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Submitted by Priyanka Dhiman

Student Id: 10234786

Teens struggling with self-image and self-esteem issues.


1) Name of the psycho-educational group


2) Target group and presenting problem (include age-range (e.g., 12 to 18

years), cultural considerations)

Target group: The target group is teens struggling with self –image and self

esteem issues and the age range is from 13 to 19. In this age group, there are a

lot of chances to get involve with the bad habits and many other issues.

Presenting problem: Teenagers face lots of problems in their day-to-day life

because of many things for example; some teenagers face so much pressure to

get good score in their study. For teenagers, the transition from childhood to

adulthood is a difficult one. Teens feel unworthy and unloved sometimes due to

low self esteem. Growing up entails both lack of belief and regretting past
decisions. Teens that have good scenes of self are less hesitant to try new

things. They also, believe they are capable of making any difficult decisions of

their lives. However, negative thoughts will cloud the mind of teens that have low

self esteem. Moreover, they always in fear of meeting new people and doing new

things. The problem like bulling, child abuse and trauma, negative surrounding,

anxiety and the mental health issues makes them struggle with self-image and

self esteem issues (Tackling the Issue of Low Self-Esteem for Teens).

3) Theoretical framework in which your group will be built upon (include your

research findings here)

Mindfulness based stress reduction: it is a program called evidence based

program that helps in secular mindfulness training that helps the people who are

suffering from anxiety and depression and pain, it also helps in finding

happiness. The MBSR can be very beneficial for the teens to proliferate their self

esteem. Mindfulness includes yoga, meditation, thoughts action and feelings.

This approach is very helpful for the adolescents and children. In addition, it is

said that mindfulness helps in stress reduction and increase self esteem. It helps

in improving the attention and capability work in stress. It put possible impact on

the life of strugglers (Mindfulness-based stress reduction).

Strength based approach: Strength based approach is a work practice theory

which helps the person in increasing his/her self determination and strength. It

helps to make the person strong enough to tackle with the issues. It makes

changes in the life of an individual. It brings positive changes in their lives. It is

an approach which is depends upon thought process and emotions. It does not

bring change in thoughts but the approach helps in changing the environment of

the people from negative to positive. Therefore, this approach can be beneficial

for the teenagers to proliferate their inner strengths and self esteem (What is a

Strength-Based Approach? (Incl. Activities and Examples)).

4) Explain why your psycho-educational group is essential to the serving this

service user group

The psycho-educational group is very important in serving this service

user group who are teems struggling low self esteem issues. This group

has unique idea to serve them in a better way. It is going to follow a

different kind of approach that might help teen’s moves further and get

successful without any kind of problems in their life. The teens need

proper care and proper nutrition to live a healthy life and therefore, this

group will explain the benefits and other advantages of doing meditation

and having balanced diet in one of the sessions. It can make the teens

feel worthy.

5) Objectives of the group

The goal of the group is to make this team feel worthy and self confident in a less

span of time. To make them feel that they have enough strength and power to

tackle with the different issues in their life. To give them full strength and dignity

is the objective of the group. This group has aim to provide proper resources to

the teens related to this particular issues.

6) Introduction that includes an educational component on the subject

Lows self esteem is considered as the problem which is commonly seen in

teenagers aged between 13-19. When a person or individual tends to

have low self esteem that person will try to avoid the situations where they

have risk of failure. These types of fear can vary from person to person. If

such kinds of problems are not been treated on time it could lead so many

problems such as relationship issues, low motivation and so on (Self-

esteem and teenagers).

7) Explanation of Confidentiality

Confidentiality plays a significant role in any group work because all the

team members shares lots of personal things in the sessions by trusting

each other therefore, maintaining confidentiality is an important factor.

8) Identify group expectations, rules, and ethical standards.

Group expectations: It is to help the teenagers with all the best

resources available for them, team work, and co-operation.

Rules: Confidentiality, Punctuality, Dedication, Not to break rules,

Regulation, Getting involved in the group is mandatory.

Ethical Standards: Respecting each other, treating everyone equally,

respecting the feelings of others, and so on.

9) Name and explain the icebreaker activity including an educational


Brining happiness

Tell us about a person who brings happiness to your face?

Module 1:

1) Session Topic: Orientation

2) Purpose of the Session:
The purpose of the session is to welcome all the group members and
other participants. In this session the participants will introduce each other
and will make connection. This session is specially based to make good
relationship to start the further sessions in a better manner. It will help to
build a good starting point for working together in a team.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design:
It is an arranged acquaintance of recently added team members with their
positions, their friends and the organization. Orientation is important in the
beginning to know the objective of the program. In each association or
gathering, there ought to be a direction to invite new individuals. This is
significant on the grounds that it is the initial step to take prior to accepting
the duties. In-group, direction is significant in light of the fact that it audits
everything what an understudy ought to do (Bing).
4. Goals and objective: The goals and objective of the orientation is to welcome
everyone and giving them a quick information regarding further session and
letting them know about the future plans and goals of the psycho-educational
group. The goal is to make them feel more comfortable to continue further.

4) Activity/Worksheet:
You are Worthy

Name (in full) ____________________________

Contact ____________________________
Age ____________________________
DOB ____________________________
Purpose of visit ____________________________
Emergency contact (relationship) ________________________

Sign and Date

5) Evaluation outline

You are Worthy

How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET

How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Module :2

6) Session Topic Goal of the group

7) Purpose of the Session: The next session will be helpful to understand
the goal of the group. It will provide information to the participants
regarding the goal and objective of the group, which is to make
teenagers feel worthy and make them feel self - confident.
8) Supporting research for Session content and design:
Making a goal for the group and letting people know about this is very
essential because it will help any organization reach the goal step by step
with proper plan.
Goals help motivate us to develop strategies that will enable us to perform
at the required goal level. Accomplishing the goal can either lead to
satisfaction and further motivation or frustration and lower motivation if the
goal is not accomplished. Goal setting can be a very powerful technique,
under the right conditions according to the research. (Locke and Latham).
According to Lunenburg (2011), the motivational impact of goals may, in
fact, be affected by moderators such as self-efficacy and ability as well
(The Importance, Benefits, and Value of Goal Setting).

9) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goals and objective of this session to make all the
participants know that what is the mission of the group. Moreover, to
let them know that what is the purpose and researching and finding

What do you think regarding the goal of the group?

What is your goal?

What you want to achieve from these sessions?


What made you participate in this session?


11)Evaluation outline

How was your experience? MEET EXPECATION/DID NOT MEET

How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECATION/DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECATION/DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECATION/DID
Module : 3

1) Session Topic: communication upon the topic

2) Purpose of the Session: The purpose of the session is to communicate
with each other and to make plans to help those teenagers who are
struggling with low self esteem. Therefore, communicating upon this topic
is very important to understand the problem and find solutions.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: The expression
"group communication" alludes to the messages that are traded by bunch
individuals. These messages, regardless of whether verbal or nonverbal,
are critical to group since it is through the trading of messages that group
of individuals partake, keep up the gathering , decide objectives,
motivating each other, and do the numerous things that keep the
gathering flawless (." Encyclopedia of Communication and Information. . 15 Apr. 2021 <>.).

4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this

1.The goal and objective of the group to come up with one idea by
listening to each other’s idea.

2. The second goal is to know each other better through conversation.

3. Making a good rapport with each other and doing good team work is
also an objective of the group.

5) Activity/Worksheet:

Did you share any personal stories today?


Would you like to share some ideas today?

What are the important choices that you have had to take in your life?
6) Evaluation outline
How much you like today’s session? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
Did you find any productive from today’s session? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID

Module : 4

1) Session Topic: understanding the teenagers who have low self- esteem
2) Purpose of the Session: understanding the problems is very important to
find good resources related to the problem. Therefore, this time the
purpose of the session is to do proper research for understanding the
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: understanding the
problem is very important. It is because whenever we know some
problem, we always start seeing the solution and it is not right to jump up
on the solution without what is the exact problem. Therefore, it better to
take step back from finding a solution and start focusing on the problem
because understanding the problems is half of the solution (Problem
Solving Strategies: Understand the Problem).
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goal of the session is to understand the problem deeply and
to just follow the problem-focused approach and get the full knowledge of
the problem relate to low self-esteemed teens.
5) Activity/Worksheet:

Have you ever felt less confident?

Have you ever felt you had no choice?

6) Evaluation outline:

How much you like today’s session? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
Did you find any productive from today’s session? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Module 5 :

1) Session Topic: reasons of the problem

2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session is to only focus on the
reasons of the problem faced by teens. It is to help the teen by focusing
on the reasons.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: Knowing the reason
of the problem is very important to focus on the solutions. Therefore,
knowing that why teens feel these many problems in such a low age is
very important to make that reason vanished. Finding a root cause of the
problem can make help in thinking of the particular solution of it. Root
causes are the basic reasons behind the problem or issue you are seeing
in the community (Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems: The
"But Why?" Technique).
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goals and objective of the group is to find all the reasons
related to the problem.
5) Activity/Worksheet:

How can you provide best help to someone who is struggling with low self-
What do you think the reason for the problem is?

6) Evaluation outline:

Did you provide any reason in today’s session?

How comfortable you were in attending today’s session?
Module 6:

1) Session Topic: risks and limitations

2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session is to find risk and
limitation related in helping the teenagers. There is always a limitation and
knowing that limitations are imperative to go further in the process of help.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design
There should a risk management and proper understanding od the risks
and limitation’s before working on the solutions. It is because risk and
protective factors are interlinked with each other. It is said that it id flip side
of the same coin. If there is a solution then there is a risk factors related to
it also present. That is why it is better to learn all the risk factor before
protective factors (Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems: The
"But Why?" Technique)
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goal and objective of the group is to know all the risk and
limitations related to the solution and problem and to work on the risk
5) Activity/Worksheet:

What are the risks and limitations according to you?

Does freedom means more choices?

6) Evaluation outline:

How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET

How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Module 7: Resources

1) Session Topic: Resources

2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session is to find resources
for the teenagers and to work on tat resources and knowing the further
policy and procedure of them.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: finding resources is
must to help that individuals and it is only possible with the good
teamwork. In this session, members need to work together to find exact
and good resources relate to their problem.
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
The goal and objective of this particular session is to come up with enough
resources that can help the teenagers.
5) Activity/Worksheet:

Provide any resources, which you know?

How do you show sympathy?

6) Evaluation outline:

How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET

How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Module 8:

1) Session Topic: working on the benefits of therapies provided above

2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session is to work on the
above therapies and to search on them to know their benefits.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: the strength based
approach and mindfulness based stress reduction are two approaches
that has been searched to help the teenagers struggling with low self
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goal is to work on therapies and theories and to grab proper
knowledge about it.
5) Activity/Worksheet:
Provide one therapy, which you have, knowledge about?

Do you think that above given therapies could be beneficial?


6) Evaluation outline:
How productive you were in today’s session?

Did you got any information regarding psycho-educational group? Provide

one example.
Module 9: reviewing all the sessions

1) Session Topic: At the second last session, reviewing all the session is
2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session to review all the
sessions by asking questions to the participants regarding the previous
session. it will help to know that what they have learned and how much
focused they were from beginning.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: the reviewing is
always important because it always give more information, which support
the participants to move forward with the bunch of ideas. The reviewing
always works as a proof reading and It always give us a more ideas for
the work.
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goal and objective of this session is to review all the
previous sessions and to do prof read of the material.
5) Activity/Worksheet:
What stood out for you in the overall session?

6) Evaluation outline:

How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET

How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Module 10:

1) Session Topic: summary of the session

2) Purpose of the Session: the purpose of the session is to summarize and
conclude all the session by thanking everyone who did participation and
contributed in finding ideas.
3) Supporting research for Session content and design: the conclusion is
always important and it is very important to conclude the sessions with a
thanks and best wishes.
4) Goals and Objectives (What the group members will gain from this
session?) the goal and objective of the group is to conclude all the
sessions with a warm thanks.
5) Activity/Worksheet:
Would you like to give us any positive feedback?

Think about some changes, which is needed in the session?

6) Evaluation outline:
How was your experience? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
How comfortable you were in sharing things? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID
Did this session provided any healthy information to you? MEET
How was your involvement? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID NOT MEET
How discipline and concentrated you were? MEET EXPECTAION/ DID


1. 1. Self-esteem and teenagers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from


2. About Dr Silvina Galperin Dr. Silvina Galperin is a clinical and counselling

psychologist and the founder of CBT Psychology for Personal

Development. Silvina enjoys connecting with her clients and mentoring

other mental health profes. (2020, February 13). Tackling the issue of low

self-esteem for teens. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from

3. Mindfulness-based stress reduction. (2021, April 17). Retrieved April 19,

2021, from




4.What is a strength-based approach? (incl. activities and examples). (2021,

February 27). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from

4. Bing, Microsoft,

5. “The Importance, Benefits, and Value of Goal Setting.”, 27 Jan. 2021,
6. “." Encyclopedia of Communication and Information. . 15 Apr.
2021 .”,, 19 Apr. 2021,
7. School, Rithm. “Problem Solving Strategies: Understand the Problem.” Problem Solving
Strategies: Understand the Problem | The Rithm Blog,
8. “Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems: The ‘But Why?" Technique.” Chapter 17.
Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions | Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems:
The "But Why?" Technique | Main Section | Community Tool Box,
9. “Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems: The ‘But Why?" Technique.” Chapter 17.
Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions | Section 4. Analyzing Root Causes of Problems:
The "But Why?" Technique | Checklist | Community Tool Box,

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