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Equipments and consumables required to set up Environmental Microbiology lab

S.No Name of the item Purpose of Approximate price

1. Laminar Air flow Culturing bacteria 35000
2. Mini centrifuge For suspension 11000
3. Refrigerated Centrifuge Isolation and purification 100000
4. Ultra-centrifuge Isolation and purification
3. Agarose gel electrophoresis Isolation and purification and 16000 + 10000+ 8000
visualization of DNA (power supply)
4. SDS gel electrophoresis Isolation and purification and 20000
visualization of protein
5. UV trans illuminator For visualization of DNA, and
6. Nanodrop Quantification of DNA, RNA
7. Gel doc 200000
8. Gradient PCR Polymerase chain reaction 200000
9. Incubator (adjustable with For solid culture 20000
marine environment) static
10. Shaker Multipurpose 10000
11. Waterbath Multipurpose 20000
12. Weighing balance Weighing
13. Analytical pH meter pH adjustment 10000
14. Fridge with freezer capacity -20C Storage
15. Incubator with shaker For suspended culture 40000
16. Autoclave Sterilization 30000
17. Microscope Visualization
18. Pipettes set liquid handling

Reagents & consumables

S.No Name Quantity Price

1 MX-0611-03 MEDOX-Easy® Ultrapure Genomic DNA Spin Minipreps 100 preps 9,500
Kit from Bacteria
2. MX-1060-03 MEDOX-Easy® Ultrapure DNA Spin Minipreps Kit from 100 preps 11,100
Soil sample
3 MX-0617-03 MEDOX-Easy® Spin Column Total RNA Minipreps Kit 100 preps 16,400.

4 MX-0649-02 MEDOX-Easy® Spin column mRNA Purification Kit 20 preps 15,600

5 MX-0601-02 MEDOX-Easy® Spin Column PCR Product Purification Kit 100 preps 9,500

6 MX-0605-02 MEDOX-Easy® Spin Column DNA Gel Extraction Kit 100 preps 9,500

7 MX-0630-01 Water (RNase, DNase,Protease Free) 100ml 1,000

8 MX-0711-01 DNase I (RNase Free) 1000U 500
9 MX-0710-01 Rnase A (Dnase Free) 1ml 1,550
10 MX-0709-01 Proteinase K 25mg 1,400
11 MX-0634-02 0.5M EDTA (pH 8) 100ml 1,000
12 MX-0636-01 10X TE Buffer 100ml 1,700
13 MX-0902-01 6X Gel Loading Dye 6 x 1ml 950
14 MX-0647-01 SuperTherm Taq DNA Polymerase 100U 750
15 MX-0615-01 PCR Core Kit 100 rxns 5,990
16 MX-0906-02 Agarose Low EEO 100g 3100
17 MX-0901-01 50X TAE Buffer (pH 8.3) 200ml 1500
18 MX-0904-01 Ethidium Bromide (Powder) 10mg 750
19 MX-0959-02 Acrylamide, (>99.0%) 500g 8600
20 MX-0960-03 Bis-Acrylamide 100g 5990
21 MX-0204-02 Ammonium Per Sulphate 10g 750
22 MX-0205-01 TEMED 5 ml 890
23 MX-0942-01 Tris Buffer pH8.8 100 ml 1200
24 MX-0943-01 Tris Buffer pH6.8 100 ml 1000
25 MX-0945-01 10% SDS Solution 50 ml 750
26 MX-0946-01 Tris-Glycine buffer 10X 1 litre 1750
27 MX-0953-01 Brilliant Blue G Stain 2X 500 ml 1500
28 MX-0954-01 Brilliant Blue R Stain 2X 500 ml 1500
29 MX-0955-01 Amido Black Stain 2X 250 ml 1500
30 MX-0956-01 Ponceau's Stain 2X 250 ml 1500
31 MX-0916-03 100bp DNA Ladder 100 run 4750
32 MX-0910-02 1Kb DNA Ladder 100 run 4200
33 MX-0211-01 Protein Molecular weight Marker-Broad Range 250 μl 2750
34 MX-0213-01 Protein Molecular weight Marker-Medium Range 500 μl 1850
35 MX-0214-01 Protein Molecular weight Marker-Low Range 500 μl 2150
36 MX-0909-01 Agar-Agar 500g 3750
37 MX-0221-02 Albumin, Bovine Serum (BSA) 5g 1850
38 MX-0240-01 Bromophenol Blue 5g 1750
39 MX-0241-01 Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250 5g 1750
40 MX-0229-03 DTT 5g 5700
41 MX-0746-02 EDTA disodium salt dihydrate 500 g 4950
42 MX-0205-01 TEMED 5 ml 890
43 MX-0944-02 Tris-Base 500g 3950
MX-2104-01 MEDOX® Amber Midi Plus Horizontal Gel System Set 15550

MX-2100-01 MEDOX® Amber Mini Horizontal Gel System Set 9450

MX-2120-01 MEDOX® Amber Mini Dual Vertical Gel System Set 19350

Buffer Tank, Mini Dual Vertical Gel casting Assembly (1No) with platinum electrode

Glass Plate:10x10cm (2 sets); No.of samples:14;

gel size:8X7cm Combs : 7-well combs (2Nos); 1mm thickness

Spacers (6Nos) Amber Safety Lid & Power Cords

MX-1251-01 MEDOX-BIO® Power Supply -Regular Dual Each 7950

Input: 220v AC, 50-60Hz;

Output: 50,100,150,200&250v DC@200mA maximum

Fuse: 1 Amp;

Watts: 50 watts

MX-2140-01 MEDOX® Gel Documentation System Set Enquire Rs.

M.S. Powder coated Dark Room Cabinet for Gel Doc System with cooling fan, Highly durable

DPST switches with indicators for power,Epi-white light and UV By pass, UV safe door switch,

Drawer Type pull out UVT Tray, Camera Hood with canon EOS1300D camera, Power cords,

camera stand, Image capturing software & USB cable

MX-2150-01 MEDOX® EasySpin Mini Centrifuge Set 9500

Rotor: 4 Rows of 8X0.2ml PCR tube /PCR Strip

MX-2150-02 MEDOX® EasySpin Mini Centrifuge Set 9500

Rotor: 8 X1.5ml Centrifuge Tube

MX-2150-03 MEDOX® EasySpin Mini Centrifuge Set 9500

Rotor: 10 X0.5ml Centrifuge Tube

MX-2150-10 4 Rows of 8 X 0.2ml PCRTube/PCR Strips Each 950

MX-2150-11 8 X1.5ml Centrifuge Tube Each

MX-1290-02 MEDOX-BIO® Gel Rocker with Electronic Timer Each 20100

Dimension:310 X 240 X 160mm; Platform working Area:300 X 200mm;Speed:1-57Rocks/min

Tilt angle:12°;Max Load: upto 5Kg; Input Voltage:220V; Input Current:1Amp;Power:115Watts

Timer:1min to 99Hrs

Applied Biosystems TFT Display Interface PCR Machine (Semi Quantitative)

Applied BiosystemsR


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