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Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647

Petroleum hydrocarbon residues in the marine environment

of Bassein–Mumbai
Mithlesh Kumar Chouksey , A.N. Kadam b, M.D. Zingde b

Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Seven Bungalows, Versova, Mumbai 400 061, India
National Institute of Oceanography (Regional Centre), Four Bungalows, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 053, India


The paper reports PHc contamination in water, sediment and biota of the coastal area of Bassein–Mumbai in relation to rel-
atively less polluted sites (Dabhol and Ratnagiri) off the west coast of India. To facilitate inter-comparison three standards have
been used though the results are reported in terms of SAM (Residue of Saudi Arabian Mix crude). The concentration of PHc in
water off Bassein–Mumbai varies widely (2.9–39.2 lg l1 ) as compared to the average baseline (2.8 lg l1 ) with higher values
generally confined to creeks and estuaries. The higher concentration of PHc in the bottom water of shallow areas is attributed to the
contribution from the sediment-associated petroleum residue. High concentration of PHc in the surficial sediment of inshore area
Ratnagiri (107.7 ppm, dry wt) is perhaps the remnants of an oil spill that occurred in the Bombay High region on May 17, 1993. The
majority of values of PHc concentration in the surficial sediment of the Bassein–Mumbai region exceed 15 ppm (dry wt) against the
expected background (<3 ppm, dry wt) and the trend is indicative of transfer of PHc loads from the inshore areas to the open-shore
sediments. The PHc concentration of 0.8–2.6 ppm (dry wt) in sediment deposited prior to the first global commercial use of
petroleum in core R5 represents the biogenic background. Based on the period of industrialisation and the horizon of PHc accu-
mulation, a sedimentation rate of 0.2 and 1.0 cm y1 respectively is estimated for cores U11 and U12. Substantial increase in the
concentration of PHc in sediment after 1950 in cores T8 and T10 correlates well with the establishment of refineries on the western
shore of the Thane Creek in 1955–1960. A minor peak in most cores in the top 10 cm sediment probably results from biological
transfer of PHc lower into the sediment by benthic organisms. Excess of PHc retained in the sediment of the Bassein–Mumbai region
over the biogenic background is estimated at 40,000 t. The PHc residues (1.8–10.8 ppm, wet wt) in fish caught off Bassein–Mumbai
do not suggest bioaccumulation.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Petroleum hydrocarbons; Sediments; Water quality; Pollution; Marine environment; Arabian Sea; India

1. Introduction accidents, de-blasting, etc.; and remaining 8.5% comes

from fixed installations like coastal refineries, offshore
Pollution of the sea by petroleum hydrocarbons oc- production facilities, marine terminals, etc. (GESAMP,
curs mainly through marine operations, land based 1993). Though a considerable fraction of petroleum
discharges, and atmospheric and natural inputs (IMCO, hydrocarbons entering the marine environment is re-
1977; GESAMP, 1993; Laws, 2000). The total input of moved by evaporation, a portion gets distributed in
petroleum to the oceans through man’s activities and water, accumulated in sediment and transferred to biota.
sources such as atmospheric fallout, natural seepage, The marine area of Bassein–Mumbai (formally
etc. is estimated at 2.37 · 106 t y1 (Kennish, 1997). Out known as Bombay) is prone to oil pollution due
of these, about 65.2% is discharged through municipal to voluminous releases of effluents from a variety of
and industrial wastes, urban and river runoffs, oceanic industries including refineries and petrochemical com-
dumping and atmospheric fallout; 26.2% derives from plexes, loading and unloading of crude oil and its
discharges during transportation, dry docking, tanker products in the Mumbai Port, and indiscriminate release
of untreated or partially treated sewage. Surprisingly,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-22-2636-1446x221; fax: +91-22-
though this marine area is extensively investigated with
2636-1573. respect to changes in the concentrations of dissolved
E-mail address: (M.K. Chouksey). oxygen (DO) and nutrients in water (Zingde, 1999);
0025-326X/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
638 M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647

heavy metals in water, sediment and organisms (Zingde upstream permit only limited river discharge (5 · 104 –
and Desai, 1981; Patel et al., 1985; Pillai et al., 1987; 7 · 104 m3 d1 ) even during the early dry season (NIO,
Bhosale and Sahu, 1991; Sahu and Bhosale, 1991; 1994). Mumbai and Jawaharlal Nehru (JN) Ports lo-
Sharma et al., 1994; Ram et al., 2003); and pollution- cated within the Thane Creek are the major gateways for
induced modifications in biotic communities (NIO, India’s import and export. These ports handled 2.7 · 107
1998; Ramaiah et al., 1998), information on the distri- and 1.9 · 107 t of cargo respectively during 2000–2001
bution of petroleum hydrocarbon residues (PHc) is ra- out of which 1.5 · 107 t was of crude oil and petro-
ther scanty and limited to only a few isolated sites (Ram leum products at Jawahar Deep (represented by station
and Kadam, 1991; Ingole et al., 1989; Kadam and T5).
Bhangale, 1993). This paper reports the findings of a Mumbai City with a human population density
comprehensive study conducted to assess the extent of of 25,000 persons km2 generates 2.2 · 106 m3 d1 of
PHc contamination of water, surface and sub-surface domestic sewage out of which about 2 · 106 m3 d1 en-
sediments and biota of the coastal marine environment ters marine waters including creeks and bays, largely
of Bassein–Mumbai in relation to relatively less polluted untreated (Zingde, 1999). Nearly 8% of industries in the
sites off the west coast of India. country are located around Mumbai in three large
industrial clusters namely, Chembur–Thane–Belapur
belt, Kalyan–Ulhasnagar–Ambarnath belt and Patal-
2. Study area ganga–Amba belt. A variety of industries, including
refineries and petrochemical complexes from these
The coastal geomorphology of Mumbai and the re- clusters have been releasing their effluents-largely un-
gion around (Fig. 1) is variegated with a number of treated in the past, in the adjacent inshore waters.
creeks and bays cutting across the landmass. The Coastal areas off Dabhol and Ratnagiri about 150
prominent waterways are the Thane, Mahim, Versova and 225 km respectively (not shown in Fig. 1) south of
and Malad Creeks and the Ulhas estuary which are Mumbai were also investigated for relative comparison
shallow with extensive mudflats that harbour mangroves of PHc concentrations. These regions are unpolluted
in patches. The region is under the high influence of (NIO, 1999) and are not directly influenced by handling
semi-diurnal tides with the mean spring tidal range of of crude oil and petroleum products but being a fishing
4.9–5.0 m throughout the Thane Creek, while, the zone have significant traffic of fishing vessels.
spring tidal range of 4.5 m in the mouth of the Ulhas
estuary decreases to 2.8 m at 55 km inland. The annual
mean rainfall of 2600–2800 mm that the catchment re- 3. Material and methods
ceives during June–September (monsoon period), leads
to high runoff through the Ulhas River and her tri- Water and sediment were collected at stations marked
butaries to the Arabian Sea though the barrages in Fig. 1 as well as off Dabhol and Ratnagiri where five
stations were sampled across the coast at distances of 0,
5, 10, 15 and 25 km from the shoreline; station 1 being in
the creek or nearest to the coast. Water (2.8 l) was col-
lected at 1 m below the sea surface and 1 m above the
bed using a specially designed glass bottle holder as
described elsewhere (IOC-UNESCO, 1984). The bottle
was cleaned with n-hexane and dried and rinsed with the
ambient seawater before sampling. Seawater was ex-
tracted with n-hexane to transfer PHc in the organic
phase and the organic extract was concentrated after
drying. Fluorescence of the extract was measured on a
double beam Perkin–Elmer LS-3B fluorescence spec-
trophotometer at emission wavelength of 360 ± 1 nm
(excitation wavelength 310 ± 1 nm). Each sample was
tested for quenching by dilution as recommended (IOC-
UNESCO, 1984; Law et al., 1997). Blanks were mea-
sured following the same procedure using PHc-free
seawater. No clean-up method for the hexane extract
was used. Comparative studies have proved that in case
of seawater, clean-up is not necessary and accurate re-
sults are obtained without this step (IOC-UNESCO,
Fig. 1. Location of sampling stations off Bassein–Mumbai. 1984).
M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647 639

While a van Veen grab (area 0.04 m2 ) was used for to quantify PHc in marine samples making inter-com-
sampling subtidal sediment, intertidal sediment was parison of results a difficult task. Reproducibility of
scooped with a hand-held metal shovel during low tide results is not good when crude oil is used as a standard
(IOC-UNESCO, 1982). Sediment cores from shallow largely because of the presence of low boiling compo-
subtidal areas were obtained by pressing a PVC tube till nents which can deplete with the time of storage of the
it reached the hard stratum below and carefully crude used as standard. This difficulty can be overcome
retrieving it taking care so that the material in its bottom to a considerable extent by using the residue of the crude
portion did not slip out. Cores from deeper stations oil as in the present case. BH was also selected as a
were collected in a PVC tube inserted in an oil-free standard along with SAM because of the commercial
gravity corer. Soon after collection, the sediment con- production of the Bombay High crude oil off Mumbai
tained in the PVC tube was carefully pushed out and and its significant volume handled at the Mumbai Port.
sectioned at every 1 cm interval. The sediment samples Chrysene being a pure aromatic compound strongly
were preserved in aluminium foil at )20 C till analysed. absorbs UV fluorescence intensity at 310 nm and hence
The sediment was thawed, saponified using KOH– has much higher sensitivity as compared to crude oil and
methyl alcohol mixture followed by extraction with its products. SAM and BH contain <25% of aromatics
n-hexane. The concentrated extract, after drying, was with low percentage of 1 or 2 ring aromatic hydrocar-
separated into alkane and aromatic fractions on an bons leading to comparatively weak UV fluorescence
alumina column and the intensity of fluorescence of the response. Hence, their use as standard is not suitable
aromatic fraction was measured (IOC-UNESCO, 1982). while estimating low concentrations of PHc (NAS,
Fishes caught off Bassein–Mumbai were dissected, 1975). Since crude oils are heterogeneous mixtures, the
the muscle portion wrapped in aluminium foil, sealed in residue prepared from different batches of the same
thick polythene bag and preserved at )20 C until crude can have spectroscopic response that may not be
analysed (FAO, 1983). The thawed tissue was homoge- strictly uniform. Hence, we used chrysene as well as the
nized, saponified using KOH–methyl alcohol mixture, crude oil residues as standards. Their relative ratio
centrifuged and filtered. The filtrate was extracted with of absorbance is 1.0:0.1:0.3 (Chrysene:SAM:BH). For
n-hexane, organic layer washed with distilled water, convenience however, the results throughout this
dried, evaporated to a small volume, chromatographed paper are expressed in terms of SAM equivalent.
on alumina and fluorescence measured (IOC-UNESCO,
1984; Chouksey, 2002). Blanks were prepared in the 4.1. PHc in water
same manner but without the sample. All chemicals used
were of spectra or special grade throughout analyses. The concentration of PHc off Dabhol–Ratnagiri
The methods for estimation of PHc in water, sedi- varies in the range 1.7–3.7 lg l1 averaging at 2.8 lg l1 .
ment and fish were calibrated using replicate recovery These levels are low though they would be influenced by
tests on a sample spiked with known concentrations of the traffic of fishing vessels and other ships voyaging
the selected standard (Hunt and Wilson, 1986; Abdullah along the north–south navigational route. Such traffic is
et al., 1996; Ehrhardt and Burns, 1999). Residues of common all along the west coast of India and these
Saudi Arabian Mix crude (SAM) and Bombay High values can be considered as baseline for evaluating
crude (BH) (bp P 100 C) used as standards were pre- perturbations due to other anthropogenic releases. Since
pared by heating the respective crude oil at 100 C to sampling was conducted below the sea surface the ob-
obtain constant fluorescence (takes about 2 h). Chrysene served concentrations would largely represent dissolved
(Sigma, Cat. No. C-6898) was used directly. For the and dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons fairly immune to
estimation of PHc in water, precision (n ¼ 10) was 0.3– floating oil films that commonly occur in near-shore
2.5%, 1.4–9.4% and 0.8–5.0% for chrysene, SAM and marine areas.
BH respectively in the concentration range 1–60 lg l1 The average concentration of PHc in water of the
for chrysene and 1–200 lg l1 for SAM and BH. For Ulhas estuary (between stations U1 and U9) varies in
sediment and fish tissue the precision of the methods the range 3.3–21.3 lg l1 with no clear trend discernible
was 6.4–15.0% for sediment in the concentration range in its distribution. Much of the industrial and domestic
1–60 ppm (dry wt) and 0.7–9.1% for fish tissue in the wastes from the heavily industrialised Kalyan–Ulhas-
concentration range of 0.2–60 ppm (wet wt). nagar–Ambarnath belt are released in the inner- and
mid-estuarine segment that gets distributed throughout
the estuary due to high tidal excursion. However, due to
4. Results and discussion relative sluggishness of the inner estuary as evident from
the flushing time of 73–211 tidal cycles during the dry
Several standards ranging from pure aromatic com- season (NIO, 1994), the contaminants including oil tend
pounds (such as chrysene) to crude oils as well as refined to reside for a longer duration in the inner zone of the
products including diesel and furnace oil have been used estuary accounting for higher concentrations of PHc in
640 M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647

the segment upstream of station U6. Considerable higher than the expected baseline (2.8 lg l1 ) and seem
deterioration in water quality of the inner zone of the to be influenced by the outflow of the Ulhas estuary.
Ulhas estuary with respect to pH, DO, nutrients, heavy The concentration of PHc in water of the Thane
metals, etc. due to anthropogenic perturbations has been Creek (stations T1 to T6) varies over a wide range (7.5–
well documented (NIO, 1994; Zingde, 1999). The con- 39.2 lg l1 ) with the absence of marked spatial trends.
centrations of PHc off the open coast (Table 1) are also The highest concentration (39.2 lg l1 ) occurs at station

Table 1
PHc in seawater (lg l1 ) and surface sediment (ppm, dry wt) of the central west coast of India
Area Segment Station Water Sediment
Surface Bottom Moisture (%) PHc
Ulhas estuary Inner U1 11.9 – 43.9 9.0
U2 5.3 – * *
U3 21.3 – 42.0 40.8

Middle U4 13.7 – 70.0 23.0

U5 17.3 17.5 73.5 24.7
U6 10.6 – 52.1 10.3
Outer U7 7.0 9.4 52.9 7.1
U8 3.3 6.1 65.7 17.9
U9 4.8 3.2 24.2 2.0
Open coast U10 4.7 2.9 55.1 17.9
U11 6.8 8.9 55.4 35.0
U12 5.2 8.3 60.9 19.4
U13 5.1 4.2 63.0 7.0

Versova Creek Mouth V 10.0 8.7 59.6 31.6

Mahim Creek Mouth M 11.6 23.7 71.2 9.9

Thane Creek Inner T1 8.5 – 76.2 42.8

T2 17.0 27.5 68.5 42.0
Middle T3 13.2 24.3 58.0 24.2
T4 7.5 14.2 25.2 7.6
T5 39.2 23.1 67.4 41.4

Outer T6 14.7 19.4 60.5 32.4

Open coast T7 5.2 7.4 56.1 19.5
T8 10.5 5.6 57.9 36.3
T9 7.8 4.6 62.2 29.9
T10 5.2 3.9 63.1 38.2

Amba estuary Inner A1 1.6 – 67.6 10.5

A2 1.5 – * *
Middle A3 2.5 – 43.1 1.9
A4 4.7 – 48.4 2.4
Outer A5 6.0 – 62.7 20.9
A6 1.1 – 43.1 27.4
A7 4.9 – 54.8 2.7

Dabhol Open coast D1 1.7 – 65.4 1.1

D2 2.3 – 64.9 3.4
D3 3.7 – 64.8 0.9

Ratnagiri Bay R1 – – 24.8 107.7

Open coast R2 – – 27.1 3.4

R3 3.5 – 64.8 1.8
R4 3.0 – 68.4 1.7
R5 2.4 3.3 67.2 9.0
* Not sampled.
M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647 641

T5 off the mouth of the Mahul Creek which receives where the sampling was conducted is, by and large, free
effluents from a variety of industries and is also in the from gross anthropogenic interventions except for fish-
vicinity of the oil terminal. The concentration at station ery related activities (NIO, 1999) unlike the coastal area
T4 is low though this station is in the vicinity of the JN of Bassein–Mumbai. We believe that this high concen-
Port that has substantial traffic of deep-sea ships. Cur- tration is the remnant of an oil spill that occurred in the
rents are relatively strong in this zone, as the tidal water Bombay High region on May 17, 1993. Under favour-
has to squeeze through the channel in-between the is- able wind and currents, a portion of the spill was
lands. The occurrence of anticyclonic eddies in the outer deposited along the coastal stretch several kilometres
segment particularly around the islands with high around Ratnagiri. The oil that got locked-up in creeks
residual velocities induces strong horizontal mixing of the affected coast contaminated the bed sediment on
thereby enhancing dispersion of contaminants entering sinking. Except at relative high concentration of PHc at
the area (Naidu and Sarma, 2001). The concentrations station R5 (9.0 ppm, dry wt) which probably could be
of PHc at the mouth of the Versova and Mahim Creeks the signature of the oil spill, the concentration at other
(8.7–23.7 lg l1 ) as well as off the open coast (3.9–10.5 locations is low (0.9–3.4 ppm, dry wt). As discussed later
lg l1 ) are markedly higher than the expected back- the baseline concentration of PHc in the sediment of the
ground in line with the levels off Bassein. region is around 2.8 ppm (dry wt).
The concentration of PHc is often high in the bottom The concentration of PHc in the sediment of the
water particularly at inshore shallow areas. The sedi- Ulhas estuary varies widely (2.0–40.8 ppm, dry wt) and
ment particles rich in PHc dispersed in the water column spatial trends are not clear. The estuarine zone between
by strong tidal currents sweeping these zones could stations U3 and U5 where much of the effluent is re-
contribute to dissolve PHc since the extraction with leased, however, has distinctly high burden of PHc
n-hexane was done without removing the suspended (23.0–40.8 ppm, dry wt). The low concentration at sta-
load. These waters are turbid and though the suspended tion U9 is possibly due to the sandy sediment in the
load is variable, it is generally in the range of 100–200 mouth area of the estuary (Ram et al., 2003). The
ppm (dry wt) in the bottom water. Hence, at a PHc occurrence of high concentrations (7.0–35.0 ppm, dry
concentration of 20 ppm (dry wt) in the bed sediment, wt) off the estuary mouth (stations U10 to U13) indi-
the suspended load could contribute 2–4 lg l1 of PHc cates that a considerable fraction of PHc leaves the
to water. The concentrations of PHc in the coastal wa- estuary and is deposited off the coast. Similar conclusion
ters of India vary widely and values in the range 0–139 has been drawn based on the distribution of anthropo-
lg l1 have been reported using Saudi Arabian crude as genic Hg in the sediment of the Ulhas estuary and
standard (Qasim and Sengupta, 1988; Sengupta et al., associated coastal area (Ram et al., 2003). A consider-
1993, Topgi et al., 1982; Fondekar and Alagarsamy, able change in the texture of sediment of the Ulhas
1984; Kadam and Bhangale, 1992; Sarma et al., 1996; estuary from pre- to post-monsoon with a decrease in
Mohan and Prakash, 1998; Selvaraj et al., 1999). the clay and silt content in the post-monsoon period
suggests transfer of fine sediment from the estuary to the
4.2. Surficial sediment sea facilitated by the monsoonal flood (NIO, 1994).
The concentration of PHc in the sediment of the
Sparse vegetation in the coastal belt and extensive Versova (station V) and Mahim (station M) Creeks
development, which includes surface quarrying of the (Table 1) are also higher than the expected background.
basaltic ridges, provide a large amount of lithogenic flux The highest concentrations of PHc in the Thane Creek
to marine area of Bassein–Mumbai. The fine particulate are confined to stations T1 and T2 (42.0–42.8 ppm, dry
flux makes up the mudflats. The surficial sediment in the wt) located in the interior zone. With a tidal excursion of
coastal area is generally silty-clay or clayey-silt in about 9 km (NIO, 1999), the impact of pollutants
character though patches of sand occur in places. The entering the system would be felt throughout the water-
fine sediment particles dispersed in the water column spread area of the creek. The inner creek with reduced
have high absorbing character and effectively scavenge tidal influence and decreased current speed is relatively
the trace contaminants entering the marine area (Sahu sheltered making the conditions conducive for the set-
and Bhosale, 1991). The profiles of Al and Fe in sedi- tlement of suspended load (NIO, 1998). High concen-
ment cores reveal more or less uniform distribution trations of PHc in sediment are also evident at station
throughout the length suggesting similar sediment tex- T5 (41.4 ppm, dry wt) located off the mouth of the
ture and character over its depositional history (Sharma Mahul Creek and in the vicinity of the oil terminal. The
et al., 1994; Ram et al., 2003). concentration of PHc in sediment at station T4 (7.6
The concentration of PHc (Table 1) in the surficial ppm, dry wt) is the lowest within the creek as the area is
sediment of Dabhol–Ratnagiri coastal area varies in a not conducive to the settlement of particles as discussed
wide range of 0.9–107.7 ppm (dry wt). The high con- earlier. Model results also support this view (Naidu and
centration at station R1 is surprising since the creek Sarma, 2001). The levels of PHc in the subtidal sediment
642 M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647

of the Amba estuary vary in a wide range (1.9–27.4 ppm, are compared with those reported for selected coastal
dry wt) with high concentrations at stations A5 and A6 areas including the sediment of the Indian coast.
(20.9 and 27.4 ppm, dry wt, respectively) which are at
the mouth of the Patalganga estuary that transports the 4.3. Column sediment
industrial effluents to the mouth area of the Amba
estuary (Fig. 1). An outfall of a petrochemical complex Cores U13, T2, T8 and R5 obtained in duplicate have
is located in the vicinity of station A4 that discharges been investigated recently for sediment accumulation
8000–10,000 t d1 of treated effluent and at a concen- rates based on excess 210 Pb (Deorukhakar, 2003; Ram,
tration of 10 mg l1 oil releases 30–35 t y1 of petroleum 2004) and the sedimentation rate for the Thane Creek
to the estuary. However the PHc level in the sediment of are available (Sharma et al., 1994). Using these rates we
station A4 is low (2.4 ppm, dry wt) indicating no set- have introduced the time scales in Figs. 2 and 3. The 125
tlement of oil in the region. cm long sediment core from station R5 (Fig. 3) with
The concentrations of PHc are relatively high (19.5– sedimentation rate of 0.21 cm y1 would preserve the
38.2 ppm, dry wt) in sediment of the open-shore area history of PHc accumulation for the period 1373–1998.
(stations T7 to T10) as compared to the expected For the major length of the core (10–125 cm segment)
background (2.8 ppm, dry wt). Apart from the traffic of the concentration of PHc varies in 0.8–2.6 ppm (dry wt)
ships, the transfer of fine particles of PHc-rich sus- range and probably constitutes the baseline as the sed-
pended load from the inshore zones would be respon- iment below 100 cm was deposited much before the first
sible for the observed high levels. The circulation along global commercial use of petroleum hydrocarbons in
the Bassein–Mumbai coast is roughly elliptical with the 1858–1859 (Bose, 1999). The baseline PHc is probably of
major axis that is parallel to the coast, varying between biogenic origin contributed by detritus from higher
5.5 and 11.5 km over a tidal cycle depending largely on plants including mangroves. Based on the chromato-
the tidal phase and the season. Hence, the outflow from grams of extracts of sediment from Bahia Sucia, Puerto
creeks would influence the coastal stretch of the order of Rico, Corredor et al. (1990) have suggested that red
50–100 km (NIO, 1999). Under high loading of organic mangroves were probably the source of biogenic
matter through sewage and other anthropogenic sources hydrocarbons. The occurrence of moderate concentra-
(Zingde, 1999) the sediment is expected to be anoxic and tions of naturally produced hydrocarbons in the organic
the petroleum residues deposited in the sediment would sediments of Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, has also been
be preserved due to very low rate of microbial degra- reported (Hatcher et al., 1982). The first evidence for the
dation (IOC-UNESCO, 1982). Rapid burial and bacte- enrichment of petrogenic hydrocarbons (5.2 ppm, dry
riostatic nature of mangrove tannins is also considered wt) in core R5 is seen at 9 cm that corresponds to the
to result in a dramatic decrease in degradation rates of year 1945. Above 9 cm, the concentration of PHc is
petroleum hydrocarbons in mangrove environments variable (4.9–12.2 ppm, dry wt) but markedly higher
(Corredor et al., 1990). The overall concentrations in the than the biogenic background.
sediment of the inshore and coastal areas of Bassein– The concentration of PHc is high (8.7–40.8 ppm, dry
Mumbai though higher than the expected background, wt) throughout the length in core U3 (Fig. 2). Based on
they do not indicate high level of sediment contamina- anthropogenic levels of Hg, Ram et al. (2003) have
tion as evident from Table 2 in which the present values shown that the sediment in the innermost zone of the

Table 2
Comparison of PHc (ppm) in sediment of Bassein–Mumbai region with those of selected marine areas
Location PHc Standard Reference
Trinidad coast 3.0–1824.2a Chrysene Agard et al. (1988)
Shetland Island, UK 7–8816 – Kingston et al. (1995)
Arabian Gulf 4.0–56.2b Kuwait Crude Al-Lihaibi and Al-Omran (1996)
Arabian Gulf 5.4–92.0a Kuwait Crude Al-Lihaibi and Ghazi (1997)
Laguna Madre, USA 26–692a – Sharma et al. (1997)
UAE coast 51,000a Iranian Crude Shriadah (1998)
Point Helen and Smith Island, Alaska 9600–19,000 – Hayes and Michel (1999)
Central west coast of India 4.8–9.4a SAM Fondekar et al. (1980)
Arabian Sea along the Indian coast 0.6–5.8a SAM Sengupta et al. (1993)
Ulhas estuary 2.0–40.8a SAM Present studies
Thane Creek 7.6–42.8a SAM Present studies
Bassein–Mumbai coast 7.0–38.2a SAM Present studies
Dabhol–Ratnagiri coast 0.9–107.7a SAM Present studies
Dry wt.
Wet wt.
M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647 643

PHc (ppm, dry wt)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 0

5 10

10 20

15 30

20 40
U3 U8
25 50

0 0

20 20
Depth (cm)



100 U11 U12

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
20 1990

40 1985

80 1970

100 1965
120 U13

Fig. 2. PHc in sediment cores from Ulhas estuary and associated open coast.

Ulhas estuary is fresh that accumulates over a short in the Kalyan–Ulhasnagar–Ambernath belt that began
span of 7–8 months (December–June) of the dry season in the mid-fifties. The concentration of PHc (2.9 ppm,
and is flushed to the lower estuary by voluminous river dry wt) in the sediment deposited prior to 1970 probably
discharge over the weir during monsoon exposing the represents the baseline and compares well with that in
rocky bed. The PHc profile of core U8 also indicates the bottom section of the core R5. Assigning the horizon
high concentration range (17.9–98.0 ppm, dry wt) all of substantial enrichment of PHc in sediment of cores
along the core length. On the basis of profiles of organic U11 and U12 (7 and 30 cm respectively) to the year 1970
carbon and anthropogenic Hg in cores obtained sea- based on the results of the core U13, the sedimentation
sonally from the same site (around station U8) it has rate for these cores is probably 0.2 and 1.0 cm y1
been concluded that the sediment in the Ulhas estuary is respectively. Thus, it appears that the sedimentation rate
disturbed and the mixing in the vertical is probably up increases from 0.2 cm y1 near the estuary mouth to 2.9
to the hard stratum of the bed. Flood induced move- cm y1 at 25 km offshore. High outflow through the
ment of bed material, frequent dredging in the channel, Ulhas estuary to the sea during monsoon that transports
tidal scour and bioturbation could be the factors much of the annual suspended load, generates strong
responsible for mixing (Ram et al., 2003). Distinctly currents and high turbulence in the mouth area that
high burden (70.1–98.0 ppm, dry wt) in the 8–14 cm probably do not favour the deposition of fine particles
segment of core U8 suggests an episodic event of high associated with the estuary plume, in the vicinity (NIO,
loading of petroleum in the sediment. 1994).
In the dated core U13, the accumulation of PHc in High concentration of PHc also occurs (Fig. 3)
the sediment upward of 80 cm roughly corresponds to throughout the length in cores T2 and T5. The sedi-
the year 1972, the period of accelerated industrialisation ment in this area is fairly undisturbed as revealed from
644 M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647

PHc ( ppm, dry wt)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0 0



T2 T5
50 60
0 1996 0

20 20
Depth (cm)

40 1936 40

Y ear
60 60

1876 80

T8 1856 T9
0 1998 0 1980
1988 1920
20 20
1978 1860
40 1968 40 1800
60 1958 1740
1948 60 1680
80 1938 1620
100 1928 1560
1918 100 1500
T10 1908 R5 1440
120 1380
140 1898

Fig. 3. PHc in sediment cores from Mumbai–Ratnagiri region.

the distribution of 210 Pb based on which the clay Most cores of the open coast (Figs. 2 and 3) reveal a
accumulation rate of 0.65–1.46 cm y1 has been re- minor but distinct peak within the top 10 cm. This peak
ported for the inner region of the Thane Creek is probably the result of biological transfer of PHc lower
(Sharma et al., 1994). It is possible that sediment in into the sediment by organisms such as polychaetes
cores T2 and T5 pertains to the period after of in- worms and bivalves which abundantly occur in the
dustrialisation along the banks of the creek had com- sediment of the region (NIO, 1998). These organisms
menced. The cores T8 and T10 reveal (Fig. 3) a clear burrow into the mud and ingest the sediment particles at
horizon of increase in PHc above 30 and 70 cm or near the surface (high in PHc) that is excreted in the
respectively. For cores obtained from the same sites burrow at depth. Much of the petroleum passes through
sedimentation rate of 0.63 cm y1 (Sharma et al., 1994) the gut without significant modification (Jordan and
and 1.4 cm y1 (Deorukhakar, 2003) has been deter- Payne, 1980).
mined. The substantial increase in the concentration of Amount of PHc retained in the sediment of the
PHc after 1950 in both the cores correlates well with Bassein–Mumbai region over the biogenic background
the establishment of two refineries at Mahul on the is roughly estimated from its concentration in sedi-
western shore of the Thane Creek in 1955–1960. Until ment, density of the sediment (taken as 1.45 g cm3 )
mid-1970s these refineries did not have special and the area of deposition. It is presumed that the
arrangement for the separation of oil from the effluent distribution of PHc is continuous between sample sites
released to the creek. The background concentration and that the sediment density is constant at 1.45
had not attained even in the bottom segment of 110 cm g cm3 . The area of the Ulhas estuary was obtained
long core T9 which was retrieved in the vicinity of the from the hydrographic chart (NIO, 1994), of the
dredge disposal site of the Mumbai Port suggesting Thane Creek from the literature (Zingde and Desai,
high sedimentation rate in the area. 1981) and of the coastal region from the NHO Chart
M.K. Chouksey et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 637–647 645

Table 3
Excess PHc in the sediment of the Bassein–Mumbai region
Segment Area (·107 m2 ) Depth of Mass of sediment PHc (avg.) in Total excess PHc (t)
contamination (m) (·106 t) sediment (g t1 , dry wt)
Ulhas estuary
U1–U4 1.8 0.25 6.5 14.1 91.7
U5–U7 1.4 0.25 5.1 12.2 62.2
U8–U9 3.0 0.50 21.8 21.4 466.5
Total 620.4

Thane Creek
T1–T3 13.9 0.50 100.8 35.5 3578.4
T4–T6 21.1 0.60 184 31.0 5704.0
Total 9282.4

Coastal area
U10, U11–T7, T8 50 0.75 544 18.5 10064.0
U12–T9 50 0.70 508 23.7 12039.6
U13–T10 50 1.25 906 12.7 7937.5
Total 30041.1

Grand total 39943.9

Table 4
PHc (ppm, wet wt) in selected fishes off Bassein–Mumbai
Common name Taxonomy name Bassein Versova Mumbai Average
Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus 2.5 1.8 3.4 2.6
Catfish Arius caelatus 3.8 2.2 8.4 4.8
Indian mackerel Rastrilleger kanagurta 4.8 2.1 2.9 3.3
Anchovy Coilia dussumieri 3.9 2.8 2.1 2.9
Dhoma Johnius glaucus 3.4 8.1 10.8 7.4

No. 2016. The amount of PHc accumulated in Acknowledgements

the sediment of Bassein–Mumbai region in excess of
the natural background is of the order of 40,000 t The authors thank the Director, National Institute of
(Table 3). Oceanography, for providing facilities during the course
of this investigation.

4.4. Fish tissue

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