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Nama : Lucas sanjaya

Prodi : Teknik Transportasi Laut
NIM : 200105016

The fuel filling (bunker) activity is a filling activity fueling is carried out routinely
before the ship is ready to sail, but in parallelAs time goes by, bunkering activities also bring
new problems such as oil incidentsspill that occurred at the fleet dock. The potential for
problems to occurcausing very high oil spills. The objectives of this research are 1). Forfind out
about bunker monitoring activities at Koarmada pier, 2). Knowing the factorsfactors that cause
oil spills and 3). The efforts made by PT.Pertamina Trans Kontinental Surabaya branch to
reduce the occurrence of oil spills.The research method used is 1). Qualitative descriptive by
describingin detail the implementation of bunker monitoring at the Koarmada pier.
Collectiondata was carried out by interviews, observations, literature studies and
documentation in the form of photographsphoto of the implementation of bunker monitoring.
From the research results it can be seen that 1).Surveillance activities at the Koarmada dock are
still not optimal. 2). Factors thatcauses of oil spills include educational factors, knowledge
factors, and factorsequipment that is no longer suitable. Based on the research results, PT.
PertaminaTrans Continental did

Title Optimizing supervision of TNI-AL ship fuel bunkers to reduce the

occurrence of oil spills at the fleet dock by PT Pertamina Trans
Kontinental Surabaya Branch

Journal Journal of Bahar Dynamics

Year 2019

Writer Jevri Eko Satria and Andy Wahyu Hermanto

Reviewer Lucas sanjaya

Problem The fuel filling activity (bunker) is a fuel filling activity that is carried
out routinely before the ship is ready to sail, but as time goes by the
bunkering activity also brings new problems such as the oil spill
incident that occurred at the fleet dock. The potential for problems
causing oil spills is very high.
Research purposes The aims of this research are:
1). To find out about bunker monitoring activities at Koarmada pier,
2). Knowing the factors that cause oil spills and
3). The efforts made by PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Surabaya
branch to reduce the occurrence of oil spills.

Data source Primary data.

Research methods Qualitative descriptive method by describing in detail the
implementation of bunker monitoring at the Koarmada pier.
Research result From the research results it can be seen that
1). Supervision activities at the Koarmada dock are still not optimal.
2). Factors that cause oil spills include education factors, knowledge
factors, and factors equipment that is no longer suitable. Based on the
research results, PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental did
3). Efforts to reduce the occurrence of oil spills by paying more
attention to educational background in recruiting bunker workers,
providing training and outreach to the supervisory team.
Research 1. The language used by the author is easy to understand and its
Advantages purpose by the reader. Detailed and easy to understand analysis
2. The author is detailed in providing the results obtained in
do the research.
3. The theory and research model used is appropriate.
Research 1. The author is incomplete in summarizing the entire content of
Shortcomings this journal.


 Captain brings documents for clearance

 ship agents monitor the inpornet for clearance purposes.
 A painter is depicting the appearance of someone he loves in a painting.
 a young man is updating his cellphone software.
 a new employee is understanding the job given by his boss.


1) What is the aim of the research above?

2) What methods do researchers use in collecting data sources?
3) what efforts are being taken to reduce oil spills?
4) What factors cause oil spills?
5) Where did the author conduct research?

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