Computer Network Answers Tanenbaum Book Fifth Edition III

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Computer network answers Tanenbaum book fifth edition 3:

1-Whenasystemhasapermanentpartandaremovablepart (suchasaCD-ROMdrive andtheCD-ROM), it is

important that thesystembestandardized, sothatdifferent companies canmakeboth thepermanent and
removable parts andeverything still workstogether. Givethreeexamplesoutsidethecomputer
industrywheresuchinternational standardsexist. Nowgive threeareasoutside thecomputer industrywhere

Three Examples Outside the Computer Industry Where International Standards Exist:

Electrical Outlets and Plugs:

International standards, such as those defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
regulate the design and specifications of electrical outlets and plugs. This standardization ensures
compatibility and safety when using electrical devices across different countries.

ISO Paper Sizes:

The ISO 216 standard defines international paper sizes, such as A4, A3, and B5. This standardization is
widely adopted in many countries, facilitating consistent paper dimensions for printing, copying, and
other paper-related applications.

Shipping Container Sizes:

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has established standards for shipping container
sizes (ISO 668), including dimensions and specifications. This standardization allows for efficient global
transport and handling of goods using standardized containers.

Three Areas Outside the Computer Industry Where International Standards May Not Exist:

Household Electrical Sockets and Voltages:

Unlike electrical plugs and outlets, there is no universal standard for household electrical sockets and
voltages. Different regions and countries may use different socket types, voltages, and frequencies,
leading to the need for adapters or voltage converters when using electrical appliances internationally.

Traffic Rules and Road Signs:

Traffic rules, road signs, and driving regulations vary significantly between countries. There is no
universal standard for traffic regulations, leading to differences in road signage, driving practices, and
traffic laws across different regions.

Food Labeling and Packaging:

Standards for food labeling, packaging, and nutritional information can vary between countries.
Different regions may have distinct regulations and requirements for the presentation of information on
food products, making it challenging for international manufacturers to adhere to a single set of

It's important to note that in some cases, even within industries or areas where international standards
exist, there might still be regional variations or deviations due to specific local requirements or historical
practices. Additionally, the development and adoption of international standards are ongoing processes,
and new standards may be established over time.

2-List twoadvantagesandtwodisadvantagesofhavinginternational standardsfornetworkprotocols.

Advantages of Having International Standards for Network Protocols:


Advantage: International standards ensure interoperability, allowing devices and systems from different
manufacturers and vendors to communicate seamlessly. This promotes compatibility and simplifies the
integration of diverse networking technologies, fostering a more open and interconnected global
network infrastructure.

Innovation and Competition:

Advantage: Standards provide a common framework for the development of network protocols. This
facilitates innovation as multiple entities can contribute to the evolution of technologies within the
established standards. The existence of standards also promotes healthy competition among
manufacturers, encouraging them to focus on improving features and performance within the defined

Disadvantages of Having International Standards for Network Protocols:

Slow Adoption and Evolution:

Disadvantage: The process of establishing international standards can be slow and bureaucratic. This
may result in delays in adopting new technologies and incorporating the latest advancements into the
standard. As a result, the standard might lag behind emerging trends and hinder rapid innovation.

Limited Flexibility for Specific Use Cases:

Disadvantage: International standards aim to address a broad range of use cases and scenarios, but they
may not be well-suited for highly specialized or unique requirements. In certain situations, organizations
may find it challenging to implement customized solutions that deviate from the standardized protocols,
limiting flexibility for specific applications or industries.

It's important to note that while standards provide a foundation for compatibility and collaboration,
achieving a balance between standardization and flexibility is crucial. Innovations and emerging
technologies should be accommodated within the framework of existing standards or through the
creation of new standards when necessary. Additionally, standards bodies and organizations play a key
role in regularly updating and refining international standards to keep pace with technological
advancements and evolving industry needs.

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