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1) What is addressing mode?

Explain different 2) Explain the conditional instruction set of 8085

addressing mode of 8085 microprocessor. microprocessor.

->Addressing modes in a microprocessor refer to the various ->The 8085 microprocessor has a set of conditional
ways in which the processor can specify the operand for an instructions that allow the execution of certain operations
instruction. Each instruction in a computer's instruction set based on the condition of the flags in the flags register. Here
requires operands (data) to operate on, and addressing modes are some of the conditional instructions in the 8085
define how these operands are specified. The 8085 microprocessor: Jump Instructions:
microprocessor, which is an 8-bit microprocessor developed by
Intel, supports various addressing modes. Here are some
common addressing modes for the 8085:  JMP: Unconditional Jump. It transfers control to the
specified address without any condition.
Immediate addressing mode:- In this mode, the
 JC (Jump if Carry): Jumps to the specified address
8/16-bit data is specified in the instruction itself as
if the carry flag is set.
one of its operand. For example: MVI K, 20F: means 20F
is copied into register K.  JNC (Jump if No Carry): Jumps to the specified
address if the carry flag is not set.
Register addressing mode:- In this mode, the data  JZ (Jump if Zero): Jumps to the specified address if
is copied from one register to another. For the zero flag is set.
example: MOV K, B: means data in register B is copied  JNZ (Jump if Not Zero): Jumps to the specified
to register K. address if the zero flag is not set.
 JM (Jump if Minus): Jumps to the specified address
Direct addressing mode:- In this mode, the data is if the sign flag is set (indicating a negative result).
directly copied from the given address to the  JP (Jump if Plus): Jumps to the specified address if
register. For example: LDB 5000K: means the data at
the sign flag is not set (indicating a positive result).
address 5000K is copied to register B.
2. Call and Return Instructions:

Indirect addressing mode:- In this mode, the data

 CALL: Unconditional call to a subroutine at the
is transferred from one register to another by using specified address.
the address pointed by the register. For example: MOV  CC (Call if Carry): Calls a subroutine if the carry flag
K, B: means data is transferred from the memory is set.
address pointed by the register to the register K.  CNC (Call if No Carry): Calls a subroutine if the
carry flag is not set.
Implied addressing mode:- This mode doesn’t  CZ (Call if Zero): Calls a subroutine if the zero flag
require any operand; the data is specified by the is set.
opcode itself. For example: CMP
 CNZ (Call if Not Zero): Calls a subroutine if the
zero flag is not set.
 CM (Call if Minus): Calls a subroutine if the sign
flag is set.
 CP (Call if Plus): Calls a subroutine if the sign flag is
not set.
 CPE (Call if Parity Even): Calls a subroutine if the
parity flag is set.
 CPO (Call if Parity Odd): Calls a subroutine if the
parity flag is not set.
3. Return Instructions:
 RET: Unconditional return from a subroutine.
 RC (Return if Carry): Returns from a subroutine if
the carry flag is set.
 RNC (Return if No Carry): Returns from a
subroutine if the carry flag is not set.
 RZ (Return if Zero): Returns from a subroutine if
the zero flag is set.
 RNZ (Return if Not Zero): Returns from a
subroutine if the zero flag is not set.
 RM (Return if Minus): Returns from a subroutine if
the sign flag is set.
 RP (Return if Plus): Returns from a subroutine if the
sign flag is not set.

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