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<br><br><br> I am a very affectionate person and I love cuddle, I like to show

somebody how I feel not just telling them.<br><br> I love to be close to

somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever..<br><br> I guess my
dreams would be is to be happy and have a family my goals in life I want to have a
firm for my family one day but that will be a while from now.<br><br> I guess I
want to work on my love life and be happy first.<br>
THIS IS ME...!!!<br><br> Been single for the last 6years but spent a lot of time
getting to know God more. He has helped me through the years achieve a forgiven
heart and renewed my spirit of a fun filled life. I love to laugh and have fun,now
i need someone to do that with. I'm new on this dating scene but a thought what the
heck, I'm tired of being alone.<br>
<br><br> I am an affectionate person... I like a man who is not afraid to show
his love and grab me and give me a big hug and a kiss. I like when i pick him up
from work, and can even mush him until he says OK! get away from!!!
<br><br> I love my life right now and am excited about sharing meaningful
conversation, and outings with a soul mate. I enjoy knowing someone on a deeper
level and connecting in such a way that I feel as if I've known them all my life.
<br><br> I laugh at myself and life's funny situations. I believe in honest and
open communication. I admire authenticity in others and believe it is necessary for
a great relationship. I think there has to be compromises from time to time in
order to bring about resolution.<br><br> It is my opinion that we all want the
same thing in regards to a partner, and that most of us either do not know how or
is scared to and sabotage themselves from getting it. I'm willing to listen and
desire to be heard. I think it's essential to learn one's love language to bring
about a true connection. I am optimistic about having something real with someone
but realistic in knowing it takes work and commitment.<br><br> My life is good
and it has been my faith that has brought me this far and is the foundation of all
I am..<br><br>
ABOUT MY IDEAL WOMAN...!!!<br><br> There's nothing better than a woman who is
confident but not shy, has a great smile, sense of humour, can laugh at her self,
bring on stimulating conversation, loves the Lord and is who she is. I admire a
woman who knows herself, has values, and is not opposed to learning, asking
questions, or admitting her strengths and weaknesses.<br><br><br> <br> I love
watching my woman do something she's really good at (sports, music, the arts,
speaking, etc.). I believe every woman's needs to be stroked every now and again..
I am happy to oblige in that category. I think flirting with each other is
necessary in a good relationship. It keeps it playful..<br><br> I love that
feeling of anticipation of the next phone call, conversation, glimpse, look, touch,
of the person I have that connection to. There is no greater feeling than that of
knowing and being known by someone I really care for. I love cutting up with
friends, laughing, and having deep conversations about life and living. stroke<br>
<br> ======================================================================<br>
<br><br> MY
QUESTIONS...!!!<br><br><br> How would you describe your sense of humor? Some
people like silly slapstick, while others go for more subtle stuff. What tickles
your funny bone? My sense of humor is quite interesting, I'm shy at first but as we
get closer i feel free to express my heart desires.<br><br> What kind of food do
you like? Do you have a favorite restaurant? Some like hot and spicy, others prefer
comfort food. If you had to pick one type of food, what would you say is your
favorite?<br> <br> <br><br> What
denomination are you?<br> - I'm non-denominational, I believe the relationship
with God is more important than the labels..<br><br> How often do you like to
excercise?<br> - I'm starting this new excercise program and after 60 day I'll
look absolutely amazing. It's called P90X, have you heard of it?<br><br> Do you
lose your temper and get really angry? Me, I try to keep anger at bay. I try to
avoid conflicts and if I have walk away from a situation, then I will to avoid it
escalating. I like to pour out my heart. to let the person know that i am not in
it to fight but to get peaceful atmoshere.<br><br> What do you seek for in a
relationship?<br> - Loyalty, honesty, passion, love... I also am very visual and
like to be with someone that I am highly attracted to. <br><br> What are the
basic qualities you seek for in a lady?<br> - Same as above... I also enjoy
being with someone who enjoys being feminine. I enjoy being with someone who is
passionate about life.<br><br> What sort of relationship you seek for?<br> -
I am very loyal. I am looking for my life's partner. It is hard to find and I have
learned to be patient this time around.<br><br> What interests you in my pics?
<br> - I think you are very attractive. I would like to see more of your
pictures.<br><br> You ever been married?<br> - Yes... for 14 years. And I
have been in two other long relationships. The last one was for 8 years and that
ended over 2 years ago.<br><br> Do you have kids?<br> - No. I was always so
focused on my career that I never found the time to even consider it.<br><br>
What do you do for fun?<br> - I like many things. My recent hobby is scuba
diving. I plan my vacations around this activity and go down to Florida regularly
to dive.<br><br> Do you like public intimacy?<br> - I tend to be very
affectionate both in public and private.<br> <br> How long have you been
single?<br> - Several years where I have been on my own now. I did live with my
last partner.<br><br> What's being single like?<br> - It does provide a lot
of freedom to do what I want, whenever I can make time to do something. I do miss
the intimacy and the company of having someone around all the time. It is just a
different way to live... as I mentioned, I am willing to wait to find the right
person.<br><br> How do you treat your lady?<br> - The same way I want to be
treated... with love and affection.<br><br> Why do you need a Man?<br> - I
think we all have someone out there who can compliment yes.... I have learned it is
not so much need than it is want for me now. I have learned the value of having a
partner in life and I want that again.<br><br> Can you love this Man?<br> - I
am very attracted to you. But as of yet, I don't really know you.... I think we
need to give each other the opportunity to get to know each other. I am concerned
by the age difference... I want you to be sure that you are ok with this? <br><br>
What is love to you?<br> - It is the deepest of feelings one person can have for
another. And when it goes both ways, I think it iss the best thing that can happen
between two people.<br><br> Would you hit your lady for any reasons?<br> - Oh
no.<br><br> I'll hopefully want to know what your consent is about these
questions..<br> I want to get to know you and meet you.<br> can you call me ?
<br> - Yes.... I will warn you the last several months have been incredibly busy
at work and hopefully this winds up by end of this month. Its unusual that I even
home at this time during the week, but if you tell me what would be a good time to
call we can arrange a time to talk?<br>
SINGLE QUESTIONS...!!!<br><br> Where were you born?<br> Where did you live
most of their childhood life?<br> What was your most memorable childhood moment?
<br> What was your big childhood fear? (i.e.-the dark, monsters, etc.)<br>
What did you always want to be when you "grew up"?<br> Is it what you are doing
now? What changed?<br> What was your favorite game as a child?<br> Where did
you go to school?<br> What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
<br> What was your most embarrassing moment?<br> What was the single most
significant turning point in your life?<br> What religion, if any, do you
believe in?<br> What things do you feel passionate about?<br> Do you believe
in love at first sight?<br> What's the difference between love, romance and sex?
<br> Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?
<br> What is your life dream?<br> If you had three wishes, what would they
be?<br> What do you want most from life?<br> What did you want to be when you
"grew up"?<br> Is it what you are doing now? What changed?<br> What is your
idea of a perfect date?<br> What is your favorite romantic gesture?<br> What
are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?<br> What is your idea of
the perfect romantic gift?<br> What is your idea of the perfect romantic
vacation?<br> will be waiting to hear from you.<br><br>
ANSWER TO SINGLE QUESIONS...!!!<br><br> (1) i was born in england and grew up
in new york<br> (2) i lived most of
my life in England before i was independent and start doing things on my own.<br>
(3) it was when my mother was in the pain of delivery a new baby and we later
discovered she had a miscarried..<br> (4) my big childhood fear was to stay
in the dark.<br> (5) I have always wanted to be a professional on the Medical
Field before i changed to be a Petroleum Engineer.<br> (6) my Favorite games
as a child was Soccer.<br> (7) i studied at the University of Wales Bangor.
<br> (9) the funniest thing that ever happened to me was when my very close
friend fell from a tree in San Antimio TX., that was when we went camping.<br>
(10) most embarrassing was when i called my dad and told him i
wanted the best education outside the country and he sent me abroad.<br> (11)
most significant turning posing of my life was when i wanted to start my Oil
business and i went through a lot of stress before i finally got through it.<br>
(12) i have been a Catholic all my life and i attended service regularly.<br>
(13) i feel passionate about my life, about my relationship with God, and about the
one i Love and my Kids.<br> (14) Of course i do believe in love at first site
and since i set my eyes on you, i knew i was gonna be all you wanted because my
feeling changed immediately when i heard your Voice !!! smile<br> (15) well
let me tell you the different between love and romance........Love is what we
share and feel deep inside our heart and the one true love is to be Honest,
truthfully, loyal, kind, and humble to each other and be there when one needed
another, Romance can also be defined as what we both share, expressing how we feel
and making passionate love together like sitting on the couch cuddling, smiling,
looking at each others face, (ETC)<br> (16) Of course i do believe it is
proper for people to express their feelings in public, and to be able to let all
the world knows that You are Mine and i am all yours.<br> (17) my favorite
dream is to meet the one true love of my life and spending the rest of our lives
together with peace and happiness.<br> (18) my three wishes will have to be,
the one I'll love, cherish, adore, and treat like an idol.and also to give my son
the best Education and make him become somebody in Life....and to live Long.<br>
Question 1...!!!<br><br>
Answers to question 2...!!!<br><br> By following all of his laws (THE 10
COMMANDMENTS) And believeing he is the way. Just like any other relationship, with
loving, respectful communication. By treating others with kindness and respect. By
praying to him and respecting my self and others.<br><br> yes baby.. Love
yourself ,respect your parents. Your God is inside you ,comes with you to this
world and goes out when you are gone... rest of it is man made stories about
something called careful. Love is God.. do you know of any better feeling
than love????<br><br> By worshipping Him and growing in the knowledge and wisdom
of His word as well as abiding by His word - going to church and hearing His word
being proclaimed; praying to Him and being thankful for all I have, including my
friends, family, good health and all the blessings He has given me. :D<br><br>
By accepting the gift He gave you. God gave his son (Jesus) to you to remove any
and all sins you have ever committed and all those you will ever committed. All you
have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior.. You do that by confessing in prayer to
God that you are a sinner, ask him to forgive you, and make a comittment to live
your life for Him. Just like credit card debt sin has to be paid at some point. If
you do not accept God's Gift (Jesus dying on the cross) you will have to pay your
own sin debt when you die. You will be excluded from heaven. Jesus died on the
cross so you can enter heaven when you die. If you live your life with this in mind
at all time you will be honoring God.<br>
Question 2...!!!<br><br> BESIDES LOVE, WHAT ONE TRAIT YOU
Answers to question 2...!!!<br><br> That's a very complicated answer, but I
would say humility... it helps you get through most things and still love each
other. Its a trait that takes time to develop and a lot of connection to your
spiritual side.<br><br> The one trait I have noticed in couples with successful
relationships would have to be commitment. They are committed to sticking together,
no matter what the situation is. Through the hard times, as well as the good times.
Life is not always easy. I think for the Christian couples I know that are in
successful relationships, the secret for them is trusting God and allowing Him to
work in their lives<br><br> Communication is the biggest to me. I've seen way to
many people floating around like "I wonder what he's thinking"? Well why don't you
ASK then?! That drives me insane.<br><br> Also respect for yourself & your
partner. Too many people saying they don't know where their husband goes at night &
stuff like that. WHY NOT? Getting stepped on is not your job in a marriage.<br><br>
Communication, as it affects how love is conveyed and received, even how deep and
lasting it is. Beyond straightforward conversation, couples that have close
relationships also seem to resolve conflict well, bond by sharing intimate thoughts
& fears, and encourage each other often. A number of years ago I realized I needed
to improve in these areas. Though it's taken some time, I've been grateful to God
and those He used to teach me. Not that I have arrived by any means, but I think I
now have more to offer a mate since realizing the value of appreciating others'
views, understanding when and how to bring up difficult issues, and seeing where
compromise can resolve issues, plus being willing to do it!<br><br> Well, there
aren't just one or two factors that go into a successful relationship, there are
many. TRUST - you have to be able to trust the other person. ACCEPTANCE - you have
to accept that sometimes the other has warts, stinks before showering, chews
without remembering to close the mouth, and sometimes has political opinions
different from yours. CARING - you really do have to care enough for this other
person that if they need you when it's not convenient for you, you drop whatever
you planned without question and go to their side. SHARING - you stand with this
other person through illness and diversity and you do it without a second thought.
You fully support the other when it comes to child-rearing. You fully support the
other when it comes to dealing with in-laws. TOUCH - the couple that shares
physical intimacy without always expecting sex is going to stay together much
longer. COMMUNICATION - you tell the other person that you love that other person
several times a day. You come to realize there are more ways to communicate that
passion than merely saying "I love you" - but you also use that very same phrase
liberally.<br><br> The most important thing about a relationship isn't just love
and sex, it is the friendship. You have to be friends with your partner. Things
change, love grows and evolves from attraction, dependence, codependence... Sex
also starts with attraction, and when it is new you do it all of the time, and with
kids and time it starts to wane (It should never leave a relationship) but the
friendship, you will learn all of the time new things for you to share together,
and want to do together. It keeps the youth in the relationship. That is wat makes
it last for so long.<br><br> R E S P E C T ! (I can hear that song in my
head....)Disrespect erodes marriages more than any other behavior.<br><br>
Forgiveness.<br> Understanding.<br> Compassion.<br> Caring.<br>
Communication.<br> Appreciativeness.<br> Patience.<br> The ability to
cook. ;)<br>
<br> Question
Answers to question 3.......!!!!!!<br><br> Well, in general I prefer and value
traditional gender roles, especially as a foundation, but wouldn't want those
definitions imposed legalistically. I'd favor traditional-role values adapted to
fit the desires, talents, and needs each partner brings to the relationship. Plus,
the God-given gifts of each coming together in a unique blend will likely require
some additional adjustments in order to find God's best.<br>
Question 4.........!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>
<br> Answers to
question 4...!!!<br><br> As a committed Christian, I'm looking for a "spiritual
leader" who views relationship with God not merely as an aspect of life, but as
life itself, and sees God and His Truth as the ultimate source of emotional
wholeness, healthy relating, wise decisions, etc. I also want her to long to know
and love her, and to want (and to allow) me to know and love her. Another desire is
for intellectual companionship, someone who enjoys thoughtful, stimulating
discussion. On a lighter note, it's important to be able to laugh together and have
fun without needing an external focus like an event or trip. More than anything,
though, I want a partner ready to devote time and energy to help make the
relationship a continuing success: resolving conflict, communicating effectively,
respecting each others' individuality, putting each other first, and persevering
through the difficult times.<br>
YOU?<br> <br> Answers to
question 5...!!!<br><br> A devoted Christian, I believe daily time spent in
prayer, Bible study & meditation is paramount. Likewise, participating in growth-
focused relationships (e.g. small groups, mentoring and discipling), serving where
God has me in the ways He's equipped me, and consistently attending & financially
supporting my church are also essential. Due to how I like to keep fit and look
very healthy all the time, I need to exercise regularly and hope exercise would be
a habit of my mate's too. I mean, regularly exercising encouragement.<br>
Question 6....!!!<br><br> SO TELL ME, HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT
Answers to question 6...!!!<br><br> Sex before marriage is a sin before God.
God's law is: Control your desires, have sex in marriage only. (Hebrew 13:4). God
takes that vow very seriously, which is why one of the Ten Commandments declares,
"You shall not commit adultery." (Exodus 20:14).<br><br> I feel now that sex is
a very sacred thing between two loving, married people. I just wanted to know where
you stand on this important issue and I'm pleased to hear your response. If you're
inquiring about this then your conscience is troubling you. God's word is clear:
God gave both marriage and sex to us, and sexual relations are to be practiced only
within the bonds of marriage.<br><br> One reason is because only within the
commitment of marriage can God's purposes for sex be completely fulfulled. Marriage
is a commitment between a husband 'n wife--- a solemn vow before others and before
God of their intention to love each other 'n be faithful to each other as long as
their lives shall last.<br><br> Sex is a sign or a symbol of that mutual
commitment, and without that kind of commitment, sex becomes something selfish and
incomplete. As Jesus said, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer
two, but one--" (Matthew 19:5 - 6)<br><br> Wise counsel says keep yourselves
pure. Years from now you both will be glad you did.<br> BTW, studies show that
Godly women enjoy sex relations with their husband much more than those who don't
honor God 'n his word. Believe me, hon, I can wholeheartedly certainly agree with
that study.. "Hip hip, hooray !!!<br>
Answers to question 7...!!!<br><br><br> I love doing so many things like,
camping, going to the movies, reading, write poems at my leisure times, taking
along walk at the beach with that special someone just holding hands, shooting
pool, internet, dining out, listening to music, traveling, watching sports like:
baseball, football especially soccer, i love reading the bible, and amusement
parks, just to name a few.<br>
Answers to question 8...!!!<br><br> I'm a construction engineer, but I do it
free-lance. Even though its sometimes physically exhausting I love my job,I cant
imagine doing anything else.<br><br> I am most definitely doing what I love! It
has been a dream of mine to continue on with my schooling for several years! God
provided the opportunity and I took it. Learning is so important to me and I hope
to never loose that zeal. Keep in mind I don't always like doing homework, but I
realize that's a part of it, so I press on!<br>
Question 9...!!!<br><br> WHAT DO YOU
Answers to question 9...!!!<br><br> I think as we get older and wiser we realize
what we once thought was hot is not because we no longer are simple minded about
it. we see people more for who they are, their qualities without even knowing them.
Its like we have a sixth sense all of a sudden when we see a person we are
attracted to...<br>
Question 10...!!!<br><br> DESCRIBE SOME PERSONAL
Answers to question 10...!!!<br><br> Taking a bath or shower every day is one of
MY personal favorites!<br>
Question 11...!!!<br><br> TONIGHT YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, NO
Answers to question 11...!!!<br><br> Since it's only for one night I would fly
down to key North Ohio, order me the BIGGEST FRESHEST LOBSTER I could find, eat
every single bite, then get a room at the swankest hotel right off the beach, dress
in the most GORGEOUS 40's something outfit and go dancing with my specific woman,
take my telescope to the hotel roof and watch the stars until I got sleepy, sleep
without any phone ringing, any cell phone ringing any TV going, get up in the
morning and fly back to sucky North Canton, Ohio<br>
Question 12...!!!<br> <br>
Answers to question 12...!!!<br><br> A trip around the world and a personal
meeting with Bush ( so I can give him piece of my mind) lol!<br>
Question 13...!!!<br><br> WHAT'S YOUR
Answers to question 13...!!!<br><br> What would be an appropriate time / place
to meet the child(ren) of someone you are dating? A woman that is loving,
sweet, and quiet. I am just a man who will be there for you and be nice to you at
all times. I am smart and I help with everything.<br>
Question 14...!!!<br><br> WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE
A PARTNER?<br><br>
Answers to question 14...!!!<br><br> I'd personaly say my respect for you to
live the life you want. My appreciation for the small things that are over looked,
and a positive attitude. ;-)<br><br> 1) Honesty and Integrity.<br>
2) Feelings and emotions.<br> 3) Warmth, loyalty and kindness.<br><br> 1.
Devotion.<br> 2. Friendship.<br> 3. Extreme sweetness.<br>
Answers to question 15...!!!<br><br> White water rafting was definitely the best
thing I've ever done and so far the most adventurous.<br>
1. Describe your ideal man/woman.<br><br> she would have to be first and
foremost a Christian woman. A woman who puts God first and then family second. He
would also be loving and kind to those around him. A woman who would love me for
who I am and what I can bring to the relationship. A woman special enough to
understand family and the relationships I have with them. I would want her to know
that no matter what, I would love, respect and support him as a partner and friend
in my life. And that we could become best friends and continue to learn about each
other.<br><br> 2. If you could do something totally out of character and remain
anonymous what would you do?<br><br> I guess his is kind of hard, I can not
think of anything that I would do that was out of character. Other than I would
like to be able to do more for those less fortunate. To be able to show the love to
God with those who might not otherwise hear or see God's love at work. To be able
to serve him in all a way that those would want to know him and want him in their
lives. To feel called to do all that I can with those in need and for them to feel
loved and wanted in this world. <br>

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