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What is it?
The PIC series of microcontrollers are a product of the Microchip Technology. Microchip
is a company that produces microcontrollers, special memory chips, and a host of other
really cool products. There are a couple dozen variations on the PIC series of
microcontrollers. Common among most of them are single chip operation, availability in
One Time Programmable (OTP) packages, and the same instruction set. The basic
architecture is the same across the family.

A little architecture discussion

There are two really interesting architecture decisions that were made by Microchip. First
is the use of a RISC instruction set, and the other is the Harvard architecture.

RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. This means that the instruction set
that the chip supports is small, lean, and mean. RISC architectures allow for a useful set
of instructions that are typically executed in a single clock. A CISC (Complex Instruction
Set Computer) architecture that has much more powerful instructions, but many
instructions take several clocks to execute. The 68HC11, for example, is a CISC
architecture (well, comparatively speaking anyway!). Some of the HC11 instructions take
as many as 5 clocks to execute. The RISC instruction set is a bare minimum set of
instructions required to make a decent program work. In fact, it turns out that a decent
sized program will typically use ALL of the instructions, save one of the special purpose
instructions. Contrast that to the 68HC11 or x86 chips where you would be lucky to use

Another interesting feature of the PIC chips is the use of the Harvard architecture. Most
computers use something called the von Neumann architecture, where data and program
memory is mapped into the same address space. The 68HC11, the 80486, Pentium, and
most other machines use this architecture. The Harvard architecture uses a different
scheme were the program memory and data memory are not shared, and indeed are even
on a seperate bus. This allows the program to be fetched and executed concurrently with
data. The Harvard architecture allows for a cleaner pipelining of instructions since there
is no contention in fetching data vs program.
A Guided Tour

It can be hard to describe a chip in

general terms, so I have picked out a
particular example to go on. The
PIC16C84 is a 18 pin microcontroller
that has 1k of EEPROM program space,
36 bytes of RAM, and 64 bytes of
EEPROM Data. It has a few other
features, such as a timer, watchdog timer,
and 13 pins of I/O.

Programming the PIC chips requires a

low cost programmer that connects to
your serial port. The 16C8X family has
1k of onboard EEPROM for program
Block Diagram of the PIC16C8X

By looking at the block diagram above, you can see several interesting features. First,
note the seperate Program Bus and Data Bus. Thats the Harvard architecture. Another
very interesting point is that the program bus is 14 bits wide! For many people, this is a
bit of a stumbling block since 14 bits isn't byte divisable. This isn't something most of us
are used to. The PIC16C8X series has a 14 bit wide instruction 'WORD'. This means each
of the instructions is exactly 14 bits in size. The CPU is still considered to be an 8-bit
machine since the basic data size it deals with is 8 bits wide. Other members of the PIC
family have different instruction bus sizes. For example, the 16C5X series has a 12-bit
instruction word, while the PIC 17CXX series uses a 16-bit instruction word. All are still
considered 8-bit microcontrollers.

The PIC series all have only one working register, which is the W register. This is
something that requires a little getting used to. However, it turns out that many operations
that the RISC core can execute are capable of storing the result in the W register, or in the
RAM. In fact, RAM on this chip is considered to be the File Registers. You get 36 bytes
total. Other 'File' registers available are the STATUS register, the FSR register, and the
Program Counter. One common register that is missing is a stack register. In fact, it turns
out that this chip has no data stack at all. There is a call level stack which holds 8 13-bit
program counter values for storing return addresses when you make calls or take
interrupts. This means you have a limit to the number of subroutines you can make. Each
call pushes or interrupt pushes one return value on the return stack.

An interesting thing about the RISC architecture

of the PIC chips is there are only about 35
instructions available. The instruction set at first
seems very limiting, but there are ample
examples floating around to show you how to
make more complex instructions from these
simple ones. In fact, the standard assembler from
Microchip includes many macros to help create a
richer instruction set.

Instructions such as ADDWF f,d allow for the

specification of the destination for the result.
The 'd' parameter specifies the destination. A
zero in this location specifies the result should
go in the W register, and a 1 puts the result back
into the file. A commonly defined pair of equates
are W = 0 and F = 1 which make the code more

For example, ADDWF 30,F takes the current

byte in File Register 30 (ie byte at address 30),
adds the current value of the W register, and
stores the result back into File Register 30. The
W register is unaffected by this operation. The
other option is ADDWF 30,W which stores the
result in the W register with File Register 30
being unaffected.

An interesting by-product of the Harvard

architecture appears when you attempt to use
constant data values, such as strings or tables.
There are no instructions that allow you to
directly address data values in the program
memory space. The solution to this problem is
clever, though it does seem a little strange right
off the bat. While you cannot address program
space, you can load literal values into the W
register. Therefore, to retrieve a byte value from
a constant string, you basically write a little bit
of code for each byte that loads the value into
the W register. At first, it seems like such
extreme overkill that you might want to gag.
However, since each WORD in the program
space is 14 bits, the Microchip engineers
included single word instructions for loading
each byte. And, in fact, you can write a routine
that returns a value in your string based on an
index. This routine requires one program word
per character. This was so useful that they also
defined a variant on the return instruction,
RETLW, which loads a constant value into the
W register and executes a RETURN in one

Here is an example of two strings. Each string is defined with a constant offset called
STR_<string name>. To print out the string Banner, you would initialize an index with
STR_Banner, move it into W, then call GetStringChar, which will return the character
desired. Note that PCL is the low byte of the program counter. This is a way to do an
indexed jump. Adding to PCL changes the point of execution.

addwf PCL,F ; Jump table
STR_Banner: equ Banner - StringTableStart
retlw 0x48 ;'H'
retlw 0x65 ;'e'
retlw 0x6c ;'l'
retlw 0x6c ;'l'
retlw 0x6f ;'o'
retlw 0x20 ;' '
retlw 0x4d ;'M'
retlw 0x6f ;'o'
retlw 0x6d ;'m'
retlw 0x21 ;'!'
retlw 0x0d ; CR
retlw 0x0a ;' '
retlw 0x00 ;' '
STR_ErrMsg: equ ErrMsg - StringTableStart
retlw 0x45 ;'E'
retlw 0x72 ;'r'
retlw 0x72 ;'r'
retlw 0x6f ;'o'
retlw 0x72 ;'r'
retlw 0x0d ; CR
retlw 0x0a ;' '
retlw 0x00 ;' '

I hadn't intended on making you an expert in PIC programming, but I did want to show
you a little bit about what the instruction set looks like because it is interesting to see
what you are in for when programming. I also wanted to highlight some of the tricks that
the Harvard RISC architecture requires, such as the retlw instruction and the indexed
jump by adding to the PCL register. One more code fragment is shown below. This
routine implements a serial output routine in software. Since the 16C84 has no hardware
serial port, you have to roll your own:

; Output a byte to the serial port
; Arguments: W contains the character to send
; Returns: W contains the character sent
; Errors: None

movwf SerialBuf ; This is the value that will be shifted
movwf SerialTemp ; Saved for the return value

movlw 8
movwf BitCount ; Going to move 8 bits
bcf PORTA,TX ; Send the start bit
call DelayForBaudPeriod
rrf SerialBuf,F
btfsc STATUS,C
btfss STATUS,C
decfsz BitCount,F
goto BitOutLoop

call DelayForBaudPeriod
bsf PORTA,TX ; Send stop bit, which is high
call DelayForBaudPeriod


As you can see from the above code fragments, the instructions are simple, but get the job

As with any new language or system, there is a small learning curve you must overcome.
Microchip has made this pretty easy by making great development tools available at a
very low cost. Their PICStart Plus programmer can handle programming almost all of the
DIP versions of these chips, plus it comes with a really great development environment
called MPLAB. The MPLAB is an integrated development environment (IDE) that
includes an assembler, editor, simulator, and programmer software in one nicely
integrated package. You can write your code, debug it in the simulator, and program a
chip from one program. Very nicely done. The software is available on the internet.
Check out to see what is currently available.

There are also a healthy number of application notes for the PIC products. Projects can
also be found in most of the major magazines.

Variations on a theme
Perhaps the most impressive thing about the PIC series is the shear number of variants
that are readily available. You can choose your own configuration from an impressive list.
Some chips have more memory, others more I/O pins, some have built in serial ports,
others have A/D, I2C hardware, SPI hardware, and a rich set of other devices. There are
tradeoffs, but so far I have found myself able to select chips that have the features I am
looking for.

Just for example, here are two parts other than the 16C84.

The 16C61 is a part that I have

been using with great success for
my BDM12 product. It is
extremely fast, running at 20mhz.
Most of its internals are very
similar to the 16C84 with some
extra goo in the timer area. I have
found these parts to be readily
available from DigiKey and a
number of other sources. You can
even get them at Active
Electronics in Bellevue if you hit
them on a lucky day.
If you have the room, and would
like lots more I/O, you might
find the PIC16C74 a great
choice. It has a rich set of
features, such as 4k of onboard
program memory, and 192 bytes
of RAM. It has plenty of I/O
pins, and a whole slew of
onboard options. This one has a
lot in common with the HC11
and would make a pretty decent
robot controller. It is availabled
in a Windowed part so you can
erase it in your EPROM eraser,
which is really nice. As another
20mhz part, this one is a real

Microchip has been putting out new variations at about 1 a month. The latest variations
are the PIC12CXX parts, which are an 8 pin device with 6 available I/O lines, and an
onboard clock oscillator. I have not used one of these yet, but I find them to be very

Another variation is the 16 bit instruction core of the PIC17CXX series, which are really
quite powerful, and allow for lots of code space and lots of data space.

In Summary
The PIC series of microcontrollers are very capable, small, fast, and readily available.
They are extremely useful for applications where a physically small part is needed. It is
not suited for some purposes, such as lots of text handling or pattern matching. It is
perfect for other applications, such as wheel encoding or dedicated subsystem work.

Some of the terminology I hope you now understand are the Harvard architecture, what is
meant when someone says a 14 bit CPU, and what a RISC instruction set looks like. I
hope I have also provided you a better feel for what these chips are like to program and to
design with.

I have been very impressed by the Microchip products. The controllers and the
development tools are all high quality. If you need a special purpose controller, the PIC is
definitely a great chip to consider.

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