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Integrated IT Support Solutions Package: Streamlining Operations with Bitrix24 Implementation,

Workspace Setup, Website Development, and Internet Installation

Scope of work:

We propose a comprehensive suite of services designed to optimize your business operations. This
package includes Bitrix24 software implementation, workspace installation, website development, and
internet installation, tailored to meet your company's specific needs.

Services Included:

A. Bitrix24 Software Implementation:

1. Bitrix24 License Fee:
 Basic Plan - 43USD per month and billed annually
 24 GB Storage
 5 users
 Collaboration module
 Tasks & Projects
 Drive
 Contact Center
 Online Store
2. Renting Local Phone Numbers: 6 USD per Month
3. Calling Rate will be found in this link:

Note: Rates are set by VoxImplant and are subject to change without notice. Prices
indicate USD / 1 min including VAT. Exchange rate fees may apply if paid in local
currencies.To make outbound calls or receive incoming calls, you need to make a deposit
to your account.

4. Training and Support Services

 Training Sessions for Team Leader
 Ongoing Support Package for 6 months
 Mode of payment recurring (subject for negotiation)

B. Workspace Equipment Installation

C. Website Development
- Wordpress – Using Hostinger
Website development proposal for International Information Technology Solutions (IITS)


International Information Technology Solutions seeks to establish a dynamic online presence to

showcase its comprehensive range of IT services globally. This proposal outlines the strategies, timeline,
and deliverables for developing a WordPress-based website tailored to the needs of IITS.

Project Objectives:

 Create a modern, responsive, and professional website that highlights IITS's international IT
solutions and expertise.
 Develop an intuitive user experience allowing easy navigation through services, case studies, and
contact information.
 Implement SEO strategies for enhanced online visibility and increased organic traffic.
 Incorporate interactive features to encourage engagement, such as contact forms and chat support.

Scope of Work:

1. Discovery Phase

 Conduct comprehensive consultations with IITS to comprehend their global reach,

service portfolio, and target demographics.
 Analyze competitors and international market trends to identify key differentiators.
 Define the website's architecture, sitemap, and wireframes.

2. Design and Development Phase

 Select a WordPress theme that reflects IITS's professionalism, aligns with their brand
identity, and supports multilingual features.
 Customize the theme to integrate IITS's branding elements, including color schemes,
logos, and typography.
 Develop key pages: Home, About Us, Services, Case Studies/Projects, Contact Us,
Careers (if needed).
 Implement a responsive design ensuring optimal functionality across various devices.
 Integrate multilingual support for global reach.
 Utilize SEO plugins and optimize content for improved search engine rankings.
 Incorporate interactive elements like contact forms, live chat, or inquiry forms.

3. Testing and Quality Assurance

 Conduct rigorous testing to ensure smooth navigation, functionality, and responsiveness

across all devices.
 Perform cross-browser and multilingual testing to ensure compatibility and accuracy.
 Review content for language accuracy, grammar, and spelling.
4. Deployment and Launch

 Securely host the website on a server with global accessibility and high uptime.
 Implement robust security measures and conduct final checks before the website's launch.
 Ensure seamless transition from the development environment to the live site.

5. Post-Launch Support and Maintenance

 Provide comprehensive documentation and training for managing the WordPress website.
 Offer ongoing support, including regular updates, backups, and security checks.
 Monitor website performance and implement optimizations as needed.


 A fully functional WordPress website showcasing IITS's global IT solutions and

 Customized design elements reflecting the professionalism and global outlook of the
 SEO-optimized content and multilingual support for global accessibility.
 Documentation for website management and maintenance guidelines.


Phase 1: Discovery and Planning (3 weeks)

 Week 1-3 (December 20th - January 9th):

 Conduct initial client consultations and gather requirements.

 Research competitors and industry trends.
 Define website architecture, sitemap, and wireframes.

Phase 2: Design and Development (5 weeks)

 Week 4-8 (January 10th - February 13th):

 Select and customize WordPress theme.

 Develop essential pages (Home, About Us, Services, Contact).
 Implement responsive design and branding elements.
 Integrate SEO plugins and optimize on-page elements.
 Incorporate interactive features (contact forms, live chat).
Phase 3: Testing and Quality Assurance (2 weeks)

 Week 9-10 (February 14th - February 27th):

 Conduct functionality tests across devices and browsers.

 Perform content review and proofreading.
 Ensure SEO optimization and multilingual support.

Phase 4: Deployment Preparation (1 week)

 Week 11 (February 28th - March 6th):

 Set up hosting and server configurations.

 Implement security measures and final checks.

Phase 5: Deployment and Launch (1 week)

 Week 12 (March 7th - March 13th):

 Transfer the website to the live server.

 Perform final checks and ensure readiness for launch.

Phase 6: Post-Launch Support and Maintenance (Ongoing)

 Starting March 14th:

 Provide documentation and training for website management.

 Offer ongoing support, updates, and maintenance.

Estimated Subscription Costs (Not Included in 15,000.00 Service Charge)

Hosting Subscription (Hostinger)

 179.00 pesos per month with 3 months free. Then 359 pesos when renew. This will be paid
annually. You can check the price in the site :

2. Theme Subscription:

 Premium WordPress themes can cost around 1,000 pesos to 5,000 pesos annually, depending on
the chosen theme and its functionalities.
3. Domain Subscription:

 Domain registration costs can vary but typically range from 200 pesos to 1,000 pesos per year for
a standard domain extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.).

Total Estimated Subscription Costs (Monthly/Annual)

 Hosting: 500 pesos - 2,000 pesos per month

 Theme: 1,000 pesos - 5,000 pesos per year
 Domain: 200 pesos - 1,000 pesos per year

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