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APRIL 2023 IT Passport examination

Which of the following is the appropriate meaning of the units that are shown in the specifications given
in brochures or catalogs?

a) “2-Tbyte hard disk” refers to a capacity of 2× 1012 bytes.

-This is correct. "Tbyte" stands for terabyte, and 1 terabyte is equal to 10^12 bytes.

Answer: 300 & 40

c) It is an object-oriented language that provides platform-independent portability.

Java is indeed an object-oriented programming language known for its platform independence, meaning
that Java programs can run on any device that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed, regardless of
the underlying hardware and software. This feature makes Java suitable for creating cross-platform
b) It refers to a processing procedure for enabling a computer to accomplish a particular purpose.

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or set of rules for solving a specific problem or accomplishing a
particular task. It is a well-defined, finite sequence of instructions that can be executed by a computer to
perform a specific task or solve a specific problem. Option b) accurately captures the essence of an
algorithm in the context of computing.

B. source code - Source code is the human-readable set of instructions written in a programming
language that can be understood by programmers and serves as the input for a compiler or interpreter
to generate executable programs.

a. Bluetooth - Bluetooth is a wireless communication standard that facilitates data exchange

between a variety of electronic devices, such as computers and peripherals, using short-range
radio frequency signals.
D. There are some types such as resistive or capacitive, and operations are performed on a
computer through direct contact with the screen by a finger.

A touch panel is an input device with types like resistive or capacitive, enabling operations on a
computer through direct contact with the screen using a finger.

a) An improvement in the throughput of the entire system is aimed at by simultaneously executing

different processing in each core.

Explanation: A multi-core processor enhances system throughput by concurrently executing various

processing tasks across multiple cores, enabling parallelization and improved performance.
b) The automatic installation of a device driver that supports a newly connected peripheral device to the

Explanation: Plug and play refers to the capability of a computer system to automatically detect and
configure hardware devices, including the installation of necessary device drivers, when they are
connected or "plugged in."

a) It is a computer system in which exactly the same processing is performed in two computers,
and its reliability is assured by cross-checking the results.

Explanation: A dual system involves redundant processing in two separate computers,

performing identical tasks, and cross-checking results for enhanced reliability.
a) A method of processing data all together by collecting the data of a certain duration or a
certain quantity.

Explanation: Batch processing involves collecting and processing data in groups or batches over a
specific duration or quantity, typically without immediate user interaction.

b) To reduce the cost of development.

Explanation: Installing a business application software package instead of developing one in-house is
often done to save on development costs, as pre-built software can be more cost-effective than creating
a custom solution from scratch.
a) Setting up access rights based on the combination of data and user.

Explanation: Setting up access rights based on data and user combinations is an effective method for
limiting database content according to confidentiality and individual business needs, ensuring that users
only have access to the data relevant to their roles and permissions.

b) An OS allocates the computer resources, such as the CPU, memory, and auxiliary storage
device, to application programs.

Explanation: Operating systems for PCs manage and allocate computer resources to application
programs, facilitating the efficient execution of tasks on the computer.
a) A B C


A: It is the directory at the topmost level of the hierarchy. (Root directory)

B: It shows all paths starting from the topmost directory of the hierarchy down to the target file
or directory according to the directory structure. (Absolute path)

C: It is the directory that is being manipulated now. (Current directory)

c) It is a state in which, when common resources are exclusively used, two or more processes are
endlessly waiting for each other to release a common resource.

Explanation: Deadlock is a situation in computing where two or more processes are unable to
proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource.
d) C


C: The Linux OS and the PostgreSQL relational database management system are some examples.

It seems the option D in your response might have been a typographical error. If you have further
questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

d) Stored data is not read quickly.

Explanation: When data is repeatedly added and deleted on a hard disk without measures like
defragmentation, it can lead to fragmentation, causing data to be stored in non-contiguous areas. This
fragmentation can result in slower read times as the disk drive has to seek and access multiple non-
adjacent areas to retrieve the data.
c) It is the extent to which anyone can receive and transmit information by using the web regardless of
age or physical condition.

Explanation: Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of ensuring that websites and web
applications can be used by people of all abilities and disabilities, regardless of age or physical condition,
providing equal access to information and functionality.

b) Enabling computer-simulated objects and spaces to be perceived like the real world by using
computer graphics or other techniques.

Explanation: Virtual reality involves creating a computer-generated environment that simulates a realistic
experience, allowing users to interact with and perceive computer-simulated objects and spaces as if
they were part of the real world.

C. Online storage
Explanation: Online storage services provide disk space on a server connected to the internet,
allowing users to store and access files from anywhere, both inside and outside their homes.
b) To retain the consistency of data

Explanation: The primary purpose of normalizing data in a relational database is to retain the consistency
of data by organizing it in a way that avoids redundancy and dependency issues, leading to more
efficient storage and retrieval.

a) A → B → C

Explanation: The typical order for building a relational database is to first identify the data items (A),
then create the tables (B), and finally insert records (C) into those tables.

d) Firewall

Explanation: A firewall is placed between an internal network and an external network to prevent
unauthorized access from the external network to the internal network by monitoring and controlling
incoming and outgoing network traffic.
b) The shortage of IP addresses that can be used on the Internet is resolved.

Explanation: IPv6 was developed to address the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses, providing a
larger address space to accommodate the growing number of devices connected to the Internet.

c) Mailing list

Explanation: A mailing list is a mechanism where emails sent to a specific email address are distributed
to multiple email addresses that have been registered to that specific address.

d) A PC connected to the LAN in Kyoto-City sales office accesses the server in Tokyo head office
and uploads sales information.

Explanation: WAN (Wide Area Network) is typically used for communication between devices in different
geographical locations, such as a PC in a branch office accessing a server in the head office located in a
different city.
b) Monitoring and recording the keyboard input on a user’s PC.

Explanation: A keylogger is a type of malicious software or hardware device that monitors and records
the keystrokes made by a user on their computer, potentially capturing sensitive information such as
passwords and other confidential data.

b) A false e-mail is sent, in order to lead the recipient to a fake website or to an imitation of an existing
website, and then to illegally obtain personal information.

Explanation: Phishing is a type of cyber attack where attackers use deceptive emails or messages to trick
individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, by leading
them to fake websites that mimic legitimate ones.
d) The services of a server are interrupted.

Explanation: In a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, the goal is to disrupt the normal functioning of a server
by overwhelming it with a flood of traffic, making the services inaccessible to legitimate users.

a) A, B


A: Installing antivirus software is a common countermeasure to detect and remove viruses.

B: Applying a security patch (update module) is essential for addressing vulnerabilities that may be
exploited by viruses and malware.
b) A, C


A: The recipient can check whether the sender is the intended person.

C: The recipient can confirm that the e-mail has not been tampered with.

c) Malware

Explanation: Malware is the general term used for malicious software, including keyloggers, worms,
viruses, and other types of harmful software designed to exploit, damage, or gain unauthorized access to
computer systems.

Vulnerability: This refers to a weakness or flaw in the security of a system, network, or application that
could be exploited by a threat.

Threat: This represents a potential danger or harm to an information asset, which could take advantage
of a vulnerability. A threat could be a malicious actor, a natural disaster, or any circumstance that has the
potential to cause harm.

Risk: Risk is the potential for damage or loss resulting from a threat exploiting a vulnerability. It's the
likelihood that a threat will exploit a vulnerability and the impact it will have on the organization.

b) The same IDs and passwords as the first website are set.

Explanation: In a password list attack, attackers use leaked IDs and passwords from one website to
attempt unauthorized access to other websites where users may have reused the same credentials. This
emphasizes the importance of using unique passwords for different online services to prevent such
c) II, III, IV


II: Iris is a biometric authentication method.

III: Fingerprint is a biometric authentication method.

IV: Vein is a biometric authentication method.

These are all examples of biometric authentication as they involve unique physical characteristics for
identity verification.

In the context of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for information security management:

Plan (P): The objectives, processes, and procedures for information security are established.

Do (D): Processes and procedures are introduced and operated.

Check (C): The effectiveness of the processes is measured and evaluated.

Act (A): Improvement is made through corrective and preventive actions based on the evaluation
d) TLS

Explanation: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the protocol used for encrypted HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol Secure) communication between a web server and a web browser. TLS ensures secure data
transmission over the internet by encrypting the information exchanged between the server and the

b) Programs are corrected or revised for the purpose of stable system operations and to keep up with
the development of information technology and changes in business strategy.

Explanation: Software maintenance involves activities such as correcting defects, enhancing

functionality, adapting to changes in the environment, and ensuring the continued reliability and
effectiveness of software systems.

A. External design
External design may refer to the user interface design and the overall interaction between
the system and its users. This includes defining the layout of screens and the format of forms
from the user's perspective.
c) Black-box testing

Explanation: Black-box testing is a testing technique where the tester has no knowledge of the internal
structure or implementation details of the system. The focus is on verifying that the system behaves
correctly based on the provided inputs and produces the expected outputs. Testers, like Mr. A in this
scenario, approach the system as a "black box" and do not consider its internal workings during the
testing process.

a) Acceptance test

Explanation: The acceptance test is primarily implemented by the user or the customer who ordered the
development of the software. It aims to determine whether the software meets the specified
requirements and is acceptable for deployment in the actual business environment.
a) After all activities in each phase in the development are complete, the project proceeds to the next

Explanation: The waterfall model is a linear and sequential software development model where each
phase in the development process must be completed before moving on to the next phase. It follows a
structured approach, progressing through phases like requirements, design, implementation, testing,
deployment, and maintenance in a waterfall-like fashion.

d) Brainstorming

Explanation: Brainstorming is a group creativity technique used to generate a large number of ideas or
solutions to a problem. In this case, the project team members from different departments come
together to generate a list of potential risks at the beginning of the project.

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