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How to use ChatGPT for sales [Part 2].

Yesterday I shared how I used ChatGPT for creating outbound messages. This is a
continuation of the previous post.
They are also great to understand a new industry you are selling to, I would actually make
this a mandatory process for onboarding new reps to a company.
BTW, prompt #4 is gold. If you haven't, research Cost of Innaction theory, this is gold to
make people consider change (which is the biggest thing we are selling against, especially
in larger corporations).
Getting people to challenge their status quo is a good skill to master, and an excellent way
to get attention.
So here it is.
Prompt 1:
I sell a product that you can find at (domain) and we have 4 main value propositions(Insert
4 value props). What do (Job title) care about most in the (sub-industry) assuming that the
economy is not great or may go down
Prompt 2:
What do they NOT care about in these environments
Prompt 3:
Based on these two questions, what are the top 2 value propositions that will cause people
to buy because they generate the highest ROI
Prompt 4:
What are 4 questions I can ask that (job title) to get them to see that we might be able to
solve their top priorities that may make them realize they need the solution?
Prompt 5:
How would I adjust this pitch for the (job title) to get budget approval from a CFO who
cares about costs most?
Prompt 6:
What will their biggest objections probably be that I should add in the proposal to make
them comfortable?
Prompt 7:
Based on all of this, what would be the top 10 slides to include in a deck to pitch my
services to address both use cases highlighting the top priorities and needs of the Vp of
sales and also to address the concerns of the VP of sales

Ooo so the answers get to be extremely long for these ones. I placed my services and the
first 2 answers were not that specific, but if you keep asking it started giving me better stuff
I could use.
[Prompt 3]
Based on the priorities mentioned earlier and the desire for generating the highest return on
investment (ROI), the following two value propositions are likely to resonate well with
CEOs and VP of Sales:
Connecting with Decision Makers in Large Organizations: CEOs and VP of Sales
understand the value of accessing decision makers in large enterprises, particularly IT or
Tech Leaders like CIOs and CTOs. By offering a service that facilitates direct connections
and meetings with these key decision makers, you can provide significant ROI potential.
This value proposition increases the chances of securing valuable partnerships and contracts
with Fortune 500 companies, leading to substantial revenue growth and market expansion.
Ensuring Alignment of Initiatives and Budgets: CEOs and VP of Sales are concerned about
investing in initiatives that align with their organization's goals and have allocated budgets.
By offering a service that verifies the alignment of enterprises' initiatives with your clients'
solutions and ensures the availability of budgets, you provide a crucial ROI driver. This
value proposition helps your clients focus their resources and efforts on high-potential
opportunities, minimizing the risk of wasted time and resources on unqualified prospects.
By emphasizing these two value propositions, you demonstrate how your service directly
contributes to revenue generation, cost optimization, and strategic decision-making.
Presenting the potential ROI and highlighting concrete examples or success stories will
further strengthen your value proposition and increase the likelihood of attracting clients
who are seeking the highest returns on their investments.
[Prompt 4]
"Are you currently facing challenges in connecting with decision makers in large
organizations, such as CIOs and CTOs, to promote your solutions effectively?"
This question highlights the importance of accessing key decision makers and
acknowledges a common pain point. It prompts them to consider the value of a service that
can facilitate these connections and potentially open doors to lucrative opportunities.
"How confident are you in the alignment of your initiatives with the budgets available to
support them?"
This question encourages CEOs and VP of Sales to reflect on the significance of aligning
initiatives with allocated budgets. It prompts them to consider the potential benefits of a
service that ensures alignment, helping them focus their efforts on initiatives that have the
necessary financial support for implementation.
"Have you ever experienced challenges in identifying high-potential prospects and
qualifying them efficiently?"
This question addresses the common issue of prospect qualification. It prompts CEOs and
VP of Sales to consider the value of a service that helps identify prospects who have
genuine interest and a higher likelihood of converting into customers. It highlights the
potential for increased efficiency and improved conversion rates.
"In uncertain economic times, how important is it for your organization to optimize costs
and achieve a higher return on investment?"
This question draws attention to the current economic climate and the need for cost
optimization and ROI enhancement. It prompts CEOs and VP of Sales to reflect on the
potential value of a solution that can contribute to these objectives, such as by providing
access to decision makers, ensuring alignment, and maximizing the chances of successful
These questions aim to create awareness and prompt CEOs and VP of Sales to consider the
pain points and challenges they may be facing. By highlighting the potential benefits of
your solution in addressing these priorities, you can help them realize the value and need for
your services.
[Prompt 5]
To adjust your pitch and appeal to a CFO who prioritizes cost considerations, you can
emphasize the financial benefits and cost-saving aspects of your service. Here's an adjusted
pitch that focuses on addressing the CFO's concerns:
"Are you looking for a solution that not only addresses critical business priorities but also
maximizes cost savings and return on investment? Our service offers a strategic opportunity
to optimize costs while achieving key objectives.
1. Cost-Efficient Connections: By leveraging our service, your organization can efficiently
connect with decision makers in large organizations, such as CIOs and CTOs, without
incurring significant expenses. We eliminate the need for expensive and time-consuming
traditional methods by providing a streamlined and cost-efficient approach to connecting
with these key stakeholders.
2. ROI-Driven Alignment: Our service ensures that your initiatives align with allocated
budgets, reducing the risk of wasted resources and enhancing your return on investment. By
focusing on initiatives with verified budget availability, you can optimize your budget
allocation and prioritize projects that deliver the highest financial impact.
3. Streamlined Prospect Qualification: We help your sales team identify high-potential
prospects and qualify them efficiently, reducing the time and effort spent on pursuing
unqualified leads. This targeted approach not only enhances sales productivity but also
minimizes costs associated with pursuing prospects who may not have genuine interest or
budgetary capabilities.
4. Cost Optimization in Uncertain Times: With our service, you can navigate the
uncertainties of the current economic climate with confidence. By streamlining processes,
reducing operational costs, and maximizing efficiency, our solution aligns with your cost-
saving goals while still driving key business outcomes.
We understand that cost considerations are paramount for your organization, and our
service is specifically designed to help you achieve cost optimization without compromising
on results. By partnering with us, you can leverage our expertise and proven strategies to
achieve your business objectives while realizing significant cost savings.
We would be happy to provide a comprehensive cost analysis and demonstrate the potential
financial benefits our service can deliver. Let us help you drive cost efficiency, enhance
your ROI, and achieve your strategic goals. Together, we can empower your organization to
thrive in challenging economic conditions."
By focusing on cost efficiency, ROI-driven alignment, streamlined prospect qualification,
and cost optimization, this adjusted pitch highlights the financial advantages of your
service, addressing the CFO's primary concerns and increasing the likelihood of budget
[Prompt 6]
Scalability and Long-Term Viability: CFOs may question the scalability and long-term
viability of your service. In your proposal, discuss your company's growth trajectory,
financial stability, and future roadmap. Share any plans for enhancing your service,
expanding your customer base, or leveraging emerging technologies to demonstrate that
your solution is adaptable and sustainable over the long term.
Competitive Advantage: CFOs may want assurance that your service will provide a
competitive advantage for their organization. Clearly articulate the unique value
propositions and differentiating factors of your service. Showcase how your service
addresses specific pain points and offers advantages over competitors. Provide testimonials
or references from clients who have gained a competitive edge by using your service.
ROI Calculation and Payback Period: CFOs often scrutinize the financial aspects of any
investment. Include a detailed ROI calculation and payback period estimation in your
proposal. Highlight the potential cost savings, revenue generation, or efficiency
improvements that your service can deliver. Break down the financial benefits over a
defined timeframe to demonstrate the positive impact on the organization's financial health.
[Prompt 7]
When creating a pitch deck to address the needs of CEOs and VP of Sales while also
addressing their concerns, consider including the following ten slides:
Slide 1: Title Slide
- Introduce your company name, logo, and a concise tagline that captures the essence of
your service.
Slide 2: Problem Statement
- Clearly define the challenges and pain points faced by CEOs and VP of Sales in the digital
transformation and data analytics domains.
- Highlight the importance of addressing these challenges for business growth and success.
Slide 3: Market Opportunity
- Provide an overview of the market size, growth potential, and relevant industry trends.
- Showcase the demand for solutions in digital transformation, digitalization, data analytics,
and data automation.
Slide 4: Value Proposition
- Clearly articulate your service's value proposition, emphasizing how it addresses the top
priorities and needs of CEOs and VP of Sales.
- Highlight the benefits of your service, such as connecting with decision makers, ensuring
initiative and budget alignment, and streamlining prospect qualification.
Slide 5: Solution Overview
- Provide a high-level overview of your service, explaining how it works and the key
features or components.
- Focus on how your solution specifically addresses the pain points mentioned earlier and
delivers tangible results.
Slide 6: Case Studies/Testimonials
- Showcase real-world examples of successful implementations and the positive outcomes
achieved by your service.
- Include case studies or testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced the value
and benefits of your solution.
Slide 7: ROI and Financial Impact
- Present a detailed analysis of the financial impact and ROI potential of your service.
- Include specific data on cost savings, revenue generation, and efficiency improvements
that clients can expect.
Slide 8: Competitive Differentiation
- Highlight what sets your service apart from competitors and why it provides a unique
- Discuss your strengths, expertise, technology, or any proprietary methodologies that
contribute to your competitive edge.
Slide 9: Implementation and Support
- Outline your implementation plan, emphasizing a seamless integration process with
minimal disruption to existing operations.
- Discuss the support and resources you provide to clients during the implementation phase
and ongoing partnership.
Slide 10: Q&A and Contact Information
- Dedicate a slide for Q&A to encourage audience engagement and address any specific
concerns or questions they may have.
- Include your contact information, such as email, phone number, and website, for further
inquiries or follow-up discussions.
Remember to keep the content on each slide concise, visually appealing, and easy to
understand. Use clear visuals, bullet points, and impactful statements to convey your
message effectively.

I'm going to share some prompts I'm using to do cold outreach and book meetings.

My messages have booked meetings with C-Level executives in companies like American
Express, GE, GSK, NBC Universal, Verizon, Bank of America, HSBC, BNY Mellon,
Goldman Sachs and more.

A lot of people want ChatGPT to write messages for them. But the best use I've found for it
is more than anything research. With this info, I now save hours I used to spend browsing
the internet to find something interesting to say.

These are also great if you are selling to a new industry for the first time in your life. If you
do this for 5-10 prospects you'll know more than 80% of people selling to the industry.


Act like the {jobTitle} at {company} and list your top 3 challenges for 2023.

{company} is {companybio}.

Detailed bullet point answers only.

Once it gives you an answer try this other prompt.

“Give me 3 symptoms of problems you are trying to solve for each challenge. Bullet point

Now we, understand the market and a little bit of our ideal customers. But let's dig
deeper into each prospect. Let's find common ground.

Here’s the LinkedIn profile of a prospect. I’m trying to get this prospect to reply to my
outreach messages and I need to mention an element of their profile that is relevant to
problems I help solve: • {problem 1}• {problem 2}• {problem 3} Now find me 5 elements
from this resume that I could mention to catch their attention.

Here’s the resume: {PDFcontent}”

NOTE: The PDF content is basically downloading the PDF version of their profile and
pasting all of it on chatGPT


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