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Article Number: 090010785 @ Pane \VxRail: How to Gather Switch Logs / Switch Grabs ‘Summary: This article details how to gather switch logs/grabs from Dell 4048-ON switches. *The commands should work for other brands and models of switches, as well Audience Level: Customer Article Content Inetructione ‘This article assumes that PUTTY can be used to connect to the ewitch, either remetelyor via a seral connection to the switch, ‘steps: Tn the main PUTTY window, select Session>Logging. 2, Select the All sessions output” option 83. Enter a name forthe log in the ‘Log filename il 4.Click the Browse." button to specify where the ile willbe saved. Log fe name: (recto |e | (Logfile name can contain 8Y. 8M, BD for date, &T for time, 8H forhost name, and &P for port number) ‘What to dof the log fle aeady exsts: OAiways overwnte t ‘Abways append tothe end of t |Aak the user every time Fish log fie frequently ‘Options spect to SSH packet logging [ome known password fields Clome session data 5. Click Session’ and open a connection to the switch wa PUTTY Configuration Category Session Losang Terninal Keyboard Bel Features Aepearar Behawou Trandlaton Selecton Basic option for your PUTTY session want to conn Specty the destination yo. Serial ine Connection type: Rew COTehet © Regn Load, save or delete a sored session Saved Sessions Del-105-USB-Seria Defaut Settings Config VRM—I reCorfig--VAM—192 Pe 168.10.100 Close window on ext Aways Never Open ss Load Save Delete © Oniyon clean ext COM3 - PUTTY Sesont cr lags, This wil 218 a, Repeat the above steps on any 10. Navigate tothe folder that y Article Properties Affected Product Vall Appliance Family Product Vail Appliance Family Last Published Dat 08 May 2023 Version a Article Type HowTo aa

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