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Seminar 3

Practical assignment
1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.

Text 1
Ælfred cyninʒ hāteþ ȝrētan Wærferþ biscep his wordum luflice ond frēōndlice ond
þē cӯþan hate þæt mē cōm swīþe oft on ʒemund, hwelce wiotan īū wǣron ʒiond
Anʒelcynn ǣʒþer ʒē ʒodcundra hāda ʒē woruldcundra; ond hū ʒesǣliʒlica tida þā
wǣron ʒiond Anʒelcynn.
King Alfred orders to greet bishop Waerferth fervently with friendly words and
orders to tell, you, what often enough came to my mind, what wise men there were
in the past among the Angles either of divine state or of lay state; and what a
wonderful time there was among Englishmen.
• cyninȝ-n.m.a., PDE king; OHG cuning; OS kuning
• biscep-n.m.a.,PDE bishop; OHG biskof; Gr. Episkopos
• word-n. neuter, a., PDE word; Goth waird; OHG wort; Lat. Verbum
• ʒemund-n. f. I, PDE mind, memory; Goth gamund; OHG gimunt; Lat.
• wita-n. m. n., PDE a wise man; Goth unwita, OHG wizzo
• cynn-n. n. ja., PDE race; Goth. kuni’ Lat. genus
• hād-n.m. a., PDE rank, degree’ Goth haidus; OHG hait
• tid-n. f. ō., PDE time, period.

1. Name variants of the following words ond, wiotan. Explain these phonetic
variants of the same words.
2. Learn the paradigms of OE nouns: OE stān,-a-.masc.; OE dēōr,-a-,neuter;
OE scip,-a, neuter;OE nama,-n-, masc; OE mann, root stem, m.
3. Write down paradigms of the OE nouns: OE helm,-a-,m; OE scēāp,-a-,
neuter; OE hnuta,-n-,m; OE fōt,-root stem, m.
4. Comment on the importance of the above-mentioned paradigms. Why were
they chosen from all the paradigms of OE nouns?
5. What OE declensions do these nouns belong to?
6. Give the paradigm of the OE noun dæʒ,-a-stem, masc. taking into account
the changes of the root vowel in different positions in the word.
7. Analyze the forms of all the nouns from Text 1.
The sample of the OE noun analysis:
cyninʒ is a form of the Nominative Case, singular, of the noun cyninʒ, -a-stem,
masculine, the strong declension.
2. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Analyze the nouns and

Text 2
þȳ ylcan ʒēāre onforan winter þā Deniscan þe on Meresiʒe sǣton tuʒon
hiera scipu up on Temese; þæt wæs ymb twā ʒēār þǣs þe hie hider ofer sǣ
cōmon. (The Parker Chronicle)

þȳ- instr. case of sē

ylc, pronoun, PDE the same
ʒēār, n. n. a, PDE year
onforan, preposition, PDE before
winter, n. m. a, PDE winter
þe, rel. part., PDE who
Meresiʒe, the Mersey
sǣton, past plural of sittan, strong verb, 5, PDE to sit, to dwell
tuʒon, past plural of tēōn, strong verb, 2, PDE to draw, to pull
scip, n. n. a, PDE ship
ymb, prp., PDE about, by
hider, adv., PDE hither
þǣs þē, dem. prn, since the time
sǣ, n, f, i, PDE sea
cōmon, past plural of cuman, st. verb, 4, PDE to come
1. Give paradigms of the OE nouns having the same grammatical categories:
hol,-a-stem, neuter and dēōr,-a-stem, neuter. Explain the difference in
forms of Nominative plural.
2. Identify the origin of vowels /a/, /æ/, /å/ in the OE word dæl (dale), Nom.
Pl dalas. Dat. Pl. dala.
3. Reconstruct OE words from Gothic words: Goth. haitan, Goth. dauþs,
Goth. kiusan.
4. Explain the origin of OE diphthongs in the following words: OE feallan
(to fall), OE feohtan (to fight), OE earm (poor), OE ʒietan (to get),
sceoh (shoe).
3. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.
Text 3
Þæt Estland is swȳþe mycel, and þǣr biþ swȳþe maniʒ burh, and ǣlcere
byriʒ biþ cyninʒ, and þǣr biþ swȳþe mycel huniʒ and fiscaþ; and sē
cyninʒ and þa rīcostan men drincaþ myran meolc and þā unspēdiʒan and
þā þēōwan drincaþ mede. (Orosius. Wulfstan story)
Estland, n.n. a. the east country, Estonia
swȳþe, adv., very much, very, der.from swȳþ, swīþ, strong, Goth swinþs
þǣr, adv. there
burh, burʒ, n. f. cons., town, Goth baurgs
ǣlc, prn., each
cyninʒ, n. m. a. king, Goth kuni
huniʒ, n. n. a, honey
fiscaþ, n. m. a., fishing,Goth fisks, Lat piscis
rīce, adj, rich, powerful, Goth. reiks
drincan, str. verb, 3, to drink, Goth. drigkan
myre, mǣre, adj., great
meolc, n. f. ō, milk, Goth. miluh
unspēdiʒ, adj., poor
þēōwa, n. m. n, servant Goth. þius
medu, meodu, n.m.n, mead OHG metu

1. Give the paradigms of the OE adjective ʒōd in the strong and weak
2. Analyze the nominal parts of speech from the text: Þa rīcostan men; þā
3. Give the paradigm of the following words from the OE text:
sē cyninʒ, unspēdiʒ mann

The sample of the OE adjective analysis:

rīcostan is a form of the Nominative Case, plural, of the adjective rīce in the
superlative degree, masculine, the weak declension.
The sample of the OE pronoun analysis:
þa is a form of the Nominative Case, plural, of the demonstrative pronoun sē ,
masculine gender.

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