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MAJORITIES . Marteño is palomo very known in Andalusia, mainly, in

the province of Jaén, where it has its origin in Martos. Its
antiquity can be of a century.

This race of palomos, like most of the races that predominate in the
columbicultura, without being primitive, oldest of the place,
consulted, has known it with the same characteristics, and says,
that it was the result of different crossings between several races,
between which we can emphasize: the?Gorguero, the?Colillano of
Seville, the?Murciano? and some more, without daring nobody to
assure, which of them contributed more; but we know as much that the
result was palomo with somewhat exceptional qualities and beauty, in
flight as stopped.

GENERAL ASPECT . They are palomos of medium size, of short tip and
engatillado, triangular nasal cleared head and porretas or
carúnculas. They are exemplary of arrogant character, proud and
challenging aspect, good height, although something smaller than the
jiennense. Which is said that he is palomo trimmed, makes him be
very agile of movements, jump and flight. On the other hand front,
the neck is high and the raised head, with the cleared crop and
something offed-hook. They are very bivouacs and with much anger and
trapío and, as well, very melosos with the females, pichones or

SET IN FLIGHT . Its flight slow and is rested, which gives a

majestic aspect him, mainly when they fly accompanied. The neck
takes prim and getting up to it, the cleared crop and slightly offed-
hook. The movement of the wings of above downwards, mainly when they
jump or they initiate the flight, for later, to take a rhythmic
movement and trying to stop itself in the air to the encounter with
other palomos. The tail returned upwards forming a
semicircumference, that in the best units seems an almost perfect
circumference. This him makes different from any race . It agrees to
value these units, to see fly them or like minimum to jump, although
taking them with the hand and causing a slight pressure in the
packsaddle, is possible to be appreciated or to be imagined, how
they are going to take the tail when they fly. The flights are long
and, they look for possible captures of other palomos, are not given
with facility in other pigeon houses.

WORK IN the AIR and the PALOMAR buchón marteño is palomo very light,
for this reason it has great facility to fly and to demonstrate to
its qualities of work and?trasteo. Whenever a piece passs by its
territory, it will initiate the flight to attract it its pigeon
house. If one is with her in the air, most probable it is than?
coloque? (removing to boulder, offing-hook crop and punteando the
head), but always it will have to show persecution eagerness and it
conquers, as well as any other quality that makes think about his?
pequeña us intelligence? and it will always have to demonstrate its
instinct of conservation not to be catched.

A very important aspect of the character of marteño is its work in

the pigeon house. ` will be valued positively when from return to
the pigeon house?llevando piece happens to its jaulero, begins to
call it and he is always pending of her. of work they will be always
with the purpose of attracting the piece and never to move away it.
If one is in the tile roof with her, it will never have to pursue to
the same one, it will give one him or two arrullíos and it will try
by means of?trasteos? to take it to its jaulero drawer or.

HEAD . The head must be cleared by the superior part, being able to
appear in certain cases "acarnerada" or be somewhat extended, but
never azuritada or carifina, it must not have?hachazo? and of
proportional size to palomo.

TAIL and PACKSADDLE . The tail is one of the main characteristics

that marteño defines to buchón. It must of being returned upwards
forming average circumference, that in the best units seems an
almost perfect circumference. The packsaddle will have of being
ample, in the best units 4 or 5 fingers of wide. The packsaddle will
have of being ample.

EYE The rainbow of the eye must be red and shining, mainly in the
dark colors, admitting itself in those of clear pen, orange tones.

BORDER. The wall of the eye or border, must be fine and accompanying
the color by the pen, being able to have, the adults and mainly the
males, his semi-I surround of the same color and thickness in its
front part.

TIP the tip is short and something curved in its forcebody


ROSETTES Or CARÚNCULAS. The rosettes in form of two triangles, not

very great, being able to be in the adult males as large as a maize
grain, in the females, the rosettes are smaller. In the inferior
part of the tip they can have one or three warts, the adults.

LEGS . In general, of red color, being in some mulberry cases; forts

of size, but well high, which gives to an aspect of slenderness and
gallardía them, not having to have pens in them (worn).

CROP and CHEST . It will have of being green or cobrizo in blue, and
brown or the cinnamon, in pink and the bay ones. The others in its
own color or closest to the predominant color. Its form is cleared,
without getting to drag it On guard of I sing to sleep and something
offed-hook. Never inflation or raised upwards, being able to have
one tirilla central that it part in two halves. When they fly it
they must take of the same form and position. The chest will have of
being wide, and the measurement, approximately the two third parts
of its length.

PEN, FORMS And COLOR . The pens must of being shining and silky;
beaten to the body and of harmonious colors, admitting any tonality,
tones even mixed, whenever they keep a proportionality in both sides
front or. In many units he is characteristic the?baberos.

In the tail and wings, the pens will have to be wide and vigorous;
being able to have twelve, thirteen, fourteen and up to fifteen pens
in the tail, without it constitutes no defect nor virtue. On guard
of I sing to sleep, the wings will have of?abrochar? or (not to let
them fall or drag) and the pens of the tail have to be approximately
equal of long that those of the ends of the wings.

With the object of valuing the standard of marteño in competition
with other units (provincial, national aids, etc.), it will be
impossible to evaluate the parameters of set in flight, work in the
air and the pigeon house. Therefore, the tail when palomo or the
dove could not be valued is flying, fundamental quality of buchón
marteño. For this reason, in the list of estandar of buchón marteño,
the sections of Tail and Packsaddle are included, to value by the
judge in the room. For it, the judge, will have to take palomo in
the hand and pressing the packsaddle, she will give a light one I
turn around to palomo, thus will be able to appreciate, in certain
way, how she is going to take the tail when she flies.

The section of Tail does not indicate what palomo is the one that
flying returns upwards plus the tail, but that will give an idea us
of the degree of returned from tail that is in the hand. This last
aspect is interesting, because it can serve to imagine to us to us
how it could take the tail when it is in flight and, of course, like
another important data of the fixation of the race marteña.


General aspect: 25 points

Tail: 15

Packsaddle: 5

Wings, pen and color: 10

Crop and Chest: 10

Head: 10

Eye and riibete: 10

Tip: 5

Rosettes or carúnculas 5

Legs: 5


Total: 100 points

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