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english presentation for 10th grade

1 Arif Permana (6)

2 Frand Wijaya (13)

3 Gusli Azis (14)

4 Isna Amrianti Nadira (17)

5 Nasywa Eka Maharani (27)

Types of Recount Text
Purpose of Recount Text
Generic Structure
Language Features
Example of Recount Text

Recount Text is a text that retells

a story, an experience, or an
event that happen in the past.

• Personal Recount, that tells about the author's experience.

• Factual Recount, provide reports of events that actually occurred.
• Biographical Recount, that tells about the story of someone's life.
• Imaginative Recount, present about an imaginative story based on something
that has happened.
Orientation : tells who's involved the
• to share unique or unusual experience story, when, where, and why the
story happened.
• to retell something unforgettable
Series of Events : tells what
• to give information about an aciddent happened in the story.

• to make the readers learn something Reorientation : tells the conclusion

of the story.
1. Using Simple Past Tense 4. Using Action Verb
divided into two, namely there are : to refer to the actions carried out in the story.
Verbal Sentence = subject + v2 + object + complement ex : sent, taught, driven, etc.
Nominal Sentence = subject + to be + complement
ex : • Dio played the guitar last night. (verbal sentence)
• I was a teacher. (nominal sentence)
5. Using Linking Verb
are used to provide descriptive information and identity of the
subject. So, it does not refer to the action carried out by the subject.

2. Using Specific Participant ex : was / were.

used because there are many participants and other object in a

story. 6. Using Chronological Conjunction
ex : Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, used to express the sequence of events.
Geusan Ulun Museum, etc. ex : first, next, then, etc.

3. Using Personal Participant 7. Using Adverbs

provide more information or describe in more detail than verbs,
is used because to indicate someone in the story adjectives, and other words.
ex : I, we, our team, my husband, my fiancè. ex : extremely, carefully, slowly, etc.
A Trip to The National Zoo and Aquarium
Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit the new Snow
Cubs and the other animals. In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there
was a great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My
brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful. At lunchtime My
Dad decided to cook a bbq. He cooked sausages, so we could have sausage sandwiches.
My Mom forgot the tomato sauce, so we had to eat them plain. In the afternoon, we visited
the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish. At the end
of the day when we left, we were going to go and get ice cream but we decided we were
too tired so we drove straight home, but of course I was very happy.

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