepals re-opened and exposed dehiscent anthers on the
imal vector visitation were rather low. second afternoon, releasing trapped beetles. Two species of Pleo-
comidae and Curculionidae beetles were observed to enter and
2.6. Seed germination leave the chamber carrying pollen grains, indicating that M. sinica
was certainly beetle-pollinated and the two species of Pleocomidae
The germination rates of the seeds with red arils and seeds with and Curculionidae beetles were effective pollinators of M. sinica.
arils removed as well as the seed germination rates in ZL-V, MC-T-1, Mature fruits of M. sinica finally split into an irregular star-like
MC-T-2 and DLS-T are shown in Fig. 2B. Because of inappropriate structure, exposing the seeds, which have red fleshy arils.
sowing-plot (a path to the farmland) in ZL-V, the seed germination (Fig. 1OeP). This indicates that the red color may act as an attrac-
rate here was zero and was excluded from the following analysis. In tant to potential dispersal by birds (Duan et al., 2014). However, our
addition, the differences in the seed germination rates between field experiments did not observe animals, nor consequently seed
MC-T-1, MC-T-2 and DLS-T were small in ANOVAs (F2, 3 ¼ 1.09, dispersers in the typically fragmented habitats of M. sinica.
p ¼ 0.441). The germination rate of seeds with red arils sowed in Anthropogenic factors can have cascading effects on seed dispersal
MC-T-1, MC-T-2 and DLS-T was calculated as 9 ± 2.13%, much lower (Hamann and Curio, 1999; Meehan et al., 2002; Oppel, 2010).
than that of seeds with the aril removed (16.67 ± 3.82%). However, Habitat fragmentation may reduce the abundance of a suite of
ANOVAs suggested that the differences in germination rates be- frugivorous fauna, which in turn reduces seed dispersal of the plant
tween seeds with red arils and seeds with arils removed were not species (Moran et al., 2009). In modern times, as has occurred in
significant (F1, 4 ¼ 0.68, p ¼ 0.455). Thus, red arils did not greatly Southeast Asia (Bennett et al., 2000; Corlett, 2007; Harrison, 2011),
affect seed germination in this species. increased human population and a switch to modern technology,
for example firearms and nylon mist nets, have lead to increased
3. Discussion hunting pressure and the consequent extinction of many species
(Zhang et al., 2014).
Based on the relatively high SCI and fruit sets resulting from Natural habitats for M. sinica have been greatly altered by
SELF-S and SELF-D treatments, we concluded that M. sinica was reforestation of C. lanceolata. Also, since the ornamental value of
self-compatible. Significant differences in fruit sets between polli- M. sinica was recognized in the early 1980s, local villagers have
nator exclusion (SPON) and control treatment (OPEN) indicated been collecting its seeds every fruit season, which they then sell at a
that pollinators were necessary for the reproductive success of high price in the market. Our field investigations found that at least
M. sinica. In addition, the significant differences between hand- some 10,000 cultivated seedlings and saplings have been cultivated
pollinations and pollination under controlled conditions further in nurseries, which may contribute to ex situ conservation of
suggested that hand-pollinations could increase fruit set and this germplasm resources of M. sinica. But the massive collection of
species was pollinator dependent. Thus, we hypothesized that seeds will also aggravate the lack of seeds dispersing in the wild
M. sinica was encountering pollination limitation. Pollination lim- and make it more difficult for population regeneration.
itation, including pollinator limitation and pollen limitation, which Therefore, conservation strategies for this PSESP species should
is of great concern for seed production, may occur in small, isolated focus on the following aspects. First, in order to diminish pollen
populations (Huang and Guo, 2002). Using hand-pollination, the limitation, saplings should be recruited into the extant populations
quantity and quality of pollen received have been shown to be to increase the population density and provide more pollen re-
important factors affecting the seed production in certain species sources. Second, small nature reserves should be established to
(Zimmerman and Pyke, 1988; Johnston, 1991). Limited pollen flow control the damage to natural habitats of M. sinica and promote the
resulting from pollination limitation in the population may recovery of its original habitats, so that it can enhance the polli-
decrease the effective population size and reduce progeny fitness nator/disperser assemblage. Though the seeds of M. sinica can
(Barrett and Kohn, 1991; Washitani, 1996). Individuals of M. sinica germinate in the wild, our investigations rarely found seedlings.
are known to be only sporadically distributed through its small and Thus, seedling morphogenesis may be another limitation to the
fragmented range. Pollen resources for pollination might therefore recruitment of M. sinica and should also be given attention to in the
be limited. future.
M. sinica was found to be protogynous and displayed a two-day
rhythm of sexual presentation, with a few hours (approx. 21 h,
during which time stigmas were receptive) being of critical Acknowledgements
importance for successful fruit production. Protogyny is a charac-
teristic of beetle-pollinated plants (Bertin and Newman, 1993; This study was supported financially by the NSFC-Yunnan joint
Momose et al., 1998; Azuma et al., 1999) and many species in the fund to support key projects to W.B. Sun (Grant no. U1302262) and
Magnoliaceae are protogynous and beetle-pollinated (Dieringer the Young Academic and Technical Leader Raising Foundation of
and Espinosa, 1994; Gottsberger et al., 2012; Dieringer et al., Yunnan Province to G. Chen (2015HB091). The authors thank
2015). Furthermore, for the eight species of temperate Magnolia Guoyun Li, Zhiyong Yu and appreciate the cooperation of the
studied by Thien (1974), flowers frequently exhibited diurnal petal Honghe and Wenshan forestry authorities. The first author wishes
movements over 2 d of anthesis, and were visited by several taxa of particularly to thank Rongli Liao and Bin Wang for helping carry out
Coleoptera. However, compared to these species, M. sinica appeared the experiments and Lingzeng Meng for the identification of the
to possess a much shorter opening period (1e1.5 h) for nocturnal insects.
258 Y. Chen et al. / Plant Diversity 38 (2016) 253e258

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