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aboriginal relating to the indigenous peoples of Australia or their languages

ailments an illness, typically a minor one
beetle an insect with forewings that are typically modified into hard wing cases
bile Galle
bug a harmful microorganism, typically a bacterium.
clinicians someone, such as a doctor, who has qualifications in an area of very skilled health work
clot a portion of a substance adhering together in a thick nondescript mass (as of clay or gum)
commonplace alltäglich
concurrent happening or existing at the same time
crawling Krabbeln
creepy crawlies gruselige Krabbeltiere
despite although / in spite of / regardless of
disruptive causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual
dressing Verband
endorsement Befürwortung
gut Darm
hirudotherapy click for pronunciation
intermittently mit Unterbrechungen (for example intermittent fasting)
leech(es) Blutegel
leek Lauch
limb(s) Gliedmassen
lotions and potions Lotionen und Tränke
maggot(s) Made(n)
medieval mittelalterlich
nasty bad or very unpleasant
NHS National Health Service (NHS)
novel new and original, not like anything seen before
OBE order of the British empire
postgraduate Doktorand
predatory worms Raubwürmern
production facility Produktionsanlage
redundant überflüssig
reluctantly not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
remedy (remedies) Heilmittel
salve Salbe
scientifically sound wissenschaftlich fundiert
scythe Sense (click for pronunciation)
shiver(s) shake slightly because you feel cold, ill, or frightened
slug a snail with no shell
squeamish zimperlich
tissue Gewebe
to be keen to daran interessiert sein
to breed züchten
to clot to become a clot (cream / blood)
to dispose entsorgen
to fall out of favour in Ungnade fallen
to go out on a limb having an opinion that is different from most people's and is unpopular
to gorge to eat until you are unable to eat any more
to hatch schlüpfen
to inhibit to slow down a process or the growth of something
to promote fördern
to provide make available (something wanted or needed)
to stress betonen
to supply to make available for use: provide
treatment Behandlung
tribe(s) communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture
and dialect, typically having a recognized leader
ubiquitous seeming to be everywhere
1) What was your first reaction after reading this article?
2) What animals do you like and which ones not - why?
3) What should we do, as a society and as individuals when it comes to
antibiotic resistance?

4) Could you imagine doing maggot therapy? Why, why not?

5) What is your general opinion on medieval remedies?
6) Have you heard of other parasite therapies? What do you think about
them? (if interested check out this worm therapy / fish pedicures)

7) What do you think - why are remedies not more popular nowadays?
8) What “grandmother” remedies do you remember / use?
How do you make it and what do you use it for (look up words if

9) The good old times … what was (really) better then? 😊

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