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Martial law pervaiz musharaf 12 oct 1999

14 oct 1999 rit of constitution was abolished
Nawaz sharif gov was over throwed
General pervaiz musharaf had 3 designation(ohda)
2008 democratic elec ppp win
First 5 years democratic gov tenure completed
2013 elec pmln win
Second time 5 years completed
2018 elec pti win
13th president ARIF ALVIA
Masssod khan kashmir president
Raja farooq haider PM of kashmir
1st constitution march 23rd 1956
2nd 8th june 1962
3rd august 14th 1973
25 amendment in total
13th amendment 58 2b was removed and presidential authority was lessend
18th amendment 8th oct 2009 provinces have more authority in decision
1st war 22nd oct 1947 to 5th jan 1949 kashmir war
Cease fir 5th jan by general asembly
2nd war 6th sep 1965 to 23rd sep 1965
3rd war ended in 16th dec 1971
93k army personel were arrested
4th war kargil war 3rd may 1999 to 26th july 1999
3 out 4 wars were fought for kashmir

Parliament upper house senate every province have equal seats

Lower house represent provinces depending upon population of provinces
342 seats in lower house
104 seats in upper house 4 seats for minorities

4 neighbours
China north
India east
Arabian sea south
Afghanistan north west
Iran north
Punjab (lahore)
5 rivers indus jehlum satluj chenab ravi
3 rivers for pak sindh indus
Islamabad capital

Industrial hub karachi
Textile hub faisalabad manchester of pak
City of saints MULTAN
City of rangabz LAHORE😂
BOLAN pass in balochistan
Khunjrab pass kpk
Balochistan-afghanistan border chaman border
Pak india border wagha border
Pak china khunjrab pass
Highest paved road is khunjrab pass
Highest atm is also present there
First odi world cup 1992 Captian ImranKhan
T20i world cup win 2009 captain younus khan
Natural coal in thar
Gas resources in SUI balochistan

Hydro electricity
Tarbela dam sindh river
Mangla dam jhelum river

Solar power plant

Quaid e azam solar power plant in bahawlpur
White marbal
Green marbal
Dry friuts in suleman range hunza or Waziristan

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