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Coursework Assignment 1st sit


This is an assignment for students on Level-6 of the following courses :-

MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

We hope that you enjoy doing this assignment. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how well
you can perform and report on an innovative engineering design task.

The Moodle Support Page includes the support video, submission details, answers to frequently
asked questions (FAQ), and the latest version of this document.

Lead Assessor: Steve Poole

Technical Assitance: Department Technical Services

Academic Assitance: Engineering Programme Support Tutors

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Workflow................................................................................................................................................. 3
Coursework brief................................................................................................................................. 4
Pass Criteria ........................................................................................................................................ 5
What you need to do to achieve a pass at threshold level (Mark of 40%) ..................................... 5
What you need to do to achieve a pass above threshold level (Mark above 40%)........................ 5
Supporting Learning Resources and Activities .................................................................................... 5
Assessment Notes ........................................................................................................................... 5
Deliverables......................................................................................................................................... 6
Marking ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Formative Feedback ............................................................................................................................ 7
What is being assessed? ..................................................................................................................... 7
Marking Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 9
Re-assessment ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Summary of AHEP-3Learning Outcomes Evidenced ......................................................................... 11

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

Electricity generation is becoming a huge issue for the entire world. It has obvious impacts regarding
climate change and the environment; but it is also now a big feature in economics, transport,
security and geo-politics. The vast majority of engineers and scientists believe that renewable
energy will be an ever-more critical feature of the electricity generation mix and it is likely that at
least some of you may have a future career in this field. This coursework will give you the
opportunity to explore the design of one particular type of wind-powered energy generator.

Most large commercial wind power rotors use carefully formed blades that operate via the principle
of aerodynamic lift. However, there are a whole set of alternative rotors that operate via the
principle of aerodynamic drag. Both rotor types have advantages and disadvantages, but the focus
for this coursework should be a drag-type rotor with a horizontal axis.

And an important feature of the required design is that it should be PORTABLE so that it can be
relatively easily assembled, disassembled and transported by an adult human e.g. from one campsite
to another.


1. Main body conceptual 2. Main body detail 3. OPTION A: Explore rotor

layout •Model all required components design via more
•Make sketchs to explore how the •Assemble to completion sketches/CAD
main body can be arranged •Create a detailed GA drawing •Include 5 options
•Verify the validity of the design •Add detailed design of one option
with fundamental calculations to the shaft

4. OPTION B: Explore rotor 5. Make and environmental

design via a physical LCA of your design and
prototype compile all of the above in a
report for submission (also
submit all CAD files)

Plan a realistic schedule of work to complete this assignment on time and to a high standard.

Recommended deadlines to complete each sub-task:

1. Date: 20 Oct
2. Date: 1 Dec
3. Date: 15 Dec
4. Date: 15 Dec
5. Date: 12 Jan

This assignment is for 100% of your unit mark, and we expect you to spend up to 75) hours working
on it.

The Assignment Support video will talk you through the workflow and help guide your plan for

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

Coursework brief

Your brief is to propose a portable design of wind rotor that can be used in locations where a
modest amount of off-grid electricity is required. The typical scenario for use would be
outdoor/leisure activities where users may be camping in wilderness locations.

Assume you are working for a client that has experience with wind generators and they believe that
a horizontal axis, drag-type wind rotor is the preferred option (this is discussed further below).

The power generated will obviously depend on the windspeed, and windspeed is very variable (by
time and location). As a ballpark guide, aim to generate a power in the 10s of watts typically –
enough to charge batteries for devices such as phones, torches, cameras etc. Therefore, a small
permanent magnet dc motor is an obvious choice to use as the generator such as this 90W Crouzet
(this is just a suggestion and you can research alternatives).

The fundamental requirements of this coursework are split into two parts:


Explore the conceptual design options and subsequently complete the detail design of the wind
generator up to the input shaft on which the rotor will be located. Some of the key components that
you will need to design are:

 A shaft to hold the rotor and transfer drive

 Bearings to hold the shaft and enable rotation
 Bearing housings to connect the bearings to a framework
 Gears/chain/belt drive from the shaft to the generator (a speed increase is very likely to be
 A framework to secure all the components and make a complete product

The design of this main body, and the General Arrangement drawing you make to illustrate it are the
most fundamental features of this coursework.


Explore options for the rotor element that would sit on the shaft as provided by your main body.
You should be as creative as possible with regards to the shapes and materials that you consider:
make five proposals and evaluate the pros/cons of each, taking into consideration materials and
manufacturing processes. Take your preferred option and develop detailed engineering drawings to
go alongside those of your main body.

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit


This option is likely to appeal to those students that enjoy hands-on designer-making and it will give
you the opportunity to use the new workshop facilities.

You will be asked to express an interest in this option early in the semester. It must be emphasised
that, as a large group, timetabling and access to the workshops will be tricky and it is likely that if
many students choose this option you may have to access the workshop outside timetabled sessions.

Further details of this prototyping option will be given in the unit sessions.

Pass Criteria
What you need to do to achieve a pass at threshold level (Mark of 40%)
The minimal requirement for this level is an engineering drawing of the main body that includes
bearings, a drive arrangement, framework and a rotor

What you need to do to achieve a pass above threshold level (Mark above 40%)
To gain extra credit, pay attention to the detail of how you locate all the components in the main
body design and create a professional GA drawing. For example, include:-

 Bearings that are located axially and have an L10 life check in the report
 A drive system that is fully specified
 A design that is sensible in its overall construction (eg consider logical assembly)
 A GA drawing with a parts list, section views, detailed views etc as appropriate

Advanced features could include:-

 A check on the stress in some key load bearing components

 Sketches of a braking mechanism to ensure the rotor does not over-speed in high winds
(detailed drawings of this are not expected)

Supporting Learning Resources and Activities

The quality of your engineering drawings is a critical feature of this coursework and you should use
international drawing conventions. Many of these conventions will be automatically incorporated
into CAD generated drawings but you can see full details of BS8888 via the library’s British Standards

Assessment Notes

As already discussed above, the type of wind generator required is one that will be portable, and
have a horizontal axis, drag-type rotor. It could have various use scenarios such as
leisure/camping/hiking, or for scientific research in remote locations. Drag-type rotors are less

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

efficient than those utilising aerodynamic lift, but they do have some key advantages that make
them particularly suitable for this task:

 They are usually relatively quiet when operating

 They can utilise relatively low windspeeds (lift-type rotors generally need a higher
windspeed in order for the lift-effect to kick-in)
 The rotor blade shape/pitch is not so critical and therefore easier to make/repair etc

This assessment deliverables will be an individual report. The number of pages may vary depending
on the style of sketching that has been used, but 10-15 pages will be typical (excluding Appendix).

Your assessments can be used to as evidence of your competencies to a potential employer. To

convey your professionalism, a formal reports should at the minimum adhere to the following:-
 Are typed using a word processed (make use of the review tools to check spelling /
 Include a title sheet with your name and MMU ID clearly visible.
 Ensure all digital figures and images are clear and legible (not pixelated, correct aspect
 Ensure the source of all figures and images that you have not created are referenced by the
Harvard convention.
 Ensure all equations at a minimum are typed or use an equation editor (i.e. not drawn by
hand, then scanned and pasted in).

Your report should address the following key points:-

 Conceptual sketches – add notes and annotations so that a non-technical reader could
understand your ideas
 General Arrangement (GA) drawing – this is the single most critical feature of your submission
as it defines the details your final design
 In addition to the GA, add 3 part drawings to the Appendix
 Basic calculations – for example, to check estimated power output, verify bearing life etc
 Sketches/CAD/material specifications for the rotor (option A) or images of your prototype
rotor (option B)
 Environmental Life-cycle Assessment of your design
 Appendix

Note that you DO NOT need to include a report on any research undertaken: this will be included in
the on-campus sessions and a number of ChatGPT reports will be available on Moodle. All your
effort should go into the sketching/CAD/calcs/prototyping. Hence do not include images of existing
designs, or a discussion of drag-vs-lift rotors etc

The University Library has an online tutorial to help you find good quality reference sources and a
guide on how to use them correctly in your document using the MMU Harvard referencing style.

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

Formative Feedback
Members of the teaching team and will answer queries about the assignment during the timetabled
Workshop classes and in the drop-in Surgery sessions (see your personal timetable for details).
Advice given during these sessions and feedback on any work you present will not count towards
your final grade.

Outside timetable sessions, please email questions to the Unit Teaching Team,
the Engineering Programme Support Tutors or your
Personal Tutor. The teaching team will not use their office hours to provide one-
to-one or small group assignment support, but a selection of emailed questions,
and questions asked during the timetabled classes will be added to the
assignment’s FAQs page.

What is being assessed?

Learning outcomes Evidence

Unit Learning 1 Investigate design problems Report: sketches and GA drawing (and prototype if
Outcomes and generate creative, option B)
innovative solutions within
practical constraints imposed
by external factors
2 Employ design management Report: GA drawing and calculations
techniques to establish a
specification that matches
stakeholder requirements
3 Analyse contextual factors in Report: GA drawing, calculations, LCA (and prototype
design, with reference to if option B)
environmental sustainability,
ethical and legal constraints
Assessment USD1 Apply skills of critical analysis to real world situations within the context of a
Criteria mechanical engineering design task

USD2 Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism and creativity in engineering design

USD3 Express ideas effectively and communicate information appropriately via sketches
and engineering drawings

USD6 Find, evaluate, synthesise and use information from a variety of sources relevant
to the selection of engineering components

USD7 Articulate an awareness of the social and community contexts within sustainable
electricity generation

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

To pass this assessment you have to fully achieve the unit learning outcomes by completing all the
tasks and submitting the deliverables to an adequate standard. Since your degree is accredited, you
also need to demonstrate evidence of obtaining AHEP4 outcomes at pass threshold levels. These
are listed in full within the Appendix of this assessment brief.

Your grade will be determined by how well you meet the assessment criteria (see the detailed
grading criteria for this assignment, below).

This assignment will be marked out of 100 and contributes 100% of overall unit grade.

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

Marking Criteria

University Standard Descriptors:

Level 6
20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
1 2 3 6 7

Demonstrate a high Express ideas

Articulate an
Apply skills of degree of effectively and
awareness of the
critical analysis to professionalism* eg communicate Find, evaluate,
social and
Grade real world initiative, creativity, information synthesise and use
range situations within a motivation, appropriately and information from a
contexts within
defined range of professional accurately using a variety of sources
their disciplinary
contexts practice and self range of media
management. including ICT

An innovative
design project is
There is evidence of planned and carried
the ability to work Work is presented out meticulously to
Original insights are
in engineering creatively and gather relevant
Problems are brought to the
design as a mature fluently to a information from an
evaluated and analysis of the
professional, able to selected audience appropriate range
solved with original social and
review their own using a range of of primary and
86%-100% and insightful
work critically with strategies and secondary sources.
reference to theory contexts of energy
respect to media, with The limits of
and practice of generation with
appropriate particular regard to established
engineering design respect to their own
professional engineering knowledge are
standards and drawings challenged in
values. considering the
results and/or

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

An innovative
There is evidence of
design project is
the ability to work Work is presented
planned and carried
Problems are in engineering fluently to a The analysis of the
out meticulously to
evaluated and design meticulously selected audience social and
gather relevant
solved with and competently using a range of community
information from an
70%-85% insightful critical with reference to strategies and
appropriate range
contexts of energy
reference to theory professional media, with generation with
of primary and
and practice of standards and particular regard to respect to their own
secondary sources.
engineering design values, able to engineering work is meticulous.
Critical insight is
reflect critically on drawings
brought to the
their own practice

A design project is
There is evidence of planned and carried
the ability to work Work is presented out thoroughly to
in engineeering coherently to a gather relevant The social and
Problems are
design effectively selected audience information from an community
analysed and solved
and competently using a range of appropriate range contexts of energy
with clear critical
60%-69% reference to theory
with reference to strategies and of primary and generation are
professional media, with secondary sources. critically reviewed
and practice of
standards and particular regard to Results and/or with respect to
engineering design
values, able to engineering outcomes are their own work
reflect on their own drawings evaluated
practice thoroughly and

There is evidence of
A design project is
the ability to work
Work is presented planned and carried The social and
in engineering
Problems are clearly to a selected out accurately using community
design confidently
analysed and solved audience using a an appropriate contexts of energy
and competently
with reference to range of strategies range of primary generation are
50%-59% theory and practice
with reference to
and media, with and secondary evaluated in
of engineering particular regard to sources. The results drawing conclusions
standards and
design engineering and/or outcomes and making
values, able to
drawings are evaluated recommendations
reflect on their own

There is evidence of A design project is

Problems are solved the ability to work Work is presented planned and carried The social and
with some in engineering to a selected out using an community
reference to theory design competently audience using a appropriate range contexts of energy
and practice and with reference to range of strategies of primary and generation are
with evidence of professional and media, with secondary sources. considered in
some critical standards and particular regard to The results and/or drawing conclusions
reflection regarding values, able to engineering outcomes are and making
engineering design reflect on their own drawings evaluated recommendations
practice accurately.

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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

There is insufficient
A design project is
evidence of the Work is presented The social and
ability to work in to a selected community aspects
Problems are planned and carried
engineering design audience haltingly of energy
approached out using an
competently with or using a limited generation are
haltingly or inappropriate range
35%-39% uncritically
reference to range of strategies
of primary and
referred to in very
professional and media, with basic terms when
regarding secondary sources.
standards and particular regard to drawing conclusions
engineering design The results and/or
values, able to engineering and making
outcomes are
reflect on their own drawings recommendations
partially evaluated.

There is very limited The social and

A design project is
evidence of the Work is presented community aspects
badly planned and
ability to work in to a selected of energy
Problems are carried out using an
engineering design audience haltingly generation are not
approached with inappropriate range
competently with and using a limited mentioned or have
little reference to of primary and
20%-34% theory or practice
reference to range of strategies
secondary sources,
professional and media, with reference made to
regarding with very limited
standards and particular regard to them when drawing
engineering design evaluation of the
values, able to engineering conclusions and
results and/or
reflect on their own drawings making
practice recommendations

There is no or Work is presented No or very little

almost no evidence to a selected A design project is evidence of referral
Problems are of the ability to audience very badly planned to the social and
approached with no work in engineering incomprehensibly and carried out community aspects
or almost no design competently and using an using inappropriate of energy
0%-19% reference to theory with reference to unacceptable range sources. Evaluation generation; little or
or practice professional of strategies and of the results no evidence of
regarding standards and media, with and/or outcomes is using them to draw
engineering design values, able to particular regard to wrong or conclusions and
reflect on their own engineering unacceptable. make
practice drawings recommendations

Summary of AHEP-4 Learning Outcomes Evidenced

C2. Analyse complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions using first

principles of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering


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Coursework Assignment 1st sit

C3. Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to

model complex problems, recognising the limitations of the techniques


C4. Select and evaluate technical literature and other sources of information to

address complex problems

C5. Design solutions for complex problems that meet a combination of societal,

user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This will involve

consideration of applicable health & safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural,

societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and

industry standards

M6. Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of complex problems

C7. Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex

problems and minimise adverse impacts

M13. Select and apply appropriate materials, equipment, engineering technologies

and processes, recognising their limitations

M15. Apply knowledge of engineering management principles, commercial context,

project and change management, and relevant legal matters including

intellectual property rights

C16. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team

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