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This research examines the growing concern about the excessive social media engagement of young
undergraduate girls who actively share content involving nudity.
The situation meets the criteria for considering it a research problem as it involves a growing concern
about a specific behaviour (excessive social media engagement involving nudity) among a specific
group (young undergraduate girls) and raises questions about potential impacts on their future
relationships, both personal and professional.

This research will explore the possible causes and consequences of such online behaviour The study
seeks to provide insights that can inform educational interventions and support mechanisms to address
the challenges they may face in their future relationships and careers.
New information Technology (IT) is almost everywhere and has dramatically altered the way we live.
These tools have become valued elements of life in Nigeria merely because they opened many doors
to youth and allowed them to interact freely and markedly unlike at any other time in history.
In Nigeria, college, and university campuses have been hit by new generations of youth coming from
high schools with quite a decent knowledge about information technology and how to use its tools,
especially cellular phones, and computers. While any technology can be put to good or bad use,
depending on the user, many parents have bought their children cellular phones and PCs so they may
use them appropriately and effectively, mainly for learning purposes as well as knowing where they
are at any time and come to their help if they need it. But there are gaps between what parents
believe their children are doing and what they are actually doing with this technological devices.


The speed of Internet has changed the way people receive the information. It combines the immediacy
of broadcast with the in-depth coverage of newspapers making it perfect sources for news and weather
Wherever you look, the web is providing email addresses. This has made communication between
strangers easier than ever. Chatting is one of the more popular activities on the Internet- people can
talk to anyone across the world. Through social media, people can use networks of online friends and
group memberships to keep in touch with current friends, reconnect with old friends or create real life
friendships through similar interests or groups.
Besides establishing important social relationships, social media members can share their interests
with other likeminded members by joining groups and forums. In addition to blogs and forums,
members can express themselves by designing their profile page to reflect their personality. The most
popular extra features include music and video sections. The video section can include everything
(including explicit content) from member generated videos from hundreds of subjects to TV clips,
websites, platforms (Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc) and movie trailers (You tube).
It is therefore the aim of this study to investigate the psychological, and social implications of
engaging in explicit content on social media platforms for these young women.
The following research questions guided the study:
1. What are the causes of young undergraduate girls engaging in explicit content on social media
2. What are the psychological, and social implications of young undergraduate girls engaging in
explicit content on social media platforms?
3. What are the potential impact on their future relationships, both personal and professional.
The excessive social media engagement of young undergraduate girls who actively share explicit
content on social media raises concerns about the potential impact of such behaviour on their
future personal and professional relationships.
A university is an institution of higher education that offers academic degrees in various fields of
study. While universities primarily focus on academic education and intellectual development, they
play a crucial role in shaping the moral values, character, and ethical behaviour of their students.
Therefore, warranting this concern about the well-being and development of students who engage in
sharing content involving nudity on social media.

Technology has many positive aspects but, in the wrong hands, it can become dangerous. For the
young people it is experiments to do what they feel is good or exciting to them and the friends and at
the same time avoid adult supervision. Livingstone (2008) opines that for teenagers, the online realm
may be adopted enthusiastically because it represents ‘their’ space, visible to the peer group more
than to adult surveillance, an exciting yet relatively safe opportunity to conduct the social
psychological task of adolescence – to construct, experiment with and present a reflexive project of
the self in a social context, as well as, for some, for flouting communicative norms and other risk-
taking behaviours.
Technology brought about social media which is a valuable tool but is somewhat misused by today ‘s
youth. The two main forms that the youth use to access social media are cell phones and the Internet
which have brought about major changes in their lifestyle. With the current exposure and easy access
that the youth can get out of these mediums, this study will investigate the psychological, and social
implications of engaging in explicit content on social media platforms for young women. issues that
are expected to arise out of this research include legal consequences, loss of privacy, social stigma,
cyberbullying and harassment, impact on relationships, impact on minors, Impact on mental health,
reputation and perception, online presence, discrimination and bias, personal safety, negative impact
on future opportunities, etc.

The goal and objectives of this research is to address the psychological, and social implications of
engaging in explicit content on social media platforms for these young women, especially those in
universities on their excessive social media engagement and actively sharing of content involving

1. To determine the possible causes, consequences, psychological implications, as well as social
implications of such online behaviour.
2. To find out the potential impact on their future relationships, both personal and professional.
3. To provide insights that can inform educational interventions and support mechanisms to address
the challenges they may face in their future relationships and careers.


It is hoped that the findings of this study will bridge the gap of lack of sufficient information on the
growing concern about the excessive social media engagement of young undergraduate girls who
actively share content involving nudity as it is a concerning trend that warrants attention. This
behaviour can have a significant impact on their future relationships, both personal and professional.

Firstly, sharing explicit content on social media can lead to negative consequences in personal
relationships. It can damage the trust and respect that partners have for each other and may lead to the
breakup of the relationship. Additionally, it can also lead to unwanted attention from strangers
(stalking), which can be distressing and even dangerous. In terms of professional relationships,
sharing explicit content on social media can have a detrimental impact on career prospects. Employers
may view this behaviour as unprofessional and may be hesitant to hire or promote individuals who
engage or engaged in it. This can limit opportunities for career advancement and lead to financial
There are several possible causes of this behaviour.
Some possible reasons include:
1. Attention-seeking: Some individuals may share explicit content to gain attention and
validation from others. They may believe that sharing such content will make them more
popular or desirable.
2. Exhibitionism: Some people have a natural inclination towards exhibitionism and enjoy
sharing explicit content to express their sexuality or to provoke a reaction from others.
3. Peer pressure: In certain cases, individuals may feel pressured by their peers or social media
trends to share explicit content. They may fear being left out or judged if they do not conform
to (societal beauty standards) these expectations.
4. Desire for validation: Sharing explicit content can sometimes be driven by a desire for
validation and self-esteem boost. Individuals may seek approval and positive feedback from
others, which they believe they can achieve through sharing such content.
5. Expectations: Images of other females were perceived to add an expectation for young girls
to look a certain way in their own social media posts to obtain what they deem an acceptable
number of ‘likes’ and positive commentary. Although this is often influenced by images of
celebrities, girls interpreted these as less realistic and attainable, but with sexualized images
posted by peers and other girls their age, having a greater influence on their likelihood to
make negative appearance comparisons. This expectation was perceived to make girls feel
pressured to look attractive in their social media posts, even if it meant not being themselves.
6. Revenge or blackmail: In some cases, explicit content may be shared as a form of revenge or
blackmail. Individuals may use such content to harm or manipulate others, seeking to extort
money from them, gain power or control over them.
7. Lack of awareness or understanding: Some individuals may not fully comprehend the
potential consequences of sharing explicit content on social media. They may not realize the
long-term (future) impact it can have on their reputation, relationships, or future
Another reason or cause is the normalization of explicit content on social media platforms, which can
lead to a desensitization to the potential consequences of sharing such content.

The findings of this study will also be useful to the policy makers in various sectors of the
government. For instance, in the educational sector curriculum developers will be informed when
developing curriculum for the youth. In the health ministry, it will help doctors especially those
dealing with counselling of the youth to know which tools to use to effectively communicate to the
youth. The results of the study are likely to influence further scholarly research by other researchers
who may be interested in this field of knowledge and initiate appropriate mitigation.


Exploring the consequences and implications of sharing content involving nudity on social
media platforms by young undergraduate girls.
It is evident that there exists a relation between social media and its impact on the young girls who
engage in explicit content on social media. Consequently, messages can reach audiences and target
groups in real time, and they can generate changes and tendencies. Today, young generations grow up
having great contact with different kinds of social media. They are easily acquiring “digital literacy”
and live in a digital world to which adults are only ‘naturalized citizens’.

Tapscott (1998) talks of growing up in a digital environment referring to the youth as the “Net
Generation”. The main characteristics of the “N-Gen” culture are: independence, emotional and
intellectual openness, inclusion, free expression, and strong views, innovative, preoccupation with
maturity, pleasure by the investigation, immediacy and sensitivity to corporate interest, authentication,
and trust. (Tapscott, 1998 pp. 62-69).

What activities do young people do online, what online behaviours do young people demonstrate, and
what is the impact of the online interaction in life and in young girls development?.
More specifically in relation to our aim the intensive or high levels of online participation or internet
use by young undergraduate girls in sharing explicit content has been associated with negative impact,
consequences, psychological, and social implications.

Here are a few potential impacts, consequences, and implications to consider:

1. Reputation and Perception: Sharing explicit content on social media platforms can lead to a
negative perception among potential partners or employers. It may affect how others perceive
their character, values, and judgment. This could potentially impact their future relationships
as individuals may be hesitant to engage in serious relationships with someone who has a
history of sharing explicit content.
2. Trust and Intimacy: Sharing explicit content online can impact trust and intimacy in future
relationships. Some individuals may find it difficult to trust someone who has a history of
sharing intimate content with a wider audience. It may also create concerns about privacy and
the potential for future partners to share similar content without consent.
3. Emotional Well-being: Engaging in the sharing of explicit content can have emotional
consequences. It may lead to feelings of regret, shame, or vulnerability. These emotions can
impact self-esteem and overall well-being, potentially affecting future relationships by
creating emotional barriers or difficulties in establishing trust.
4. Future Opportunities: Sharing explicit content can have long-term consequences on future
opportunities, such as employment or educational opportunities. Employers or educational
institutions may conduct online background checks, and the presence of explicit content can
negatively impact their chances of securing certain opportunities.
5. Legal Implications: It is essential to consider the legal implications of sharing explicit
content, especially if the individuals involved are underage or if the content violates any laws
or regulations. Legal consequences can have a significant impact on future relationships and
6. Online Presence: Once content is shared on social media, it can be difficult to completely
remove or control its spread and it can be difficult to control who sees it and where it ends up.
Even if individuals delete the content, it may have already been saved or shared by others.
This can have long-lasting consequences, as the content may resurface in the future and
impact professional relationships.
7. Cyberbullying: Sharing content involving nudity can lead to cyberbullying, harassment, and
online abuse. It can also lead to the spread of rumours and false information about the person
8. Discrimination and Bias: Unfortunately, there may be instances where individuals face
discrimination or bias due to their past online behaviour. Some employers or colleagues may
hold personal biases or judgments against those who have shared explicit content, leading to
unfair treatment or exclusion from certain opportunities.
9. Personal Safety: Sharing explicit content online can also put individuals at risk of
harassment, stalking, or blackmail. Once content is shared, it can be difficult to control who
has access to it, potentially leading to unwanted attention or exploitation. It is important for
young undergraduate girls to consider the potential long-term consequences before sharing
explicit content on social media platforms. Building a positive and professional online
presence can greatly benefit their future professional relationships and opportunities.

It is crucial for young undergraduate girls to be aware of the potential long-term consequences of
sharing explicit content on social media platforms. They should consider their privacy, reputation,
emotional well-being, and legal implications before engaging in such activities.

Sharing content involving nudity on social media presents several challenges, especially in an
educational context. Here are some insights that can inform educational interventions and support
mechanisms to address these challenges:
1. Understanding cultural and social norms: Different cultures and societies have varying
perspectives on nudity and what is considered appropriate or inappropriate. Educational
interventions should focus on teaching students about these norms and helping them
understand the potential consequences of sharing explicit content.
2. Digital literacy and responsible online behaviour: Many individuals, especially young
people, may not fully understand the implications of sharing explicit content online.
Educational interventions should emphasize the importance of digital literacy, including
teaching students about privacy settings, consent, and the potential risks associated with
sharing explicit content.
3. Consent and boundaries: Educating students about the importance of consent and setting
boundaries is crucial. They need to understand that sharing explicit content without the
explicit consent of all parties involved is not only unethical but can also have legal
4. Emotional well-being and self-esteem: Sharing explicit content can have negative emotional
consequences, such as feelings of shame, embarrassment, or even cyberbullying. Educational
interventions should focus on promoting positive body image, self- esteem, and healthy
relationships to reduce the likelihood or the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards
and the desire for validation from others or engaging in risky online behaviour.
5. Legal implications and consequences: Students need to be aware of the legal implications of
sharing explicit content, such as potential charges related to child pornography or revenge
porn. Educational interventions should provide information about the legal consequences and
emphasize the importance of respecting the law.
6. Reporting mechanisms and support systems: Social media platforms should have clear
reporting mechanisms for users to report explicit content. Educational interventions should
inform students about these mechanisms and provide information about support systems
available, such as counselling services or helplines, to help individuals who may have been
affected by the sharing of explicit content.
7. Critical thinking and media literacy: Educational interventions should focus on developing
critical thinking skills and media literacy to help students critically evaluate the content they
encounter online. This includes understanding the potential manipulation of explicit content
and recognizing the difference between consensual and non-consensual sharing. By
addressing these insights through educational interventions and support mechanisms, it is
possible to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the
challenges of sharing content involving nudity on social media responsibly and ethically.


While social media provides many opportunities for personal, professional, and cultural engagement
and empowerment, there is a strong body of evidence to suggest that young women and girls are
disadvantaged in these spaces due to online trends, leading to direct impacts in terms of
psychological health and wellbeing as well as societal impacts which limit the participation and
thereby benefits which young women and girls can access online.

The study provides some insight into the educational interventions and support mechanisms to
address the challenges these young women may face as a result of sharing explicit content on social

The study also underscores the critical need to address the impact of engaging in explicit content on
social media platforms for these young women.

Understanding the causes, consequences, psychological and social implications is essential for
developing effective prevention and intervention strategies tailored to the unique context of this
young girls.





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