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1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a) I __________________ (learn) Spanish for three years now. I __________________ (started) when I
was 15 years old. Our history teacher __________________ (show) us the pictures of her trip to
Spain. She __________________ (visit) so many places and __________________ (try) so many
b) They __________________ (marry) for three years before they __________________ (get) a
divorce in 2017.
c) I __________________ (go) to work every day at 7:30 am. I normally __________________ (catch)
the bus, but today there is a problem with the bus service, so I __________________ (take) a taxi.
d) The train __________________ (leave) the station at 19:00 in the afternoon. __________________
(not miss) it!
e) The teacher __________________ (stop) explaining when he realized the students
__________________ (not pay) attention. Soon he __________________ (become) angry and
__________________ (decide) to punish them with a surprise test.
f) She __________________ (leave) the restaurant before the waiter __________________ (bring) her
the bill.
g) Mia and her friends __________________ (watch) a movie this Saturday. They
__________________ (not decided) a movie yet, but it __________________ (probably / be) a
romantic comedy. Mia __________________ (love) romance and a good dose of laughter.
h) - __________________ (you / go) to the gym yesterday?
- No, I __________________. I __________________ (stay) at home and __________________
(read) a book.
i) Look! Your child __________________ (run) into the street!
j) Last night he __________________ (be) feeling sick. He __________________ (not eat) before he
__________________ (go) to bed.
k) The weatherman said it __________________ (rain) this afternoon, but look at the sky! There isn’t a
cloud and the sun is shining. It __________________ (be) very hot, you will see.
l) This house is empty. It __________________ (be) abandoned for years.
m) - __________________ (you / ever / play) basketball?
- Yes, I __________________. When I was in high school, I used to play basketball with my friends.
I __________________ (not play) since then.
n) I __________________ (finish) my essay for History class tonight. It’s due tomorrow.
o) He __________________ (drive) when he __________________ (see) the accident happening. It
__________________ (be) horrible! A car and a truck __________________ (crush) in the middle
of the road. Luckily, no one __________________ (be) hurt.
p) The children __________________ (play) Mr Wolf in the garden all afternoon. They
__________________ (have) so much fun!
q) The girl __________________ (stand) at the bus stop now.

2. Put in the correct form of the verb in brackets.

A. Tom Wilson 1) .... is.... (be) an explorer. He 2) ………….(be) to nearly every country in the world, but
the most exciting time he 3) …………………………. (ever/have) was when he 4) ……………………
(go) to the Congo jungle. A magazine 5)………………….. (ask) him to retrace the route of a famous
explorer who 6) …………………. (disappear) in the 1920's. As he 7) ……………….(follow) a small river
he got separated from his guides. He 8) …………………………. (go on) alone, hoping he 9)
………………….. (find) them, but instead he 10) ………………… (encounter) a group of natives. He 11)
…............... (stay) with them for several days and 12) …………………….. (find out) that a very old woman
13) ……………………(actually/meet) the famous explorer. She 14) …………… (know) how he 15)
…………………………….(die). Tom 16) ………………………….(become) very friendly with the natives
and now he 17) …………………………… (plan) to go back and see them again. He is sure they 18)
…………………………………..(welcome) him back.

B. When Francis Lee was a boy he 1) ............................. (want) to be an astronaut. He 2)

……........…….(watch) TV one day in 1969 when he 3) ……………………. (see) Neil Armstrong walk on
the moon. Since then he 4) …………….......……… (always/dream) of doing the same. Every night when
there is a full moon, he 5)………….……….. (stare) up at it for hours and 6) ……………..........…….
(imagine) himself walking around on it. At the moment, however, he 7) ……………….(work) as a night-
watchman at a meat factory. He 8) …………………………. (do) the same job since he left school fifteen
years ago, but he still hopes that one day his dream 9) ……….............………….. (come) true. He 10)
………………… (hear) that in the 21st century they 11) …................... (sell) tickets to fly to the moon. For
this reason he 12) …………….............(save) half of his wages every month for the past two years.

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