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1. Select the most appropriate option. What is 12% of 35?
सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन करें । 35 का 12% क्या है ?

UP Constable 18/06/2018 (1st Shift)

(a) 4.6 (b) 4.4

(c) 4.2 (d) 4.05

2. What is 28% of 525 ?

525 का 28% क्या है ?

UP Constable 18/06/2018 (2nd Shift)

(a) 154 (b) 147

(c) 140 (d) 133

3. 78% of 450 is:

450 का 78% होगा:

UP Constable 25/10/2018 (1st Shift)

(a) 351 (b) 312

(c) 296 (d) 303

4. Find a quarter of 40% of the square of 40.

40 के िगग के 40% का चौथाई भाग ज्ञात करें ।

UP Constable 27/01/2019 (1st Shift)

(a) 120 (b) 140

(c) 160 (d) 180

5. Find 40% of 120% of 85% of 800

800 के 85% के 120% का 40% ज्ञात करे ।

UP Constable 28/01/2019 (2nd Shift)

(a) 288.4 (b) 326.4

(c) 360.5 (d) 400.6

6. What is 20% of 40% of 30% of 75% of 3400?

3400 के 75% के 30% के 40% के 20% का मान क्या होगा? (UP POLICE SI 2021)
(A) 61.5
(B) 61.2
(C) 61.1
(D) 61.4
7. 37 is what percentage of 55? (correct up to two decimal places)

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37] 55 dk fdruk çfr'kr gS\ ¼n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd lgh½. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 67.27%
(b) 64.91%
(c) 69.41%
(d) 62.77%
8. If 45% of a number is 135. The number is____.
वकसी संख्या का 45% अगर 135 है । िह संख्या क्या है ?

UP Constable 19/06/2018 (1st Shift)

(a) 243 (b) 275

(c) 280 (d) 300

9. If 49% of X = Y, then Y% of 50 is:

यदि X का 49% = Y है , तो 50 का Y% इनमें से ककसके बराबर होगा।
(a) 40% of Y (b) 24.5% of Y
(c) 50% of X (d) 24.5% of X
10. If 85% of (x − y) = 25% of (x + y), Then y is what percentage of x?
;fn (x − y) dk 85% = (x + y) dk 25% gS] rks y, x dk fdruk çfr'kr gS\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 𝟓𝟏 𝟏𝟏 %
(b) 𝟓𝟒 𝟏𝟏 %
(c) 𝟓𝟓 𝟏𝟏 %
(d) 𝟓𝟖 %

11. If 80% of 50% of A is equal to three times 25% of B, then A is what percentage more or
less than B?
यदि A के 50% का 80%, B के तीन गुना 25% के बराबर है , तो A, B से ककतने प्रततशत अधिक या कम है ?
A) 46.7% more
B) 87.5% more
C) 46.7% less
12. Out of a grain stock, 𝟖 portion is rotten. What is the percentage of grain in the stock that is NOT rotten?
vukt ds fdlh HkaMkj esa ls] fgLlk lM+k gqvk gSA ml HkaMkj esa vukt dk fdruk izfr'kr lM+k gqvk ugha gS\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 90%
(b) 77.5%
(c) 75%
(d) 87.5%
13. Due to leakage in a tank, there are 220 liters of water left in the tank which originally held 240 liters. What is
percent loss of water?
,d Vadh esa fjlko ds dkj.k] Vadh esa 220 yhVj ikuh cpk gS] ftlesa ewy :i ls 240 yhVj ikuh FkkA ikuh dh izfr'kr gkfu D;k gS \. (SSC
GD 2023)
(a) 6.11 percent
(b) 8.33 percent
(c) 5.8 percent
(d) 7.4 percent
14. On a winter's day, the average temperature during the day time is 34°C. At night the temperature falls to 8°C.
What is the percent decrease?
lfnZ;ksa ds fnuksa es]a fnu ds le; vkSlr rkieku 34°C gksrk gSA jkr esa rkieku fxjdj 8°C gks tkrk gSA izfr'kr deh D;k gS\.
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(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 26 percent
(b) 76.47 percent
(c) 84.68 percent
(d) 42 percent
15. The average number of passengers in a train increased from 135408 last year to 141050 this year. What was the
increase percent?
,d jsyxkM+h eas ;kf=;ksa dh vkSlr la[;k fiNys o"kZ sd 135408 ls c<+dj bl o"kZ 141050 gks xbZA o`f) izfr'kr D;k Fkk\.
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 5.25 percent
(b) 4.16 percent
(c) 10.64 percent
(d) 14.15 percent
16. A number which, when increased by 16% becomes 1914. The number is :
एक संख्या जो, 16% बढ़ने पर 1914 हो जाती है । यह संख्या है :
(a) 2220 (b) 1650
(c) 2010 (d) 1780
17. Two numbers are less than a third number by 30% and 37% respectively. The percent by which the second number
is less than the first is
िो संख्याएँ क्रमशः तीसरी संख्या से 30% और 37% कम हैं। वह प्रततशत जजसके अनुसार िस
ू री संख्या पहले की तुलना
में कम है
(a)10% (b)7%
(c)5% (d)15%
18. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 8% of A and 5% of B is three-fifth of
the sum of 12% of A and 10% of B. The ratio of A and B is:
A vkSj B nks la[;k, bl izdkj gSa fd A ds 8% vSj B ds 5% dk ;ksx] A ds 12% vkSj B ds 10% ds ;ksx dk 3@5 Hkkx gSA A vkSj B dk
vuqikr fdruk gS\

1. 6:11 2. 5:4 3. 11:6 4. 4:5

19. The sum of two numbers is 21/16 of the first number. The second number is what
percent of the first number?
िो संख्याओं का योग पहली संख्या का 21/16 है । िस
ू री संख्या पहली संख्या का
ककतना प्रततशत है ?
A) 31.25%
B) 25.25%
C) 34.5%
D) 28.75%

20. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 12% and its denominator is reduced by
8%, it gives a new fraction 𝟏𝟕. What is the original fraction?
यवि वकसी वभन्न के अंश में 12% की िृद्धि की जाती है और उसके हर में 8% की कमी की जाती है , तो यह एक नया
वभन्न 16/17 िे ता है । मूल वभन्न क्या है ?
𝟗𝟐 𝟐𝟑 𝟐𝟖 𝟏𝟏𝟗
1. 𝟏𝟏𝟗
2. 𝟐𝟖
3. 𝟐𝟑
4. 𝟗𝟐

21. If an electricity bill is paid before the due date, one gets a reduction of 5% on the amount of the bill. If a person
gets a reduction money of Rs.350, then the amount of electricity bill is:
;fn fu;r frfFk ls igys fctyh fcy dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkrk gS] rks fcy dh jkf'k ij 5% dh NwV izkIr gksrh gSA ;fn ,d O;fDr dks Rs. 350
dh NwV jkf'k izkIr gksrh gS] rks fctyh fcy dh jkf'k D;k gksxh\

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(SSC GD 2023)
(a) Rs. 6,000
(b) Rs. 6,500
(c) Rs. 7,000
(d) Rs. 8,000

22. Amit's income is 30% more than Raj’s income. What percentage of Raj’s income is less than Amit's income?
vfer dh vk;] jkt dh vk; ls 30% vf/kd gSA jkt dh vk;] vfer dh vk; ls fdrus çfr'kr de gS\
(a) 21.07%
(c) 20.07%
(d) 23.07%
23. When water is changed into ice. its volume increases by 9%. If ice changes into water , the % decrease in volume is
पानी जब, बर्फ में बिलता है तो इसका आयतन 9% बढ़ जाता है । यदि बर्फ पानी मे बिलता है तो आयतन में होने वाली % कमी
ज्ञात करो?
𝟐𝟖 𝟐𝟖 𝟐𝟏 𝟐𝟕
a)8 % b) 6 % c) 8 % d) 7 %
𝟏𝟎𝟗 𝟏𝟎𝟗 𝟏𝟎𝟗 𝟏𝟎𝟗
24. Mahim secured 126 marks in a test out of 175. What was the percentage of marks obtained by
Mahim ?
मावहम ने एक परीक्षा में 175 में से 126 अंक प्राप्त वकए। मावहम ने वकतने प्रवतशत अंक प्राप्त वकए?

UP Constable 18/06/2018 (1st Shift)

(a) 75% (b) 72%

(c) 70.5% (d) 70%

25. In an entrance test one requires 522 marks out of a maximum of 600 to qualify. What is the cut-off
in percentage terms ?
वकसी प्रिेश परीक्षा में अहगता प्राप्त करने के वलए अविकतम 600 में से 522 अंकों की आिश्यकता होती है। प्रवतशत में
कट ऑफ क्या है ? UP Constable 26/10/2018 (1st Shift)

(a) 87 (b) 88

(c) 85 (d) 86

26. 72% marks are required to qualify in an entrance exam. If the maximum marks in the exam is 650.
Then what is the cut off in terms of qualifying marks ?
वकसी प्रिेश परीक्षा में अहगता प्राप्त करने के वलए 72 प्रवतशत अंकों की आिश्यकता होती है यवि परीक्षा के अविकतम
अंक 650 हैं तो अहग ता प्राद्धप्त अंकों के संिभग में कट ऑफ क्या है ? UP Constable 26/10/2018 (2nd Shift)

(a) 432 (b) 450

(c) 468 (d) 486

27. An engineering student has to secure 45% of marks to pass. He gets 157 marks and
fails by 23 marks. The maximum marks is:
एक इंजीतनयररंग छात्र को उत्तीर्फ होने के ललए 45% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे। वह 157 अंक प्राप्त करता है और 23 अंकों
से अनत्त
ु ीर्फ हो जाता है । अधिकतम अंक हैं:
A) 450
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B) 420
C) 350
D) 400
28. An aggregate of 36% of the total marks is required to pass an examination and 84% to
get a first class with distinction. A student scored 398 marks and failed by 16 marks. He
many marks should the student secure to get a First Class with distinction?
एक परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने के लिए कुि अंकों का 36% और डिस्टं क्शन के साथ प्रथम श्रेर्ी प्राप्त करने के लिए 84% की
आवश्यकता होती है । एक छात्र ने 398 अंक प्राप्त ककए और 16 अंकों से अनत्त
ु ीर्ण हो गया। छात्र को डिस्टं क्शन के साथ प्रथम
श्रेर्ी प्राप्त करने के लिए ककतने अंक प्राप्त करने चाहहए?

A) 956
B) 976
C) 966
D) 986
29. ‘A’ scores 67% marks which is 192 marks more than the passing
marks, while ‘B’ scores 27% marks and which fails by 48 marks. What is the
passing mark in the exam?
'A' ने 67% अंक प्राप्त ककए जो कक उत्तीर्फ अंकों से 192 अंक अधिक है , जबकक 'B' ने 27% अंक प्राप्त ककए और
जो 48 अंकों से अनुत्तीर्फ हो गया। परीक्षा में उत्तीर्फ अंक क्या है ?
A) 210
B) 320
C) 440
D) 550
30. A student scores 85% in an examination. The scores were 79, 81, 88 and 94 in 4 subjects. Find the
student's score in the 5th subject.
एक परीक्षा में एक छात्र ने 85% अंक प्राप्त वकये। चार विषयों में उसके अंक क्रमश: 79, 81, 88 और 94 थे। पांचिें
विषय में अवजगत उसके अंक ज्ञात करें । UP Constable 27/01/2019 (2nd Shift)

(a) 83 (b) 84

(c) 85 (d) 86

31. If the price of potatoes increases by 10 percent, then by how much percent a user has to cut down on his
consumption of potatoes, so that the expenditure on potatoes remains unchanged?
;fn vkyw dk ewY; 10 izfr'kr ls c<+ tkrk gS] rks ,d mi;ksxdrkZ dks viuh vkyw dh [kir esa fdrus izfr'kr dh dVkSrh djuh gksxh] rkfd vkyw
ij [kpZ vifjofrZr jgs\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 16.4 percent
(b) 15.8 percent
(c) 12.5 percent
(d) 9.1 percent

32. If the price of petrol becomes Rs.110/litre from Rs.95/litre, by how much percentage the consumption of petrol
should be reduced by Ravi so that his expenditure remains the same? (correct up to two decimals)
;fn isVªksy dh dher Rs. 95/yhVj ls Rs. 110/yhVj gks tkrh gS] rks jfo }kjk isVªksy dh [kir esa fdrus çfr'kr dh deh dh tkuh pkfg,
rkfd mldk [kpZ mruk gh cuk jgs\ ¼n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd lgh mÙkj nhft,½
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 15.29%
(b) 16.34%
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(c) 14.63%
(d) 13.64%
33. The price of diesel is increased by 26%. A person wants to increase his expenditure
by 15% only. By what percentage, correct to one decimal place, should he decrease his
डीजल की कीमत में 26% की िृद्धि हुई है । एक व्यद्धक्त केिल 15% तक अपना खचग बढाना चाहता है । वकस प्रवतशत
तक, एक िशमलि स्थान पर सही, क्या उसे अपनी खपत कम करनी चावहए?
(a) 7.2% (b) 9.5% (c) 8.7% (d) 6.5%

34. A reduction of 15% in the price of washing powder enables a purchaser to obtain 5 kg
more for Rs.1,275. The original price of the washing powder per kg is:
िावशंग पाउडर की कीमत में 15% की कमी से खरीिार 1,275 रुपये में 5 वकलोग्राम अविक प्राप्त कर सकता है ।
िावशंग पाउडर की मूल मूल्य प्रवत वकलोग्राम ज्ञात कीवजये:

1. Rs.40 2. Rs.35 3. Rs.45 4. Rs.50

35. A vendor sells 40 percent of oranges he had and throws away 10 percent of the remainder. Next day he sells 50
percent of the remaining and throws away the rest. What percent of his oranges does the vendor throw?
,d foØsrk mlds ikl fLFkr 40 çfr'kr larjs csprk gS vkSj 'ks"k dk 10 çfr'kr Qsd
a nsrk gSA vxys fnu og 'ks"k dk 50 çfr'kr csprk gS vkSj 'ks"k
dks Qsad nsrk gSA foØsrk vius larjs dk fdrus çfr'kr Qsd
a rk gS\
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 45 percent
(b) 60 percent
(c) 33 percent
(d) 27 percent
36. Rakesh spends 15% of his monthly income on his household expenses, 20% on books, 30%
on clothes and saves the rest. On calculation, he finds that he ultimately saved Rs.12565.
Find his monthly income. (In Rs.)
राकेश अपनी मालसक आय का 15% अपने घरे लू खर्फ पर, 20% ककताबों पर, 30% कपडों पर खर्फ करता है और
शेष की बर्त करता है । गर्ना करने पर, उसे पता र्लता है कक उसने अंततः Rs.12565 बर्त की । उसकी
मालसक आय ज्ञात कीजजए। (Rs. में )
A) (A) 37900
B) (B) 35900
C) (C) 34900
D) (D) 36900

37. The salary of Neeta is first increased by 13% and then it is decreased by 13%. What is the change in her
uhrk ds osru esa igys 13% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS vkSj iqu% 13% de dj nh tkrh gSA mlds osru esa fdruk ifjorZu gqvk gS\
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) Increase of 1.69%/1.69% dh o`f)
(b) Increase of 16.9%/16.9% dh o`f)

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(c) Decrease of 16.9%/16.9% dh deh
(d) Decrease of 1.69%/1.69 dh deh
38. A number is increased by 8% and then, the increased number is decreased by 8%. What is the net increase or
decrease in the number?
,d la[;k esa 8% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS vkSj fQj] c<+h gqbZ la[;k esa 8% dh deh dh tkrh gSA la[;k esa 'kq) o`f) ;k deh D;k gS\
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 0.36% increase/o`f)
(b) 0.36% decrease/deh
(c) 0.64% decrease/deh
(d) 0.64% increase/o`f)
39. An employee's salary first increases by 50% and then decreases by 44%.
What was the total percentage of change in his salary?

एक कमफर्ारी का वेतन पहले 50% बढ़ता है और कर्र 44% घट जाता है । उसके वेतन में पररवतफन का कुल प्रततशत
ककतना था? (UP POLICE SI 2021)
a)6% increase
b)16% decrease
c)16% increase
d)6% decrease
40. When the price of a Bluetooth earphone is increased by 12%, its sale (number of Bluetooth earphones) is
reduced by 20%. What is the net impact on its revenue?
tc ,d CywVwFk bZ;jQksu dh dher eas 12% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks bldh fcØh ¼CywVFw k bZ;jQksu dh la[;k½ 20% de gks tkrh gSA blds
jktLo ij iM+us okyk 'kq) çHkko D;k gS\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 14.0% decrement/deh
(b) 10.4% increment/o`f)
(c) 14.0% increment/o`f)
(d) 10.4% decrement/deh

41. A number is increased by 30% and then again increased by 30%. By what percentage should the increased
number be reduced so as to get back the original number?
fdlh la[;k esa 30% dh o`f) djds iqu% 30% dh o`f) dh tkrh gSA ewy la[;k dh iquçkZfIr ds fy, c<+h gqbZ la[;k dks fdruk çfr'kr de
fd;k tkuk pkfg,\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 40.82%
(b) 48.20%
(c) 42.80%
(d) 38.28%
42. The price of a mobile first successively decreases by 5%, 2% and after that the price is increased successively
by 10%, 20%, respectively. What is the final change in the price of the mobile?

,d eksckby dh dher esa igys Øfed :i ls 5%, 2% dh deh gksrh gS vkSj mlds ckn dher esa Øfed :i ls Øe'k% 10%, 20% dh o`f)
gksrh gSA eksckby dh dher esa vafre ifjorZu D;k gS\. (SSC GD 2023)

(a) 17 𝟐𝟓𝟎 %
(b) 21 𝟐𝟓𝟎 %
(c) 22 %
(d) 22𝟐𝟓𝟎
43. The price of rice, per kg, is increased by 18% and the quantity of rice brought decreased by 22%. What is the
percentage change in the amount spent on rice?
pkoy dh çfr fdxzk- dher esa 18% dh o`f) dj nh xbZ vkSj [kjhns x, pkoy dh ek=k esa 22% dh deh dj nh xbZA pkoy ij O;; dh tkus
okyh jkf'k esa fdrus çfr'kr ifjorZu gqvk\
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(a) 7.96% decrease/deh
(b) 12.64% decrease/deh
(c) 11.2% increase/o`f)
(d) 19.25% increase/o`f)
44. The price of rice increase from Rs 45 per kg to Rs 63 per kg. if its consumption is
reduced by 20%, then what percent does the expenditure on it increase?
र्ावल के िाम 45 रुपये प्रतत ककलो से बढ़कर 63 रुपये प्रतत ककलो हो गए हैं। यदि इसकी खपत में 20% की कमी कर
िी जाए, तो इस पर होने वाला व्यय ककतने प्रततशत बढ़ जाएगा?
45. A man’s working hours per day were increased by 25% and his wages per hour were increased by 20%. By
how much percent were his daily earnings increased?
,d O;fDr ds çfr fnu dke djus ds ?kaVs esa 25% dh o`f) gqbZ gS vkSj mldh çfr ?kaVs dh etnwjh esa 20% dh o`f) gqbAZ mldh nSfud vk; esa
fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f) gqbZ\ (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 40%
(b) 35%
(c) 50%
(d) 45%
46. The current birth rate per ten thousands is 450, whereas the corresponding death rate
is 120 per ten thousand. Find the net growth rate in terms of the population increase in
वतफमान जन्म िर प्रतत िस हजार पर 450 है , जबकक तिनुरूप मत्ृ यु िर 120 प्रतत िस हजार है । प्रततशत में जनसंख्या
वद्ृ धि के संिर्फ में शुद्ि ववकास िर ज्ञात कीजजए?
A) 2%
B) 2.3%
C) 3.3%
D) 3%
47. The population of a town is 1,25,000. If the annual birth rate is 12.7% and the annual death rate is 2.7%, how
much will the population increase after 3 years?
,d 'kgj dh tula[;k 1,250,000 gSA ;fn okf"kZd tUe nj 12.7% gS vkSj okf"kZd e`R;q nj 2.7% gS] rks 3 o"kksZa ds ckn tula[;k esa fdruh
o`f) gksxh\
(a) 43,285
(b) 41,375
(c) 42,565
(d) 40,275
48. The population of bacteria in a culture prepared in a lab is 𝟖 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖 . Their birth and
death rate per hour are 12.75% and 10.75% respectively. Find their population in the
culture after 3 hours?
प्रयोगशाला में तैयार ककये गये कल्र्र में जीवार्ुओं की जनसंख्या 𝟖 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖 है । उनकी प्रतत घंटे जन्म और मत्ृ यु िर
क्रमशः 12.75% और 10.75% है । 3 घंटे के बाि प्रयोगशाला में उनकी जनसंख्या ज्ञात करें ?
A) 84,89,44,600
B) 8,48,96,460
C) 84,89,66,400
D) 8,48,96,640
49. The present value of a house is Rs 46,40,000. If its value depreciates at the rate of 5% per annum, then the
value of the house after 3 years will be:
,d edku dk orZeku ewY; Rs 46,40,000 gSA ;fn blds ewY; esa 5% çfro"kZ dh nj ls voewY;u gksrk gS] rks 3 o"kZ ckn edku dk ewY; D;k
gksxk\ (SSC GD 2023)

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(a) Rs 39,78,220
(b) Rs 44,08,000
(c) Rs 40,70,520
(d) Rs 41,87,600
50. Manish bought an air conditioner for Rs.46,875, its value is depreciating at the rate of 8% yearly. What will be
the price of the air conditioner after 3 years?
euh"k us ,d ,;j daMh'kuj Rs 46,875 esa [kjhnk] blds ewY; dk 8% okf"kZd nj ls ewY;âkl gks jgk gSA 3 o"kksaZ ckn ,;j daMh'kuj dh dher
D;k gksxh\ (SSC GD 2023)
(a) Rs. 33,786
(b) Rs. 32,245
(c) Rs. 36,501
(d) Rs. 35,60
51. In 2021, in a city 30% of the people were vaccinated by Covid 19 vaccinations in the month of June, 50% of the
remaining in July and 20% of the remaining in August. Still 84000 are left for vaccination. Find the total
population of the city.(Everyone in the town is eligible for the vaccination)
2021 ea]s ,d uxj eas twu ekg esa 30% yksxksa dk] tqykbZ ekg esa 'ks"k esa ls 50% dks vkSj vxLr esa 'ks"k eas ls 20% yksxksa dks dksfoM&19 ds
Vhds yxk, x,A fQj Hkh 84000 yksx Vhdkdj.k ls oafpr jgsA uxj dh tula[;k Kkr dhft,A ¼uxj esa lHkh Vhdkdj.k ds ;ksX; gS½
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 3.10 lakh
(b) 4 lakh
(c) 3 lakh
(d) 3.5 lakh
52. The value of an Apple laptop depreciated from Rs.1,33,100 to Rs.72,900 in 3 years. Find the yearly rate of
depreciation. (Correct to 2 decimal places.)
,Iiy ySiVkWi dk ewY; 3 o"kZ esa ?kVjd Rs 1,33,100 ls Rs 72,9000 gks x;kA ewY;âk; dh okf"kZd nj Kkr djsaA ¼2 n'keyo LFkku rd
lgh½ (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 25.32%
(b) 21.34%
(c) 20.75%
(d) 18.18%
53. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 5:7. If 30% of the boys and
40% of the girls are scholarship holders, then the approximate percentage of the student
who do not get the scholarship is?
एक कॉलेज में लडकों और लडककयों की संख्या का अनप ु ात 5:7 है । यदि 30% लडके और 40% लडककयां छात्रववृ त्त
िारक हैं, तो छात्रववृ त्त न पाने वाले छात्रों का अनुमातनत प्रततशत ककतना है ?
54. A government servant spends 76% of his income. If his income is increased by 14%, and his expenditure is
increased by 10%, then find the percentage increase in his savings. (Correct to 2 decimal places)
,d ljdkjh dehZ viuh vk; dk 76% [kpZ dj nsrk gSA ;fn mldh vk; esa 14% dh o`f) gks vkSj mlds [kpZ esa 10% dh o`f) gks] rks
mldh cpr dk o`f)&izfr'kr ¼n'keyo ds 2 LFkku rd 'kq)½ Kkr dhft,A
(SSC GD 2023)
(a) 24.33%
(b) 27.66%
(c) 26.67%
(d) 28.33%
55. The income of a person is Rs 95,000 and his expenditure is Rs 75,000. If his income is increased by 18% and
the expenditure by 12%, then what will be the percentage increase in his saving?

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,d O;fDr dh vk; Rs 95,000 gS vkSj mldk O;; Rs 75,000 gSA ;fn mldh vk; eas 18% vkSj O;; esa 12% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks
mldh cpr esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f) gksxh\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 40.6%
(b) 40.8%
(c) 40.4%
(d) 40.5%
56. The expenses on rice, petrol and oil of a family are in the ratio 8 : 11 : 6. If the prices of these items are
increased by 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively, then the total expenses of the family on these items are
increased by:
,d ifjokj ds pkoy] isVªksy vkSj rsy ij [kpZ dk vuqikr 8 : 11 : 6 gSA ;fn bu oLrqvksa dh dherksa esa Øe'k% 10%, 20% vkSj 30% dh
o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks bu oLrqvksa ij ifjokj }kjk fd;s tkus okys dqy [kpZ esa fdruh o`f) gksxh\. (SSC GD 2023)
(a) 20.8%
(b) 20.2%
(c) 19.8%
(d) 19.2%
57. There were 2 candidates in an election. The losing candidate secured
41% votes and was defeated by 5,580 votes. What was the total number of
एक र्ुनाव में 2 उम्मीिवार थे। हारने वाले उम्मीिवार को 41% वोट लमले और वह 5,580 वोटों से हार गया। कुल
वोटों की संख्या ककतनी थी? (UP POLICE SI 2021)
A) 31000
B) 30000
C) 32000
D) 33000

58. In an election between two candidates, 80% of the voters cast their votes out of which
5% of votes were declared invalid. A candidate got 285000 votes which was 75% of the total
valid votes. The total number of voters enrolled for that election was?
िो उम्मीिवारों के बीर् एक र्ुनाव में 80% मतिाताओं ने वोट डाले जजनमें से 5% वोट अवैि घोवषत कर दिए गए। एक
उम्मीिवार को 285000 वोट लमले जो कुल वैि वोटों का 75% था। उस र्न
ु ाव में नामांककत मतिाताओं की कुल संख्या
59. In an examination, 45 percent students passed in history and 60 percent students passed in Hindi. If 8 percent
students failed in both the subjects, then what percentage students passed in both the subjects?
,d ijh{kk eas 45 izfr'kr fo|kFkhZ bfrgkl esa vkSj 60 izfr'kr fo|kFkhZ fgUnh esa mÙkh.kZ gq,A ;fn 8 izfr'kr fo|kFkhZ nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa vuqÙkh.kZ gq,] rks
nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa fdrus izfr'kr fo|kFkhZ mÙkh.kZ gq,\
(a) 15 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 13 percent
(d) 12 percent

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