Science - Body Movements Worksheet-6 (VI)

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St. Andrews Scots Sr. Sec.

9th Avenue, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi – 110092
Session: 2023 – 2024

Class: VI Subject: Science Chapter: Body Movements

Q.1. Define:
a) Movement
b) Skeletal system
c) Ligaments
d) Exoskeleton
e) Endoskeleton

Q.2. Fill in the blanks:

a) The number of bones present in human body are __________.
b) The locomotory organ of a snake is __________.
c) The contraction of the __________ pulls the bones during movement.
d) The knee allows movement in __________.
e) The last two ribs are free and are called _________.

Q.3. Multiple Choice Questions:

a) The bony part of our head is called ________.
(i) nose (ii) skull (iii) rib cage (iv) backbone
b) The chest bones are called ________.
(i) ribs (ii) tibia (iii) fibula (iv) patella
c) The skeleton provides _________ to the body.
(i) support (ii) ability (iii) backbone (iv) framework
d) The nerves that run down our backbone is
(i) joints (ii) tendon (iii) skeleton (iv) spinal cord
e) The endoskeleton of the fish is covered with
(i) tendon (ii) scales (iii) muscles (iv) carbonate

Q.4. State whether the following statement is true or false.

a) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly same.
b) The cartilages are harder than bones.
c) The finger bones do not have joints.
d) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton.
e) Skull is made up of 24 bones.
Q.5. Very Short Questions Answers:
a) Why snakes do not move forward in a straight line?
b) Explain how a fish body is designed to swim in water.
c) What is exoskeleton? Name two organism in which it is present.
d) How do muscles work to move a bone?
e) What do you mean by streamlined body?

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