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Last updated: October 2022

Ratified the European Convention on Human Rights in 1996

National Judge: Darian Pavli (7 January 2019 - )

Judges’ CVs are available on the ECHR Internet site
Previous Judge: Kristaq Traja (1998-2008), Ledi Bianku (2008-2019)

List of judges of the Court since 1959

The Court dealt with 224 applications concerning Albania in 2021, of which 220 were declared
inadmissible or struck out. It delivered 3 judgments (concerning 4 applications), 2 of which
found at least one violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Applications Applications pending before the

2020 2021 2022*
processed in court on 01/07/2022
Applications allocated 76 75 46 Applications pending before a judicial 403
to a judicial formation formation:
Communicated to the 5 38 2 Single Judge 14
Applications decided: 123 224 56 Committee (3 Judges) 284
- Declared inadmissible 30 17 46
or struck out (Single Chamber (7 Judges) 105
Grand Chamber (17 Judges) 0
- Declared inadmissible 77 203 7
or struck out
- Declared inadmissible 13 0 0 Albania and ...
or struck out
(Chamber) The Registry
- Decided by judgment 3 4 3 The task of the Registry is to provide
legal and administrative support to the
* January to July 2022 Court in the exercise of its judicial
For information about the Court’s judicial formations
and procedure, see the ECHR internet site.
functions. It is composed of lawyers,
Statistics on interim measures can be found here. administrative and technical staff and
translators. There are currently 646
Registry staff members.
Press country profile - Albania

Cases concerning detention conditions

Noteworthy cases, judgments and health care
delivered (Article 3)
Strazimiri v. Albania
Chamber 21.01.2020
The case concerned the detention of a man,
who had been exempted from criminal
Cases dealing with the right to life
responsibility on account of mental illness,
(Article 2)
in a prison rather than a medical institution.
Tërshana v. Albania Violation of Article 3 because of inadequate
04.08.2020 living conditions in the prison hospital
The case concerned an acid attack on the where Mr Strazimiri was detained and
applicant in 2009. She suspected that her insufficient psychiatric care
former husband, whom she accused of Prizreni v. Albania
domestic violence, was behind the attack.
No violation of Article 2 (right to life)
The case concerned the death and alleged
Violation of Article 2 (investigation)
ill-treatment of the applicant’s brother in
Prizreni v. Albania hospital after his transfer there from prison.
11.06.2019 Violation of the procedural limb of Article 2
The case concerned the death and alleged owing to the lack of an effective
ill-treatment of the applicant’s brother in investigation into the applicant’s brother’s
hospital after his transfer there from prison. death in hospital
Violation of the procedural limb of Article 2 No violation of the substantive limb of
owing to the lack of an effective Article 3 (prohibition of torture)
investigation into the applicant’s brother’s Violation of the procedural limb of Article 3
death in hospital (prohibition of torture) owing to the lack of
No violation of the substantive limb of a proper investigation into the applicant’s
Article 3 (prohibition of torture) arguable claims that his brother had been
Violation of the procedural limb of Article 3 ill-treated
(prohibition of torture) owing to the lack of Grori v. Albania
a proper investigation into the applicant’s
arguable claims that his brother had been
The case concerned the applicant’s
complaint of having received inadequate
Rrapo v. Albania medical treatment in prison and about the
25.09.2012 unlawfulness of his detention for the
The case concerned the applicant’s enforcement in Albania of the life sentence
extradition in November 2010 from Albania imposed by the Italian courts in his
to the USA, where he faced charges of a absence.
number of serious offences, including Violation of Article 3 (prohibition of
membership of an organised racketeering inhuman or degrading treatment)
enterprise engaged in murder, kidnapping, Violation of Article 5 (right to liberty and
drug distribution, arson, robbery and security) and 34 (right of individual
extortion. petition)
No violation of Article 2 Dybeku v. Albania
No violation of Article 3 (prohibition of
inhuman or degrading treatment)
The case concerned the applicant’s
No violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 13
detention conditions and the medical
(abolition of the death penalty)
treatment he received in prison, which he
Violation of Article 34 (right to individual
considered inappropriate given his state of
Violation of Article 3 (prohibition of
inhuman or degrading treatment)

Cases on Article 5 alleged breach of the principle of legal
(right to liberty and security) certainty
Press release in Albanian
Strazimiri v. Albania
21.01.2020 Haxhia v. Albania and Mulosmani v.
The case concerned the detention of a man, Albania
who had been exempted from criminal 08.10.2013
responsibility on account of mental illness, These cases concerned the criminal
in a prison rather than a medical institution. proceedings against two high-ranking police
Violations of Article 5 §§ 1, 4 and 5 (right officers following the assassination in 1998
to liberty and security/ right to have the of a Member of Parliament for the
lawfulness of detention decided speedily by opposition party, as well as his bodyguard.
a court/enforceable right to compensation), One of the officers was convicted of the
in particular because of his continued assassination and the other officer was
deprivation of liberty in a prison rather than convicted of aiding and abetting the
a medical institution and because his murder.
appeal against his detention had been No violation of Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (a) to
pending before the Supreme Court since (d)
2016. The Court further declared inadmissible, in
particular, the applicants’ complaints under
Article 6 § 2 (presumption of innocence).
Cases dealing with Article 6
Manushaqe Puto and others v. Albania
Right to a fair trial/hearing 31.07.2012- pilot judgment 1
Besnik Cani v. Albania (no. 37474/20) The case concerned the complaints by 20
Albanians that, despite their inherited title
The case concerned a former prosecutor to plots of land having been recognised by
who was dismissed in 2020 as part of an the authorities, final administrative
exceptional process for the re-evaluation of decisions awarding them compensation in
all serving judges and prosecutors – known one of the ways provided for by law in lieu
as vetting proceedings – following a reform of restitution had never been enforced.
of the justice system in Albania, and his Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective
doubts about one of the judges appointed remedy)
to hear his case. Violation of Article 6 § 1
Violation of Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial Violation of Article 1 of Protocol no. 1
/ right to access to court) (protection of property)
Noting that the complaints reflected a
Xhoxhaj v. Albania widespread problem in Albania affecting a
09.02.2021 large number of people, the Court decided
The case concerned a Constitutional Court to apply the pilot-judgment procedure in
judge who had been dismissed from office this case. It held that Albania had to take
following the outcome of proceedings general measures in order to effectively
commenced in relation to her, as part of an secure the right to compensation within 18
exceptional process for the re-evaluation of
suitability for office of all judges and
prosecutors in the country, otherwise
known as the vetting process. The
Since 2004 and in response to the large number of
cases deriving from systemic or structural problems in
applicant’s case was examined by the certain countries the Court has developed a
vetting bodies and her dismissal was pilot-judgment procedure. This consists in identifying
confirmed in private by the Appeal in a single judgment systemic problems underlying a
Chamber. violation of the European Convention on Human Rights
and indicating in that judgment the remedial measures
No violation of Article 6 § 1 as regards the required to resolve such situations. The pilot-judgment
alleged lack of independence and procedure is not only intended to facilitate effective
impartiality of the vetting bodies, the implementation by respondent states of individual and
alleged unfairness of the general measures necessary to comply with the
Court’s judgments, but also induces the respondent
proceedings, the alleged lack of a public State to resolve large numbers of individual cases
hearing before the Appeal Chamber and the arising from the same structural problem at domestic
level, thus reinforcing the principle of subsidiarity
which underpins the Convention system.

months from the date on which the Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective
judgment became final. remedy)
Caush Driza v. Albania
Right of access to court
The case concerned, inter alia, the lack of Shkalla v. Albania
an effective domestic remedy in relation to 10.05.2011
the applicant’s right to in-kind The case concerned the unfairness of the
compensation in lieu of the physical criminal proceedings in absentia against the
restoration of property. applicant and the hindrance of his right of
Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective access to court on account of the
remedy) Constitutional Court’s refusal to examine
Violation of Article 6 § 1 his constitutional appeal.
Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 Violation of Article 6 § 1 (access and
(protection of property) fairness)
Laska and Lika v. Albania
Right to a fair hearing within a reasonable
20.04.2010 time
The case concerned the unfairness of the
criminal proceedings against the applicants, Bara and Kola v. Albania
notably the conduct of an identification 12.10.2021
parade in which the applicants were made The case concerned proceedings before the
to wear balaclavas the same colour as domestic courts at a time when judicial
those worn by the offenders, in the absence reforms had been taking place. An election
of their lawyers. to the post of rector of a university had
Violation of Article 6 § 1 been at issue in Mr Bara’s case, while Mr
Kola’s had concerned his trial for murder.
Mullai and Others v. Albania
Violation of Article 6 § 1
23.03.2010 Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective
The case concerned the lack of consistent remedy) concerning the first applicant only
interpretation by the Supreme Court as
regards the lawfulness of a building permit Mishgjoni v. Albania
awarded to the applicants. 07.12.2010
Violation of Article 6 § 1 The case concerned the applicant’s
Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 complaint about the excessive length of
proceedings with regard to her dismissal in
Gjyli v. Albania
2002 from her post as a district court
29.09.2009 judge. She also complained that the related
The case concerned the non-enforcement of proceedings concerning payment of salary
a final domestic court decision ordering the arrears had been excessively long as well
applicant’s reinstatement as well as the lack as unfair.
of an effective domestic remedy as regards Violation of Article 6 § 1
the non-enforcement of a final court Violation of Article 13 in conjunction with
decision. Article 6 § 1 (length)
Violation of Article 6 § 1
Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective Gjonbocari and Others v. Albania
remedy) 23.10.2007
Concerned three sets of proceedings in
Driza v. Albania and Ramadhi and
which the applicants claimed restitution of
Others v. Albania
land which had belonged to their parents
13.11.2007 but had been confiscated without
The cases concerned the non-enforcement compensation by the authorities during the
of judgments and administrative decisions communist regime.
in restitution of property cases, a Two violations of Article 6 § 1
widespread problem affecting large Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective
numbers of people in Albania. remedy) in conjunction with Article 6 § 1
Violation of Article 6 § 1
Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
(protection of property)

Cases regarding private and family life
(Article 8)
Cases regarding Article 1 of Protocol
No. 1 (protection of property)
Xhoxhaj v. Albania
Beshiri v. Albania and 11 other
09.02.2021 applications
The case concerned a Constitutional Court
judge who had been dismissed from office
The case concerned complaints about a
following the outcome of proceedings
prolonged lack of enforcement of final
commenced in relation to her, as part of an
decisions awarding compensation for
exceptional process for the reevaluation of
property expropriated during the
suitability for office of all judges and
communist era.
prosecutors in the country, otherwise
The Court declared the applications
known as the vetting process. The
inadmissible for non-exhaustion of domestic
applicant’s case was examined by the
remedies, as premature, or because the
vetting bodies and her dismissal was
applicants were no longer victims of a
confirmed in private by the Appeal
violation of their rights.
Press release in Albanian
No violation of Article 8
Press release in Albanian

Other noteworthy cases, Noteworthy cases, decisions

judgments delivered delivered
Beleri and Others v. Albania
Sharxhi and Others v. Albania
Decision of 10 May 2016
The case concerned the complaint of a
The case concerned the demolition of flats
group of Albanian nationals belonging to
and business premises in an Albanian
the Greek-speaking minority of their
coastal town, Vlora. The applicants, owners
conviction, in Albania, of incitement to
of the flats, complained in particular about
national hatred and denigration of the
the seizure, expropriation and subsequent
Republic and its symbols.
demolition of their properties within a
Application declared inadmissible:
period of one month in 2013, despite a
Complaint under Article 10 (freedom of
court order telling the authorities to refrain
expression) dismissed for failure to exhaust
from taking any action that could breach
domestic remedies
their property rights.
Complaints under Articles 6 § 1 (right to a
Violations of Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair
fair trial within a reasonable time), 14
trial), Article 8 (right to respect for private
(prohibition of discrimination) and 13 (right
and family life and the home) and Article 1
to an effective remedy) rejected as
of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property)
manifestly ill-founded
alone and in conjunction with Article 13
(right to an effective remedy) Ceka v. Albania
Alimuçaj v. Albania Decision of 23.10.2012
The case concerned the death of Ms Ceka’s
son in police custody in July 2004 following
The case concerned the criminal
his arrest on suspicion of robbery.
proceedings against the applicant for the
Given the Government’s admission that, in
criminal offence of deception as a result of
the present case, there had been a violation
taking loans from the public in the period
of Articles 2 and 3 as well as the amount of
between 1995 and 1997.
compensation proposed - EUR 10,000, a
No violation of Article 7 (as regards the
fair amount in this case in the Court’s view
qualification of the applicant’s actions as a
– the Court considered that it was no longer
criminal offence under national law)
justified to continue the examination of the
Violation of Article 7 (on account of the fact
case and, under Article 37 § 1 (c) (striking
that a heavier penalty was imposed on the
out applications), decided to strike it out of
applicant than the one applicable at the
its list of cases.
time of the commission of the criminal

Vefa Holding Sh.p.k. and Alimuçaj v. proceedings resulting in the applicant’s
Albania removal from work as a prosecutor.
Decision of 14.06.2011 Nikehasani v. Albania (no. 58997/18)
The case concerned the collapse of a
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
pyramid scheme and the adoption of on 25 January 2019
remedial legislation resulting in the The application concerns the applicant’s
applicants’ company being divested of its dismissal from her duties on the basis of a
control and placed under the authority and failure to submit an accurate declaration of
supervision of State-appointed assets in the framework of the vetting
administrators. process.
Application declared inadmissible as the
applicants failed to comply with the Gashi and Gina v. Albania
time-limit laid down in Article 35 §§ 1 and 4 (no. 29943/18)
of the Convention. Case communicated to the Albanian Government
on 7 September 2018
Noteworthy pending cases The application concerns the immediate
suspension from their duties of two high
2001 SH.P.K. v. Albania profile prosecutors on the basis of a
(no. 56080/19) criminal investigation initiated against them
for failing to submit an accurate assets
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
declaration in the framework of the vetting
on 10 May 2021
(lustration) process.
The application concerns an alleged breach
of the applicant company’s right of access
to court. Hysenaj v. Albania (no. 78961/11)
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
on 16 March 2016
Vetting process of judges and
prosecutors The case concerns the authorities’ failure to
inform the applicant, who is of Roma origin,
of the progress of criminal proceedings
Bala v. Albania (no. 21141/20) against third parties who had set her home
Case communicated to the Albanian Government on fire, as a result of which she could not
on 2 July 2021 lodge a civil claim as the injured party in
The application concerns the accordance with Article 62 of the Code of
discontinuation of the vetting proceedings Criminal Procedure. The applicant relies on
(ndërprerjen e procesit të rivlerësimit) in Articles 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial) and 14
relation to the applicant, following her (prohibition of discrimination) of the
resignation from the position of a legal Convention.
advisor at the Constitutional Court and in
Becchetti and Others v. Albania
spite of her request to be vetted, and the
(no. 53488/15)
imposition of a ban on re-appointment in
any posts in the justice system for a period Case communicated to the Albanian Government
on 12 January 2016
of fifteen years, in accordance with Article
G of the Annex to the Constitution. In this case, all four applicants complain
under Article 6 § 2 (presumption of
Thanza v. Albania (no. 41047/19) innocence) of the Convention on account of
Case communicated to the Albanian Government statements made by the Prime Minister.
on 22 November 2019 Furthermore, one of the applicants also
The application concerns the outcome of complains under Article 3 (prohibition of
the transitional re-evaluation (vetting) inhuman or degrading treatment) of the
proceedings resulting in the applicant’s Convention on account of her wearing
removal from office as a Supreme Court handcuffs at the hearing at which her house
judge. arrest was ordered.
Sevdari v. Albania (no. 40662/19)
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
on 22 November 2019
The application concerns the outcome of
the transitional re-evaluation (vetting)

Delijorgji v. Albania Positive obligations by the State
(nos. 53694/08, 48729/08, 48740/08,
Durdaj v. Albania (nos. 63543/09 and
and 54768/08)
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
Case communicated to the Albanian Government
on 14 February 2011
on 6 January 2015
The applicants are two Albanian companies
The case concerns the authorities’
and three Albanian nationals.
obligation to protect the life of the
The case concerns an explosion at an arms
applicants’ son as well as their obligation to
depot in the village of Gërdec in March
conduct an effective investigation into the
2008, which killed more than two dozen
explosion of a demilitarisation facility. All
people. Following the incident, Mr Delijorgji,
the applicants in the case rely on Article 2
the administrator of a company responsible
(right to life) of the Convention.
for munitions-disposal work at the site was
See similar applications Selami v. Albania
remanded and his property was seized.
(no. 46707/13) and Durdaj and Hazizaj v.
All applicants rely mainly on Article 1 of
Albania (no. 46714/13), communicated in
Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) to
January 2015.
the European Convention.

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+33 (0)3 90 21 42 08


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