2nd Quarter Reviewer Gen Biology 1

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● inserting a water molecule across the

I. Biological Macromolecules bond

● breaking a covalent bond
Biological macromolecules
Dehydration and hydrolysis reactions are
● large molecules, necessary for life, catalyzed, or “sped up,” by specific enzymes;
that are built from smaller organic
molecules. Dehydration reactions involve the formation
● organic (contains carbon) of new bonds, requiring energy, while
● 4 Major Biological Macromolecules hydrolysis reactions break bonds and
● Carbohydrates release energy.
● Lipids
● Protein A specific enzyme breaks down each
● Nucleic Acid macromolecule

Synthesis of Biomolecules Break down carbohydrates

Monomers - amylase
- sucrase
● single subunits or building blocks - lactase
● (most macromolecules are made - maltase
from monomers)
Break down proteins
- proteases, such as pepsin
● monomers combine with each other - peptidase
using covalent bonds to form larger - hydrochloric acid

Dehydration Synthesis
- CARBOHYDRATE (carbo - carbon &
● “to put together while losing water.” hydrate - water)
● hydrogen of one monomer combines ● provide energy to the body,
with the hydroxyl group of another particularly through glucose, a simple
monomer sugar that is a component of starch
● monomers share electrons and form
covalent bonds Molecular Structure of Carbohydrates

Hydrolysis ● stoichiometric formula (CH2O)n

● Polymers break down into monomers n - number of carbons

during hydrolysis
● polymer breaks into two components ● carbon to hydrogen to oxygen - 1:2:1
● one part gains a hydrogen atom (H+) ● 3 SUBTYPES OF
● other gains a hydroxyl molecule CARBOHYDRATES
(OH–) ● monosaccharides
● disaccharides ● plants synthesize glucose using
● polysaccharides carbon dioxide and water (energy
Monosaccharides (“one”) (sacchar - sweet) ● often obtain glucose from catabolized
(cell breakdown of larger molecules)
● simple sugar starch.
● number of carbons usually ranges
from three to seven Galactose - (part of lactose - milk sugar)
● most names end with the suffix -ose
● can be trioses (three carbons), Fructose - (sucrose- fruit)
pentoses (five carbons), and/or
hexoses (six carbons). ● Same Chemical Formula (C6H12O6)
- Glucose
- Galactose
- Fructose
● differ structurally and chemically (and
are isomers)
● different arrangement of functional
groups around the asymmetric

Glucose Disaccharides (di- = “two”)

● chemical formula for glucose is form when two monosaccharides undergo a

C6H12O6 dehydration reaction
● important source of energy
one monosaccharide's hydroxyl group
● cellular respiration, energy releases
combines with another monosaccharide's
from glucose, and that energy helps
hydrogen, releasing a water molecule and
make adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
forming a covalent bond.
Glycosidic Bonds (Glycosidic Linkages)
A covalent bond forms between a or unbranched, and it may contain different
carbohydrate molecule and another types of monosaccharides.
molecule (in this case, between two
monosaccharides). The molecular weight may be 100,000
daltons or more depending on the number of
● Two Types joined monomers.

Alpha Bond Primary Examples of Polysaccharides

● formed when the OH group on the ○ Starch

carbon-1 of the first glucose is below ○ Glycogen
the ring plane ○ Cellulose
○ Chitin
Beta Bond
•Plants store sugars in the form of starch. In
● formed when the OH group on the plants,
carbon-1 is above the ring plane.
○ synthesize glucose
○ store excess glucose
○ an amylose and amylopectin
mixture (both glucose
polymers) comprise these

The starch in the seeds

○ provides food for the embryo

as it germinates
○ act as a food source for
humans and animals.
Common disaccharides include ○ Enzymes break down the
starch that humans consume.
● lactose, consisting of the monomers For example, an amylase
glucose and galactose. It is naturally present in saliva catalyzes
in milk.
● maltose or malt sugar, disaccharide Glucose starch comprises monomers that
formed by a dehydration reaction are joined by α 1-4 or α 1-6 glycosidic bonds.
between two glucose molecules The numbers 1-4 and 1-6 refer to the carbon
● and sucrose or table sugar, which is number of the two residues that have joined
comprised of glucose and fructose to form the bond.
POLYSACCHARIDES (poly- = “many”)
○ storage form of glucose in
•A long chain of monosaccharides linked by humans and other
glycosidic bonds The chain may be branched
vertebrates and is comprised ● Non-polar molecules are
of monomers of glucose. hydrophobic (“water fearing”), or
○ animal equivalent of starch insoluble in water.
○ highly branched molecule ● Cells store energy for long-term use
usually stored in liver and in the form of fats.
muscle cells.
● provide insulation from the
○ blood glucose levels environment for plants and animals.
decrease, glycogen breaks ● For example, they help keep aquatic
down to release glucose in a birds and mammals dry when forming
process a protective layer over fur or feathers
because of their water-repellant
hydrophobic nature.
● the building blocks of many
hormones and are an important
constituent of all cellular membranes.
● include fats, oils, waxes,


A fat molecule consists of two main

components—glycerol and fatty acids.

Glycerol is an

● organic compound (alcohol) with

● three carbons,
● five hydrogens,
● three hydroxyl (OH) groups.
● Fatty acids have a long chain of
hydrocarbons to which a carboxyl
group is attached, hence the name
“fatty acid.”
● Number of Carbons (fatty acid)
● 4 to 36
● The most common are those
Lipids - largely nonpolar in nature. This is containing 12–18 carbons. In a fat
molecule, the fatty acids attach to
because they are hydrocarbons that include
each of the glycerol.
mostly nonpolar carbon–carbon or carbon–
hydrogen bonds.
Example (Saturated)

● Stearic acid (animal fats)

● Palmitic Acid (common in meat)
● Butyric acid (butter)

During this ester bond formation, three water

molecules are released. We also call fats
triacylglycerols or triglycerides because of
their chemical structure. Some fatty acids
have common names that specify their
origin. For example, palmitic acid, a
Unsaturated Fatty Acid
saturated fatty acid, is derived from the palm
tree. ● hydrocarbon chain contains a double
Arachidic acid is derived from Arachis
● Example
hypogea, the scientific name for groundnuts
● Oleic acid
or peanuts.
Most unsaturated fats are liquid at room
•Fatty acids may be saturated or
unsaturated. In a fatty acid chain,
● oils
Saturated Fatty Acids
monounsaturated fat (e.g., olive oil) - one
○ only single bonds between
double bond in the molecule
neighboring carbons in the
hydrocarbon chain polyunsaturated fat (e.g., canola oil) if there
○ saturated with hydrogen is more than one double bond
○ hydrogen atoms attached to
the carbon skeleton are
•When a fatty acid has no double bonds, it is ● alcohol classification (sterols).
a saturated fatty acid -not possible to add
more hydrogen to the chain's carbon atoms Most Common Steroid - Cholesterol

Long straight fatty acids with single bonds The liver synthesizes cholesterol
generally pack tightly and are solid at room
temperature. ● precursor to
● as testosterone and estradiol, which
Unsaturated fats or oils are gonads and endocrine glands
● usually of plant origin ● to Vitamin D.
● contain cis unsaturated fatty acids. ● of bile salts, which help emulsifying
● Cis and trans indicate the fats and their subsequent absorption
configuration of the molecule around by cells.
the double bond. ● Sterols (cholesterol in animal cells,
● Cis Fat phytosterol in plants) are
● If hydrogens are present in the same components of the plasma
plane membrane of cells and are found
● Trans Fat within the phospholipid bilayer.
● If the hydrogen atoms are on two
different planes Most Abundant Organic Molecules-
Kink - a bend (cis double bond)
● prevents the fatty acids from packing
tightly, keeping them liquid at room ● have the most diverse range of
temperature functions of all macromolecules.
● Proteins may be structural,
WAXES regulatory, contractile, or protective.
● They may serve in
Wax covers some aquatic birds' feathers and ● transport,
some plants' leaf surfaces. ● storage, or membranes;
● or they may be toxins or enzymes.
● hydrophobic nature, they prevent ● Each cell in a living system may
water from sticking on the surface. contain thousands of proteins, each
● Long fatty acid chains esterified to with a unique function
long-chain alcohols comprise waxes. ● amino acid polymers arranged in a
linear sequence.
Steroids have a fused ring structure.
● hydrophobic and insoluble in water.
● All steroids have four linked carbon ● are catalysts in biochemical reactions
rings and several of them, like (like digestion)
cholesterol, have a short tail.
● usually complex or conjugated
● Each enzyme is specific for the
substrate (a reactant that binds to an
enzyme) upon which it acts.
● The enzyme may help in
● breakdown,
● rearrangement,
● synthesis reactions

Catabolic Enzymes
Amino acids
● enzymes that break down their
substrates ● monomers that comprise proteins
● Each has the same fundamental
Anabolic Enzymes structure,
● consists of a central carbon atom,
● build more complex molecules from ● or the alpha (α) carbon, bonded to an
their substrates amino group (NH2), a carboxyl group
(COOH), and to a hydrogen atom.
Catalytic Enzymes
● Every has another atom or group of
● enzymes that affect the rate of atoms bonded to the central atom
reaction known as the R group
● Note that all enzymes increase the
reaction rate and, therefore, are
organic catalysts.
● An example of an enzyme is
● salivary amylase, which hydrolyzes
its substrate amylose, a component
of starch.


● chemical-signaling molecules,
● usually small proteins or steroids,
secreted by endocrine cells that act
to control or regulate
● specific physiological processes,
● growth
Amino Acids
● development
● metabolism
● contain both amino group and
● reproduction
carboxyl-acid-group in their basic
● For example, insulin is a protein
hormone that helps regulate the
blood glucose level.
● 20 common amino acids present in ● In prokaryotes, the DNA is not
proteins. enclosed in a membranous envelope.
● Nine of these are essential amino
acids in humans because the human The cell's entire genetic content is its
body cannot produce them and we genome, and the study of genomes is
obtain them from our diet. For each genomics. In eukaryotic cells but not in
amino acid, the R group (or side prokaryotes, DNA forms a complex with
chain) is different. histone proteins to form chromatin, the
substance of eukaryotic chromosomes.

A chromosome may contain tens of

thousands of genes.

Many genes contain the information to make

protein products. Other genes code for RNA
products. DNA controls all of the cellular
activities by turning the genes “on” or “off.”

•The other type of nucleic acid, RNA, is

mostly involved in protein synthesis. The
DNA molecules never leave the nucleus but
instead use an intermediary to communicate
with the rest of the cell. This intermediary is
the messenger RNA (mRNA). Other types of
RNA—like rRNA, tRNA, and microRNA—are
involved in protein synthesis and its
The three major types of RNA are
Nucleic acids for the continuity of life.
○ mRNA (messenger RNA) : it
● they carry the cell's genetic blueprint
provides the template for
● carry instructions for its functioning
protein synthesis during
DNA AND RNA translation
○ tRNA (transfer RNA) : it
The two main types of nucleic acids are brings aminoacids and reads
the genetic code during
● deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) translation
● ribonucleic acid (RNA). ○ rRNA (ribosomal RNA) : it
● DNA is the genetic material in all plays a structural and
living organisms, ranging from single- catalytic role during
celled bacteria to multicellular translation
mammals. It is in the nucleus of
eukaryotes and in the organelles, Nucleotides
chloroplasts, and mitochondria.
● DNA and RNA are comprised of


The nucleotides combine with each other to

form DNA or RNA.

Three components comprise each


● a nitrogenous base,
● a pentose (five-carbon) sugar, and
● a phosphate group
● Each nitrogenous base in a
nucleotide is attached to a sugar
molecule, which is attached to one or
more phosphate groups.

The nitrogenous bases, important

components of nucleotides,

● are organic molecules

● they contain carbon and nitrogen
● contain an amino group that has the
potential of binding an extra
hydrogen, and thus decreasing the
hydrogen ion concentration in its
environment, making it more basic.
● Each nucleotide in DNA contains one
of four possible nitrogenous bases:
● adenine (A),
● guanine (G)
● cytosine (C),
● and thymine (T)

Purines - two carbon-nitrogen rings II. ENZYMES

● adenine Enzymes
● guanine
● a substance that acts as a catalyst in
Pyrimidines - single carbon-nitrogen ring living organisms, regulating the rate
at which chemical reactions proceed
● cytosine
without itself being altered in the
● thymine
● uracil
● Without enzymes, many of these amino acid sequence
reactions would not take place at a determines the characteristic
perceptible rate. folding patterns of the
● Enzymes catalyze all aspects of cell protein’s structure, which is
metabolism. essential to enzyme
● This includes the digestion of food, in specificity. If the enzyme is
which large nutrient molecules are subjected to changes, such
broken down into smaller molecules; as fluctuations in temperature
● the conservation and transformation or pH, the protein structure
of chemical energy; may lose its integrity
● the construction of cellular (denature) and its enzymatic
macromolecules from smaller ability. Denaturation is
precursors. sometimes, but not always,
● deficiency of a particular enzyme. reversible.
● albinism and
● phenylketonuria NOMENCLATURE

Enzymes also have valuable industrial and •An enzyme will interact with substrate, to
medical applications. catalyze a certain kind of reaction.

● in medicine include killing disease- ○ suffix “-ase” to the substrate’s

causing microorganisms, promoting name (as in urease, which
wound healing, and diagnosing catalyzes the breakdown of
certain diseases. urea).
○ There are six principal
CHEMICAL NATURE OF ENZYMES categories and their
•All enzymes were once thought to be ○ (1) oxidoreductases, which
proteins, but since the 1980s the catalytic are involved in electron
ability of certain nucleic acids, transfer;
○ (2) transferases, which
○ ribozymes (or catalytic transfer a chemical group
RNAs), has been from one substance to
demonstrated, refuting this another; (3) hydrolases,
axiom. Because so little is yet which cleave the substrate by
known about the enzymatic uptake of a water molecule
functioning of RNA, this (hydrolysis); (4) lyases, which
discussion will focus primarily form double bonds by adding
on protein enzymes. or removing a chemical
group; (5) isomerases, which
•A large protein enzyme molecule
transfer a group within a
○ is composed of one or more molecule to form an isomer;
amino acid chains called and (6) ligases, or
polypeptide chains. The synthetases, which couple
the formation of various
chemical bonds to the 5. electrical properties of the
breakdown of a amino acids
pyrophosphate bond in 6. cofactors within the active
adenosine triphosphate or a site, permits only a particular
similar nucleotide. substrate to bind to the site,
thus determining the
MECHANISMS OF ENZYME ACTION enzyme’s specificity.

● In most chemical reactions, an Enzymes are not always found uniformly

energy barrier prevents complex within a cell; often they are
molecules such as proteins and compartmentalized in the nucleus, on the cell
nucleic acids from spontaneously membrane, or in subcellular structures. The
degrading, and so is necessary for rates of enzyme synthesis and activity are
the preservation of life. further influenced by hormones,
● When metabolic changes are neurosecretions, and other chemicals that
required in a cell, however, certain of affect the cell’s internal environment.
these complex molecules must be
broken down, and this energy barrier REDOX REACTIONS
must be surmounted.
● Heat could provide the additional Oxidation - loss of electrons from a
needed energy (called activation substance; Oxidation Reactions - addition of
energy), but the rise in temperature oxygen or the more electronegative element
would kill the cell. or removal of hydrogen or the more
● The alternative is to lower the electropositive element from a substance.
activation energy level through the
use of a catalyst. This is the role that Reduction Reactions - gain of electrons.
enzymes play. They react with the
○ Any substance that gains
substrate to form an intermediate
electrons during a chemical
complex—a “transition state”—that
reaction gets reduced.
requires less energy for the reaction
○ addition of hydrogen or a
to proceed.
more electropositive element
● The unstable intermediate compound
or the removal of a more
quickly breaks down to form reaction
electronegative element or
products, and the unchanged
oxygen from a substance.
enzyme is free to react with other
1. Active site binds to the
substrate. Oxidizing Agent
2. The active site is a groove or
pocket formed by the folding ○ The substance (atom, ion and
pattern of the protein. molecule) that gains electrons
3. three-dimensional structure, and is thereby reduced to a
together with low valency state
4. the chemical
○ Electron-accepting species ● any redox reaction can be broken
which tend to undergo a down into two half-reactions, namely,
reduction in redox reactions the oxidation half-reaction and the
reduction half-reaction.
Reducing Agent
The driving force
○ The substance that loses
electrons and is thereby ● derived from reduction-oxidation
oxidized to a higher valency reactions.
state ● Enzymes play a significant role in
○ An electron-donating species connecting the series of redox
which tends to hand over reactions ultimately involving
electrons can be referred to oxygen.” (Punekar, 2018)
as a reducing agent.

There are several factors that affect the

speed of an enzyme’s action

•In the illustration provided below, it can be ● concentration of the enzyme

observed that the reactant, an electron, was ● concentration of the substrate
removed from reactant A, and this reactant is ● temperature
oxidized. Similarly, reactant B was handed ● hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
an electron and was, therefore, reduced. ● presence of inhibitors


As the concentration of the enzyme is

increased, the velocity of the reaction
proportionately increases. This property is
used for determining the activities of serum
enzymes during the diagnosis of diseases.
● The loss of electrons and the
corresponding increase in the
oxidation state of a given reactant. •In the presence of a given amount of
enzyme, the rate of enzymatic reaction
increases as the substrate concentration
● The gain of electrons and the increases until a limiting rate is reached, after
corresponding decrease in the which further increase in the substrate
oxidation state of a reactant concentration produces no significant
change in the reaction rate.
Enzyme molecules concentration of hydrogen ion (H+)in a
○ saturated with substrate.
○ excess substrate molecules ○ It also determines whether
cannot react until the the liquid is acidic, basic or
substrate already bound to neutral.
the enzymes has reacted and ○ Acids pH - below 7
been released (or been ○ Bases/ Alkalines - above 7
released without reacting). ○ Liquids with pH 7 are neutral
and equal the acidity of pure
FACTOR 3: TEMPERATURE water at 25 C°.
○ pH indicators - determiner of
•The protein nature of the enzymes pH
○ extremely sensitive to thermal •Enzymes are protein substances
○ occurs within a narrow range ○ contain acidic carboxylic
of temperatures groups (COOH–) and basic
amino groups (NH2). So, the
Optimal Temperature enzymes are affected by
changing the pH value.
○ each enzyme has a certain
○ Optimal pH. Each enzyme
temperature which ranges
has a pH value that it works at
between 37 to 40C°.
with maximum efficiency. If
•The enzyme activity gradually lowers as the the pH is lower or higher than
temperature rises more than the optimal the optimal pH, the enzyme
temperature until it reaches a certain activity decreases until it
temperature at which the enzyme activity stops working.
stops completely due to the change of its ○ For example, pepsin works at
natural composition. a low pH, i.e, it is highly acidic,
while trypsin works at a high
•On the other hand, if the temperature lowers pH, i.e, it is basic. Most
below the optimal temperature, the enzyme enzymes work at neutral pH
activity lowers until the enzyme reaches a 7.4.
minimum temperature at which the enzyme ○ Neutral pH 7.4
activity is the least. The enzyme activity
stops completely at 0C°, but if the FACTOR 5: ACTIVATORS
temperature rises again, then the enzyme
● Some of the enzymes require certain
gets reactivated once more.
inorganic metallic cations, like Mg2+,
FACTOR 4: pH Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+,
Na+, K+ etc., for their optimum
•The potential of hydrogen (pH) is the best activity. Rarely, anions are also
measurement for determining the needed for enzyme activity, e.g. a
chloride ion (CI–) for amylase.

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