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The old Buchón Marchenero was an animal of the same morphologic

characteristics that the present one but much less worsened and by
genetic culture, by selective accumulation of the own determining
factors of his ancestry, through the time, it has come mutando
itself until obtaining the characteristics that at the moment it
has. It had his origin of appearance on centuries XV or XVI in

It could be defined as of very little meat and light bones. The

rest, much pen. Its configuration regulates its curly and spongy

He is palomo of "position" and it is denominated thus because of

which certain peculiarities, have of you would show in the form or
position that it adopts when flying. It does articulating plus the
ends of the wings that the rest of them, never rows nor glides,
nothing else who at the moment for settling. Its configuration does
not allow it: the tail, when put being towards inside, restrains to
him and the concavity of the wings, makes him descend quickly. In
flight, to total fervor, it is possible to be appreciated to him:

a) Tail open and put inwards in form of lobster tail.

b) Grazed of the pens of the packsaddle, appearing like double tail.

c) Full crop, cleared fixed and placed of such form that does not
disable its own vision, giving the impression in accordance with
whatever precedes, of a hemisphere in flight.

Its bony structure is small, but their general aspect, as a result

of their abundant pen and configuration of volumes in the wide thing
like in long it, makes it define himself as of great size.

By temperament, he is docile, burning and arrogant. It has great

dowries for the conquest, reason why it is used to him for the sport
flight of the release in fervor (to fly to total fervor and without


General aspect : In this section the determinant of the race is

protected; its genetic inheritance, its signs of nobility is
condensed; the harmonic vision of set; the characteristics that do
not have section for the hidden score and all qualities,
nontangible, that it will only know to glimpse the authentic
connoisseur of the race. Its weight oscillates on the 350 grams and
their length between the 25 and 28 cm., measurement taken from the
front part of the keel, to the end of the tail stretching it
backwards for such measurement; wide the proportional one of the
chest, must be half of the length. Head and tail in flight, will go
to the same height, harmonically.

Head : (It includes/understands: Complete head, Eyes, ocular Border,

nasal Pico and Carúnculas).
The Head, Vista front, are narrow and fine, being high and mighty
progressively from the comisura of the tip to the height of the
eyes; watched of profile, she is medium, forming a concavity on
carúnculas nasal, being these small ones. The Tip, is moderately
short and fine and the superior one is something more thickness by
the part that initiates its curvature downwards. The wall of the eye
or Border, fine and is almost covered by the pen that it surrounds
to him, mainly by the superior part.

The color of the eye , border and tip, go closely related to the
pigmentación and own melaninas of the color of the pen and state of
vigor by age. The pens that cover the cheeks to him, "tufos" calls
form a light prominencia when covering to him the auditory orifices.

Crop, Neck and Chest: The Crop, is spherical and voluminous,

elevated without excess and hanging too much. Singing to sleep, this
roundness, includes/understands from the low part of the tip,
leaving a slight space, to exceeding the breastbone or keel
downwards, but without arriving as much at the ground as to give
reason to spoil; in static or raised possession but without being
scared, this roundness, becomes in more flattened towards the body
and less voluminous. The pen of the crop, also is greater of normal,
the silky thing and spongy and, between her, those "peculiar
bristles" abound with the race, that describes in the section
Quality of Pen. In all the cases the pens of the crop, laterally,
have to cover the codillos with the wings. Starting off of the low
part of the tip and furrowing all the frontal of the crop, it has
folds vertical that gives the sensation of which the crop was
cracked. There is unit that, in addition to this folds described
power station, have other two lateral binoculars but of short
dimension, which the lip sore or back part of the tip hangs under.
Another peculiarity of the Marchenero, is that it produces almost
continuous, consisting of alternative movements inflating and
deflating the high part of the crop, that gives the sensation of
which outside a nervous movement. Simultaneously, it enters the tail
and immediately afterwards it initiates I sing to sleep or the
flight. The Neck, is slightly short and heavy by the aspect that
gives the thickness him of its abundant pen: it releases, wide and
curly. When finalizing the head, begins a smooth one and ample curve
that ahead arrives until the last back the boulder and founds with
the crop, forming a harmonic and compact contour. The Chest, is
wide, also by the appearance that contributes its spiny pen; the
breastbone or keel, is very short and with little dimension, in
depth, between its low part and the back. This keel, is also of long
pen and curled and where they converge the ends of the pens of both
sides, when being, produce the special curls that
denominate "basket". This, when covering good part with the cane of
the leg, until the lozenge, reduces the Vista part of the leg.

Packsaddle, Moña and Back : In the Back, in the outer part of the
wings seating than by other parts of the body has the pen more and
among them, those bristles are proliferated to describe. In the
central part of the back, in the union between both wings, the pen
is made bristle and silky and is increasing of dimension as it is
losing the shelter of the secondary rowers until arriving at moña.
The Packsaddle, is very wide and abundant in pen, without place some
that thus is not it and the Moña, end of the packsaddle, is
superabundant of pen, releases and spiny, as the name indicates. The
pens of moña, cover a good part with the tail and, consequently,
when the animal lowers the tail, those long pens of moña or the part
post on the tail, when continuing straighter towards behind not
taking the curvature, causes the appearance to have two tails: of
there the denomination of "double tail". This quality, outstanding,
do not have all, but if in more or less proportion, all they point
it. More lengths are something at the most pressing is this quality,
not labeled for that reason.

Tail : It cuts, formed by 12 short and proportionally wide pens that

in more or less proportion, drag by the ground and with the
continuity, it breaks or it deteriorates the six or eight power
stations. Put the animal, means fervor, it has the almost vertical
tail to the ground (fervor depends on the degree). Singing to sleep
and with fervor, already it gets to form a rectangle body tail. The
tail, is opened and, when inclining towards ahead below the body,
with the central pens, it covers the legs to him and with lateral
the flanks. For that reason it is said: properly "it is covered" or
it makes a good "distribution" of tail. The standard figure, is to
see it imaginatively with the tail broken by the pens of the center.

Legs : Medium of height, fine and clean of pen. They pretend to be

shorter of which they are it by the part of curls of the basket that
covers the thigh totally to him, even passed the lozenge. Between
arrullos one stretches, rising high on the fingers. Curtains ring of
7 to 9 mm.

Wings: Of wide pens and not very long. In comparison, longer the
secondary pens. It must arrive until the end of the tail, forced in
parallel for its measurement. Characteristic of the race, is that
the wing, felt Vista or underneath, are concave to the height of

Colors : All are admitted.

Quality of Pen: It is regulated in this section, the quality in

himself of the pen and its conservation in good agreed state and
with the race. The curling, esponjosidad and sedosidad, are their
characteristics. Except the rowers, the tail, all have the
particularitity to have a curvature towards behind about 45 degrees
and form isolated sets of pens that are those that still produces
the esponjosidad without excitation by fervor. Basically among the
covers and in the crop, fine hairs are born to him that
denominate "bristles", that are a fine cane of pen with small moño
of pen only in the end.

Defectos: Buche escaso; demasiado alto, más si le dificulta la

visibilidad; muy colgante, más si está deteriorado; albardilla
estrecha; el no adentrar bien la cola o que sea larga; que la rotura
de la cola no lo sea por el centro que denotaría el volar o posarse
torcido; muy alto de patas; alas colgantes (aleto) o que no denoten
la debida concavidad; que sea carnoso o desproporcionado, que sea
escaso de pluma; que tenga la cabeza desproporcionada y carente de
suavidad de líneas. Y, en general, son defectos, todo cuanto vaya en
contra de las descritas propiedades de la raza.

Observaciones: Hay ejemplares, los menos, que no parten la cola y

sin embargo son muy buenos en el aire, otros, aún siendo cerrados de
cola también son buenos en el aire. De todas formas, es interesante
resaltar que sólo son aptos para exposición, aquellos animales que
sus cualidades las pueden demostrar en la mano, en el encierre o en
un percheo interior oque por su contextura aparenten ser buenos en
el vuelo.


ASPECTO GENERAL .......................................20 PUNTOS



ALBARDILLA, MOÑA Y DORSO.......................15 PUNTOS



ALAS (SU ESTRUCTURA)...................................10 PUNTOS

CALIDAD DE PLUMA.........................................10 PUNTOS



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