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Questions 1-4: Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1 The workshop takes place on
A the 5th. B the 6th. C the 16th.
2 The maximum number of participants is
A five. B twelve. C fifteen.
3 The workshop lasts for
A half an hour. B one hour. C over an hour.
4 Each workshop participant must contribute
A £2. B £5. C £10.
Questions 5-6: Choose TWO letters A-F.
Which TWO items must participants bring to the workshop?
A a bag B a container C floral supplies D paper
E a penknife F scissors
Questions 7-10: Complete the booking form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER
for each answer.


First name: 7 ...................
Surname: 8 ...................
Contact telephone number: 9 ...................
Email address: 10

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
Question 1. A. concerned B. reserved C. prepared D. devoted

Question 2. A. rush B. under C. hurry D. pressure

Question 3. A. liberty B. liberation C. brilliant D. primary
Question 4. A. exhaust B. luxury C. luxurious D. anxiety
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
Question 1. A. attract B. polite C. garbage D. secure
Question 2. A. familiar B. together C. possible D. important
Question 3. A. prosperous B. obvious C. oblivious D. vigorous
Question 4. A. consulate B. evaporate C. contemplate D. ordinary
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1. Some doctors are confident that vaccines for COVID-19 will be available down the
__________, but they also admit that they still have a long way to go.
A. track B. road C. path D. trail
Question 2. Jenifer gave Fred the cold __________ because of the rumours he’s spreading about her.
A. eye B. look C. shoulder D. feet
Question 3. A certain __________ of society is threatening to disrupt the parade on Sunday.
A. part B. element C. piece D. fragment
Question 4. I cannot convince him that he’s wrong; he just will not __________ reason.
A. admit B. accept C see D. catch
Question 5. This job won't _______ to you unless you're a highly organized person.
A. attract B. appeal C. engage D. lure
Question 6. I'm in two ______ about whether to go to the wedding or not.
A. thoughts B. brains C. heads D. minds
Question 7. The top is your color, but are you sure it _______ you? It looks a bit big.
A. fits B. suits C. goes D. matches
Question 8. This book is not really _______. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. information B. informative C. informatively D. inform
Question 9. Visitors are attracted by a _______ house built about 300 years ago.
A. big modern brick B. modern big brick
C. big brick modern D. brick big modern
Question 10. By this September, I _______ my first novel.
A. will have finished B. will finish C. have finished D. will be finishing
Question 11. The police _______ the hospital to rescue everyone.
A. stand up B. turn up C. look after D. broke into
Question 12. I will have worked as a teacher at this school for 35 years _______.
A. by the time I retires B. after I had retired
C. when I retired D. as soon as I had retired
Question 13. My sister never cheats in exams, _______?
A. isn't she B. doesn't she C. is she D. does she
Question 14. _______ to wake him up, I turned off the TV and went to bed.
A. Wanted not B. Not wanting C. Being not wanting D. Not to want
Question 15. _______ their quick reaction, not much has been changed.
A. because of B. because C. in spite of D. though
Question 16. He told me I'd won the lottery but I knew he was just pulling my _______.
A. nose B. leg C. hair D. arm
Question 17. This train ticket _______ for Henry's grandmother by his father yesterday.
A. was ordering B. order C. ordered D. was ordered
Question 18. I have warned you _______ the difficulties you have to face when applying for the job.
A. in B. by C. about D. on
Question 19. ______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do.
A. The more / the much B. The hardest/ the best
C. The harder / the better D. The more hard / the more good
Question 20. Only good books can stand the test of __________ and keep their popularity.
A. age B. time C. life D. era
Question 21. Some 12 million people in Britain own mobile phones, and we are a society on the _________.
To save time we make conduct business, chat with friends, make arrangements – all from the car.
A. go B. run C. chase D. drive
Question 22. We should participate in the movements __________ the natural environment.
A. organizing to conserve B. organized to conserve
C. organized conserving D. which organize to conserve
Question 23. __________ at school yesterday when we were informed that there was no class due to a
sudden power cut.
A. We have hardly arrived B. We had arrived hardly
C. Hardly we had arrived D. Hardly had we arrived
Question 24. The US president Barack Obama ________ an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is
of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
Question 25. There is ________in my house.
A. an old square wooden table B. a square wooden old table
C. a square old wooden table D. an old wooden square table
Question 26. Tim wanted to know ________in my family.
A. there were how many people B. how many people were there
C. were there how many people D. how many people there were
Question 27. He gets ________treatment because he’s the manager’s son.
A. competitive B. influential C. preferential D. emotional
Question 28. The doctor said that sweets should be eaten in ________.
A. compulsion B. restriction C. moderation D. qualification
Question 29. Human beings are trying to be independent ________fossil fuels in modern life
A. out B. off C. of D. on
Question 30. The fire was quickly ________thanks to the firemen’s effort.
A. laid off B. taken away C. set apart D. put out
Question 31. Most popular magazines have a(n) ___________ page where letters about difficulties with
relationships are answered.
A. sharing B. personal C. advice D. problem
Question 32. Everyone knows about his genius even though he never admits, good wine needs no
A. barter B. advertisement C. bush D. barrel
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning Question
1. We had a quite fantastic day out at the seaside; everybody had a whale of a time.
A. had a lot of time to play B. enjoyed playing with a whale
C. enjoy themselves a lot D. had a chance to see a whale
Question 2. Remember to dress neatly and formally when you come to the interview.
A. fashionably B. trendily C. casually D. politely
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
Question 1. The problem is due to discipline, or, more precisely, the lack of discipline, in school.
A. wrongly B. informally C. casually D. flexible
Question 2. The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close the factory.
A. was penalized B. was dismissed C. was acclaimed D. was criticized
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.
Question 1. Mai and Lan are talking about Mai's new house. Lan: "What a lovely house you have!" - Mai:
A. I'm glad you like it. Thanks. B. Thanks. It must be very expensive.
C. You're welcome. D. Certainly!
Question 2. A man is talking to Alex when he is on holiday in Paris.The man: "You haven't lived here long,
have you?" - Alex: “_______.”
A. No, I live here for a long time B. Yes, just a few days
C. Yes, I have just moved here D. No, only three months
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
Question 1. In order to avoid to make mistakes, take your time and work carefully.
A. In order to B. to make C. take D. carefully
Question 2. Each of the musicians in the orchestra were rehearsing daily before the concert tour began.
A. musicians B. were C. daily before D. began
Question 3. He implied from the article that she was not interested in a relationship from what she said in her
A. implied B. interested C. relationship D. what
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.
1. Remember to read every ______________ in the contract because it can be a trap for the unwary. (PRINT)
2. Our help was ineffective. We are really ……………………………... (apology)
3. One of the …………………………….. of his management is his inflexibility. (weak)
4. She would try to do something special, something ……………………………... (stand)
5. As a result of her good …………………………….., Lisa has a strong sense of responsibility. (bring)
Put the verbs into the correct forms:
1. There was a problem with the cell phone, but I ……… it now (fix)
2. She ran, otherwise she ……… the train. (miss)
3. I’d rather ……… to the party with my parents because there was nothing interesting there (not/invite)
4. If only it ……… differently! I had hoped to be acquitted. (conclude)
5. He wasn’t responsible. He wasn’t ……… (blame)
6. By the time Bernard daughter graduates, he ……… (retire)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Man is a unique being. He is different from all other creatures because he does not merely take part in the
environment. Man reshapes his environment (1) ________ will to some purposes. He does not have a (2)
________ habitat and is able to adapt himself to living in different environments. Among the many ways in
which Man has changed his environment (3) ________ the building of cities and roads, the utilization of (4)
________ for farming and the reclaiming of land from the sea. While some of the changes are harmless, some
are extremely harmful to the environment. An example of a harmful result of Man’s actions is that of pollution.
Through the use of scientific knowledge and (5) ________ technology. Man has (6) ________ his well-being
and life expectancy in the process, however, he has also (7) ________ about the growing problem of worldwide
pollution. One of the main sources of air pollution is motor vehicles. Fumes emitted from the car (8) ________
contain many chemicals which are harmful to people, animals and plants. Industry also (9) ________
significantly to the pollution of the atmosphere. There is no major city in the world today in which we can enjoy
clean air. It is important for us to be environment-conscious and (10) ________ actions which cause harmful
effects to our environment.
1. A. at B. by C. from D. for
2. A. reliable B. natural C. primitive D. permanent
3. A. has B. have C. is D. are
4. A. field B. land C. ground D. soil
5. A. promoted B. advantaged C. advanced D. heightened
6. A. increased B. lengthened C. enlarged D. promoted
7. A. come B. seen C. heard D. brought
8. A. waste B. exhaust C. garbage D. trash
9. A. contributes B. devotes C. looked forward D. adjusts
10. A. escape B. deny C. refuse D. avoid
Read the following passage and fill in the gaps with suitable words
Last year, there were millions(1)_________ international tourist arrivals across the globe. Whether they were
students on their (2) _______ years looking for overseas adventure, stressed-out workers hoping to get away
for a weekend, or retirees wishing to relax in (3)_________exotic location- clearly none of them thought they
could find the same experience at home. The question is (4)___________foreign travel brings more
advantages or disadvantages.
An obvious positive point is that going abroad sometimes helps people to expand their (5)____________of
the world. If they are (6) ______ - minded, they can learn about new cultures and hopefully gain a more
wake understanding about their way of life. In (7)__________, there is the economic benefit of tourism to
countries which have few other resources. It can provide an income to many people within the industry.
Having said that, some people (8)____________go to a foreign resort surrounded by high walls and therefore
learn little about their holiday destination. (9)____________issue is that hordes of tourists often spoil the
"unspoilt" places they visit. The most recent example of this is Antarctica, (30) _______ last year cruise ships
took thousands of visitors to view the disappearing icebergs and wildlife. Vegetation, nesting penguins and
resting walrus are vulnerable when humans intrude.
Read the following passage to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Television’s contribution to family life in the United States has been an equivocal one. For while it
has, indeed, kept the members of the family from dispersing, it has not served to bring them together. By
dominating the time families spend together, it destroys the special quality that distinguishes one family from
another, a quality that depends to a great extent on what a family does, what special rituals, games, recurrent
jokes, familiar songs, and shared activities it accumulates.
“Like the sorcerer of old,” writes Urie Bronfenbrenner, “the television set casts its magic spell,
freezing speech and action, turning the living into silent statues so long as the enchantment lasts. The
primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces — although there is
danger there — as in the behavior it prevents : the talks, games, the family festivities, and arguments through
which much of the child’s learning takes place and through which character is formed. Turning on the
television set can turn off the process that transforms children into people.” Of course, families today still do
special things together at times : go camping in the summer, go to the zoo on a nice Sunday, take various
trips and expeditions. But the ordinary daily life together is diminished — that sitting around at the dinner
table, that spontaneous taking up of an activity, those little games invented by children on the spur of the
moment when there is nothing else to do, the scribbling, the chatting, the quarreling, all the things that form
the fabric of a family, that define a childhood.Instead, the children have their regular schedule of television
programs and bedtime, and the parents have their peaceful dinner together. But surely the needs of adults are
being better met than the needs of children, who are effectively shunted away and rendered untroublesome.
If the family does not accumulate its backlog of shared experiences, shared everyday experiences that
occur and recur and change and develop, then it is not likely to survive as anything other than a caretaking
1. Which of the following best represents the author’s argument in the passage?
A. Television has negative effects on family life.
B. Television has advantages and disadvantages for children.
C. Television should be more educational.
D. Television teaches children to be violent.
2. The word it in the passage refers to ________.
A. dominating B. time C. television D. quality
3. Why is Urie Bronfenbrenner quoted in paragraph 2?
A. To present a different point of view from that of the author
B. To provide an example of a television program that is harmful
C. To expand the author’s argument
D. To discuss the positive aspects of television
4. The word freezing in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. controlling B. halting C. dramatizing D. encouraging
5. Urie Bronfenbrenner compares the television set to ________.
A. a statue B. an educator C. a family member D. a magician
6. Which of the following would be an example of what the author means by a special thing that families do?
A. Going on vacation in the summertime B. Playing cards together in the evening
C. Reading to the children at bedtime D. Talking to each other
7. The thing that “form the fabric of a family” in paragraph 3 are________.
A. special things B. ordinary things
C. television programs D. children
8. The word it in the passage refers to ________.
A. the television B. the family C. its backlog D. an institution
9. According to the author, what distinguishes one family from another?
A. Doing ordinary things together B. Watching television together
C. Celebrating holidays together D. Living together
10. It can be inferred from the passage that a caretaking institution is one in which care is given ________.
A. charitably B. lovingly C. constantly D. impersonally
Finish sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. Do you think climate affects people’s personalities? (INFLUENCE)
 Do you think climate ………..……………………………………………………………people’s personalities?
2. He doesn’t find it difficult to earn money. (TROUBLE)
 He never ………..……………………………………………………………..………. money.
3. I’m not certain, but there may be about twenty applications for the job.
At a .....................................................................................................................................
4. The best way to make them work hard is to promise them a reward.
Promise ...............................................................................................................................
5. Ann paints her landscapes with great pleasure.
Ann takes ............................................................................................................................
6. It doesn’t matter how much you offer to pay, he’ll never sell the family memorabilia.
7. Since she met that boy, she’s been thinking only about him. WRAPPED
8. My husband will be angry when I tell him. ROOF
9. I can recommend you to the manager; I’m a friend of his. WORD

10.Mike has a more complex personality than you may think. DEPTHS
Mike has greater ...............................................................................................................

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