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1 (a) State what is meant by a gravitational field.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) In the Solar System, the planets may be assumed to be in circular orbits about the Sun.
Data for the radii of the orbits of the Earth and Jupiter about the Sun are given in
Fig. 1.1.

radius of orbit
/ km
Earth 1.50 × 108
Jupiter 7.78 × 108

Fig. 1.1

(i) State Newton’s law of gravitation.




.............................................................................................................................. [3]

(ii) Use Newton’s law to determine the ratio

gravitational field strength due to the Sun at orbit of Earth

gravitational field strength due to the Sun at orbit of Jupiter

ratio = ................................................. [3]

(c) The orbital period of the Earth about the Sun is T.

(i) Use ideas about circular motion to show that the mass M of the Sun is given by

4 2R 3
GT 2

where R is the radius of the Earth’s orbit about the Sun and G is the gravitational
Explain your working.


(ii) The orbital period T of the Earth about the Sun is 3.16 × 107 s.
The radius of the Earth’s orbit is given in Fig. 1.1.
Use the expression in (i) to determine the mass of the Sun.

mass = ............................................ kg [2]

1 (a) The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere of radius 6.37 × 103 km with its mass
of 5.98 × 1024 kg concentrated at its centre. The Earth spins on its axis with a period of
24.0 hours.

(i) A stone of mass 2.50 kg rests on the Earth’s surface at the Equator.

1. Calculate, using Newton’s law of gravitation, the gravitational force on the stone.

gravitational force = ....................................................... N [2]

2. Determine the force required to maintain the stone in its circular path.

force = ....................................................... N [2]

(ii) The stone is now hung from a newton-meter.

Use your answers in (i) to determine the reading on the meter. Give your answer to three
significant figures.

reading = ....................................................... N [2]

(b) A satellite is orbiting the Earth. For an astronaut in the satellite, his sensation of weight is
caused by the contact force from his surroundings.

The astronaut reports that he is ‘weightless’, despite being in the Earth’s gravitational field.

Suggest what is meant by the astronaut reporting that he is ‘weightless’.




1 (a) The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere of radius 6380 km with its mass of
5.98 1024 kg concentrated at its centre, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1.

5.98 × 1024 kg

Fig. 1.1

A mass of 1.00 kg on the Equator rotates about the axis of the Earth with a period of
8.62 104 s.

Calculate, to three significant figures,

(i) the gravitational force FG of attraction between the mass and the Earth,

FG ...................................................... N [2]

(ii) the centripetal force FC on the 1.00 kg mass,

FC ...................................................... N [3]
(iii) the difference in magnitude of the forces.

difference = ...................................................... N [1]

(b) By reference to your answers in (a), suggest, with a reason, a value for the acceleration of free
fall at the Equator.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 7]

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 (a) By reference to the definition of gravitational potential, explain why gravitational potential is a
negative quantity.



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Two stars A and B have their surfaces separated by a distance of 1.4 × 1012 m, as illustrated in
Fig. 1.1.

1.4 1012 m
star A star B

Fig. 1.1

Point P lies on the line joining the centres of the two stars. The distance x of point P from the
surface of star A may be varied.

The variation with distance x of the gravitational potential at point P is shown in Fig. 1.2.

x / 1012 m
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4



/ 108 J kg–1




Fig. 1.2

© UCLES 2016 9702/41/M/J/16


A rock of mass 180 kg moves along the line joining the centres of the two stars, from star A
towards star B.

(i) Use data from Fig. 1.2 to calculate the change in kinetic energy of the rock when it
moves from the point where x = 0.1 × 1012 m to the point where x = 1.2 × 1012 m.
State whether this change is an increase or a decrease.

change = ............................................................. J


(ii) At a point where x = 0.1 × 1012 m, the speed of the rock is v.

Determine the minimum speed v such that the rock reaches the point where
x = 1.2 × 1012 m.

minimum speed = ............................................... m s−1 [3]

[Total: 8]

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Section A

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 An isolated spherical planet has a diameter of 6.8 × 106 m. Its mass of 6.4 × 1023 kg may be
assumed to be a point mass at the centre of the planet.

(a) Show that the gravitational field strength at the surface of the planet is 3.7 N kg−1.


(b) A stone of mass 2.4 kg is raised from the surface of the planet through a vertical height of
1800 m.
Use the value of field strength given in (a) to determine the change in gravitational potential
energy of the stone.
Explain your working.

change in energy = ..................................................... J [3]

(c) A rock, initially at rest at infinity, moves towards the planet. At point P, its height above the
surface of the planet is 3.5 D, where D is the diameter of the planet, as shown in Fig. 1.1.

D 3.5 D

path of
P rock

Fig. 1.1

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Calculate the speed of the rock at point P, assuming that the change in gravitational potential
energy is all transferred to kinetic energy.

speed = ............................................... m s−1 [4]

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Observed from Earth, the angular separation of the centres of S1 and S2 is 1.2 × 10–5 rad.
The distance of the binary star system from Earth is 1.5 × 1017 m.

Show that the separation d of the centres of S1 and S2 is 1.8 × 1012 m.


(c) The stars S1 and S2 rotate with the same angular velocity about a point P, as illustrated in
Fig. 1.2.

S1 S2

Fig. 1.2 (not to scale)

Point P is at a distance x from the centre of star S1.

The period of rotation of the stars is 44.2 years.

(i) Calculate the angular velocity .

= .............................................. rad s–1 [2]

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(ii) By considering the forces acting on the two stars, show that the ratio of the masses of
the stars is given by

mass of S1 d – x
= .
mass of S2 x


(iii) The mass M1 of star S1 is given by the expression

GM1 = d 2 (d – x) 2

where G is the gravitational constant.

The ratio in (ii) is found to be 1.5.

Use data from (b) and your answer in (c)(i) to determine the mass M1.

M1 = .................................................... kg [3]

[Total: 9]

© UCLES 2020 9702/41/M/J/20


Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 A binary star consists of two stars A and B that orbit one another, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1.

2.8 × 108 km

Fig. 1.1

The stars are in circular orbits with the centres of both orbits at point P, a distance d from the
centre of star A.

(a) (i) Explain why the centripetal force acting on both stars has the same magnitude.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) The period of the orbit of the stars about point P is 4.0 years.

Calculate the angular speed of the stars.

= ............................................. rad s−1 [2]

© UCLES 2016 9702/42/M/J/16


(b) The separation of the centres of the stars is 2.8 × 108 km.
The mass of star A is MA. The mass of star B is MB.
The ratio A is 3.0.

(i) Determine the distance d.

d = ................................................... km [3]

(ii) Use your answers in (a)(ii) and (b)(i) to determine the mass MB of star B.
Explain your working.

MB = .................................................... kg [3]

[Total: 10]

© UCLES 2016 9702/42/M/J/16 [Turn over

Data given in CAIE paper:
gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10 N m2 kg
acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s

{June 17/41/Q.1}
{Nov. 16/41 & 42/Q.1}

Akhtar Mahmood (0333-4281759)

M.Sc.(Physics), MCS, MBA-IT, B.Ed.
{Nov 10/41 & 42/Q, 1}
{Nov 08/4/Q.1}
6. A binary star consists of two stars that orbit about a fixed point C,as shown in

Fig. 6.1
The star of mass M1 has a circular orbit of radius R1 and the star of mass M2 has a circular orbit of radius R2.
Both stars have the same angular speed , about C.

(a) State the formula, in terms of G, M1, M2, R1, R2 and for
(i) the gravitational force between the two stars,

(ii) the centripetal force on the star of mass M1.

(b) The stars orbit each other in a time of 1.26 × 108 s (4.0 years). Calculate the angular speed for each star.

angular speed = ................................... rad s 1 [2]

(c) (i) Show that the ratio of the masses of the stars is given by the expression

(ii) The ratio M1 / M2 is equal to 3.0 and the separation of the stars is 3.2 × 1011 m.
Calculate the radii R1 and R2.

R1 = ........................................ m

R2 = ........................................ m

(d) (i) By equating the expressions you have given in (a) and using the data calculated in (b) and (c),
determine the mass of one of the stars.

mass of star = ......................................... kg

(ii) State whether the answer in (i) is for the more massive or for the less massive star.

............................................................................................................................................................. [4]

7. (a) (i) On Fig. 7.1, draw lines to represent the gravitational field outside an isolated uniform sphere.

Fig. 7.1
(ii) A second sphere has the same mass but a smaller radius. Suggest what difference, if any, there is between the
patterns of field lines for the two spheres.
(b) The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere of radius 6380 km with its
mass of 5.98 x 1024 kg concentrated at its centre, as illustrated in Fig. 7.2

Fig. 7.2

A mass of 1.00 kg on the Equator rotates about the axis of the Earth with a period of 1.00 day (8.64 x 104 s).
Calculate, to three significant figures,
(i) the gravitational force FG of attraction between the mass and the Earth,

(ii) the centripetal force FC on the 1.00 kg mass,

(iii) the difference in magnitude of the forces.

(c) By reference to your answers in (b), suggest, with a reason, a value for the acceleration of free fall at the Equator.

.. [2]
8. Fig.84.1 shows part of the orbit of a satellite round the Earth.

orbit of satellite



Fig. 8.1

The mass M of the Earth is 6.0 x 1024 kg. It may be assumed that the gravitational field of the Earth is the same as that of
a point mass M situated at the centre of the Earth.
(a) On Fig. 8.1 show, by means of an arrow, the direction of the gravitational force on the satellite. [1]
(ii) Explain why the satellite does not move in the direction of the gravitational force.

(iii) Show that v, the linear speed of the satellite in its orbit of radius R, is given by the expression

v GM / R
where G is the gravitational constant.

(b) Two satellite is orbiting the Earth with a radius R of 6610 km at a speed v of 7780 ms-1. The satellite is boosted into
a higher orbit of radius 6890 km. Show that the speed of the satellite in the new orbit is 7620 m s-1.

(c) (i) In (b), the satellite, of mass 120 kg, moves from one orbit to another. Using the data in (c), calculate, for this
satellite, the change in [6]
1. kinetic energy,

change in
2. gravitational potential energy,

3. total energy

(ii) State whether this change in total energy is an increase or a decrease.

9. The Earth may be considered to be a uniform sphere with its mass M concentrated at its centre. A satellite of mass m
orbits the Earth such that the radius of the circular orbit is r.
(a) Show that the linear speed v of the satellite is given by the expression.

(b) For this satellite, write down expressions, in terms of G, M, m and r, for

(i) its kinetic energy,


(ii) its gravitational potential energy


(iii) its total energy

(c) The total energy of the satellite gradually decreases. State and explain the effect of this decrease on
(i) the radius r of orbit



(ii) the speed v of the satellite




10. A rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth. Fig.10.1 gives data for the speed of the rocket at two heights
above the Ea the rocket engine has been switched off.

height / m speed / ms 1
h1= 19.9 ×10 v1= 5370
h2= 22.7 ×106 v2= 5090
Fig. 10.1
The Earth may be assumed to be a uniform sphere of radius R= 6.38×106m, with its mass M concentrated at its centre.
The rocket, after the engine has been switched off, has mass m.

(a)Write down an expression in terms of

(i) G, M, m, h1, h2 and R for the change in gravitational potential energy of the

(ii) m, v1and v2 for the change in kinetic energy of the


(b) Using the expressions in (a), determine a value for the mass M of the Earth.


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