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The foods we eat contributes to our overall nutritional status. Cliché as it may seem but
we are what we eat. The type of nutritional status we have is a reflection of our eating habits
and pattern. What comprises our diet and how much of each nutrient is present are necessary
considerations to achieve proper nutrition. The succeeding topics will give thorough idea on


At the end of the learning session, the student should be able to

1. discuss some terms in nutrition; and

2. recognize the role of nutrition in their field.


Activity 1. Given the following picture, what can you infer about nutrition. Write your answer on
the space allotted below.


Lesson 1. Definition of Nutrition and Tools in Understanding Nutrition

Understanding nutrition entails thorough idea on the terms that are usually utilized in its
study. There is a need to establish a common ground to achieve the same goal and
understanding. A term’s definition may vary from how and who uses it. However, once a
common definition is determined, then uniformity in understanding is achievable.
The following are the common terms involved in nutrition.
Health. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease and infirmity, (WHO); is the merging and balancing of
five physical and psychologic dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social
and spiritual.
Nutrition. It is referred to as the science of foods and the nutrients and other substances
they contain, and of their actions within the body (including ingestion, digestion, absorption,
transport, metabolism and excretion). It is the study of food in relation to health of an individual,
community or society and the process through which food is used to sustain life and growth.

Foods are products derived from plants or animals that can be taken into the body to
yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the growth and repair of tissues.
There are things that needs to be considered in determining whether or not a food is ideal.

Ideal Quality of Food:

1. It is safe to eat.
2. It is nourishing or nutritious.
3. Its palatability factors satisfy the consumer.
4. It has satiety value.
5. It offers variety and planned within the socio-economic

Diet. It is referred to as the foods and beverages a person eats and drinks on a daily

Energy is the capacity to do work. The energy in food is chemical energy. The body can
convert this chemical energy to mechanical, electrical or heat energy.

Nutrients are chemical substances obtained from food and used in the body to provide
energy, structural materials and regulating agents to support growth, maintenance and repair of
the body’s tissues.

Classification of Nutrients:
1. According to function
a. Energy giving –
nutrients that gives off
energy. Sometimes
called as “fuel nutrients”.
b. Body – building –
responsible for building
and repairing tissues.
c. Body – regulating –
regulates body activities
and processes.
2. According to chemical nature
a. Organic – contains carbon.
b. Inorganic – non-carbon containing.

3. According to concentration
a. Macronutrients – needed in greater amounts in the body.
b. Micronutrients – needed in lesser amounts in the body.

Nutritional Status is referred to as the

condition of the body resulting from the utilization of
essential nutrients. Optimum or Good Nutrition
means that the body has adequate supply of essential
nutrients that are effectively utilized such that growth
and good health are maintained at the highest possible
level. Malnutrition is the opposite of good nutrition. It
is the condition of the body resulting from a lack of one
or more essential nutrients or it may be due to an
excessive nutrient supply to the point of creating toxic
or harmful effects.

The following illustration shows the interrelation of the different terms in nutrition.

Self-made flowchart as part of the power point presentation

Activity 2. Given the following characteristics of nutrients, identify what specific nutrient is being

1. Macronutrient, inorganic, regulatory __________________________

2. Micronutrient, organic, regulatory __________________________
3. Macronutrient, organic, energy-giving __________________________
4. Micronutrient, inorganic, regulatory __________________________
5. Macronutrient, organic, body-building __________________________
Different Tools to Identify Nutrient and Food Adequacy

In the study of nutrition, it is necessary to be familiar with the different basic tools to
identify if nutrients and foods consumed are adequate. These tools are commonly used by
different food manufacturers, big and small. An idea and understanding of these tools will guide
you not just in your profession but also in your personal decisions about foods and nutrition.

Food Pyramid
 Composed of 5 levels
showing the different foods
to be eaten the most and
the least.
 It teaches the principles of
eating a variety of food
everyday in proper
amounts of servings.
From creative commons licenses

Food Guide
 Includes the six nutrients
compressed into three
main groups.
 Used as qualitative tool in
planning nutritious diets for
the masses.
Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake
 Nutrient based dietary standard recognized in the nutrition and health community as
source of information on recommended intakes of energy and maintenance of good
Use with the aim of maintaining health and prevent deficiency in 97.5% of apparently healthy
Nutritional Guidelines for  1. Eat a variety of foods everyday to get the
Filipinos nutrients needed by the body.
 Is a set of dietary  2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to
guidelines based on the 6 months then give appropriate complementary
eating pattern, lifestyle and foods while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years
health status of Filipinos. and beyond for optimum growth and
 Contains all the nutrition development.
messages to healthy living  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits everyday to
for all age groups from get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber for
infants to adults, pregnant regulation of body processes.
and lactating women, and  4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried
the elderly. beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body
 5. Consume milk, milk products and other
calcium-rich foods, such as small fish and
shellfish, every day for healthy bones and teeth.
 6. Consume safe foods to prevent diarrhea and
other food and water-borne diseases.
 7. Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency
 8. Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty and sugar-rich
foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
 9. Attain normal body weight through proper diet
and moderate physical activity to maintain good
health and help prevent obesity.
 10. Be physically active, make healthy food
choices, manage stress, avoid alcoholic
beverages and DO NOT smoke to help prevent
lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases.
Food Exchange List
 Grouping of common foods
that have practically the
same amount of protein,
carbohydrates and fat.
 Used as quick method to
calculate protein,
carbohydrate, fat and
calories for any given meal
or diet.

Self-made presentation as part of power point presentation

Food Composition Table
 Shows the chemical composition of food, whether of animal or plant origin.
Used to compute for the specific nutrient content of a certain food item per 100g edible
portion weight.
Pinggang Pinoy


1. Adequate nutrition is essential to good health.

2. The nutrients in our body are in dynamic equilibrium.
3. Dietary intake and nutrient need should be individualized.
4. An adequate diet is the foundation of good nutrition and it should consist of a wide variety of
5. The physiological functions of food are attributed to the roles of the nutrients.
6. Malnutrition is brought about by faulty diet and/or by conditioning factors like heredity,
infections, ingestion of certain drugs and parasitism.
7. Nutrition education, abundant food supply and use of various resources are needed to
improve nutritional status of a population.
8. The study of nutrition is interrelated with allied arts and sciences.
9. All person need the same kind of nutrients but the amounts vary according to factors like age,
sex, body size, physical activity, state of health and specific physiological conditions.
10. No natural food by itself has all the nutrients one needs.

Lesson 2. Importance of Nutrition to Dentistry

A. Personal
 Aids in proper choices of foods
 Helps develop a good habit of choosing foods
 It can be used in one’s self, family and profession to prevent food related
diseases and/or disorders.

B. Professional
 Helps identify the nutrients that can possibly contribute or prevent microbial
growth in the mouth, aid in the immunological response to bacterial antigens
and assist in the repair of connective tissue.
 Makes a professional capable and reliable of giving dietary counselling to
clients which can prevent the development of oral diseases.

Lesson 3. Nutrition Labeling

Food Labelling
All food labels must have the following basic information:
 Legal name of the product which includes a description of the product such as “whole
tomatoes”, “cream style” corn
 Net contents or net weight, including the packaging medium, such as water in canned
 Name and location of the manufacturer, packer or distributor
 Ingredients listed in descending order by weight, including any functional derivatives

Importance of Food Labelling

 Designed to provide nutrition information that will help consumers make informed choices by
o A way to compare store brands of food items with those of national or regional
brands for possible savings,
o Information about the nutrient content of new foods for planning varied and balanced
o Information to make it easier to count calories
o Information for selecting foods for special health needs such as low sodium or low
cholesterol foods
Nutrition Facts is a description intended to inform the
consumer of nutritional properties thus helps them
choose the best food.
Tells the consumer of the nutrient content of a certain
food item per amount of serving.

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