Guidance Notes and Examples For This Application Form

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2a. Examples of experiences you may have had in promoting inclusion in

 Continuously training your staff – to make your school ever increasingly inclusive
 Implementing inclusive pedagogy in your school and classrooms
 Have been influential in galvanising other schools such as supporting a broad
 Being an influencing or advisory voice and advocate for inclusion across a local
region, practically hosting or organising training (i.e. through the Global Inclusive
Teaching Initiative or equivalent)
 Having experiences in promoting inclusive learning settings, including through
moving from special schools to inclusive or mainstream schools
2b. Examples of expertise you may be able to provide for the summit:

 Any experience or knowledge of the implementation issues around the broadest

aspects of inclusion: neurodivergence, cognitive and physical inclusion; social,
emotional, and mental health; societal, cultural and poverty; vulnerability, trauma
and family issues; transitioning into work and further training post school etc.
2c. Contributing to the summit:

 17 sessions in the Main Hall, formal live stream presentations, with presenters
and panellists
 Workshop/knowledge café tracks will be discussion focussed requiring
facilitators, note takers and some presentation elements
 Cinema of videos of inclusive practices from all over the world requiring
presenters, panellists, and recorders
 Global inclusive village requiring curators and executive leadership in liaising with
organisations and companies
 The roles we will appoint include facilitator, moderator, presenters, panellists,
recorders, editors, ushers and organisers, workshop and discussion facilitators
2d. Are you part or member of a network?

 Please share the name of your network and your influence or role within it. What
is its reach in terms of the variety of professions, communities, geography etc?
2d. Why we should consider you:

 Any other information that will help us to understand how you may be an ideal
participant. Are you active on social media/influencer in any other way?
3a. Your willingness to contribute:

 This is not a firm commitment but an indication of if and how you would like to be
involved in more of an ongoing capacity.
3b. Becoming a Senior Fellow of the IFIP
 Take a look at the criteria and the value of this Award and if you would like to be
considered for this.
3d. Your ongoing contribution

 This is an opportunity for people who would like to be called upon to lecture
online around the world or curate materials etc. What would you like to do?

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