FPSC Test Session, TEST#1

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FPSC Test Session, TEST#1 Total points 41/100

House Of knowledge Academy

227A-N Block Model Town Extension Lahore.
FPSC Written/MCQs Exams Phase III

Test Prepared By:

1-Tauqeer Ahmad Gondal
ADPP- Govt Of Punjab
2- Muqarrab Riaz Cheema
Pakistan Custom
3- Hafiz M. Ahmad Ansari
Pakistan Custom
4- Kafait Ullah& Muhammad Waqas (Lecturer)
"“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
1- "“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
2- "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have" - Thomas Jefferson

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Muhammad Atif Javaid S/o Javaid Iqbal

Q#1: They ……… (Live) in Lahore for ten years. 1/1

A. are living
A. are living

B. were living

C. has been living

D. have been living

Q#2: At the moment the child ………. (play) in the garden. 1/1

A. playing

B. plays

C. is playing

D. has been playing

Q#3: I ………. (Tell) you already about it. 1/1

A. told

B. have told

C. tells

D. am telling

Q#4: If you ………. (study) hard, you will secure a first division. 1/1

A. studied

B. study

C. have studies

D. are study
. a e study

Q#5: She … (pass) the post office on her way to school every day. 1/1

A. is passing

B. has been passing

C. passes

D. passed

Q#6: He ………. (Read) since morning. 1/1

A. have been reading

B. has been reading

C. is reading

D. had been reading

Q#7: This pen ………. (cost) me ten rupees. 0/1

A. costs

B. costing

C. has cost

D. costed
. costed

Correct answer

C. has cost

Q#8: The bell ………. (Ring) just now. 0/1

A. rings

B. ringing

C. rung

D. has rung

Correct answer

D. has rung

Q#9: She ………. (Attend) college since 4th July. 1/1

A. has been attending

B. attends

C. Ii attending

D. attended

Q#10: Why ………. You (come) late every day? 1/1

A. do you come

B did you came

B. did you came

C. have you come

D. did you come

Q#11: When he ………. (Meet) you, he will love you. 0/1

A. will meet

B. Ii meeting

C. meets

D. has met

Correct answer

C. meets

Q#12: If you ……… (be) hungry, you can eat. 1/1

A. Being

B. Are

C. Have been

D. Will be

Q#13: He ……… (suffer) from malaria since day before yesterday. 1/1

A. has been suffering

B. have been suffering


C. suffers

D. is suffering

Q#14: Where ………. He ……… (go) to play in the evening. 1/1

A. did, go

B. has, gone

C. does, go

D. does, going

Q#15: What time ………. You …….. (reach) home in the evening. 0/1

A. do, reach

B. does, reach

C. did, reached

D. have, reached

Correct answer

A. do, reach

Q#16: He ……… (arrive) before I came. 1/1

A. was arriving

B is arriving
B. is arriving

C. had arrived

D. has been arriving

Q#17: If you ………. (work) hard, you would have passed. 0/1

A. have worked hard

B. had worked hard

C. have been working hard

D. worked hard

Correct answer

B. had worked hard

Q#18: When I reached his home, he ………. (sleep) 0/1

A. has slept

B. had sleep

C. was sleeping

D. slept

Correct answer

C. was sleeping
Q#19: When he left this morning, the sun ………. (shine) 0/1

A. shines

B. has shone

C. had shone

D. was shining

Correct answer

C. had shone

Q#20: Last year, it ………. (not rain) heavily. 0/1

A. did not rain

B. had not rain

C. has not rain

D. was not rain

Correct answer

B. had not rain

Q#21: He ………. (be) here early next month. 1/1

A. was

B. has been

C. had been

D. will be

Q#22: He ………. (leave) for Multan next week. 0/1

A. will leave

B. shall leave

C. going to leave

D. will be leaving

Correct answer

A. will leave

Q#23: The peon ………. (ring) the bell by 10’O clock. 1/1

A. Shall ringing

B. Will ringing
g g

C. Shall have rung

D. Will have rung

Q#24: It ………. (rain) for three hours. 0/1

A. Shall raining

B. Will raining

C. Shall have been raining

D. Will have been raining

Correct answer

D. Will have been raining

Q#25: I don’t think we ………. (meet) again. 1/1

A. are meeting

B. will be meeting

C. will meet

D. can ,meet

(General Ability)
Q#26: If a:b=3:4, b:c=7:9, then find a:b:c? 1/1

A. 3:4/7:9

B. 21:28:36

C. 36:28:21

D. None of these

Q#27: If a:b=2:3, b:c=6:9, c:d=5:7, find a:d? 0/1

A. 2:7

B. 2/3:5/7

C. 20:63

D. None of these

Correct answer

C. 20:63
Q#28: Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50%more than a third 0/1
number. The ratio of the two numbers is:

A. 4:5

B. 2:5

C. 5:3

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. 4:5

Q#29: The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2:3:5. If the increments of 15%, 1/1
10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be
new ratio of their salaries?

A. 3:2:4

B. 23:22:24

C. 23:33:60

D. None of these
Q#30: Two numbers are in the ratio 3:5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the 0/1
new numbers are in the ratio 12:23. The smaller number is:

A. 30

B. 33

C. 36

D. 15

Correct answer

B. 33

Q#31: A town with a population of 1000 has provision for 30 days, after 10 0/1
days 6000 more men added, how long will the food last at the same rate?

A. 10 days

B. 11 days

C. 12 days

D. None of these

Correct answer

D. None of these

Correct Answer: 12.5 Days

Q#32: If 0.75:X::5:8, then x is equal to: 0/1

A. 1.12

B. 1.2

C. 1.25

D. 1.30

Correct answer

B. 1.2

Q#33: The fourth proportional to 5,8, 15 is: 1/1

A. 18

B. 24

C. 19

D. 20

Q#34: If A and B are in the ratio 3:4, and B and C in the ratio 12:13, then A 1/1
and C will be in the ratio:

A. 3:13
B. 9:13

C. 36:13

D. 13:9

Q#35: If A:b = 2:3 and B:C= 4:5 then A:B:C is: 1/1

A. 2:3:5

B. 5:4:6

C. 8:12:15

D. 6:4:5

Q#36: If A:B=2:3, B:C=4:5, and C:D=5:9, then A:D is equal to: 1/1

A. 11:17

B. 8:27

C. 5:9

D. 2:9

Q#37:What must be added to each term of the ratio 7:11, so as to make it 0/1
equal to 3:4?

A. 8

B. 7.5

C. 6.5
D. 5

Correct answer

D. 5

Q#38:The third proportion to 9 and 12 is? 1/1

A. 14

B. 16

C. 18

D. 20

Q#39: If 76 is divided into four parts proportional to 7,5,3,4, then the 0/1
smallest part is:

A. 12

B. 15

C. 16

D. 19

Correct answer

A. 12
Q#40: In a college the ratio of the number of boys to girls is 8:5, If there are 0/1
160 girls, the total number of students in the college is:

A. 100

B. 250

C. 260

D. 416

Correct answer

D. 416

Q#41: If x:y=3:4 and y:z=8:9, Find x:z? 0/1

A. 2:3

B. 3:8

C. 4:5

D. 3:9

Correct answer

A. 2:3
Q#42: If A:b=2:3, B:C=4:5, and C:D=6:7, Find A:B:C:D? 1/1

A. 15:24:30:35

B. 16:24:30:35

C. 17:24:30:35

D. 18:24:30:35

Q#43: What number must be subtracted from each term of ratio 13:8, so 0/1
that new ratio becomes 2:1?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Correct answer

A. 3
Q#44: The ratio of two numbers is 7:9. If 4 is added to each number then 0/1
ratio between them 4:5. Find the difference between both numbers.

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

Correct answer

D. 8

Q#45: Salaries of Aslam and Akram are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of 0/1
each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is
Akram's salary?

A. 17000

B. 20000

C. 25000

D. 38000

Correct answer

D. 38000
Q#46: If 40% of a number is equal to two third og another number, what is 0/1
the ratio of first number to the second number?

A. 2:5

B. 3:7

C. 5:3

D. 7:3

Correct answer

C. 5:3

Q#47: The ratio of As salary to Bs was 4 : 5. As salary is increased by 10% 0/1

and Bs by 20%, what is the ratio of their salaries now?

A. 11:15

B. 11:55

C. 11:66

D. 11:33

Correct answer

A. 11:15
Q#48: The monthly salary of a person is Rs 12,000 and his monthly 1/1
expenditure is Rs 8,500. Find the ratio of his salary to expenditure

A. 23:18

B. 13:21

C. 24:17

D. 19:28

Q#49: The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7:8. If the 0/1
percentage increase in the number of boys and girls by 20% and 10%
respectively, what will be the new ratio?

A. 8:9

B. 17:18

C. 21:22

D. None of these

Correct answer

C. 21:22
Q#50: The ratio of number of boys to girls in a class is 1 : 25. If 36 more 1/1
girls join the ratio becomes 1 : 28. The number of boys in the class is:

A. 24

B. 32

C. 12

D. 48


Q#51: There are ____ Makki Surahs in Holy Quran: 1/1





Q#52: There are ____ Madni Surahs in Holy Quran: 1/1

A. 27
B. 28

C. 29

D. 30

Q#53: There are ____ Rukus in Holy Quran: 1/1

A. 548

B. 558

C. 568

D. 578

Q#54: ___ is the preface of the Holy Quran. 1/1

A. Fatiha

B. Yaseen

C. Rehman

D. Ikhlas

Q#55: ______ verses were reveled in the first wahi: 1/1

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 9

Q#56: Who was the first Hafiz Quran among Sahaba? 0/1

A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)

B. Hazrat Zaid (R.A)

C. Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A)

D. Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

Correct answer

D. Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

Q#57: How many ______ Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran: 0/1

A. 10

B. 12

C. 14

D. 16

Correct answer

B. 12
Q#58: Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is addressed as Ahmed in 0/1
which verse of Surah Saff?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Correct answer

D. 6

Q#59: How many Surah in Holy Quran started with the word Qul: 0/1

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 7

Correct answer

A. 5
Q#60: Which Surah in Holy Quran is known as Surah Widah? 0/1

A. Surah e Fatah

B. Surah e Al Nasr

C. Surah e Al Naas

D. None Of These

Correct answer

B. Surah e Al Nasr

Q#61: The word Islam Occurs _____ times in Holy Quran is 0/1

A. 6

B. 5

C. 4

D. 7

Correct answer

A. 6
Q#62: Who ______ applied the dots in the Holy Quran? 0/1

A. Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz

B. Hassan Basri

C. Abdul Bin Marwan

D. Hajjaj Bin Yousaf

Correct answer

C. Abdul Bin Marwan

Q#63:Who ___ applied diacritical points in Holy Quran? 0/1

A. Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz

B. Hassan Basri

C. Abdul Bin Marwan

D. Hajjaj Bin Yousaf

Correct answer

D. Hajjaj Bin Yousaf

Q#64: How many Prophets mentioned in holy Quran? 0/1

A. 24

B. 25

C. 26

D. 27

Correct answer

B. 25

Q#65: Holy Quran was reveled in how many years and months? 1/1

A. 18 years and 10 months

B. 23 years and 5 months

C. 22 years and 5 months

D. 21 years and 5 months

Q#66: Second longest Surah in Holy Quran is: 0/1

A. Surah-e-Al Imran

B. Surah-e- Maryam

C. Surah-e-Yousuf

D. Surah-e-Al Baqarah

Correct answer

A. Surah-e-Al Imran

Q#67: How many number of stones mentioned in Holy Quran? 0/1

A. 3

B. 2

C. 1

D. None of these

Correct answer

B. 2
Q#68: Surah e Ankaboot in Holy Quran Means: 0/1

A. Ant

B. Pigeon

C. Spider

D. None of these

Correct answer

C. Spider

Q#69: Surah e Naml in Holy Quran Means: 0/1

A. Ant

B. Pigeon

C. Spider

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Ant
Q#70: Surah e Zukhruf in Holy Quran Means: 0/1

A. Ornaments of Gold

B. Luxury

C. The Embellishment

D. All of the Above

Correct answer

A. Ornaments of Gold

Q#71: Prophet Hazrat Adam (A.S) grave in: 1/1

A. Egypt

B. Syria

C. Iraq

D. Saudi Arabia
Q#72: The title Abu ul Bashr Sani for which Prophet? 0/1

A. Hazrat Sheesh (A.S)

B. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

C. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

D. Hazrat Noah (A.S)

Correct answer

D. Hazrat Noah (A.S)

Q#73: Azab of Mosquitoes was sent to the nation of which Prophet? 0/1

A. Hazrat Sheesh (A.S)

B. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

C. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

D. Hazrat Noah (A.S)

Correct answer

B. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

Q#74: Grave of Prophet Hazrat Loot (A.S) is in: 1/1

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Turkey

D. Israel

Q#75: Which Prophet discovered Hijr e Aswad: 0/1

A. Hazrat Ismaeel(A.S)

B. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

C. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

D. Hazrat Noah (A.S)

Correct answer

A. Hazrat Ismaeel(A.S)

Q#76: Which Prophet expert in astronomy: 1/1

A. Hazrat Ismaeel(A.S)

B. Hazrat Idrees (A.S)

( )

C. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

D. Hazrat Younus (A.S)

Q#77: The event of ring is related to which Prophet? 1/1

A. Hazrat Ishaq(A.S)

B. Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S)

C. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

D. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)

Q#78: Which Prophet crossed the Red Sea? 1/1

A. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

B. Hazrat Ismeel (A.S)

C. Hazrat Younus (A.S)

D. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

Q#79: Which Prophet was famous for his Patience? 0/1

A. Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

B. Hazrat Ayub (A.S)

C. Hazrat Ishaq (A.S)

D Hazrat Moosa (A S)
D. Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

Correct answer

B. Hazrat Ayub (A.S)

Q#80: How many Prophets send to Bani Israil? 0/1

A. 3

B. 5

C. 4

D. 6

Correct answer

C. 4

Q#81: Prophet Dawood (A.S) has the title: 1/1

A. Kaleem Ullah

B. Habib Ullah

C. Najeeb Ullah

D. Zabih Ullah
Q#82: Prophet Yousuf (A.S) remained in jail for: 0/1

A. 5 Years

B. 6 Years

C. 7Years

D. 8 Years

Correct answer

A. 5 Years

Q#83: Maternal Grand Father’s name of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) ? 0/1

A. Hazrat Abdullah (R.A)

B. Hazrat Wahab ibn Abdulmanaf

C. Hazrat AbdulMutlib

D. None of above

Correct answer

B. Hazrat Wahab ibn Abdulmanaf

Q#84: Maternal Grandmother name of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) ? 1/1

A. Hazrat Amna (R.A)

B. Hazrat Sakeena (R.A)

C. Hazrat Batarah

D. None of these

Q#85: Real name of Abdu Mutalib was ? 0/1

A. Wahib

B. Shaiba ibn Hashim

C. Abdullah

D. None of these

Correct answer

B. Shaiba ibn Hashim

Q#86: Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from: 1/1

A. three orphans (Saim, Sehl and Sohail)

B. four orphans

C. two orphans (Sehl and Sohail)

D. five orphans

Q#87: ………. was the foster sister of Holy Prophet: 1/1

A. Sheema

B. Asma

C. Amna

D. Sadia

Q#88: Charter of Madina had ____ Articles: 0/1

A. 53

B. 56

C. 59

D. 65

Correct answer

A. 53
Q#89: Second migration to Habshah took place in: 0/1

A. 611 A.D

B. 613 A.D

C. 616 A.D

D. 619 A.D

Correct answer

C. 616 A.D

Q#90: Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in: 0/1

A. 4th Nabvi

B. 7th Nabvi

C. 9th Nabvi

D. 12th Nabvi

Correct answer

B. 7th Nabvi
Q#91: When was occurred Battle of Rajih ? 0/1

A. 4 Hij 626

B. 3 Hij 626

C. 2 Hij 626

D. 1 Hij 626

Correct answer

A. 4 Hij 626

Q#92: When was Treaty of Hudaibiya ? 0/1

A. 6 Hij 628

B. 7 Hij 628

C. 8 Hij 628

D. 9 Hij 628

Correct answer

A. 6 Hij 628
Q#93: When was Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) accepted Islam? 1/1

A. 2 Hij 628

B. 4 Hij 628

C. 6 Hij 628

D. 8 Hij 628

Q#94: When was occurred Battle of Mu'tah ? 0/1

A. 2 Hij 629

B. 5 Hij 629

C. 6 Hij 629

D. 7 Hij 629

Correct answer

D. 7 Hij 629
Q#95: Catapult was used for the first time by the Muslims in _______ battle. 0/1

A. Taif

B. Khyber

C. Khandaq

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Taif

Q#96: The tribes, ________, accepted Islam after the battle of Mota? 0/1

A. Banu Nuzair & Aos

B. Ashja & Ghatfan

C. Bano Aos & Khazraj

D. All of them

Option 5

Correct answer

B. Ashja & Ghatfan

Q#97: After the death of Hazrat Jaffar (RA), the leader of the Muslim army 0/1
was _____ in the battle of Mota.

A. Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)

B. Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA)

C. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

D. None of these

Correct answer

B. Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA)

Q#98: The diplomatic efforts of Naeem bin Masood were successful in the 0/1
Battle of _____.?

A. Khandaq

B. Khyber

C. Tabook

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Khandaq
Q#99: _____ was the tribe of enemy in the Battle of Hunain. 0/1

A. Saqaif

B. Taif

C. Hawazin

D. All of them

Correct answer

D. All of them

Q#100: In _____ battle many salats were missed and offered later on. 0/1

A. Badr

B. Ohad

C. Khandaq

D. Hunain

Correct answer

C. Khandaq

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