11.10 Online No 30 Bai

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Part 1 . You will hear an Interview with Sophie Morrison, a translator.

Listen carefully and choose the

correct answer A, B or C for each question. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. Why did Sophie take up translating?
A. She had studied modern languages at university.
B. She sometimes used to do translations for friends.
C. She enjoyed reading texts in other languages.
2. At present, which subject is she specialising in as a translator?
A. medicine B. law C. business
3. Which, according to Sophie, are the most difficult things to translate?
A. cultural references B. informal expressions C. scientific and technical words
4. What does she say about money?
A. She earns less now than she used to.
B. She thinks she pays too much tax.
C. She seldom gets paid on time.
5. Sophie believes that in the future
A. translating will all be done by machines.
B. more languages will need to be translated.
C. translators will have to be better trained.
You will hear part of an interview with an explorer. Complete the sentences by writing NO MORE
Every year, the average UK citizen uses about (6) ____________ of paper.
Most of the world’ s paper comes from very (7) _______________ forests.
The production of paper causes terrible (8) ______________ in some places.
The destruction of the forests is a much bigger cause of global warming than (9) _______________.
Ewan says that there are already paper recycling bins in many (10) _______________.
You can use less paper by avoiding unnecessary (11) _______________ when you are studying or
You can often reuse (12) ________________ that you have received.
To receive less junk mail, don’t ask for (13) __________________ when you buy something.
Stop receiving any magazines you don’t always read, or (14) ______________ them with others.
Most (15) __________________ published in Britain are now printed on recycled paper.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
2. A. solutions B. hospitals C. families D. projects
3.A. dangerous B. chamber C. straight D. balance
4. A. embarrass B. mama C. clarify D. fashion
5. A. flavour B. devour C. favourtite D. endeavour
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. patient B. release C. martyr D. hopeless
2. A. infectious B. privacy C. principle D. charity
3. A. hygiene B. appointment C. remember D. neglect
4. A. physiology B. economics C. nominate D. competition
5. A. material B. indestructible C. phenomenon D. approximate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. This steak is delicious. It's ______.
A. a done thing B. done to a turn C. a done deal D. done and dusted

Trang 1
2. It had been assumed Phillip would take over the manager's post after the man retired. But, it never
came to ____ since he'd decided to change his place of work.
A. final B. pass to happen C. occurrence D. being
3. The authorities probably want to be tough and won’t ____ to the hijackers' absurd demands.
A. abandon B. resign C. yield D. collapse
4. Last time, we were within a hair's ____ of defeating the Auckland team. I’m sure we'll beat them in the
approaching season.
A. breadth a very small distance B. thin C. length D. width
5. We take _____ in doing the washing-up, cleaning the floor and watering the flowers.
A. turn B. actions C. measures D. turns
6. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine and _____ in China for thousands of years.
A. has been used B. has using C. has used D. has been using
7. Most of the students in that special school are making good progress, but Michael is a _____ case.
A. hopefully B. hopeless C. hopeful D. hopelessly
8. In India, in the old days, _____ girl’s family used to give _____ boy's family a gift like money or
A. a-a B. a-the C. the-a D. the-the
9. After graduating from university, I want to ______ my father's footsteps.
A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
10. I don't know what to say to break the _____ with someone I've just met at the party.
A. air B. ice C. leg D. rule
11. The director informed that no candidate ______ all the criteria for the administrative position.
A. completed B. fulfilled C. achieved D. suited
12. After the visit to that special school, we _____ friends with some students with reading disabilities.
A. acquainted B. had C. made D. realized
13. The archaeological excavation _____ to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several years.
A. led B. leading C. to lead D. being led
14. If Mr. David _____ at the meeting, he would make a speech.
A. were B. had been C. was D. has been
15. Australia is the greenest country in the world _____ the people are environmentally friendly.
A. because B. therefore C. however D. yet
16. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he __________.
A. was already left B. already left
C. had already been leaving D. had already left
17. Since moving to another country, some people decide to follow the customs of the new country, while
_____ prefer to keep their own customs.
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
18. I have a _____ schedule this semester - classes from Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM!
A. consuming B. grueling C. ungodly D. tight
19. Applying for a visa often involves dealing with a lot of ____ tape.
A. blue B. white C. red D. black
20. The jury ____ its verdict tomorrow.
A. is to announce B. will have been announced
C. has announced D. is being announced
21: Standing on top of the hill, .
A. people have seen a castle far away B. lies a castle in the middle of the island
C. a castle can be seen from the distance D. we can see a castle in the distance
22. Jane is determined to ____ her claim as an actress.
A. follow B. stake C. put D. obtain

Trang 2
23. Don’t worry. It’s ___ natural to lose your temper sometimes.
A. thoroughly B. downright C. entirely D. perfectly
24. Rock fans came in ____ to the festival.
A. packs B. droves C. herds D. boards
25. She was so small and fragile and looked ____ in an army uniform.
A. incongruous B. soaking C. wispy D. ashen
26. If you’re interested in a subject, use the Internet to ____ deeper.
A. get B. polish C. go D. delve
27. Mr. Parris said he’d like ____ by Monday, if that’s possible.
A. finished the report B. the report finished
C. the report will be finished D. have the report finished
28. Motorists have been _____ by the sudden rise in the price of petrol.
A. hard pressed B. hard to please C. hard hit D. hard up
19. The people in that company always talk ______, even on the weekends.
A. dirty B. shop C. turkey D. money
30. It took me ages to ______up the courage to ask for a promotion
A. pick B. put C. yield D. pluck
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word
(3) in each of the following questions.
1. Stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and build a future in which humans live in
harmony with nature.
A. coexist peacefully with B. fall in love with
C. agree with D. cooperate with
2. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth, stability
and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years.
A. achievement B. development C. prevention D. reduction
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Then the strangest thing happens - Will and Marcus strike up an unusual friendship.
A. cover up B. give up C. make up D. remain
2. A cost-effective way to fight crime is that instead of making punishments more severe, the authorities
should increase the odds that lawbreakers will be apprehended and punished quickly.
A. economical B. practical C. profitable D. worthless
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
1. Hai: “I've seen John at the workshop on communication skills.”
Phong: “__________________.”
A. I see. I'll call him.
B. The workshop was very useful.
C. That can't be John because he's in Paris now.
D. No, I don't think so.
2. John: “Last year, we went to one of those resorts where everything – food and drink - was free.”
Thomas: “____________________.”
A. Wow! I didn't realize you were such snobs!
B. Really? I prefer to go somewhere a bit quieter.
C. It sounds great. I've never been on an all-inclusive holiday.
D. If you want all your meals and drinks included, you can stay on an all-inclusive basis.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.

Trang 3
1. It is essential that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful
A. that B. is C. treated D. to assure
2. Having deciding on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it.
A. Having deciding B. presentation C. finding D. for
3. The new trade agreement should felicitate more rapid economic growth.
A. The B. should felicitate C. more D. economic growth
. Use the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets
1. Can you translate this note form Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I was a child, but I (forget) it
2. Where are my car keys? This is the third time I (lose) them
3. Now I understand what you (try) to say!
4. Molly’s fed up because she injured her ankle when she (jog) this morning. So she cannot dance
5. One day, when he (wait) at a station he noticed a small boy playing by the track.
6. Jenny’s really excited about going to Spain. She (not/be) there before, although she (study) Spanish
for several years (prepare) their material very thoroughly
8. I (not pay) for my ticket yet. How much (I/owe) you?
Put the words into the correct forms:
1. Sue was ________________(joy) to learn that she had passed her exams.
2. Stella is talking with ________________(prospect) investors to help her expand her business.
3. His ________________(resolve) may stem from the fact that she has no clear goals for the future.
4. The man was ________________(stow) on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house.
5. The ___________ (mind) may be surprised by the mix of cultures in Jerusalem.
Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your
answers in corresponding numbered boxes.
Outdoor entertainment has a long history in countries with a warm climate.In ancient Greece, for
example, plays were (1) ……………. in large open arenas. Today, audiences enjoy concerts of classical,
opera, pop and rock music in outdoor (2) ……………. These are usually less formal and restrictive for
the listeners than a stuffy concert hall, and a warm, starry night (3) ……………. a unique atmosphere.
Music heard inside a building is (4) ……………. to different acoustics. Sound vibrations are (5)
……………. from a musical instrument or voice to the eardrum and the building’s structure can (6)
……………. these vibrations, which we then experience as an echo. Obstructions such as pillars can (7)
……………. vibrations, and hard surfaces resonate or vibrate, (8) ……………. the sound, while carpets
and curtains may (9) ……………. and deaden voices and music.
The music at open-air concerts, on the other hand, must often compete with the noise traffic, bird song or
wind and thunder. An strong wind can carry the sound away and a sudden summer storm can drown out
the music altogether. In addition, if there is any risk of rain, all instruments and sound equipment must be
housed under (10) ……………. to avoid the danger of electrocution. Once these problems are overcome,
outdoor concerts allow people the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of live music in the fresh air.

1. A. performed B. shown C. executed D. held

2. A. localities B. circumstances C. surroundings D. backgrounds
3. A. builds B. forms C. composes D. creates
4. A. liable B. subject C. related D. adapted
5. A. transmitted B. played C. directed D. broadcast
6. A. reflect B. exhibit C. produce D. register
7. A. harm B. halt C. impede D. prevent
8. A. twisting B. bending C. distorting D. adjusting
9. A. absorb B. attract C. withdraw D. detain
10. A. enclosure B. shade C. wrapper D. cover

Trang 4
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Snacking on green ants is (1) ____ everyone’s idea of the most delicious holiday indulgence, but on a
recent walk through the Daintree rainforest in Queensland, Australia, Aboriginal guide Kirsty Norris
assured a group of uncertain guests that the traditional food source of her KukuYalanji tribe was (2)
_______ a try. She (3) ____ have been right - but luckily for the native ants and the tourists, rain came
streaming down through the canopy, sending (4) _____ possible food scurrying for cover.
Connecting with nature isn’t a compulsory (5) _____ of a stay at an environmentally friendly resort, but
at the Daintree Eco Lodge, (6) _____ tree-house villas are set on stilts above the compound’s waterfall-
fed creek, many people find (7) _____ doing a bit of communing while they relax.
(8) _____ ecotourism is increasing in popularity, recording heady growth worldwide, it is still difficult to
define. For some travellers, ecotourism means eavesdropping (9) ____ nature from the comfort of a plush
bed with a magnificent view. For (10) _____, it’s about doing without hot showers and trekking across
wildernesses. However, industry watchers say the category’s basic tenet is minimal environmental impact
combined with some contribution to education and conservation.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the question.
Grandparents are becoming the forgotten generation, with youngsters now too busy to listen to their
stories from the olden days.
A study of 1,000 five to 18 year-olds reveals just 21 per cent will visit their older relatives to hear about
how their lives were different in the past; such as where they worked, how it was living in the war, and
how they met the love of their life. More than half of youths have no idea what job their grandparent did
before retirement – admitting they’d never thought to ask. Sadly, one in 10 admitted they are simply not
interested in their grandmother’s or grandad’s previous job or talents and interests, and a quarter only turn
up to see them for pocket money. But 23 per cent claim the reason they don’t know anything about their
older relatives is because they don’t really get the chance to talk properly.
Geoff Bates, spokesman for McCarthy & Stone’s Inspirational Generation campaign, said: “We know this
generation have lived full lives with heroic tales to tell and so much to offer, but how many of us have
actually thought to ask these questions of our older family members? We want to shout about the amazing
feats retirees have achieved in their lifetime and put the spotlight on the wonderfully colorful lives of
today’s older people. We are calling on parents and children to talk to their grandparents, to find out what
they have done in their lives – and continue to do, and tell us all about it so we can give them the credit
they deserve.”
Researchers found that although 65 per cent of youngsters do see their grandparents every single week, 37
per cent claim this is only because their parents want them to. And while 39 per cent talk to their
grandparents on the phone, Facebook or Skype at least once a week – 16 per cent once a day –
conversation is rarely focused on what they are doing or have done in the past. Four in 10 kids have no
idea what their grandparents proudest achievements are, while 30 per cent don’t know if they have any
special skills or talents. And 42 per cent don’t spend any time talking about their grandparent’s history –
and are therefore clueless about what their grandmother or grandad was like when they were younger.
Perhaps due to this lack of communication and respect, just six per cent of children say they look up to
their grandparents as a role model and inspiration. However, grandchildren are agreed their grandparents
are both loving and friendly, while 43 per cent think they’re funny – with 23 per cent admitting they often
have more fun with their elderly relatives than their parents.
1. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?
A. Grandparents are outdated people in their families.
B. Young people now do not concern much about their grandparents.
C. Grandparents are not interested in telling stories about their life in the past any more.
D. Young people are too busy to take care of their grandparents.

Trang 5
2. According to the study in paragraph 2, which information is NOT true?
A. Merely over one fifth of people in the survey keep asking about the bygone time of their
B. Over 50% of the young don’t know about their older relatives’ professions before superannuation.
C. Most of youths visit their grandparents to ask for money.
D. Nearly a quarter of young people don’t have proper opportunities to converse with their older
3. The word “feats” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________________.
A. accomplishments B. failures C. difficulties D. differences
4 What does the word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. parents B. children C. colorful lives D. grandparents
5. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that McCarthy & Stone’s Inspirational Generation campaign
A. encourages people to ask more questions about their grandparents’ jobs.
B. would like to honour the retirees with their remarkable achievements and experienced life.
C. hopes to give recognition to the older family members.
D. intends to retell the heroic tails of the older generation and find out what they have done in the past.
6. According to the last paragraph, the proportion of the young voluntarily visiting their older family
members every week is ___________________.
A. 37% B. 65% C. 28% D. 39%
7. The author implied in the last paragraph that ____________.
A. youngsters nowadays are too indifferent with their grandparents’ lives in the former times.
B. more youths use modern technology to keep in touch with their older generation.
C. grandchildren do not have much time to care for their elderly relatives’ special skills and talents.
D. lack of communication and respect is the main reason why youngsters are not interested in what
their grandparents have done in the past.
8. The word “inspiration” in the last paragraph mostly means ________.
A. disincentive B. encumbrance C. stimulation D. hindrance
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
1. It’s important to defend what you believe in when others express their doubts.
 You have to stand ___________________________________________________.
2. He threatened the officers with violence.
 He made ____________________________________________
3. I can spend more time with my grandchildren when I retire.
 Retirement will free ___________________________
4. It won’t hurt to tell your boss how you feel.
 You have nothing ________
5. What happens should there be a tie in the vote?
 What happens in _______________ ____________________________________.
6. Kate has finally accepted that their friendship is over. (TERMS)
 Kate has finally ________________________________________ their friendship is over.
7. Are you saying Dan gets angry easily, Fiona? (SHORT)
 Are you saying Dan _______________________________________, Fiona?
8. I can’t cope at all with my new job, and that bothers me. (DEPTH)
 I wish I _________________ my new job.
9. I think they're largely responsible for what's happened. (SMALL)
 I hold them _________ _______________________________ responsible for what’s happened.
10. I don't know why you're saying this is so important. (DEAL)
 I don't know why you're _________

Trang 6
Trang 7

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