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Manage People Performance

GUIDE Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 1
First published 2021

Version 1.0

RTO Works

© 2021 RTO Works

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as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission as
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The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and
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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business
Services Training Package.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 2

Introduction 4
Assessing this unit 5
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 6
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 14
Assessment Task 2: Project 16
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 27
Final results record 32

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 3

Welcome to the Assessor Marking Guide for BSBLDR522 Manage people performance.
This Marking Guide provides you with assessment tasks, checklists and marking guidance.
It also provides advice on delivering the assessment for this unit.
This document is one of a suite of resources which has been developed by RTO Works to support
you in delivering assessment for units of competency from the Business Services Training

Supporting resources
A number of documents have been provided with this Marking Guide to support assessors and

For the assessor

 Assessment Mapping: A mapping guide is included as a separate document to show how
each assessment task maps to the unit of competency. You will find the assessment
mapping in the BSBLDR522 Mapping folder.

 Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates and checklists which can
be used when preparing for and marking assessment tasks. You will find the supporting
resources in the BSBLDR522 Assessor Resources folder. For this unit, the supporting
assessor resources comprise:
o Project Portfolio Assessor (Assessment Task 2)
o Simulation Pack (if they need a case study).

For the student

 Student Assessment Tasks: The Student Assessment Tasks include the tasks as well
as guidance about how to complete each assessment. Submission information and
relevant forms are also included. The Student Assessment Tasks for this unit can be
found in the BSBLDR522 folder.

 Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates, journals, workbooks and

portfolios which can be used by the student to support them in providing evidence of their
competence. You will find supporting resources in the BSBLDR522 Student Resources folder.
Please ensure that students receive these documents before they begin their assessment
For this unit, the supporting resources for students comprise:
o Project Portfolio (Assessment Task 2)
o Simulation Pack.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 4

Assessing this unit

BSBLDR522 Manage people performance the skills and knowledge required to manage the
performance of staff that are direct reports.
The unit applies to individuals who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to
review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback. The unit makes the link between
performance management and performance development and reinforces both functions as a key
requirement for effective managers.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
For students to be assessed as competent, they must successfully complete one assessment task:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – Students must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – Students must work through a range of activities and
complete a project portfolio.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 5
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge

Information for assessors

Knowledge questions are designed to help the student demonstrate the knowledge which they
have acquired during the unit. Ensure that you:

 provide students with a due date for assessment

 provide submission guidelines to students

 follow Leeds’ policies and procedures

 refer to Leeds’ Training and Assessment Strategy

 provide written feedback to each student

 provide resubmission guidance to students (including a timeline) who do not complete the task

 complete the Assessment Task 1 Checklist which can be found at the end of this task.

 complete the Final Results Record which can be found at the end of this Assessment
Marking Guide.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 6
Information for students
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you
have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide. If this is your first
attempt, the due date would be the end date of the unit. If this is a re-submission, please
confirm the due date with your assessor.

 adhere with Leeds’s submission guidelines. All assessments must be submitted electronically.
You must prepare your assessment in the MS Word or PDF format for this task, and deliver it
to your assessor via email, USB drives, or through learner portal if active.

 answer all questions completely and correctly. You must achieve competency in every question.

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced. Your work will be
crosschecked thoroughly. If you use any information from online resources, books, articles,
websites, etc., please ensure to reference your source.

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work. If this is a resubmission, you must fill the
coversheet again.

Assessment information
comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide. If this is
your first attempt, the due date would be the end date of the unit. If this is a re-
submission, please confirm the due date with your assessor.
adhere with Leeds’s submission guidelines. All assessments must be submitted
electronically. You must prepare your assessment in the MS Word or PDF format for
this task, and deliver it to your assessor via email, USB drives, or through learner portal
if active.
answer all questions completely and correctly. You must achieve competency in every
submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced. Your work
will be crosschecked thoroughly. If you use any information from online resources,
books, articles, websites, etc., please ensure to reference your source.
submit a completed cover sheet with your work. If this is a resubmission, you must fill
the coversheet again.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 7
Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.

Students must explain the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009. Responses may be
similar to:

 Provides a safety net of minimum terms and conditions of employment++.

 Allows for enterprise bargaining underpinned by bargaining obligations and

rules governing industry action++.

 Enables flexible working arrangements that best meet the needs of both workers
and employers++.

 Protects against unfair or unlawful termination of employment++.

 ++

2. Explain the key provisions of each of the following Acts:

a. The Racial Discrimination Act
1975 Response should broadly cover:
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment on the
grounds of race, colour or national or ethnic origin++.
b. Sex Discrimination Act
1984 Response should broadly
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment on the
grounds of a person's sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy or to sexually
harass another person++.
c. Disability Discrimination Act
1992 Response should broadly
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate
against a person on the grounds of disability (including a disease)++.

3. Explain the purpose of the National Employment Standards and the 10 minimum entitlements.
Response should broadly cover:
The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that
have to be provided to all employees.
Students must identify all 10 minimum entitlements:
Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G
Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 8
 Maximum weekly hours: an employee can work a maximum of 38 ordinary hours in
a week.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 9
 Flexible working arrangements: certain employees have the right to request
flexible working ++

 Parental leave: Employees can get parental leave when a child is born or
adopted. Parental leave entitlements++.

 Annual leave: All employees except for casual employees are entitled to paid
annual leave++.

 Compassionate & bereavement leave: all employees (including casual employees) are
entitled to compassionate leave (also known as bereavement leave). Compassionate
leave can be taken when a member of an employee's immediate family or household
dies or suffers a life-threatening illness or injury++.

 Community service leave: employees, including casual employees, can take

community service leave for certain activities such as voluntary emergency
management activities and jury duty (including attendance for jury selection)++.

 Long service leave: an employee gets long service leave after a long period of
working for the same employer. Most employees' entitlement to long service leave
comes from long service leave laws in each state or territory++.

 Public holidays: all employees are entitled to public holidays, which vary by state++.

 Notice and final pay: not all employees are required to give or receive notice e.g.
casuals. Final pay can be paid out instead of worked++.

 Fair work information statement: employers have to give every new employee a copy of
the Fair Work Information Statement (the Statement) before, or as soon as possible
after, they start their new job++

 ++

4. Explain the use of modern awards in

workplaces. Response should broadly cover the
Modern awards are industry or occupation-based and apply to employers and employees who
perform work covered by the award. Modern awards are used to identify and apply the
minimum pay rates and conditions of employment++.

5. Identify at least two examples of modern awards using the Fair Work Ombudsman
website. Write down the name of the award and the minimum wages under the award and
minimum working hours.
Response should cover content from the following website:


6. Outline the purpose of an enterprise agreement and with which entity must the agreement
be registered.
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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 10
Response should broadly cover the following:

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 11
An enterprise agreement is an agreement between one or more national system employers
and their employees, as specified in the agreement. Enterprise agreements are negotiated
by the parties through collective bargaining in good faith, primarily at the enterprise level.
Under the Fair Work Act 2009, an enterprise can mean any kind of business, activity, project
or undertaking++.
An agreement must be approved by and registered with Fair Work Ombudsman++.

7. Outline minimum terms and conditions that must be included in an enterprise

agreement. Response should cover the following terms:

 a nominal expiry date for the agreement which is no longer than four years from the
date the Fair Work Commission approves the agreement++.

 a dispute settlement procedure, which must authorise either the Fair Work Commission
or someone else that is independent of those covered by the agreement to settle disputes
about any matters under the agreement in relation to terms of a modern award or the
National Employment Standards ('NES')++.

 a flexibility term that allows for the making of individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs)
for the purpose of meeting the genuine needs of the employer and employees. These
are arrangements between an employer and an individual employee that vary the
operation of the enterprise agreement in relation to the employee++.

 a consultation term, which requires the employer to consult their employees about any
major workplace changes that are likely to have a significant effect on them and allows
the employees to have representation in that consultation. If there is no such
consultation term, the model consultation term will apply++.

 ++

8. Explain the process of performance management and the purpose of using

performance management systems in the workplace.
Response should broadly cover the following:

 Performance management is a process of ongoing monitoring and reporting

of achievements of established targets.++

 It is a useful process for establishing a shared workforce understanding about what is to

be achieved at an organisation level. It is about ++

 ++

9. Explain two types of performance management systems that can be used at work.
Response should include at least three of the following:

 360-degree appraisal: This involves feedback of the manager, supervisor, team

members and any direct reports. In this method of appraisal, employees complete
profile has to be collected and assessed. In addition to evaluating the employees work

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 10
performance and technical skill set, an appraiser collects an in-depth feedback of the

 Behavioural checklist: Behavioural checklist include a list of criteria that

employees need to achieve, Behaviours differ according to the type of job been
assessed. The evaluation is completed on the basis of ++

 Management by objective: With this method, the manager and the employee agree
upon specific and obtainable goals with a set deadline. Therefore, achievement of
targets can be ++

 Psychological appraisals: This appraisal method evaluates the employee’s

intellect, emotional stability, analytical skills and other psychological traits++.

 ++

10. In what form must an employer provide an employee with notice of

termination? Response should state the following:
In writing??++

11. Under the Fair Work Act, what amount of notice must be given to employees who
have worked for a company for less than one year?
Response should state the following:
1 week.??++

12. List two types of employees to whom notice of termination would not need to be
provided. Response should include at least two of the following:

 an employee employed for a specified period of time, for a specified task, or for
the duration of a specified season++

 an employee whose employment is terminated because of serious misconduct (for

example, an employee who has, in the course of their employment, engaged in
theft, fraud or assault) ++

 a casual employee++

 an employee (other than an apprentice) to whom a training arrangement applies and

whose employment is for a specified period of time or is, for any reason, limited to
the duration of the training arrangement++

 a daily hire employee working in the building and construction industry (including
working in connection with the erection, repair, renovation, maintenance, ornamentation
or demolition of buildings or structures) ++

 a daily hire employee working in the meat industry in connection with the slaughter
of livestock++

 a weekly hire employee working in connection with the meat industry and
whose termination of employment is determined solely by seasonal factors++

 ++

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13. Under what circumstances is an employee entitled to redundancy pay?

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 12
Response should cover all of the following:
An employee is entitled to redundancy pay (subject to the exceptions set out below) from the
employer if the employee is terminated++:
at the employer’s initiative because they no longer require the job to be done by the employee
or anyone (except where this is due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour)
because of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the employer++

14. Explain at least three circumstances that can constitute unfair

dismissal. Response should include at least three of the following:

 a person’s race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability,
marital status, family or carer’s responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion,
national extraction or social origin (some exceptions apply, such as where it’s based on
the inherent requirements of the job)++

 temporary absence from work because of illness or injury++

 trade union membership or non-membership++

 participation in trade union activities outside working hours or, with the
employer’s consent, during working hours++

 seeking office as, or acting as, a representative of employees++

 being absent from work during maternity leave or other parental leave++

 temporary absence from work to engage in a voluntary emergency management activity++

 filing a complaint or participating in proceedings against an employer++

 ++

15. Which circumstances must apply for the Fair Work Commission to determine that
an employee has been unfairly dismissed?
Response must correctly identify all of the circumstances from the following list:

 the person has been dismissed++

 the dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable++

 if the employer is a small business, the dismissal was not consistent with the
Small Business Fair Dismissal Code++

 ++.

16. Outline five ways of that staff can develop skills at

work Response should include at least five of the

 Participating in an external course++

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 Coaching from supervisor++

 Mentoring from supervisor++

 On the job training++

 Watching a video++

 Participating in an internal workshop++

 Reading industry relevant journal++

 Reading staff newsletters++

 ++

17. As a manager, list three types of information that you could provide to staff to help them
to develop their knowledge base.

Response should include at least three of the following:

 Industry relevant journals++

 Internal documents such as newsletters or reports++

 Annual reports++

 Strategic Plans.++

 ++

18. List the information that can generally be found in a risk management plan. Include at
least four different types of information.
Response should include:

 Risk approach+++

 Identified risks++

 Risk control measures++

 Risk assessment++

 ++

19. List four examples of organisational of human support

services Response should include:

 Complaints hotline++

 Induction++

 Exit interviews++

 Employee assistance program (third party providers such as counsellors)++

 ++

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

Question 18

Question 19

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 15
Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 16
Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for assessors

In this task, students are required to demonstrate their skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will also observe students participating in interactions. This can be in person or via a video
Students will need access to:

 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

 their Student Assessment Tasks

 their learning resources and other information for reference

 the Simulation Pack

 Project Portfolio template.

Ensure that you:

 provide students with a due date for assessment

 follow Leeds’ policies and procedures

 refer to Leeds’ Training and Assessment Strategy

 provide written feedback to each student

 provide resubmission guidance to students (including a timeline) who do not complete the task

 complete the Assessment Task 2 Checklist which can be found at the end of this task

 complete the Final Results Record which can be found at the end of this Assessment Marking

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 17
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template

 Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:

comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide. If this is your first
attempt, the due date would be the end date of the unit. If this is a re-submission, please
confirm the due date with your assessor.

adhere with Leeds’s submission guidelines. All assessments must be submitted electronically.
You must prepare your assessment in the MS Word or PDF format for this task, and deliver it
to your assessor via email, USB drives, or through learner portal if active.

When preparing your portfolio, ensure you have covered every section of the task. To avoid
confusion, ideally you will reference each section of the task in your submission, e.g Task 2,
Section 2, <title>.

submit work, which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced. Your work will be
crosschecked thoroughly. If you use any information from online resources, books, articles,
websites, etc., please ensure to reference your source.

submit a completed cover sheet with your work. If this is a resubmission, you must fill the
coversheet again.

submit work, which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced.

Assessment information
This is an open book task. You may refer to your unit slides, Student book, business
resources of your business of choice (if not using the simulation pack) and any other
You will be attempting this task in class. You will have approximately 15 hours to
complete the task. If you are unable to complete the task, you may continue working on
it outside of classroom.
You are provided with a project portfolio document. This document aligns with the
assessment tasks here, and guides you through various sections. Use this document
to record your answers. Note the additional evidence you may need to attach, and
make sure it is all provided to your trainer at the time of submission.
Avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 18
Ensure you understand the questions, and details of the responses required such as
number of examples, depths of explanations, etc. and provide complete answers. This
is a competency-based assessment, and you must ensure to achieve competency.
You may refer to Student User Guide for more details.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 19
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Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to manage the performance of two team members and
one team. As part of the assessment, you will:

 understand your organisation’s performance management requirements.

 allocate work to team members and your team.

 manage the performance of your team and individual team members.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills
that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own
business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study
provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a
relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!

If you are using your own business, it is important that you are able to access
enough information for your chosen business in order to be able to do your
assessment. You are required to manage the performance of one team and two
individuals. The team members must be able to perform work tasks related to the
operational plan. As a minimum your organisation must have an operational plan, a
risk management plan and policies and procedures relevant to performance
management and communication. You must also have access to data or
information to monitor, evaluate and provide feedback to the team members (take a
look at Section 3 of your Project Portfolio for more information).
If you are using the case study, the information required to complete this
assessment is contained in the Simulation Pack.

You will need to communicate with team members and a colleague/superior. Your
communication may be either directly with actual staff members or fellow
students/your assessor can play the roles of relevant people/parties.
Communication can be in any appropriate format (e.g., face to face, video
conference, email) as long as it meets the requirements outlined in the Project
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below.

2. Preparation

Make sure you are familiar with the organisation you are basing this assessment on
and have read through the necessary background information (either your own
business, or the case study provided in the Simulation Pack). If you’re basing this

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 20
assessment on your own choice of business, have your business approved by your
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio.
Assessor: if the student is using their own business, make sure that the business is
suitable and has appropriate policies and procedures developed as outlined in the
steps above.

3. Understand performance management requirements

Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:

 explain how your role supports people performance management and the
daily operations of your organisation.

 describe the roles and responsibilities of your team and two team members.

 identify and summarise the legal requirements to perform your role,

allocate work and manage/review people performance.

 identify and summarise organisational requirements for your role, work

allocation and people management:
o including as a minimum the operational plan, risk management plan,
performance management policies and procedures and
communication protocols).
o considering performance review, feedback (formal and informal),
performance improvement opportunities, underperformance and
rewards and recognition.

 review your organisation’s performance management and processes

according to the legislation, organisational objectives and policies.

4. Allocate work

Consult with a relevant person or group (e.g. the CEO or executive team) regarding
work that must be allocated to staff.

i Your consultation should include a discussion:

 of operational requirements (outlined in the operational plan) for the next

12 months (including time frames).

 of work you are responsible for (that must be allocated within your team).

 of the resources which are available to do the work.

 to develop and agree on the required performance standards and KPIs.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 21
Consultation can take place in any appropriate format (e.g. email, telephone call,
executive team meeting, meeting with the CEO etc.) as long as it adheres to
your organisation’s requirements, policies and procedures.
Note to assessor: If the student is using the case study, arrange for the relevant
role play interaction to take place. Assume its January 2021. Prompt the person
playing the role of colleague/superior (Managing director) to go through the work
priorities for 2021 as outlined in the operational plan. The HR team manager must
develop a 12-month work plan to action each of the priorities assigned to the HR
team. The budget for professional development and learning is $1000 per staff
member, but with the appointment of the Learning and Development Coordinator,
most training should be inhouse. During the consultation, decide on the following:

2021 Priorities Key Responsibility

(timeframes from (based on role
information in the descriptions in the
Simulation Pack) (further developed Simulation Pack)
using information
from Simulation
Pack – changes
shown in bold)

February (6 Employ and Site staff in place, HR (Human

months to induct at least 3 induction has resource officer)
complete) permanent site taken place
staff within 3 months.

February Develop and Increased HR team

implement work- employee
(3 months)
life balance satisfaction by
programs 12% as measured
by surveys to
achieve the 95%
rating expected
in the strategic

May Personalise All employees HR (Learning and

employee have selected development
(3 months)
learning their learning coordinator)
preferences, from
the list outlined
in the
policy and

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 22
November Staff performance All staff HR manager
reviews performance
(2 weeks)
Learning and
documented and
implemented for
all staff using

Start with completing Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:

 develop work plans to efficiently allocate work to your team and two team

 plan to meet with your team and team members.

i You may need to meet separately with individual team members depending on the
nature and location of your team and the work that is required (e.g. you may be
required to keep KPIs confidential and as such they cannot be discussed in a
Make sure you have all the required resources ready for your meeting (e.g. printout
of policies and procedures).

Meet with your team and team members to:

 discuss the work that must be done by your team as a whole.

 discuss work that must be done by individual team members.

 explain the expected performance standards and KPIs.

 provide training on the performance management and review processes.

i This meeting should take approximately 20 minutes. It may take place with actual
people who work for/are associated with your chosen organisation. Alternatively,
classmates or your assessor may play the role of one or more team members.
This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video
record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you
with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions below and meet
the timeframes allocated. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor,
you will attach proof of the meeting to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.
At this meeting, take a leadership role and use language and structure appropriate
to the context and audience. You will be assessed on this.

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Note to assessor: If the student is using the case study, arrange for a role-play
interaction to take place for you to view in person or for the student to video record
for you to watch at a later stage.

Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio by conducting a risk analysis of the

work outlined in one of your work plans (identify at least two risks).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1 and 2.

You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the
documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 and 2 of the Project
Submit Section 1 and 2 to your assessor.
Assessor: see Project Portfolio Assessor Section 1 and 2 for guidance with
marking. Provide feedback and if necessary, ask the student to make adjustments
and resubmit their work.

5. Manage performance.

i Assume the work plans have been implemented. You must now manage and
monitor performance, providing informal feedback and coaching where required.
If you are using the case study, assume that it is July 2021. Additional information
to complete this step is contained in the Simulation Pack.
If you are using your own organisation, make sure you have the enough
information to fulfil the requirements in the Project Portfolio.
Start completing Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need

 manage the individual team member and whole team performance according
to the timelines outlined in your work plan and your organisation’s policies
and procedures.

 monitor individual team member and team performance.

 provide informal feedback and coaching to team members.

Note to assessor: If required, arrange for suitable role-plays to take place for
you to view in person, or at a later stage via video. Prompt the students
playing the roles (e.g. employee being coached or receiving informal
feedback) according to the information in the Simulation Pack. Informal
feedback can be provided in a variety of ways and does not have to include
oral communication. See the Project Portfolio Assessor for further detail.

i Assume a period of time has passed. Team members, and individuals in your
team have performed some (or all) the work tasks outlined in your work plan.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 24
If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you need suitable
information to evaluate performance and provide formal feedback. The
information must indicate that:

 at least one team member has performed poorly

 at least one team member or the team as a whole has

demonstrated excellent performance.
If you are using the case study, assume that it is November 2021.

Continue working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you must:

 evaluate the performance of the two individual team members and your
team against performance standards and KPIs.

 document individual team members’ performance according to

your organisation’s performance management system.

 keep record of the documented performance according to your

organisation’s performance management system.

 identify any actions required to:

o address a team member’s ongoing poor performance
o to recognise the continued excellent performance of a different
team member.

i You will implement these actions at the formal feedback session (if verbal
action is required), or at a later stage in this project (for other actions such as
warning letters that do not require verbal interaction).

Meet with each individual team member separately for a structured and formal
feedback session (follow the requirements of your organisation’s policies and
procedures (as identified in Section 1)).
As part of the meeting, discuss the team member’s performance and areas
requiring development.
If relevant, initiate the previously identified action to either address poor
performance (e.g. ask the team member if there are any external factors
contributing to their poor performance) or reinforce positive (e.g. discuss bonus or
salary increase).

i Each meeting should take approximately 20 minutes. It may take place with actual
people who work for/are associated with your chosen organisation. Alternatively,
classmates or your assessor may play the role of one or more team members.
This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video
record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you
with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions below and meet
the timeframes allocated. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor,
you will attach proof of the meeting to Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 25
As you discuss performance and areas requiring development, make sure you
influence the direction of the conversation. You will be assessed on this.
If the action you identified to address poor performance or recognise excellent
performance in the previous step does not include verbal input, you will have an
opportunity later on in the assessment to implement your identified action.
Note to assessor: If the student is using the case study, arrange for appropriate
role plays to take place. Prompt the students as per the information in the
Simulation pack.

Continue working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you must:

 develop a performance improvement and development plan for each team

member according to your organisation’s performance management

 take action to reinforce excellent performance or to address poor

performance (if you haven’t already taken action at the feedback session).

i Assume another period of time has passed.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you need suitable
information to monitor and respond to the performance of the underperforming
team member.
If you are using the case study, assume that it is June 2022.
Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. To do this, you need to:

 once again monitor the performance of the underperforming team

member according to organisational policy.

 if necessary, respond once again to the underperforming team

member’s performance according to organisational policy.

6. Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as

Assessor: see Project Portfolio Assessor for guidance with marking. Detailed
guidance has been provided for you in all sections. You will have already reviewed
Section 1 and 2.

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 26
Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Understand performance management


 explaining how their role supports

people performance management
and the daily operations of their

 describing the roles and

responsibilities of their team and
two team members (at least three
responsibilities per team member).

 identifying and summarising the

legal requirements to:
o perform their role
o allocate work
o manage/review people

 identifying and summarising

organisational requirements for their
role, work allocation and people
o including as a minimum the
operational plan, risk
management plan,
performance management
policies and procedures and
communication protocol.)

o considering performance
review, feedback (formal and
informal), performance
improvement opportunities,
underperformance and
rewards and recognition.

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 27
 reviewing their organisation’s
performance management and
processes according to the
legislation, organisational objectives
and policies.
As evidenced by activity step 3 being
completed satisfactorily as per assessor
guidance and the student’s completed
portfolio Section 1 fulfilling the
requirements of those sections in the
Portfolio Assessor Version.

Allocate work by:

 consulting with a colleague or

superior regarding work that must
be allocated to staff, including a
o of operational requirements
(outlined in the operational
plan) for the next 12 months
(including time frames).
o of work they are responsible
for (that must be allocated
within your team).
o of the resources which are
available to do the work.
o to develop and agree on the
required performance
standards and KPIs.

 developing work plans to efficiently

allocate work to their team and two
individual team members.

 meeting with their team and team

members to:
o discuss the work that must be
done by their team as a whole.
o discuss work that must be
done by individual team
o explain the expected
performance standards and

Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 28
o provide training on the
performance management and
review processes.
o take a leadership role.

 developing a performance
improvement and development plan
for each team member according to
their organisation’s performance
management system.

 taking action to reinforce excellent

performance and to address poor
Initiates the meeting and discussion
Starts the meeting
Navigates the agenda
Concludes the meeting.
o use language and structure
appropriate to the context and
Business language.
Language appropriate to the
industry and performance

 conducting a risk analysis of the

work outlined in one of your work
plans (at least two risks).
As evidenced by activity step 4 being
completed satisfactorily as per assessor
guidance and the student’s completed
portfolio Sections 2 fulfilling the
requirements of those sections in the
Portfolio Assessor Version.

Manage performance by:

 managing the individual team

member and whole team
performance according to:
o the timelines outlined in their
work plans

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 29
o organisation’s policies and

 monitor individual team member

and team performance.

 providing informal feedback and

coaching to team members (at least
one informal feedback and one
coaching session).

 evaluating the performance of the

two individual team members and
their team against performance
standards and KPIs.

 documenting individual team

members’ performance according to
their organisation’s performance
management system.

 keeping record of the documented

performance according to the
organisation’s performance
management system.

 identifying any actions required to:

o address a team member’s
ongoing poor performance
o recognise the continued
excellent performance of a
team member.

 meeting with each individual team

member separately for a structured
and formal feedback session:
o and following the requirements
of your organisation’s policies
and procedures.
As identified in Section 1
o to discuss the team member’s
performance and areas
requiring development.
o and influencing the direction of
the conversation.
Takes a lead role

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 30
Steers conversation to reach a
desired outcome.

 once again monitor the

performance of the underperforming
team member according to
organisational policy.

 if necessary, responding once again

to the underperforming team
member’s performance according to
organisational policy.
As evidenced by activity step 5 being
completed satisfactorily as per assessor
guidance and the student’s completed
portfolio Section 3 fulfilling the
requirements of those sections in the
Portfolio Assessor Version.

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Leeds College | RTO ID: 45488 CRICOS ID: 03757G

Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 31
Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Did not
Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S U DNS

Assessment Task 2 Project S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: Date:

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Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | Phone: 1300 533 300 | Email: TA - 106 BSBLDR522 Assessor Marking Guide V1.0| Page 32

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