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University of Eswatini

CSC499/CSC400/CSC401 document formatting

It is important for students in the Department of Computer Science to have similar document
formatting for their project reports. This is done for several reasons including uniformity,
maintaining consistency and good work presentation. Therefore, ALL students registered for
CSC499/CSC400/CSC401 are required to use the following document formatting. Font style:
Times New Roman, Font size: 12pt, line spacing: 1,5 and referencing styles: APA 6 format.
You are encouraged to use open-source referencing software such as Mendeley, etc All
equations must be written using Equation editors. The supervisor can advise on other
formatting issues. The structure of the CSC499/CSC400/CSC401report should follow the
following formatting. ALL Chapter titles such as Chapter One, Chapter two, etc must be
center-aligned, subsections (left-aligned), paragraphs (justify), tables and figures must be
center-aligned. The following sections should be included in the final report.
Declaration (center-aligned)
Acknowledgements (center-aligned)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

1. Introduction
The introduction is the part of the research that provides readers with the background
information about the study. Its purpose is to establish a framework for the research so that
readers can understand how it is related to other researches. In the introduction, the writer
should create readers interest in the topic, lay the broad foundation for the problem that leads
to the study, place the study within the larger context of the scholarly literature, and reach out
to a specific audience.
1.2 Problem Statement / Statement of the problem
The problem statement describes the context for the study and also identifies the general
analysis approach. A problem might be defined as the issue/gap that exists in the literature,
theory, or practise that leads to a need for the study. It is important that the problem should
stand out—readers can easily recognize it. Sometimes, obscure and poorly formulated
problems are masked in an extended discussion. In such cases, reviewers, research panel
and/or committee members will have difficulty recognizing the problem. State the problem in
terms intelligible to someone who is generally sophisticated but who may be relatively
uninformed in the area of your investigation or study. Effective problem statements answer
the question ―Why does this research need to be conducted. If a researcher is unable to
answer this question clearly and succinctly, and without focusing on problems of macro or
global proportions that certainly will not be informed or alleviated by the study, then the
statement of the problem will come off as ambiguous and diffuse.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study

One of the most important aspects of a project report or research paper is the correct
formulation of the aim and objectives. This is because the aim and objectives establish the
scope, depth and direction that the research ultimately takes. An effective set of aims and
objectives will give the research focus and reader clarity. The research aim indicates what is
to be achieved, and the objectives indicate how it will be achieved. Therefore, the research
aim describes the main goal or the overarching purpose of the study. Where a research aim
specifies what your study will answer, research objectives specify how your study will
answer it. Research objectives divide the research aim into several smaller parts, each of
which represents a key section of your research project. As a result, almost all research
objectives take the form of a numbered list (this may differ). A clearly articulated project's
aim and objectives provide good research direction (they should be SMART). At the
undergraduate level, students are expected to have one least research aim and at least two
research objectives (this may differ based on the study). Usually, some keywords are used to
formulate research objectives. Such keywords include to develop, investigate, examine,
determine, explore, assess, evaluate, etc.
For example:
Aim: The study aims to apply deep learning models to detect COVID-19 face masks.
Objectives: The objectives of this study are to:
(i) Develop and apply deep learning models to detect COVID-19 face masks
(ii) Assess the performance of deep learning models in detecting COVID-19 face masks
The aim and objectives used in the example above sought to address the research gap
emanating from challenges associated with real-time detection of COVID-19 face masks to
ensure compliance and adherence to face masking guidelines. This is because face mask
detection has been a difficult task, especially in image processing due to diversified mask
types, various camera pixels, different degrees of obstructions, various variations (such as the
angle of view, illumination, resolution and rotation), balancing various model detection
accuracy or errors and real-time requirements. Using the example above, there should be a
link between the research problem, research aim and objectives.
1.4 Justification of the study or Contribution of the study
This section should explicitly explain why the study is worth researching. This can be done
by analysing recently proposed solutions/ literature that has been applied to address a similar
problem by other researchers in the same or similar research area. Therefore, the justification
of the study is just the rationale for carrying out the study, or the reason why the research is
being conducted, including an explanation for the design and methods employed in the
1.5 Structure of the Project
This section should provide the structure of the complete project. For instance:
Chapter One provides an overview of the background of the study, statement of the problem,
aim and objectives as well as the contribution of the study.
Chapter Two highlights ……...
Chapter Three, etc

1.6 Chapter summary

This section provides the summary of the chapter and links the next chapter with the current
chapter. For example, this chapter presented ……. The next chapter will focus on…………
The literature review provides the background and context for the research problem. It should
establish the need for the research and indicate that the writer is knowledgeable about the
area. The literature review accomplishes several important things. It relates a study to the
larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about a topic, filling in gaps and extending prior
studies. It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the
study being conducted. It provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study,
as well as a benchmark for comparing the results of a study with other findings. It frames the
problem earlier identified.
The researcher should demonstrate to readers that he/she comprehensive grasp the concept,
current solutions and literature in the area of the study and be aware of important recent
substantive and methodological developments. Indicate how your study will refine, revise, or
extend the state of the technological solutions. Avoid statements that imply that little has
been done in the area or that what has been done is too extensive to permit easy summary.
However, this can be part of the results analysis of the review after conducting a thorough
systematic review and meta-analysis. When writing the literature review chapter, the
researcher should be judicious in selecting the literature—the literature selected should be
pertinent and relevant. Select and reference only the more appropriate and recent papers,
dissertations, patents, etc. Make key points clearly and succinctly. Avoid citing old and
irrelevant literature.
Note that the structure of the literature review section differs, the supervisor (your mentor)
will advise.
Computer Scientist/IT researchers use several methodologies to tackle questions within the
discipline. This discussion starts by listing several of these methodologies. The idea is not to
classify researchers or projects in each of these methodologies or to be exhaustive. Tasks
performed by a single researcher fall within different methodologies. Even the activities
required to tackle a single research question may include several of these methodologies.
Here is a list of some of the methods and their descriptions.
Action Research
Action research is an empirical and interpretive method used by researchers and practitioners
who collaboratively improve the practices of an organization and advance the theory of a
certain discipline. It differs from consultancy in its aim to contribute to theory as well as
practice. It also differs from the case study method in its objective to intervene, not simply to
Artificial Intelligence
The field of artificial intelligence was established more than fifty years ago and has
developed a set of methods that are useful for data quality research. Agent technologies can
be used to automate many tasks such as source selection, data conversion, predictive
searches, and inputs that enhance system performance and user experience.

Case study
The case study is an empirical method that uses a mix of quantitative and qualitative evidence
to examine a phenomenon in its real-life context. The in-depth inquiry of a single instance or
event can lead to a deeper understanding of why and how that event happened. Useful
hypotheses can be generated and tested using case studies. This method is widely used in data
quality research.
Data Mining
Evolving out of machine learning of artificial intelligence and statistical learning of statistics,
data mining is the science of extracting implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful
information from large datasets. The data mining approach can be used to address several
data quality issues. For example, data anomaly (e.g., outlier) detection algorithms can be used
for data quality monitoring, data cleansing, and intrusion detection. Data mining has also
been used in schema matching to find 1-to-1 matches as well as complex matching
relationships. While many data mining algorithms are robust, special treatment is sometimes
necessary when mining data with certain known data quality issues.
Design Science
There is an increasing need for better design of information systems as many organizations
have experienced failed IT projects and the adverse effects of bad data. A systematic study of
design science has been called for in the information technology community with an artefact-
centric view of design science. As more artefacts are created, they must be designed,
developed and evaluated using appropriate methodologies and design science is one of the
prominently used among other methodologies.
The empirical method is a general term for any research method that draws conclusions from
observable evidence. Examples include methods discussed earlier such as action research,
case study, statistical analysis, and econometrics. Studies based on user surveys are also
considered to be empirical studies. Experimental evaluation is often divided into two phases.
In an exploratory phase, the researcher is taking measurements that will help identify what
are the questions that should be asked about the system under evaluation. Then an evaluation
phase will attempt to answer these questions. A well-designed experiment will start with a list
of the questions that the experiment is expected to answer.
Experiments can be performed to study the behaviour of natural systems (e.g.,physics),
humans and organizations (e.g., experimental psychology), or artefacts (e.g., performance
evaluation of different algorithms).
The qualitative methods involve designs, techniques and measurements that do not produce
discrete type of data. The most commonly utilized methods in this category are observation,
interview and participation. These methods permit the research to go beyond
statistical results. Qualitative research is a general term for a set of exploratory research
methods used for understanding human behaviour. Qualitative research methods include
action research, case study, and ethnography. Ethnography is a research method where the
researcher is immersed in the environment of the subjects being studied to collect data via
direct observations and interviews.

Quantitative research is a general term for a set of methods used for analysing quantifiable
properties and their relationships for certain phenomena. Econometrics and mathematical
modelling are examples of quantitative methods.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis is the mathematical foundation of other quantitative methods such as data
mining and econometrics.
System Design and Implementation
This research method draws upon design methodology in software engineering, database
design and data modelling, and system architecture. Researchers often use this method to
design and implement proof-of-concept systems. Several models can be used in System
Design and Implementation methodology. These techniques include SDLC, Waterfall, Agile
development, prototyping, etc.
Theory and Formal Proofs
This method is widely used in theoretical computer science research such as developing new
logic formalism and proving properties of computational complexity.
Note that the list of aforementioned methodologies is not exhaustive, the supervisor can
advise you on emerging methodologies and on which one to use when carrying out your
This chapter may differ based on the type of research the researcher embarks on. For those
who adopted system design and development, they should include information such as
software requirements, hardware requirements, system architecture, UML and artefacts’
For those who adopted computational intelligence models to address the problem/research
gap, the chapter should present a comprehensive results analysis.
For those who adopted mixed methodology, quantitative and Qualitative methodology, this
chapter should present a thorough results analysis and link research objectives with emerging
findings. The results or findings in this section should inform the researcher to develop a
framework or model if the study thrives to develop a framework or model.
Limitation of the study, conclusion, recommendation and future work.
Please note that chapters layout may differ based on the type of research.

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