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Example 10. vals with et ster ‘AU Junction ofthe type shown in Fie 39 (63) the Sows and saturation ‘Bons take the values shown inte table Below The leetuaing te foot frm A fas an exclae lane ene llomed to ow on «tr dating the gro ‘Brio fo ares. The lou tine for each rai steam i 2 ssonde sod the {eres dies are 4 sosonds each, What ae the appropriate aes? [a] ; = ed el ca | o 900, ‘eo | 300 | a0 See rte Pen |e ei eel tes “The method wedi that snes on pp. 62-61 the eeturaing few predomi 1544-64240) 4 5 TS, 2 = 467 sono steams A or Band C predominate 1S Gtar49224249 +5 1-00-0105 ~ 65 scons ‘Sie sarge han cams B, Cand Dare the predominant ons andthe ulus are O15 (phase |}, 03 (phe 2) and 028 (phe 3). The value ot Yeon. © ° ° © o em av @ oy as 06 os, a @ REFERENCES. ‘wesees, FV, Tae snl sein, Doparnent of Seni and Ira Bete, Thad ers Tec Paper No. 8. Lenten, T05(H ‘smo or Tuuroer. Manual on rods in urbn ars, Londo, 196 (.. : 2 52 erg piste sr min See eA wenn tte Fenian: BO Ran Gage) aes eA Bas 1 Etre S EE amen CAE RSI he ete dh Pe BT Daaoon, B, M. Design of signal systems by graphical solutions, Taf. eres, BRA oes ear ses neem ‘Tris Enger tnd ation (i rd eon was publahed n 1963), ‘Neweut, 6, The fom of hay tac troughs sequco® of sochronig Soak cies EE eialit Bit es we On tn Dick, A. C. A method for calculating vehicular delay at linked trafic signals. oer re Oe rcs nt ‘igre Proceeds ofthe a ferainal 8 ‘nthe They of Read Se ees eee re Etc, 3A, There Yai cortva experiment ip Gagow, Peer he SEA Rios ces ya er Soar i tn i ea owt es, ie 1 (Pr 89 Daca, 9 eee ree ee Sor A eer of smo tah Tra. oes SP EE oe sen emies purar She Pine meee mes Se Berek Sannaaoe erin Reh Saar 5198 Read afi cotel {Saw aN Spa Lorn 59 (Bish Sanars sien Hosen JC real a of eu an vr Fern Gaveone al Tua Acie! studs mfr and afi oa chan. PNW amie. Sven Cr Te, F ep 33838, sae ‘bouts and afc siaa-cototindinereons ro. ci Engrs, 1964, 27 Ua a Deion Bee 3 ag BE

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