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Exp. Date Experiment Page Remarks

No. No.
1 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to find
whether the inputted number is Armstrong or not
using pointer and function.
2 Draw a flowchart and write the C program to print
average of elements of array using pointer and
3 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to sort the
numbers in an array using pointer and function.
4 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to search an
element in an array using pointer and function.
5 Draw a flowchart and write the C program to count
the number of vowels and consonant in a string
entered by user.
6 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to check
characters of a string whether it is uppercase,
lowercase, digit or special character.
7 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to toggle the
case of the given string.
8 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to copy a
string using function.
9 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to reverse a
string using function.
10 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to compare
two strings using function.
11 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to
concatenate two strings using function.
12 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to copy a
string using pointer and function.
13 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to reverse
strings using pointer and function.
14 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to compare
two strings using pointer and function.
15 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to
concatenate two strings using pointer and function.
16 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to enter
name, roll no., marks in 4 subjects of n students then
calculate percentage for each student and print name
and roll no. of student with highest percentage.
17 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to input
Name, roll no. and percentage of n students. Calculate
average percentages of class and print the details of all
students having percentage greater than or equal to
average percentage.
18 Define a structure data type called time_struct
containing three members integer hours, integer
minutes, and integer seconds. Draw a flowchart and
write a C program that would assign values to the
individual members and display the time in the
following form: 16:40:51. Create functions insert()
and display() for input and Output.
19 Draw a flowchart and write a C program to accept
records of employees. The structure is:

Struct emp
char name[20];
int age;
int basic;
Calculate total salary as-total salary=basic+hra+da
da=10% of basic hra=5% of basic salary
Display age, total salary of employee in descending
order on the basis of total salary. Create separate
function for input & display.
20 Write a C program to write alphabets to a file then
read all alphabets from file and store in another file by
converting all alphabets to UPPERCASE.
21 Write a C program to store integers to a file then read
all integers from files and store all even numbers to
even.dat file and odd numbers to odd.dat file.
22 Write a C program to write characters to a file then
read all characters from file and store all vowels,
consonants, digits and special characters to 4 separate
23 Draw a flowchart and write a python program to Find
the largest number among the three input numbers.
24 Draw a flowchart and write a python program to Find
sum of following series
1-3+5-7 upto n terms
25 Draw a flowchart and write a python program to Find
sum of digit of inputted number.

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