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Sensory Register

The first step in the IP model holds all sensory information for a very brief time:
 Capacity
- Our mind receives a great amount of information, but it is more than what our minds can hold or
 Duration
- The sensory register only holds the information for an extremely brief period in the order of 1 to
3 seconds.
 There is a difference in duration based on modality: auditory memory is more persistent than visual.

The Role of Attention

 To bring information into consciousness, it is necessary that we give attention to it. Such that, we can
only perceive and remember later those things that pass through our attention “gate”.
 Getting through this attentional filter is done when the learner is interested in the material when there
is conscious control over attention, or when information involves novelty, surprise, salience
and distinctiveness.
 Before information is perceived, it is known as ‘precategorical” information.
 Once it is perceived, we can categorize, ,judge, interpret and place meaning to the stimuli

Short-Term emory (ST or Working memory)

 Capacity: The STM can only hold 5 to 9 “chunks” of information, sometimes described as 7+/-2. It is
called working memory because it is where new information is temporarily placed while it is mentally
processed. STM maintains information for a limited time, until the learner has adequate resources to
process the information or until the information is forgotten.
 Duration: Around 18 seconds or less.
 To reduce the loss of information in 18 seconds, you need to do maintenance rehearsal.

Long term Memory

The LTM is the final or permanent storing house for memory information. It holds the stored information until
needed again.
 Capacity: LTM has unlimited capacity.
 Duration: Duration in the LTM is indefinite
Sensory Register
- When you say Sensory? What come’s on your mind?
- Now how about Register?
- Now if you collide these two words together? Unsa may maform na like meaning or definition in
connection to Ip ?? So murag registering information through senses right?.
- To make it simple, sensory register is like a quick and temporary memory system for your senses.
Imagine it as a super-short-term storage for things you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. It holds onto
these sensations for just a tiny moment, like when you glimpse a bright light or hear a short sound. It's
the first stop for information from your senses, and it helps your brain decide what's important and
should be remembered, and what can be quickly forgotten.

The first step in the IP model holds all sensory information for a very brief time:
 Capacity (kapasidad)
- Our mind receives a great amount of information, but it is more than what our minds can
hold or perceive.
- The capacity of the sensory register is defined as the ability to briefly hold a relatively large
amount of sensory information for a very short duration. In terms of information
processing, capacity refers to the sheer volume of sensory information that the sensory
register can briefly store.
- So kumbaga mura ni syag Storage box sa atong utok.

 Duration
- The sensory register only holds the information for an extremely brief period in the order of
1 to 3 seconds.
- The duration in the sensory register, in terms of information processing, refers to the brief
amount of time that sensory information is retained before it starts to fade or decay.

 There is a difference in duration based on modality(a particular mode in which something

exists or is experienced or expressed.) : auditory memory is more persistent than visual.
- So why? Why is Auditory memory more persistent than visual? Auditory memory is often
more persistent than visual memory because our brains are wired to pay special attention
to what we hear. Think of it this way: when you hear something important, like a friend's
name or a warning shout, your brain knows it's essential to remember. That's why auditory
memory can stick around a bit longer. Plus, it's easier to replay sounds in your mind, like a
song or a phone number, which helps keep them in your memory. On the other hand, our
eyes are bombarded with lots of visual information all the time, like colors and shapes, so
our visual memory is more like a quick snapshot. It's there, but it fades away faster because
our brains need to sort through all the things we see and decide what's important.
- BUT TAKE NOTE HA? Na sguro dili tanan ingani, i mean some individuals mas persistent
ilanng pag acquire of information through visual memory than auditory memory. We all
know that we have individual differences man dba? Ktong Global og Analytic. Wherein if we
say global or the right brain mas prefer ani ang Visual then the Analytic or left brain mas
prefer ang verbal, when we say verbal dba ang ma perceive nto ana is audio jd. So going
back, based on the book that gi kuhaan namo ani na source, auditory information is more
persistent than visual, but not all the time for we have individual differences man.
The Role of Attention
 To bring information into consciousness, it is necessary that we give attention to it. Such that,
we can only perceive and remember later those things that pass through our attention “gate”.
 Getting through this attentional filter is done when the learner is interested in the material
when there is conscious control over attention, or when information involves novelty, surprise,
salience and distinctiveness.
 Before information is perceived, it is known as ‘precategorical” information. This means that
until that point, the learner has not established a determination of the categorical membership
of the information. To this point, the information is coming in as uninterpreted patterns of
- In simplest words, precatergorical information is like the raw data that comes in through
your senses before your brain organizes or categorizes it. It's the very first, unprocessed
information that you receive from your eyes, ears, skin, or other senses.
 Once it is perceived, we can categorize, ,judge, interpret and place meaning to the stimuli.
- Categorical information is like the organized and sorted version of data. It's what your brain
does with the raw information it gets from your senses. So, categorical information is the
processed and organized version of the sensory data.
 If we fail to perceive, we have no means by which to recognize that the stimulus was
ever encountered.

Short-Term emory (ST or Working emory)

 Capacity: The STM can only hold 5 to 9 “chunks” of information, sometimes described as 7+/-2.
- George Miller’s(a psychologist’ one of the founders of Cognitive Psychology) "Magical Seven
Plus or Minus Two" is a simple idea that says our short-term memory, the kind of memory
we use to hold information temporarily, can handle about 7 chunks of information at once.
These chunks can be things like numbers or words. So, if you try to remember more than
about 7 chunks, you might start to forget some of them because your short-term memory
has a limited capacity. It's like trying to carry too many items in your hands – you can only
manage a certain amount before things start to drop.
 It is called working memory because it is where new information is temporarily placed while it
is mentally processed. STM maintains information for a limited time, until the learner has
adequate resources to process the information or until the information is forgotten.

 Duration: Around 18 seconds or less.

 To reduce the loss of information in 18 seconds, you need to do maintenance rehearsal. It is
using repetition to keep the information active in STM, like when you repeat a phone
number just given over and over.

Long term Memory

The LTM is the final or permanent storing house for memory information. It holds thestored
information until needed again.
 Capacity: LTM has unlimited capacity.
 Duration: Duration in the LTM is indefinite

Information is received through the senses and goes to the sensory memory for a very brief amount of
time. If not found relevant, information may decay. It goes to the STM and if given attention and is
perceived and found to be relevant, it is sent to the LTM. If not properly encoded, forgetting occurs.
Different cognitive processes applied to the information will then determine if information can be
retrieved when needed later.

Say for example , There is a random song na nagplay and then the first step sa process ma acquire sya
sa one of your senses which is the auditory right? Then you find the song interesting, like nindut sa
pandungog nimo then gusto nmo sya maremember so masud to sya sa STM nmo or the short term
memory now take note dba na ang duration sa short term memory is only 18 seconds if there is no
maintenance or rehearsal then makalimtan siya,if dili siya ma properly encoded sa memory nmo then
the loss of information happens, mao nang naay “forgetting” under sa STM ana sa graphic organizer.
Now kintahay you find the song relevant and yes interested kayka makahbaw ani na kanta so you
always repeat the lyrics of the song sa chorus part always repeating it bsag few lines or words ra y
nahibaw an nmo. Then paguleh nmo sa inyoha, while ga sge kag repeat nakahunahuna ka na murag ag
vibes is makarelate ka so in order to know the title , you googled the lyrics then you play the song over
and over sguro ana then you try to understand the meaning also, then ana na masud says long term
memory, so infinite na ang capacity sa information na mahold ssa imong brain for you executed
processing control. So nakainput na na says imuhang memory hantud hantud, the retrieval comes ani
na example situation, sa part na for instance you were asked by a teacher to perform a song or sing a
song impromptu , a song that you love and makarelate ka or di ba kaha a song that motivates you . So
ana na magprocess ang retrieval of the storred information sa memory nmo adto na song,ga
remember ka s alyrics ,sa tune, so on and so forth.

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