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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
10th St. San Martin Subdivision, Brgy. San Isidro, Angono, Rizal


NAME: ___________________________________________________DATE: ___________________________
GRADE & SEC: ____________________________________________SCORE: __________________________
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statement carefully. Choose and write the letter of correct
answer in the space before the number.
__________1. During the early formation of earth, oxygen was said to be scarce, with this kind of
situation what organism was believed to first exist?
A. Aerobic organisms B. Anaerobic organisms C. Fungus D. Protists
___________2. Why did it take millions of years for life to appear on earth after it was formed?
A. The planet had warmed up to sustain life
B. It takes millions of years for RNA to replace DNA
C. The planet had cooled down to sustain life.
D. Life on earth will begin if there are seedling coming from other planets.
___________3. Bacteria and Animals are one of the examples of unicellular and multicellular
organisms respectively. How would you differentiate unicellular and multicellular organisms?
A. Unicellular organisms don’t have plasma membrane while multicellular
organisms do have.
B. All unicellular organism cannot move while all multicellular organisms can move
C. Unicellular organisms lack nucleus and organelles while multicellular organisms
D. Both unicellular and multicellular organisms have short life span.
___________4. It is said that the emergence of plants and animals came later than the simple
living organisms. Why is this so?
A. Plants and Animals are composed of many nuclei compared to that of unicellular
B. The cell structures of this multicellular organisms are more complex.
C. Plants and animals are too big in size which causes them to have a longer time
of development
D. Multicellular organism’ existence is not that important on earth.
___________5. Biology is the study of life which involves different disciplines connected to one
another termed by biologists as ___________ which serves as the bases of the study of Life
Sciences. A. Ecosystem B. Ecology
C. Unifying themes D. None of the preceding
___________6. There are many ways in which plants can survive in a hot and dry desserts. One
example is a plant called succulent that stores water in their short, thick stems and leaves. This
is an example of _________.
A. Reproduction B. Regulation
C. Adaptation D. Evolution
___________7. Which of the following does not show that organisms are interdependent with one
A. Flow of energy from sunlight to producers and consumers as well.
B. Cycling of nutrients, in which materials acquired by plants eventually return to
the soil.
C. A leaf that is thin and flat, maximizes the capture of light by chloroplasts.
D. Insects that pollinate flowers which provides the insect with nectar and pollen
as food.
___________8. Which statement does not describe the image below?

A. Plants perform their task, the food making by getting enough

energy from the sun.
B. The plants are evolving.
C. Abiotic Factors are essential to plants in order for them to grow.
D. Energy transfer from the sun into the plants, was taken into place.

__________9. Bacteria, Planaria, Hydra, Ferns etc. reproduce without the involvement of the
fusion of gametes or changes in the number of chromosomes. What kind of reproduction is
shown by these organisms?

A. Asexual Reproduction B. Sexual Reproduction

C. Both A and B D. None of the preceding
_________10. Freshwater planarians reproduce by tearing themselves into pieces in a process
A. Budding C. Fragmentation
C. Binary Fission D. Parthenogenesis
___________11. Wild fish reproduce in various ways depending on the species of fish. In most
cases, the females release eggs into the water and they are immediately fertilized by sperm from
the male. This type of reproduction is an example of _____________.
A. Asexual Reproduction B. Sexual Reproduction
C. Both A and B D. None of the preceding
__________12. Animals that give birth to their living young which has been developed inside the
body of the parent are called __________ animals.
A. Ovoviviparous B. Oviparous
C. Viviparous D. All of the above
__________13. Whiptail Lizards reproduce their young by developing their own egg into embryo
without fertilization. What kind of reproduction is illustrated in this example?
A. Budding B. Fragmentation
C. Binary Fission D. Parthenogenesis
__________14. Budding and Fragmentation is an example of asexual reproduction in an
organism. How can these two be differentiated from one another?
A. In budding, new organism develops from an outgrowth from a parent’s body
while fragmentation occurs when parent cells divide into two equal parts which
both contains nucleus.
B. In budding, new organism develops from an outgrowth from a parent’s body
while fragmentation occurs when the parent body breaks into pieces in which each
piece will grow into a new organism.
C. In budding, an egg develops into a complete individual without being fertilized
while on fragmentation the egg can only develop into a complete individual through
D. Budding and Fragmentation are the same.
__________15. Which of the following is TRUE about asexual reproduction in organisms?
A. Requires more time in the process
B. Maximum utilization of gametes of the body.
C. Produces a variety of genetic-make up
D. D. Parent produces identical offspring
__________16. Refer to the following statements.
I. Asexual Reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes or change in the
number of chromosomes.
II. Sexual Reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes or change in the
number of chromosomes.
A. Statement I is correct B. Statement II is correct
C. Statement I and II are both correct D. Statement I and II are both incorrect
___________17. Humans are manipulating the genetic materials of many organisms to alter an
organism’s characteristic in a particular way which is also known as _________.
A. Genetically Modified Organism B. Transgenic Organism
C Genetic Engineering D. Genome
___________18. It is the process of mixing DNA from two different, which is afterwards inserted in
the host organism to produce new genetically modified being.
A. Gene Splicing B. Gel Electrophoresis
C. Artificial Selection D. Recombinant DNA Technology
_____________19. Which among the choices is the other term for genetically modified organism?
A. Artificially selected organisms B. Cloned Organism
C. Selected Organism D. Transgenic Organism
____________20. According to Institute of Traditional Medicine, one of the first applications of
gene modification is the creation of bacterial strain capable of producing _________ which is the
hormone lacking in people with diabetes
A. Insulin B. Melatonin
C. Adrenaline D. Oxytocin
___________21. Listed below are the environmental benefits of using GMO except one.
A. Increases spraying of chemical insecticides and highly toxic herbicides.
B. Helps in controlling farm runoff that otherwise pollutes water systems
C. Reduced mechanical weeding helps prevent the loss of topsoil
D. decreased carbon dioxide emission.
___________22. What could be the possible effect of eating genetically modified food on your
genes? A. It could cause your own genes to mutate.
B. It could cause your own genes to absorb the excess genes.
C. It has no effect on your genes.
D. The effects on human genetics aren't known.

___________23. Which of the following best describes an organ system?

A. specialized structure within a cell that performs specific cellular functions.
B. group of organs working together to perform a vital body function.
C. structure consisting of several different tissues to perform a specific function
D. group of same cells
___________24. Which of the following best describes an organ system?
A. specialized structure within a cell that performs specific cellular functions.
B. group of organs working together to perform a vital body function.
C. structure consisting of several different tissues to perform a specific function
D. group of same cell
__________25. The _____________ system removes waste products from the body.
A. Integumentary B. Excretory
C. Digestive D. All of these
__________26. Which body system is responsible for taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon
A. Cardiovascular System B. Lymphatic System
C. Respiratory System D. Excretory System
__________27. What role does the endocrine system play in the body?
A. It controls activities such as speaking, reading, and writing
B. It controls bodily functions by means of chemical messengers
C. It controls voluntary actions.
D. It sends electrical messages along the spinal cord to muscles and glands.
___________28. What would happen if human blood did not contain red blood cells?
A. The blood would not be able to clot.
B. The blood would not be fluid.
C. The blood would not be able to fight disease.
D. The blood would not be able to carry oxygen.
__________29. Saliva contains an enzyme which begins to break down starch as soon as you put
it into your mouth. If a person did not produce saliva, which would be the most affected?
A. liver B. Blood Cells
C. Digestive System D. Nervous System
_________30. These two body systems work together to allow a person to move, talk, and run.
A. Endocrine and Reproductive B. Skeletal & Muscular
C. Digestive & Excretory D. Integumentary & Lymphatic
_________31. Which body systems work together to protect the body from pathogens?
A. Muscular and Vascular B. Digestive and Excretory
C. Endocrine and Reproductive D. Circulatory and Immune
_________32. You drink milk to provide nutrients for bone growth and repair. Which of the
following systems is involved in this scenario?
A. Muscular and Endocrine B. Nervous and Digestive
C. Circulatory and Digestive D. Nervous and Circulatory
_________33. Kidneys are part of the excretory system, they filter the blood removing wastes and
extra water to make urine, the blood afterwards is being sent back to the rest of the body, which
system is responsible for the transport of plasma to the kidneys?
A. Circulatory System B. Respiratory System
C. Muscular System D. Nervous System
________34. A person got injured while riding his motorcycle. How do the circulatory and
immune system work together to respond in this injury?
A. Increase blood flow carries white blood cells to the cite of injury
B. Increase blood flow removes infected cells from the body at the site of the injury.
C. Increase blood flow allows for an increase in the exchange of carbon dioxide and
oxygen at the site of the injury,
E. Increase blood flow kills healthy cells which prevents infection at the site of the
________35. How does the feedback mechanism maintain your body temperature when your
surroundings are very hot?
A. The muscles in the skin contract, which sends a message to the brain that you
feel hot. The brain sends a message to the skin’s heat receptors.
B. Heat receptors in the skin send a message to the brain. The brain sends a
response to start sweating, which cools the body.
C. The brain sends a message to the skin. The muscles in the skin contract, or
shiver, to cool the body.
D. The skin starts sweating. The sweat sends a message to the brain, which sends
a response to stop sweating.
________36. Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
A. Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin B. Charles Darwin and Alfred
C. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck D. Charles Lyell and James Hutton

________37. This refers to a change over time.

A. Gradualism B. Migration
C. Evolution D. Mutation
________38. Over several thousand years, some species of fish that live in pools in dark caves
have lost functioning eyes. How might natural selection explain this loss?
A. The fish experienced harmful mutations that caused the loss of function.
B. Gene flow from outside of the caves led to the loss.
C. The loss is explained by the principle of “use and disuse”
D. In the dark, functioning eyes presented greater costs than benefits to the fish.
________39. Term used for diagrams that trace evolutionary relationships and connections
among organisms.
A. Evolution B. Lineages Tree
C. Family Tree D. Phylogenetic Tree
_________40. It is a part of phylogenetic tree where it indicates that an ancestral lineage gave rise
to all organism in the tree.
A. Root B. Sister taxa
C. Basal Taxon D. Polytomy
__________41. This refers to the biotic and abiotic factors that prevent the continuous growth of a
population like food, water and space.
A. Carrying Capacity B. Environmental Resistance
C. Limiting Factor D. Biotic Potential
__________42. ____________ occurs when organisms rival for the same resources such as food,
living space, or mates.
A. Predation B. Parasitism
C. Competition D. Mutualism
___________43. _________ occurs when one organism feeds upon another.
A. Predation B. Parasitism
C. Competition D. Mutualism
___________44. Which of the following could limit the growth rate of a certain predator?
A. There’s an abundance of prey due to the prey mating season
B. A plague that targets its prey has spread into an ecosystem
C. The predator recently migrated to a new ecosystem with an abundance of
prey D. The predator’s competitors migrated into another region.
___________45. The carrying capacity is the maximum number of organisms that an ecosystem
can support. What influences the carrying capacity?
I. Limiting Factor
II. Biotic Potential
III. Biotic Factor
IV. Abiotic Factor
V. Predation
VI. Competition
VII. Environmental Resistance
A. I and II B. III and IV C. V and VI D. II and VII
_________46. Through careful observation, Charles Darwin came to know that ________________.
A. Population of plants and animals in nature most frequently contains
individuals that are clones of every other.
B. Population of a specie that become isolate from others by adapting to
different environmental niches quickly become extinct
C. Those individuals who variation gives them a plus in staying alive long enough
to breed are more likely to pass their traits on to a subsequent generation
D. All of the above
__________47. The thermostat of the brain reacts whenever your body temperature varies slightly
from 37°C. It then sends signal to the skin to produce sweat, which helps the body to cool down.
This is an example of _______.
A. Reproduction B. Regulation C. Adaptation D. Evolution
__________48. Meyer Lemons which originated from China, are a cross between a true lemon and
mandarin orange. Meyer Lemons is said to be sweeter than that of the traditional lemon. The
process exhibited in this scenario is an example of ________________.
A. Hybridization B. Inbreeding
C. Selective Breeding D. Gene Splicing
_________49. Below are some of the current uses of GMOs, which is not part of the group?
A. Vaccines grown on chicken eggs
B. Decrease the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition
C. Creation of bacteria strain capable of producing insulin
D. Pharmaceutical agents produced in sheep’s milk
________ _50. Monophyletic Group is a group of evolutionary trees that shows the common
ancestors. This group is also known as ________.

A. Domain B. Genus
C. Clade D. Taxa
__________51. A point in the phylogenetic tree where the split takes place.
A. Branch Point B. B. Basal Taxon
C. Sister Taxa D. Polytomy
__________52. When Didinia and Paramecia are in same test tube, Didinia engulf all the
Paramecia and then die of starvation. Paramecia are the _______.
A. Predators B. Competitors
C. Prey D. Mutualist
____________53. Which of the following reasons does not explain why different organisms have
different biotic potentials?
A. Numerous organisms have different proliferation rates.
B. Offspring will have different survival
C. Different Organisms will have different reproductive life spans
D. Organisms that dwell in the same environment will have the same potentials.
_____________54. This refers to the biotic and abiotic factors that prevent the continuous growth
of a population like food, water and space.
A. Carrying Capacity B. Environmental Resistance
C. Limiting Factor D. Biotic Potential
_____________55. A point in the phylogenetic tree where the split takes place.
A. Branch Point B. Basal Taxon
C. Sister Taxa D. Polytomy
____________56. Riding a bicycle requires additional energy from leg muscles. Which of the
following conditions can be the effect of this activity, and which response helps the body to
restore the body in its normal condition?
A. decreased oxygen can be replaced by digesting an apple
B. increased salt wastes can be removed by the heart
C. increased carbon dioxide in the blood can be removed by breathing faster
D. increased sugars in the blood stream can be diluted by drinking water
____________57. Which of the following is not a basic mechanism of change in a population?
A. Mutation B. Migration
C. Adaptation D. Natural Selection
___________58. Refer to the following statements
I. Some GMOs may have built in antibiotic qualities that enhances immunity but
eating them can lessen the effectiveness of the actual antibiotics
II. GMO keeps food production cost down resulting to lower prices for consum
A. Statement I is correct
B. Statement II is correct
C. Statement I and II are both correct
D. Statement I and II are both incorrect
____________59. Which of the following correctly identifies the 5 levels of organization from
simplest to the most complex?
I. Person
II. Heart
III. Muscle Cell
IV. Cardiac Muscle Tissue
V. Circulatory System
_____________60. An ecologist observes a population of snakes on an island for one month every
year. After the eleventh month, he sees that the snake population has been decimated, and
decides to wait for the snakes to repopulate before coming back for further observation. When he
returns five years later, he finds a very homogenous looking population of snakes. What is the
name of the effect he observed?
A. Bottleneck Effect B. Founder Effect

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