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Even-if Explanations: Formal Foundations, Priorities and Complexity

Gianvincenzo Alfano , Sergio Greco , Domenico Mandaglio , Francesco Parisi ,

Reza Shahbazian and Irina Trubitsyna
DIMES Department, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
{g.alfano, greco, d.mandaglio, fparisi, i.trubitsyna}

Abstract x1 = [0, 1, 1]

EXplainable AI has received significant attention [0,0,1]

in recent years. Machine learning models of- [1,1,1]

ten operate as black boxes, lacking explainabil-

ity and transparency while supporting decision- f3
making processes. Local post-hoc explainability f2
queries attempt to answer why individual inputs
are classified in a certain way by a given model. y1 = [0, 0, 0] y2 = [1, 1, 0]
While there has been important work on counter-
factual explanations, less attention has been de- [1,0,0]
voted to semifactual ones. In this paper, we fo-
cus on local post-hoc explainability queries within Figure 1: Binary classification model M : step(x · [ 2, 2, 0] + 1)
the semifactual ‘even-if’ thinking and their com- of Example 1 representing the mortgage scenario. The binary fea-
putational complexity among different classes of ture f1 (resp., f2 and f3 ) represents part-time employment contract
models, and show that both linear and tree-based (resp., mortgage term longer than 30 years, and on site-working).
models are strictly more interpretable than neural Crosses (resp., circles) on the corners of the green (resp., red) area
networks. After this, we introduce a preference- correspond to instances where the model outputs 1 (resp., 0).
based framework that enables users to personalize
explanations based on their preferences, both in the decision-making processes. These explanations leverage
case of semifactuals and counterfactuals, enhanc- imagined alternative scenarios, aiding users in understanding
ing interpretability and user-centricity. Finally, we why certain outcomes occurred and how different situations
explore the complexity of several interpretability might have influenced automated decisions. Counterfactual
problems in the proposed preference-based frame- explanations empowers users to grasp the rationale behind
work and provide algorithms for polynomial cases. automated decisions, fostering transparency and user trust in
these systems. Several definitions of counterfactual explana-
tions exist in the literature [Guidotti, 2022]. According to
1 Introduction most of the literature, counterfactuals are defined as the mini-
The extensive study of counterfactual ‘if only’ thinking, ex- mum changes to apply to a given instance to let the prediction
ploring how things might have been different, has been a focal of the model be different [Barceló et al., 2020].
point for social and cognitive psychologists [Kahneman and While significant attention in AI has been given to coun-
Tversky, 1981; McCloy and Byrne, 2002]. Consider a neg- terfactual explanations, there has been a limited focus on the
ative event, such as taking a taxi and due to traffic arriving equally important and related semifactual ‘even if’ expla-
late to a party. By analyzing this situation, an individual (e.g. nations [Aryal and Keane, 2023; Kenny and Huang, 2023],
Alice) might engage in counterfactual thinking by imagining though they have been investigated much more in cognitive
how things could have unfolded differently, such as, ‘if only sciences. While counterfactuals explain what changes to the
Alice had not taken the taxi, she would not have arrived late input features of an AI system change the output decision,
at the party’. This type of counterfactual thinking, where an semifactuals show which input feature changes do not change
alternative scenario is imagined, is a common aspect of daily a decision outcome. Considering the above-mentioned situ-
life. In such a case the counterfactual scenario negates both ation where Alice took the taxi and arrived late at the party,
the event’s cause (antecedent) and its outcome, presenting a we might analyze ‘even if’ scenarios envisioning how things
false cause and a false outcome that are temporarily consid- could have remained the same, such as, “even if Alice had not
ered as true (e.g., Alice took the taxi and arrived late). taken a taxi, she would have still arrived late at the party”.
Counterfactual thinking forms the basis for crafting coun- Sharing the same underlying idea of counterfactuals, we
terfactual explanations, which are crucial in automated define semifactuals as the maximum changes to be applied
to a given instance while keeping the same prediction. In- et al., 2022]. In machine learning, for instance, the ability
deed, the larger the feature differences asserted in the semi- to prioritize specific features or outcomes based on user pref-
factual, the better (more convincing) the explanation [Aryal erences significantly improves the relevance and usability of
and Keane, 2023]. This intuitively captures the desire of an the resulting models. Within natural language processing,
agent to have more degree of freedom and favorable condi- prioritized reasoning facilitates customized language gener-
tions (represented by features changed), while keeping the ation aligned with individual preferences, catering to diverse
(positive) status assigned to it by the model. As an example, communication styles. The impact of prioritized reasoning
consider the following, inspired by a mortgage scenario. extends to recommendation systems, where user preferences
Example 1. Consider the binary and linear classification play a crucial role in shaping the suggestions provided.
model M : {0, 1}3 {0, 1} shown in Figure 1 where M Our work contributes to prioritized reasoning within ex-
is defined as step(x · [⇥2, 2, 0] + 1). The three features are: plainable AI in the presence of user’s preference conditions
related to features. These preferences are exploited to gen-
• f1 =“user’s employment contract is part-time”,
erate semifactual and counterfactual explanations that align
• f2 =“user applies for a mortgage whose duration is most closely with the user-specified criteria. In particular,
longer than 30 years”, and preferences are applied similarly to what has been proposed
• f3 =“user works on-site”. in the well-known Answer Set Optimization approach for
For any instance x ⇤ {0, 1}3 we have that M(x) = 0 if Logic Programs with preferences [Brewka et al., 2003].
x = [1, 0, 1] or x = [1, 0, 0], and M(x) = 1 otherwise. Contributions Our main contributions are as follows.
Intuitively, this means that the bank’s model does not approve • We formally introduce the concepts of semifactual over
the mortgage only when the user has a part-time job and the three classes of models: (i) perceptrons (ii) free bi-
requested mortgage duration is less than 30 years. nary decision diagrams (FBBDs), and (iii) multi-layer
Consider a user x1 that works full-time, on-site, and re- perceptrons (MLP), intuitively encoding local post-hoc
quests a mortgage with duration longer than 30 years (i.e., explainable queries within the even-if thinking setting.
x1 = [0, 1, 1]), we have that y1 = [0, 0, 0] and y2 = [1, 1, 0] Herein, the term ‘local’ refers to explaining the output of
are semifactual of x1 w.r.t. M at maximum distance (i.e., 2) the system for a particular input, while ‘post-hoc’ refers
from x1 in terms of number of feature changed. Intuitively, to interpreting the system after it has been trained.
y1 represents ‘the user x1 will obtain the mortgage even if • We first investigate the computational complexity of in-
the work would have been remote and the mortgage duration terpretability problems concerning semifactuals, show-
would have been less than 30 years’, while y2 represents ‘the ing that they are not more difficult than analogous prob-
user x1 will obtain the mortgage even if the work would have lems related to counterfactuals [Barceló et al., 2020].
been part-time and she would have worked remotely’. • We introduce a framework that empowers users to pri-
However, as highlighted in the previous example, multi- oritize explanations according to their subjective pref-
ple semifactuals can exist for each given instance. In these erences. That is, users can specify preferences for al-
situations, a user may prefer one semifactual to another, by tering specific features over others within explanations.
expressing preferences over features so that the best semifac- This approach enriches the explanation process, en-
tuals will be selected, as shown in the following example. abling users to influence the selection of the most favor-
Example 2. Continuing with the previous example, suppose able semifactuals (called “best” semifactuals), thereby
that the user x1 prefers semifactuals with f1 = 1 rather than augmenting the interpretability and user-centricity of the
those with f2 = 0, that is (s)he prefers to change feature f1 resulting outputs. Notably, the proposed framework also
rather than f2 (irrespective of any other change). Thus, (s)he naturally encompasses preferences over counterfactuals.
would prefer to still get a mortgage by changing the job to • We investigate the complexity of several interpretability
part-time (obtaining y2 ); if this cannot be accomplished, then problems related to best semifactuals and best counter-
(s)he prefers to get a mortgage by changing the duration to be factuals. Table 1 summarizes our complexity results. Fi-
less than or equal to 30 years (obtaining y1 ). nally, focusing on a restricted yet expressive class of fea-
ture preferences, we identify tractable cases for which
Prioritized reasoning in AI, focusing on incorporating user we propose algorithms for their computation.
preferences, represents a pivotal advancement in the field, en-
hancing adaptability and user-centricity of AI systems. Tra- Full proofs can be found in the Supplementary Material.
ditional AI models rely on predefined rules or optimiza-
tion criteria to generate outcomes, often overlooking the nu- 2 Preliminaries
anced nature of user-specific preferences [Rossi et al., 2011; We start by recalling the key concepts underlying counterfac-
Santhanam et al., 2016]. Prioritized reasoning addresses this tual and semifactual explanations, and then we recall the main
limitation by introducing a mechanism that allows users to ex- complexity classes used in the paper.
press their preferences, thereby guiding AI systems to prefer
specific factors over others in the decision-making processes. 2.1 Classification Models
One key aspect of prioritized reasoning is its appli- A (binary classification) model is a function M : {0, 1}n
cability across diverse AI domains, spanning machine {0, 1}, specifically focusing on instances whose features are
learning [Kapoor et al., 2012], natural language process- represented by binary values. Constraining inputs and out-
ing [Bakker et al., 2022], and recommendation systems [Zhu puts to booleans simplifies our context while encompassing
numerous relevant practical scenarios. A class of models is set of vertices each-other not adijacent of size at least k. This
just a way of grouping models together. An instance x is a decision problem is known as I NDEPENDENT S ET.
vector in {0, 1}n and represents a possible input for a model. We recall the complexity classes used in the paper and, in
We now recall three significant categories of ML models, particular, the definition of the classes PTIME (or, briefly, P),
that hereafter will be the one we will focus on. NP and coNP (see e.g. [Papadimitriou, 1994]). P (resp.,
Binary Decision Diagrams. A Binary Decision Diagram NP) contains the set of decision problems that can be solved
(BDD) M = (V, E, V , E ) [Wegener, 2004] is a rooted di- in polynomial time by a deterministic (resp., nondeterminis-
rected acyclic graph (V, E). It features leaves labeled true tic) Turing machine. Moreover, coNP is the complexity class
(⌅) or false (⇧), and internal nodes labeled by function V containing the complements of problems in NP. A problem p
with a value from {1, . . . , n}, each of them having two out- is called hard for a complexity class C (denoted C-hard) if
going edges labeled by function E as 1 and 0, respectively. there exists a polynomial reduction from any problem in C to
Each instance x = [x1 , . . . , xn ] ⇤ {0, 1}n uniquely maps to p. If p is both C-hard and belongs to C then it is C-complete.
a path px in M. This path adheres to the following condi- Clearly, P⌥ NP, P⌥ coNP and, under standard theoretical as-
tion: for every non-leaf node u in px labeled i, the path goes sumptions, the three classes are assumed to be different.
through the edge labeled with xi . |M| denotes the size of M,
representing the number of edges. A binary decision diagram 3 Even-if Explanations
M is free (FBDD) if for every path from the root to a leaf, no In this section, we instantiate our framework on three im-
two nodes on that path have the same label. A decision tree portant classes of boolean models and explainability queries.
is simply an FBDD whose underlying graph is a tree. Subsequently, we present our main theorems, facilitating a
Multilayer Perceptrons. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) comparison of these models in terms of their interpretability.
M with k layers is defined by a sequence of weight matrices We start by recalling the notion of counterfactual, that is
W(1) , . . . , W(k) , bias vectors b(1) , . . . , b(k) , and activation the explainability notion in the ‘if only’ case, whose com-
functions a(1) , . . . , a(k) . Given an instance x, we inductively plexity has been investigated in [Barceló et al., 2020].
We define the distance measure between two instances
define h(i) = a(i) (h(i 1) W(i) + b(i) ) with i ⇤ {1, . . . , k},
x, y ⇤ {0, 1}n as the number of features where they differ.
assuming that h(0) = x. The output of M on x is defined n
Formally, d(x, y) = i=1 |xi ⇥ yi | is the number of indexes
as M(x) = h(k) . In this paper we assume all weights and i ⇤ {1, . . . , n} (i.e., features) where x and y differ.
biases to be rational numbers, i.e. belonging to Q. We say
that an MLP as defined above has (k ⇥ 1) hidden layers. The Definition 1 (Counterfactual). Given a pre-trained model M
size of an MLP M, denoted by |M|, is the total size of its and an instance x, an instance y is said to be a counterfac-
weights and biases, in which the size of a rational number pq tual of x iff i) M(x) = M(y), and ii) there exists no other
instance z = y s.t. M(x) = M(z) and d(x, z) < d(x, y).
is log2 (p) + log2 (q) (with the convention that log2 (0) = 1).
We focus on MLPs in which all internal functions Example 3. Continuing with our running example (see Fig-
a(1) , . . . , a(k 1) are the ReLU function relu(x) = ure 1), for x1 = [0, 1, 1] we have that y3 = [1, 0, 1] is the only
max(0, x). Usually, MLP binary classifiers are trained using counterfactual of x1 w.r.t. M (herein, d(x1 , y3 ) = 2).
the sigmoid as the output function a(k) . Nevertheless, when The following represents the natural decision version of the
an MLP classifies an input (after training), it takes decisions problem of finding a couterfactual for x [Barceló et al., 2020].
by simply using the preactivations, also called logits. Based
on this and on the fact that we only consider already trained
INPUT: Model M, instance x, and k ⇤ N.
MLPs, we can assume w.l.o.g. that the output function a(k)
OUTPUT: Y ES, if there exists an instance y with
is the binary step function, defined as step(x) = 0 if x < 0,
d(x, y) k and M(x) = M(y);
and step(x) = 1 if x ⌃ 0.
N O, otherwise.
Perceptrons. A perceptron is an MLP with no hidden lay-
ers (i.e., k = 1). That is, a perceptron M is defined by a Theorem 1 ([Barceló et al., 2020]). MCR is i) in PTIME for
pair (W, b) such that W ⇤ Qn◊1 and b ⇤ Q, and the out- FBDDs and perceptrons, and ii) NP-complete for MLPs.
put is M(x) = step(x W + b). Because of its particular We follow a standard assumption about the relationship
structure, a perceptron is usually defined as a pair (w, b) with between model interpretability and computational complex-
w = WT a rational vector and b a rational number. The out- ity [Barceló et al., 2020] which states that a class A of mod-
put of M(x) is then 1 iff x · w + b ⌃ 0, where x · w denotes els is more interpretable than another class B if the computa-
the dot product between x and w. tional complexity of addressing post-hoc queries for models
in B is higher than for those in A.
2.2 Complexity Classes Under the lens of the aforementioned assumption, Theo-
Boolean functions F mapping strings to strings whose output rem 1 states that the class of models ‘perceptron’ and ‘FBDD’
is a single bit are called decision problems. We identify the is strictly more interpretable than the class ‘MLP’, as the
computational problem of computing F (i.e., given an input computational complexity of answering post-hoc queries for
string x compute F(x)) with the problem of deciding whether models in the first two classes is lower than for those in the
F(x) = 1. As an example of F, consider to take as input a latter. These results represent a principled way to confirm
graph G and a number k and return 1 whether there exists a the folklore belief that linear models are more interpretable
than deep neural networks within the context of interpretabil- Models of the form {0, 1}n ⇥ {0, 1}
ity queries for counterfactuals. FBDDs Perceptrons MLPs
An open question is whether the same holds when dealing MCR PTIME PTIME NP-c
with post-hoc queries based on the ’even-if’ thinking setting, MCA PTIME PTIME NP-c
i.e. on semifactuals. Before exploring this research question, BMCR PTIME PTIME NP-c
we formally introduce the concept of semifactual. BMCA PTIME PTIME NP-c
CBMCR coNP coNP coNP-c
Definition 2 (Semifactual). Given a pre-trained model M CBMCA coNP coNP coNP-c
and an instance x, an instance y is said to be a semifactual of L -CBMCR PTIME PTIME coNP-c
x iff i) M(x) = M(y), and ii) there exists no other instance L -CBMCA PTIME PTIME coNP-c
z = y s.t. M(x) = M(z) and d(x, z) > d(x, y).
Table 1: Complexity of explainability queries. For any class C, C-c
Similar to counterfactuals, the following problem is the de-
means C-complete. Grey-colored cells refer to known results.
cision version of the problem of finding a semifactual of an
instance x with a model M.
4 Preferences over Explanations
INPUT: Model M, instance x, and k ⇤ N. The problem of preference handling has been extensively
OUTPUT: Y ES, if there exists an instance y with studied in AI. Several formalisms have been proposed to ex-
d(x, y) ⌃ k and M(x) = M(y); press and reason with different kinds of preferences [Brafman
N O, otherwise. and Domshlak, 2009; Rossi et al., 2011; Santhanam et al.,
2016]. In the field of logic programming under stable model
The complexity of MCA is as follows. semantics (a.k.a. Answer Set Programming - ASP), multi-
Theorem 2. MCA is i) in PTIME for FBDDs and percep- ple formalisms introducing preferences over atoms to filter
trons, and ii) NP-complete for MLPs. out models have been suggested. In the following, in order
Proof. (Sketch) (Perceptron). MCA (optimization) problem to express preferences over semifactuals and counterfactuals,
under perceptrons can be formulated in ILP as follows: we introduce a novel approach inspired to that proposed in
⇥ n n [Brewka et al., 2003] for ASP, whose semantics is based on
i=1 wi (2xi ⇥ 1)zi
i=1 wi xi the degree to which preference rules are satisfied.
max zi subject to
zi ⇤ {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n
i=1 Syntax. Input instances are of the form x = (x1 , ..., xn )
where zi = 1 if we decide to change the feature i, 0 other- in {0, 1}n . Each xi (with i ⇤ [1, n]) represents the value of
wise, for each i = 1, · · · , n. Notice that the above formu- feature fi , and the (equality) atom fi = xi denotes that the
lation corresponds to the standard (max-) Knapsack problem value of feature fi in x is equal to xi .
where each item has value 1 and weight wi (2xi ⇥ 1), and the A simple preference is an expression of the form (fi =
bag has capacity i=1 wi xi . The Knapsack problem is, in x⇥i ) (fj = x⇥⇥j ); it intuitively states that we prefer semi-
the general case, NP-Hard [Papadimitriou, 1994]. However, factuals (resp., counterfactuals) where fi = x⇥i w.r.t. those
MCA corresponds to a special instance of Knapsack where where fj = x⇥⇥j . To simplify the notation, an equality atom
every item has the same cost that can be solved in polynomial of the form fi = 1 is written as a positive atom fi , whereas
time with a greedy strategy, from which the result follows. an atom of the form fi = 0 is written as a negated atom ¬fi .
(FBDD). Let Mu be the FBDD obtained by restricting Positive and negated atoms are also called (feature) literals.
M to the nodes that are (forward-)reachable from u and Definition 3 (Preference rule). Let I = {f1 , ..., fn } be the
mcau (x) = max{k ⇥ | ⌦y. d(x, y) = k ⇥ ↵ Mu (y)=M(x)} set of input features. A preference rule is of the form:
(that can be comptuted in PTIME). For y maximizing k ⇥ it
holds that yu = xu holds u⇥ from the root of M to u ex- ⇥1 ··· ⇥k ⇥k+1 ↵ · · · ↵ ⇥m (1)
cluded. Let r be the root of M. Then, we can show that
with m ⌃ k ⌃ 2, and any ⇥i ⇤ {f1 , ¬f1 , . . . fn , ¬fn } is a
(M, x, k) is a positive instance of MCA iff mcar (x) ⌃ k.
(feature) literal, with i ⇤ [1, n].
(MLP) The following algorithm provides the membership in
NP. Guess an instance y and check in PTIME that d(x, y) In (1), ⇥1 ··· ⇥k is called head (or consequent),
⌃ k and M(x) = M(y). We prove the hardness with a poly- whereas ⇥k+1 ↵ · · · ↵ ⇥m is called body (or antecedent). We
nomial reduction from I NDEPENDENT S ET, which is known assume that literals in the head are distinct. Intuitively, when-
to be NP-complete [Papadimitriou, 1994]. ever ⇥k+1 , · · · , ⇥m are true, then ⇥1 is preferred over ⇥2 ,
which is preferred over ⇥3 , and so on until ⇥k 1 which is
It turns out that, under standard complexity assumptions, preferred over ⇥k . As usual, when the body of the rule is
computing semifactuals under perceptrons and FBDDs is eas- empty, the implication symbol is omitted.
ier than under multi-layer perceptrons. Moreover, indepen-
dently of the type of the model, computing semifactuals is Definition 4 (BCMP framework). A (binary classification)
as hard as computing counterfactuals (cf. Table 1). Thus, model with preferences (BCMP) framework is a pair (M, )
perceptrons and FBDDs are strictly more interpretable than where M is a model and 1 a set of preference rules over
MLPs, in the sense that the complexity of answering post- features of M.
hoc queries for models in the first two classes is lower than 1
With a little abuse of notation, we use ⇤ to denote both a set of
for those in the latter. preference and the preference relation among feature literals.
Example 4. The BCMP framework 1 = (M, {f1 ¬f2 }), Lemma 1. For any framework (M, ) and instances y, z of
where M is the model presented in Example 1, encodes the M, deciding whether y ⇥ z can be done in PTIME.
user’s preference specified in Example 2. Consider now the The next two problems ask if there exists a best explanation
framework 2 obtained from 1 by replacing the preference in the even-if and if-only thinking, respectively.
rule with f1 ¬ f2 ¬f3 . Intuitively, this preference rule
encodes a user preference for explanations where, whenever PROBLEM: B EST MCR (BMCR)
the work is not on-site (i.e., ¬f3 holds), (s)he prefers semifac- INPUT: BCMP framework (M, ), instance x,
tuals/counterfactuals where the contract is part-time (i.e., f1 and k ⇤ N.
holds) and, if this is not possible, (s)he prefers those where the OUTPUT: Y ES, if there exists an instance y with
mortgage duration is not longer than 30 years (i.e., ¬f2 ). d(x, y) k and M(x) = M(y) that is
Semantics. The preference rules determine a preference or- best w.r.t. ✏; N O, otherwise.
dering ✏ on the semifactual/counterfactual explanations of an
instance x w.r.t. a model M, as shown in what follows. PROBLEM: B EST MCA (BMCA)
Let us consider a semifactual or counterfactual explanation INPUT: BCMP framework (M, ), instance x,
y and a preference ⇤ of the form (1), the following three sit- and k ⇤ N.
uations are possible: OUTPUT: Y ES, if there exists an instance y with
(a) the body of ⇤ is not satisfied in y;2 d(x, y) ⌃ k and M(x) = M(y) that is
(b) the body of ⇤ is satisfied in y and at least one head literal best w.r.t. ✏; N O, otherwise.
is true in y;
Theorem 3. BMCR and BMCA are i) in PTIME for FB-
(c) the body of ⇤ is satisfied in y and none of the head liter-
DDs and perceptrons, and ii) NP-complete for MLPs.
als is satisfied in y.
Thus, preferences do not make the existence problem
In the cases a) and b) we say that y satisfies ⇤ respectively harder. Consider now the problems of checking whether a
with degree 1 and min({l | y satisfies ⇥l with l k}) (de- given instance y is a best counterfactual or semifactual of x.
noted as ⌅(y, ⇤)), while in case (c) we say that y does not sat-
isfy ⇤ and the associated degree is ⌅(y, ⇤) = +⇣. Intuitively, PROBLEM: C HECK B EST MCR (CBMCR)
⌅(y, ⇤) represents the position of the first feature literal sat- INPUT: BCMP (M, ), instances x, y with
isfied in the ordered list provided in the head of a preference d(x, y) = k, and M(x) = M(y).
rule; however, it can be 1 if y satisfies the first literal ⇥1 or if OUTPUT: Y ES, if there is no z with M(x) = M(z)
the rule is irrelevant (case a). If the rule is relevant (the body and either d(x, z) k ⇥ 1, or d(x, z) = k
is satisfied) and no head literal is satisfied, then it is +⇣. and z ⇥ y; N O, otherwise
Thus, given a BCMP framework (M, ), an instance x and
two (semifactual/counterfactual) explanations y and z for M PROBLEM: C HECK B EST MCA (CBMCA)
and x, we write y ✏ z iff ⌅(y, ⇤) ⌅(z, ⇤) for all preference INPUT: BCMP (M, ), instances x, y with
⇤ in , and write y ⇥ z iff y ✏ z and z ✏ y. d(x, y) = k, and M(x) = M(y).
Definition 5 (Semantics). Given a BCMP framework (M, ) OUTPUT: Y ES if there is no z with M(x) = M(z)
and an instance x. We say that y is a best semifactual (resp., and either d(x, z) ⌃ k + 1 or d(x, z) = k
counterfactual) explanation of x if y is a semifactual (resp., and z ⇥ y; N O, otherwise.
counterfactual) of x and there is no other semifactual (resp.,
counterfactual) z of x such that z ⇥ y. Theorem 4. CBMCR and CBMCA are i) in coNP for FB-
DDs and perceptrons, and ii) coNP-complete for MLPs.
Example 5. Continuing with Example 4, considering the in-
stances y1 = [0, 0, 0] and y2 = [1, 1, 0], we have that y1 and We now focus on a simpler yet expressive class of BCMPs
y2 satisfy ⇤ = f1 ¬ f2 ¬f3 with degree ⌅(y1 , ⇤) = 2 where a fixed linear order is defined over a subset of features.
and ⌅(y2 , ⇤) = 1 since the second and first literal in the head Definition 6 (Linear BCMP framework). A linear (binary
of ⇤ is satisfied in y1 and y2 , respectively, and the body of ⇤ classification) model with preferences framework is a pair
is satisfied by both of them. Then, y2 ⇥ y1 , and thus y2 is (M, ) where M is a model, and consists of a linear pref-
the only best semifactual of x. erence rule, that is a single preference rule of the form (1)
with empty body.
4.1 Computational Complexity Example 6. Considering Example 4, the BCMP framework
We now investigate the complexity of several problems re- 1 is linear, whereas 2 is not.
lated to prioritized reasoning for explanations in order to We use L -CBMCA and L -CBMCR to denote CBMCA
compare model classes, even under prioritized reasoning. and CBMCR where the input BCMP is linear. The follow-
We start by introducing the following lemma that will be ing theorem states that linear preferences do not increase the
used in the proof of the next theorems. Intuitively, the lemma complexity in the case of perceptrons and FBDDs, though
states that checking whether y ✏ z can be done in PTIME. they allow expressing user-specific desiderata among queries.
A positive (resp., negative) atom fi (resp., ¬fi ) is satisfied in Theorem 5. L -CBMCA and L -CBMCR are in PTIME for
y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) whenever yi = 1 (resp., yi = 0). perceptrons and FBDDs.
Algorithm 1 Computing a (best) semifactual for perceptrons the feature fk+1 (i.e., yk+1 = xk+1 ) whenever xpi = ypi .
Input: Perceptron M = (W, b), instance x ⇤ {0, 1}n , and Roughly speaking, the so-obtained feature fj minimally con-
linear preference ⇤ = fp1 · · · fpl . tributes to determine the value M(y) and keeps the distance
Output: A best semifactual y for x w.r.t. M and ⇤. equal to k. Finally, if there exist no other semifactual z for x
s.t. z ⇥ y, then y is returned at Line 13.
1: Let s = [f1 /s1 , . . . , fn /sn ] where i ⇤ [1, n],
si = 2xi wi ⇥ wi if M(x) = 1, wi ⇥ 2xi wi otherwise; Example 7. Consider the model M = step(x · [⇥2, 2, 0] +
2: Let s⇥ = [fq1 /sq1 , ..., fqn /sqn ] be the sorted version of s 1) of Example 1, the instance x = [0, 1, 1] and the linear
preference f1 f2 . We have that s = [f1 /2, f2 /2, f3 /0],
in ascending order of si ;
s⇥ = [f3 /0, f2 /2, f1 /2] and k = 2. Thus y = [0, 0, 0] with
3: k = max({i ⇤ [0, n] | M(flip(x, pos(s⇥ , i))=M(x)});
⌅ = 3. As y2 = 1 and x2 = y2 , Algorithm 1 returns z =
4: if k = 0 return x; flip(y, [2, j]) = [1, 1, 0] with j = q3 = 1 and ⌅ = 1.
5: if k = n return [1 ⇥ x1 , . . . , 1 ⇥ xn ];
We now present Algorithm 2 for the FBDD model.
6: y = flip(x, pos(s⇥ , k));
It starts by creating a copy M⇥ of M where edge labels, as-
7: ⌅ = min({i ⇤ [1, l] | ypi = 1} ⌘ {l + 1});
signed by function E , represent boolean values correspond-
8: for i ⇤ [1, ..., ⌅ ⇥ 1] do ing to whether or not the edge is in line with x. Formally,
9: if ypi = 1 return y; E (u, v) = 1 if x V (u) = E (u, v); 0 otherwise. Intuitively,
10: Let j = q1 if xpi = ypi , j = qk+1 otherwise; let ⇧ be a path in M from root t to leaf nodes representing
11: z = flip(y, {pi , j}); M(x) (i.e., to ⌅ if M(x) = 1, ⇧ otherwise), and let w be
12: if M(x) = M(z) return z; the weight of ⇧ computed as the sum of (boolean) weights on
13: return y; the edges of ⇧. By following the path ⇧, it is possible to build
a semifactual for x of distance n ⇥ w. To this end, at Line 2
a graph N isomorphic to M⇥ w.r.t. V , is built with function
4.2 Computation subgraph by keeping all the paths in M⇥ ending in M (x)
and having minimum weight. All such paths are stored in ⇥
We now introduce two algorithms for computing a best semi-
at Line 3. Then, the algorithm checks if it is possible to build
factual instance for perceptrons and FBDDs, respectively.
a semifactual y for x satisfying fp1 , otherwise fp2 , and so on.
Both algorithms take as input a model M, an instance x, and
Particularly, assuming to be at step fpi for some fpi in ⇤, if
a linear preference ⇤, and returns a best semifactual explana-
there exists a path ⇧ ⇤ ⇥ and the feature fpi can be set to 1 in
tion. For the sake of the presentation, w.l.o.g., we assume that
y (that is the condition of Line 5) then a best semifactual y of
head literals are positive atoms (i.e., ⇥i = fi for all i).
x is obtained from x by flipping every features i of x not ap-
We start with Algorithm 1 for the perceptron model.
pearing in ⇧ (i.e., V (u) = i for any node u in ⇧) or differing
Initially, a list s of pairs feature/weight is built, where the
in the assignment given by ⇧ (i.e., there is no edge (u, v) ⇤ ⇧
each weight takes into account the contribution of the associ-
s.t. V (u) = i and E (u, v) = 0). More formally, the func-
ated feature to the result (Line 1). At Line 2 the list is sorted in
tion build(x, ⇧) returns the instance y = flip(x, {i ⇤ [1, n] |
ascending order of weights, giving a new list s⇥ . Next the fea-
(u, v) ⇤ ⇧ such that V (u)=i and E (u, v)=1}). Finally, if
ture values of x are changed to get a semifactual instance y.
the algorithm does not return a semifactual at Line 6, then at
To change a maximum number k of feature values of x, guar-
Line 8 it returns a semifactual y of x that satisfies none of the
anteeing that the output of the model M(x) does not change,
fpi s, obtained from x through function build(x, ⇧) where ⇧
the order in s⇥ is followed. To this end, the following func-
is a path taken non-deterministically from ⇥.
tions are introduced: i) pos(s⇥ , i), computing the set of the
positions in s of the first i features in s⇥ , and ii) flip(y, B), Example 8. Consider the FBDD M = (V, E, V , E ) in
with y = [y1 , ..., yn ], updating every element yi such that Figure 2(left) for the mortgage scenario of Example 1. Let
i ⇤ B with the complementary value 1⇥yi . Notice that k = 0 x = [0, 1, 1] and ⇤ = f2 f1 . For each edge (u, v) ⇤
means that x is the only semifactual for x, (returned at Line E, Figure 2(center) shows the value E (u, v) (computed at
4), whereas k = n means that [1 ⇥ x1 , . . . , 1 ⇥ xn ] is the only Line 1), while Figure 2(right) shows the graph N obtained
semifactual for x (returned at Line 5). At Line 7 the degree of by removing all the paths ⇧ of M⇥ whose sum of weights is
satisfaction of ⇤ by y is computed; if no feature in ⇤ is satis- greater than w = 1. This means that semifactuals y of x are
fied by y the degree is l+1 (standing for +⇣). The next steps at distance d(x, y) = n ⇥ w = 2. As there exists in N the
(Lines 8-13) search for a better semifactual instance (if any). path ⇧ : (u, u⇥ ), (u⇥ , u⇥⇥ ) where V (u) = 3, V (u⇥ ) = 2,
V (u ) = ⌅, and E (u , u ) = 1 then it is possible to get
⇥⇥ ⇥ ⇥⇥
This is carried out by considering the first ⌅ ⇥ 1 features in ⇤.
Thus, for each feature fpi in ⇤ (i ⇤ [1, ⌅ ⇥ 1]) we have that: a semifactual y from x with x2 = 1. In fact, Algorithm 2
i) if y satisfies fpi , y is a best semifactual and it is returned returns y=build(x, ⇧)=flip(x, {1, 3})=[1, 1, 0] at Line 6.
at Line 9; ii) otherwise an alternative instance z satisfying As stated next, the two algorithms are sound, complete and
feature fpi is generated and, if it is a semifactual then it is return best semifactuals in PTIME.
returned at Line 12. In particular, z is a semifactual instance
only if d(z, x) = d(y, x) and M(z) = M(x). To guaran- Theorem 6. Algorithms 1 and 2 are sound, complete, and
tee that d(z, x) = d(y, x) we either restore feature fq1 in y run in polynomial-time.
by setting it back to yq1 = xq1 whenever xpi = ypi (recall Clearly, the proposed algorithms also work when no pref-
that the first k features of x are flipped at Line 6), or change erences are available, that is when = ✓, returning a generic
t t t
Algorithm 2 Computing a (best) semifactual for FBDDs 0 3 1 0 3 1 3
Input: FBDD M = (V, E, V , E ) with root t, instance x ⇤ 2
{0, 1}n , and linear preference ⇤ = fp1 · · · fpl . 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0

Output: A best semifactual y for x w.r.t. M and ⇤. 1

0 1 2 1
1 1 2 1
1 0 0 0
1: Let M =(V =V, E =E,
⇥ ⇥ ⇥
V = V , E ) be a copy of M, ⇥ ⇥
where E (u, v)=1 if(x V (u) = E (u, v)), 0 otherwise;
2: Let N = subgraph(M⇥ , M(x)); Figure 2: (Left) FBDD model M = (V, E, V , E ) of Exam-
ple 8 with root t and V (t) = 3. (Center) FBDD model M =
3: Let ⇥ be the set of paths in N from t to leaf nodes; (V , E , V , E ) computed at Line 1 of Algorithm 2. (Right)
4: for fpi ⇤ {fp1 , . . . , fpl } do Graph N obtained at Line 2 of Algorithm 2. Squared nodes rep-
5: if ⌦⇧ ⇤ ⇥ with y = build(x, ⇧) and ypi = 1 resent leaf nodes (⌅ for M(·) = 1, and ⇧ for M(·) = 0).
6: return y;
7: Let ⇧ be a path of ⇥ taken non-deterministically; nations, with few addressing the computational complexity
8: return y = build(x, ⇧); of related problems [Barceló et al., 2020; Arenas et al., 2022;
Arenas et al., 2021; Eiben et al., 2023; El Harzli et al., 2023;
Marzari et al., 2023; Ordyniak et al., 2023]. However, none
semifactual at maximum distance. Providing a PTIME algo- of these works specifically focuses on semifactuals.
rithm returning a best semifactual for MLPs is unfeasible, as As discussed earlier, several approaches have been pro-
backed by our complexity analysis. However, as an heuristic, posed to handle preferences in AI. In the context of logic
we could adapt Algorithm 1 so that the scores si s encode fea- programming there has been extensive research on prefer-
ture importance, similarly to what is done in [Ramon et al., ences among rules [Brewka, 1989; Brewka and Eiter, 1999;
2020]—we plan to explore this direction in future work. Delgrande et al., 2003; Eiter et al., 2003; Schaub and Wang,
Observed that, although the number of (best) semifactu- 2001] and among atoms or their combinations [Sakama
als⇤is⌅potentially exponential w.r.t. the number of features (it and Inoue, 2000; Brewka et al., 2003; Greco et al., 2007;
is nk where k represents the maximum number of features Brewka et al., 2015]. Related to this, conditional prefer-
changed in x to obtain semifactuals), Algorithms 1 and 2 can ence networks [Boutilier et al., 2004; Rossi et al., 2004]
be exploited to obtain a finite representation of all semifac- offer an alternative formalism that allows to express sets of
tuals. For instance, all semifactuals of x in Algorithm 2 are conditional ceteris paribus (i.e. all else being equal) prefer-
those obtained from x by considering all paths in ⇧ ⇤ ⇥, that ence statements [Allen et al., 2017; Goldsmith et al., 2008;
is the set {build(x, ⇧) such that ⇧ ⇤ ⇥}. Lukasiewicz and Malizia, 2019].
Finally, it is important to note that both Algorithms 1 and
2 can be easily adapted to deal with (best) counterfactual ex- 6 Conclusions and Future Works
planations, as shown in the Supplementary Material. In this paper, after exploring local post-hoc interpretability
queries related to semifactuals and their computational com-
5 Related Work plexity among three classes of models (FBDDs, perceptrons,
and MLPs), we introduced a framework that enables users
Looking for transparent and interpretable models has led to to personalize semifactual and counterfactual explanations
the exploration of several explanation paradigms in eXplain- based on preferences. Then, we investigated the complexity
able AI (XAI). Factual explanations [Ciravegna et al., 2020; of the proposed framework and presented PTIME algorithms.
Guidotti et al., 2018; Bodria et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2021; Our approach to handle preferences over semifac-
Ciravegna et al., 2023] elucidate the inner workings of AI tual/counterfactual explanations is inspired by the Answer Set
models by delineating why a certain prediction was made Optimization approach [Brewka et al., 2003]. In particular,
based on the input data. Counterfactual explanations [Der- conditional preferences among features are defined by means
vakos et al., 2023; Romashov et al., 2022; Albini et al., 2020; of preference rules, the satisfaction of each rule is evaluated
Wu et al., 2019; Guidotti, 2022], delve into hypothetical sce- quantitatively, whereas the overall preference order is defined
narios, revealing alternative input configurations that could in a qualitative way. The main advantages of such approach
have resulted in a different prediction. These explanations consist in the simplicity and compactness of representation,
offer insights into the model’s decision boundaries and aid in and combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
understanding its behavior under varied circumstances. Semi- As future work, we plan to explore additional interpretabil-
factual explanations [Dandl et al., 2023; Aryal and Keane, ity queries, particularly focusing on counting problems like
2023; Kenny and Keane, 2021] bridge the gap between fac- quantifying the number of semifactuals/counterfactuals for
tual and counterfactual realms by presenting feasible alter- specific input instances, aiming to enhance the evaluation of
ations to the input data that do not change a decision out- interpretability across the three classes of models. Further-
come. This trichotomy of explanation types contributes sig- more, we aim to extend our research by investigating more
nificantly to the holistic comprehension and trustworthiness inclusive model formats, specifically those accommodating
of AI systems, catering to various stakeholders’ needs for real-number inputs and non-binary discrete features, thereby
transparency and interpretability. Most existing works on expanding the breadth of our analysis.
XAI focus on proposing novel methods for generating expla-
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