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This documentary highlighted the way people are treating the earth and how it has changed
through the years. It focused mostly on oil factories and uninhabitable lands planted with oil
palms. Coral bleaching was also mentioned as corals face grave danger because of the warmth of
our Earth. The earth is getting warmer each year and this is not good news for the corals and
even us. The predictable weather then where we rely on the seasons to produce sustainable food
for us has become harsh and gruesome. Weathers like storms are stronger, tsunamis now flood
islands, massive droughts are happening because we are losing our rainforests. Our trees that
were present even when we weren’t born are not cut down, resulting in the deforestations of our
once huge rainforests. Factories and oil plants now danger the earth and it is painful to say that
banks are investing in them because it brings a good fortune for investors. We are now at a
global crisis because of the misuse of resources of the earth.

The imprint left from our generation will endanger the upcoming generation. Leaving them
responsible for our actions. That’s why as early as now. We must act to preserve what we have.
David stated that in the next few decades that if we continue what we are doing now, we might
meet the fifth mass extinction that is already starting now. One of the few ways was to use
renewable sources of energy like solar panels to lessen the use of non-renewable energy that
lessen the life of the earth. Our world that once was paradise will become a graveyard once the
earth collapses to us. We are the ones responsible for what is happening now and we need to do
something in order for the future generations to have a better world to live in. It is sad that people
are not taking this seriously and they are just keeping a blind eye, listening but not doing
anything for the betterment of the world.

I completely agree with what David said in the documentary. People will kill itself if we
continue to do things the wrong way. We were given minds to think and choose to do right or
just blindly accept our faith and let other people do the work. But it shouldn’t be like that. The
human body is not a robot, it is flexible, in the sense that we can learn new things and do good
things. We are the peak of evolution and we are the ones whose potential is not finite. We are
learning new things every day, discovering new worlds, creating new pieces of technology yet
we blindly see the effects of our actions whose problems can be fixed.
This documentary is a masterpiece. It explains a lot of what happened in the past and how it
came to be. He also stated how the world could end and how we can prevent human extinction
from happening. The world changed over the years and David explained it in finer details
understandable by anyone. He did such a great job telling the pieces needed to fix the earth. And
I would recommend this to students like me who likes to watch documentaries and help fix the
earth and make it a better place not just for us but for the future of mankind and its potential to
be great.

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