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122-0133 Soriano, Jonas S.

“The benefit of few sufferings of millions”

Is it morally right to sacrifice the whole economy for the benefit of a few people? Whatever
your stand on my question, “Inside Job” by Charles Ferguson is either going to change your
opinion or strengthen it by showcasing a documentary of the past economic crisis in 2008. The
film was released on October 8, 2010. The documentary film stars Matt Damon, Jerome Fons,
Berney Frank, Bill Ackman, and many more. The film was directed by Charles Ferguson and
produced by Audrey Mars, and Jeffrey Lurie, alongside Charles Ferguson. The film was created
by Sony Pictures Classic and the filming budget of the movie was $2 million.

The documentary aims to provide a clear view to the public on how banks and billionaires
take advantage of loopholes that result in the economic meltdown. The whole movie moves
around to how the economic meltdown happened and the effect of it and who is responsible
for this economic meltdown. This goal of showcasing the events and the important happening
that played an important part in the crisis was well showcased by the director Charles
Ferguson. The movie takes my interest with its character interaction which is unique in that
everyone is sharing their opinion in an interview setting to further enlighten the knowledge and
eyes of the viewers.

The plot element of the movie surprised me when I first watched it. It showcases the main
problem and it almost starts with a climactic beginning yet it tones it down as the movie
progresses from the start. The starting point of the movie shows the problem at hand and the
views and opinions of credible people about the problem. The rising action sequence of the
movie revolves around a comprehensive analysis of the economic meltdown that happened
together with the effect of the problem and what the solutions may be to the problem. The
climax of the movie is when they conclude the analysis and accept what happened in the crisis
to be able to move forward and never repeat the same mistake.

The overall theme of the movie when it comes to the art of costume, tone, and color is the
formal theme. This formal theme of the movie surprises me because it’s my first time seeing
one and it adds to the total impression of the movie. The documentary type and interview type
of camera setting that the movie uses adds to the credibility of the movie alongside the people
that are being interviewed. The dialogue and the interaction between the interviewer and the
characters being interviewed show professionalism and integrity with the intent of showing the
viewers the real opinion of these people about the crisis.

Director Charles Ferguson is successful in showing the viewers the overall detail of the crisis
and the results of the economic meltdown. The movie serves as a warning in my opinion that if
we let the people in power abuse this power, we the normal civilians are the one that suffers
the consequences of their terrible greed for money and power.

My overall recommendations for people that are planning to watch this movie is to have a
brief understanding of how the economy works and to have an open mind on the opinion of the
characters in the movie. Overall, I’ll recommend this movie to business course students to have
a better understanding of the economic crisis in 2008 and have an overall better understanding
of the economy with the guidance of respectable characters in the movie.

References: (references only use for the general information of the movie)

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