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Title: Online Booking and Reservation and Customer Experience in Talicud Island

IV- Online Booking and Reservation System

DV- Customer Experience

Online booking and reservation refer to the process of using the internet to secure and confirm
appointments, reservations, or bookings for various services or resources. It allows individuals or
businesses to conveniently make arrangements and secure their desired time slots or availability
without the need for direct interaction or physical presence. Online booking and reservation systems
have become increasingly popular across various industries, including travel and hospitality, restaurants,
healthcare, entertainment, and more. These systems typically involve a user-friendly interface, where
customers can access a website or mobile application to browse available options, select their
preferences, and complete the booking process. The benefits of online booking and reservation systems
are numerous. They provide convenience and flexibility to customers, allowing them to book services or
resources at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection. It eliminates the need for phone
calls or in-person visits, saving time and effort for both customers and service providers. For businesses,
online booking and reservation systems streamline operations, reduce administrative tasks, and improve
efficiency. They enable businesses to manage and allocate resources effectively, optimize scheduling,
and minimize the risk of double bookings or scheduling conflicts. Additionally, these systems often
provide automated reminders, notifications, and payment processing, enhancing the overall customer
experience. Overall, online booking and reservation systems have revolutionized the way people secure
appointments and reservations. They offer convenience, efficiency, and accessibility, benefiting both
customers and businesses alike.

Customer experience refers to the overall perception and interaction that a customer has with a
company or brand. It encompasses all the touchpoints and interactions that a customer has throughout
their journey, from the initial awareness and consideration stage to the post-purchase support and
follow-up.A positive customer experience is crucial for building strong customer relationships and
fostering customer loyalty. It goes beyond just providing a product or service; it is about creating a
seamless and personalized experience that meets or exceeds customer expectations. This includes
factors such as the ease of navigating a website, the responsiveness of customer support, the quality of
the product or service, and the overall feeling of satisfaction throughout the entire process.A great
customer experience is characterized by proactive communication, attentiveness to customer needs,
and a genuine desire to exceed expectations. It involves understanding the customer's pain points,
anticipating their needs, and delivering solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements. By
focusing on creating a positive customer experience, companies can not only attract new customers but
also retain existing ones and turn them into loyal brand advocates who will recommend their products
or services to others.In summary, customer experience is about creating a positive and memorable
interaction with customers at every stage of their journey. It is about understanding their needs,
providing exceptional service, and continuously improving based on customer feedback and insights.

Discuss Iv and DV

Online booking and reservation systems have transformed the customer experience by offering
convenience, efficiency, and personalization. With these systems, customers can easily make
reservations or bookings at their own convenience, eliminating the need for phone calls or in-person
visits. The ability to access the system 24/7 from anywhere with an internet connection provides
customers with the flexibility to book services or resources at their preferred time and location. This
convenience saves customers time and effort, enhancing their overall satisfaction.

Moreover, online booking and reservation systems provide customers with transparency and
information. Customers can access detailed information about the services or resources they are
booking, including pricing, availability, and customer reviews. This transparency enables customers to
make informed decisions and select options that align with their preferences and needs. By having
access to such information, customers feel empowered and confident in their choices, leading to a
positive customer experience.

Additionally, online booking systems offer personalization features that enhance the customer
experience. Customers can customize their bookings based on their preferences, such as selecting
specific time slots, adding additional services or amenities, or providing special requests. This level of
personalization makes customers feel valued and catered to, creating a sense of exclusivity and
enhancing their overall satisfaction. By tailoring the booking experience to individual preferences,
businesses can create a more personalized and memorable customer experience.

In summary, online booking and reservation systems significantly improve the customer experience by
providing convenience, transparency, information, and personalization. The ability to book services or
resources at any time and from anywhere, access detailed information, and customize bookings
according to preferences all contribute to a positive and satisfying experience for customers.


In Vietnam, According to Nga Thi Vo (2021) there are challenges in Vietnam this include the
unreliable online booking systems, flight cancellations and delays, and guest satisfaction issues in hotels
and accommodations. Customers have reported problems with the booking process, such as errors and
technical glitches, which can lead to frustration. Flight cancellations and delays without prior notice
disrupt travel plans. Additionally, guests may encounter issues with service, cleanliness, and
misrepresentation of amenities in hotels.

Meanwhile,In America, According to Smith (2021) there have been customer experience problems in the
online booking and reservation industry. Due to the impact of COVID-19, customers are more likely to
try new brands and experiences, leading to a potential decline in satisfaction and loyalty. This is
particularly important in the travel sector, which heavily relies on loyalty programs. Companies need to
prioritize customer experience and aim to bring back the magic of travel by building emotional
connections with customers and exceeding their expectations. By leveraging the science behind delight
and focusing on customer satisfaction, travel brands can gain a competitive advantage.

In the other side, In Europe, According to Bemile (2020) there have also been customer experience
problems in the online booking and reservation industry. One issue is the payment process on travel
websites like, where hotel operators may not receive the full payment due to technical
issues. This can lead to financial losses for hoteliers. Additionally, there are challenges in providing
consistent customer experience across products, services, and digital platforms. Travel companies need
to prioritize customer experience, understand customer sentiment without having to ask them, and
move faster in implementing updates and enhancements.

The pandemic has caused a significant decline in international and domestic tourism, leading to a
decrease in hotel bookings and revenue. The restrictions on inbound international travel and low daily
quotas for incoming air passengers have resulted in a drop in foreign visitors to the country.
Additionally, the decline in domestic travel due to the pandemic has further affected the hotel industry.
Hotels in Metro Manila are unable to accommodate domestic leisure guests due to the current Alert
Level 4 status. This situation has severely affected the revenue streams of hotels and their ability to
provide satisfactory customer experiences. Efforts are being made by the Philippine government, such
as the Department of Tourism's Tourism Response and Recovery Plan, to promote domestic travel as a
key factor in the recovery of the tourism industry. The Philippine Hotel Owners Association (PHOA)
supports these efforts and continues to operate and serve the needs of various groups, including
overseas Filipino workers, to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic. (Arthur M. Lopez 2021)

In Cebu, According to Rodriguez ( 2018) owners have reported a drop in bookings due to
competition from online or mobile application-based booking sites that offer lower prices for lodging or
homestays. The presence of these online platforms has led to a loss of revenue for hotels and resorts.
Additionally, owners of condominium units offered through these online sites or applications may not
pay taxes to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, resulting in further financial implications for the
government. There are also concerns about the safety and security regulations for these alternative
accommodation options, as they may not adhere to the same standards as hotels and resorts. The need
for regulatory procedures by local government units to oversee online-booked condominium units has
been highlighted.

In Quezon City, According to Hayes, A. F. (2018). One of the problems that customers may
encounter is technical glitches. These can include slow-loading websites, error messages, or difficulties
in completing the booking process. Such issues can lead to frustration and a negative overall experience
for customers.Another challenge is the lack of transparency in some online booking platforms.
Customers may not receive clear and accurate information about the availability, pricing, or terms and
conditions of their bookings. This lack of transparency can result in misunderstandings and
dissatisfaction among customers, who may feel misled or deceived. Inadequate customer support is also
a problem that can affect the customer experience. When customers encounter issues or have questions
regarding their bookings, slow response times or unhelpful support can add to their frustration. Prompt
and helpful customer support is crucial to ensuring a positive experience for customers.Furthermore,
instances of overbooking or last-minute reservation changes can cause inconvenience and
disappointment for customers. This can disrupt their travel plans and lead to a negative experience. It is
important for online booking platforms to have effective systems in place to manage reservations
accurately and communicate any changes promptly to customers.

In Davao del Norte is the issue of non-compliant tour operators offering online booking services. The
Davao City Tourism Office (CTOO) has cautioned tourists against booking tours with operators who do
not have the necessary permits and licenses from the city's Business Bureau and the Department of
Tourism. This problem highlights the importance of ensuring that tour operators in the region comply
with the necessary regulations to provide a safe and reliable booking experience for tourists. ( Sunstar
2021). Another local issue in Davao del Norte is the impact of the pandemic on the sustainability of
casual dining restaurants. The pandemic has posed significant challenges for the Philippine casual dining
industry, affecting their ability to provide quality service and customer satisfaction. (Gursoy, D. 2021)

In Davao City According to Hansen (2020 )the lack of reliable and user-friendly online platforms for
booking accommodations, tours, and other travel-related services. Many tourists and travelers face
difficulties in finding and booking suitable accommodations or activities online, leading to inconvenience
and potential loss of business for local establishments. Additionally, there may be issues with outdated
or inaccurate availability information on booking websites, causing confusion and frustration for both
guests and businesses. This can result in double bookings or guests arriving at fully booked
accommodations, leading to dissatisfaction and negative experiences.

Significance of the study

Department of Tourism.The study on online booking and reservation can benefit the Department of
Tourism by providing valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of tourists. This information
can help the department in designing effective tourism strategies, promoting destinations, and
improving overall visitor experiences.

Resort Owners.Resort owners can benefit from the study as it highlights the importance of
implementing online booking and reservation systems. By offering convenient and user-friendly booking
options, resort owners can attract more guests, increase occupancy rates, and enhance customer
Guests.The study on online booking and reservation is beneficial for guests as it provides them with a
seamless and hassle-free booking experience. Guests can easily compare options, access real-time
availability, and make reservations according to their preferences, resulting in a more convenient and
personalized stay.

Customers.Customers, in general, can benefit from the study as it emphasizes the importance of
enhancing the overall customer experience. By implementing online booking and reservation systems,
businesses can provide customers with a convenient and efficient way to access their services, leading to
improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Future Researchers.The study serves as a valuable resource for future researchers in the field. It
provides a foundation for further exploration of the impact of online booking and reservation on various
industries and customer experiences. Future researchers can build upon this study to delve deeper into
specific aspects and uncover new insights.

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