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Lesson 20

Yesterday I was very tired but also very happy

because I finished a very difficult project. It was very
funny when my boss told me that my work was very
What is wrong with the story?

Strong adjectives

Good: wonderful, amazing, brilliant

Bad: awful, terrible
Small: tiny
Big: huge, enormous, giant
Tired: exhausted
Tasty: delicious
Angry: furious
Interesting: fascinating
Pretty/beautiful: stunning, gorgeous
Funny: ridiculous, hilarious
Scared: terrified

🧷Tell me about an amazing place you saw when you travelled.

🧷What was the most fascinating book you read?

🧷When was the last time you felt exhausted? What did you do?

🧷Recommend me a comedy to watch which you find hilarious.

🧷When was the last time you felt furious? What made you angry?

🧷Can you remember the situation when you were terrified? What happened?


How I started to learn English

How I got lost in a foreign country
My first day at a new work
How I saw a ghost
How I broke sth expensive
How I complained about good or service

People tell stories to other people and they are expecting some kind of reaction. Learn
how to react properly and become a better listener

 What kind of news are you interested in?

 What sources do you use to learn about recent news (your friends, internet,
newspaper, colleagues)
 Who do you usually share your news with?

MAKE a rating of 5 best sources to get news from.

What phrases do you usually say when reacting to news?


You must be joking! = You must be kidding!

Are you serious?
That can’t be true/right!
You can’t be serious!
No way! -
I’m not buying that!
That’s amazing/ hilarious - funny , humorous !
That’s so lame - stupid/ ridiculous - unbelievable, stupid, funny!

How can you react, when you hear…

Something interesting

– Really?

Some good news

– That’s great! That’s fantastic! What a great idea!

Some bad news

– What a pity! Oh no! Never mind.

Something surprising

– You’re kidding! I don’t believe it!

You are given several lines with different situations. How would you react in such cases?
Make out some answers using appropriate reactions and grammar you have learnt. Each
answer should contain at least 2 sentences or long 1.

1) You found out that you became a king/queen of a small island.

2) The director suddenly fired you for no reason.
3) You got a promotion, but you don’t know how to deal with new tasks.
4) You won a lottery and became a millionaire.
5) You woke up, looked in the mirror and realised that you became male/female.

I've just passed my English test. And I've got an excellent mark!
2. I lost my wallet yesterday. I'm so sad.
3. My parents met when they were only 16.
4. My cat can open the bathroom door by herself.
5. My brother is going to be interviewed tomorrow.
6. I'm going to Germany this weekend.
7. I broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend last week.
8. I failed my driving test two days ago.


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