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Majorities: Buchón granadino is palomo coming from old races of

buchones Laudino, cultivated in the regions levantina and
Andalusian, with characteristics oriented to the taste of the fan of
this province. It is a singular animal of proportions and forms, as
much unemployed as in flight, that differentiates it from the other
varieties of buchones which they grow up in our country.

Its size is rather great, within the doves in general, the wide
chest, and the crop, thus takes the name, big and offed-hook; the
high and clean legs of pens, and the head, that is one of the main
characteristics, is great and forms a light picture; the tip strong
and is engatillado, taking on him carúnculas nasal of triangular
form, prominent and curled. In the base it has three warts. The eye
is vivaz with a fleshy but opened border towards outside and of red
color. Its flight is slow and elegant expressing the crop, as well
as the tail that takes open and been nauseated in its ends for above.

Measures and forms: The head, since we have said before, forms a
square with the forehead, the high part and the nape of the neck.
Ahead the tip is blunt, heavy and falls in engatillada form, of the
end of this a the part of back of the head, usually measures of 55
to 65 mm. The wide one of this is of 28 to 30 mm. Carúnculas nasal
(rosettes) must form a triangle, opening and making prominencia
where it unites to the pen of the forehead; to both years
approximately it has them well-known curly; the measures have to be:
of the end of the tip to the highest part, of 21 to 24 mm and the
wide one usually it is of the same length. Underneath the tip it has
three warts, normally greater the one of the center, that sometimes
can arrive at the size of a small chick-pea, the distance of the
base of this to the highest part of the rosettes is of 22 to 26 mm.
The eye is great and of reddish tonality, as well as the border that
surrounds it that heavy and it will be opened towards outside; the
tonality of the red color varies according to the pen of the animal,
but never it will tend to be black; the outer diameter of the border
comes to have between 11 and 13 mm.

The neck is esbelto and strong underneath the central wart a papada
leaves species to him, that continuous with the crop, which will be
wide, cracked and offed-hook and cleared in the base; it does not
have to be too voluminous, because thus he is propitious of
embuchamiento and to that palomo is not defended well in the air; to
this set < is called to him < front > >, in the part of back of the
neck forms a boulder to him that gives a windy aspect him.

The chest is wide and of about 12 to 14 cm. and the length provided
to this width, that is, of 26 to 28 cm. The body does not have
horizontal but to be raised and ahead to be fallen in the tail,
which finished well closed with the wings folded above, arriving
almost at the end from that. The pen fine and is well stuck to the
body, those of the tail and the wings, wide, uniform and cleared in
the end. The legs are high and clean of pen, the long and strong
fingers, the dwelled red color (perdiz leg), some units when walking
or singing to sleep show the thigh, which gives greater enhancement
him to the stamp, it does not have as well to lower the head but
that the back nor to drag the advantage, because with the rubbing it
gets to form to it him a bald spot.

In the flight or short jump, the tail opens it in fan, with the ends
slightly bent upwards, also must form line the tail with the normal
one of the body, otherwise, that is to say, if the bankruptcy stops
low and makes bristle the pens of this union, it would form what <
usually is called < packsaddle > >.

When jumping it has to beat the wings with force to rise; in the
heat of flight will maintain the position, with the offed-hook crop,
the head in stop, or at least not lowering it of the line of the
back the semiopen and bent tail, since we have indicated before;
When gliding the wings > will put in form of < < V > (to make the

The character must be glad, because of this form in his movements it

can expose his qualities, since this race is cultivated
fundamentally stops exhibition ; also the one is valued that is
flying and works well to the lost doves.

The measures that have occurred correspond to the male of in general

and plus the head, rosettes, warts and borders, as well as the form
of the head that is not as flat as in the male, and the tip is
something but fine and long.

Coloration of pen: There is a great variety of colors of pen in this

type of palomos, because it happens of the black to the target
through a series of grays, bluish, brown and reddish and that in
addition are denominated with an own language. Thus I could be said
according to the pen palomo crow, blue, pelirrata, maracolor, bay
mulato, rucio, silver, rolled wafer, pink, porcelain, zarandalí,
jazmín, etc., as well as the combinations of some of these colors
with the target: painted, aliblanco, colinegra, colibordado,
blasting, caratulo, bragado and some more. Of these pens the pure
and clean colors and of these are appraised coverall the darks, like
blue, mulato, and crow, by the quality of emplume and others by
their shortage and peculiarity, like rolled wafer and silver.


Head .......................... 10

Tip............................ 5

Nose........................... 10

Warts (according to number):

3 power stations................ 5

2 lateral ones.................. 2

1 power station................. 3

Set of eye:

Border.......................... 10

Eye............................. 5

Elegance of the body ........... 5

Width of the body............... 5

Advantage and forms to sing to sleep.. 10

Short tail and jump.............. 5

Height of legs................... 5

Character and genius............. 5

Quality of pen................... 5

color............................ 5

General aspect.................. 10

TOTALS......................... 100

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