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Part 1 (8-10 questions)

1. What’s the most popular animal in your country?

2. Have you had a pet when you were young?
3. What animals would you like to have as pets?
4. What animals you wouldn’t want as pets?
5. Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?
6. Are there any wild animals in your country that are not found in any other country?
7. Do people in your country like to have plants at home?
8. What plants are important to the economy in your country?
9. Is it common for people to have gardens where you live?
10. If you had a garden, what kind of plants/food would you grow in it?

Part 2

Describe your favourite animal.

You should say:

• What is it?
• Why do you like this animal?
• Explain why it becomes your favourite animal.
Part 3 (3-4 questions)

1. Is there any endangered animals in your country?

2. What are some inappropriate use of animals?

3. Why do some people refuse to eat meat?

4. Do you think animals should be kept in a zoo? Why/why not?

5. Do you think being cruel to animals is the same as being cruel to other people?

6. What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?

7. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children about protecting wildlife?

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