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V SEMESTER ASSESSMENT -1l Date: 07-12-2622 Mayinnim Marks: Course Outcomes On completion o: 1. Implement basic pattern classifier 2. Have knowledge about the working 3. Have knowledge about functionality of classifiers. 4, Pereeive the recent advancement in pattern recognition: 5. Apply SVM and HMM algorithms for real time a course, 1 students will be able to: Igorithms. lications. 6. Implement advanced methodologies over image processing applications. inciple of unsupervised algorithms. Part A 1 T QNo. Questions Marks | CO | BL 1 | Write the advantages and the limitations of clustering . algorithms in a 2 | Find the City block distance and Chebyshev distance | | between the data points X and Y Ce 4 X=[10, 20, 15, 10, 5] Y=[12, 24, 18, 8, 7] \ 3 _ | Define Grid-based clustering. Name two Grid-based | clustering approaches. (an 4 [Define Markov process. Given that the weather on day I (t= 1) is sunny (S), what is the probability that the weather for the next 3 days will be “Cloudy(C) -Rainy (R) -Sunny(S)"? The initial probability of sunny is 0.6. pls 5 | List the components of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and aie define them. 6a riven set of points. identily ¢ Jomertive clustering an r tive clustering algorithms. Di Puclidian distinee Sample No | a8 | ay | pee | eae le PO I (OR) 6b Cluster the following data points using K-means clustering algorithm with K=2 until it converges. Assume first two data points as initial cluster centroids Ci and C2. dataset = { (5,3), (10,15), (15,12), (24,10), (30,45), (85,70), (71,80), (60,78), (55,52), (80,91) } Ta Mr. X is happy someday and angry on other days. We can only observe when he smiles, frowns, laughs, or yells but not his actual emotional state. Let us start on day | in the happy state. ‘There can be only one state transition per day. It can be either to happy state or angry state. The HMM is shown below; elas 90, reo OD, Assume that qr is the state on day t and 0 is the observation on day t. Answer the following questions; Oy | dh : v)z Aun | i ae Ad ape [Or foun | | | | ay Q tree Og Hon ds te Oy bee | | | 05° frown, My thppr gam Angry gy Anes Gay duce i | Fe Ayes itn = J aap? i bt a) Hoa { | (OR) plain Baum-Welch algorithm to find the unknown parameters of a hidden Markov model (HMM). Derive the| 33 | 5 | 3 | expressions for the parameters of HMM. | Part C (X14 = 14) | i | QNo. | Questions | Marks | CO! BL | One biological application of HMMs is to determine the secondary leet structure (i.e. the general three dimensional shape) of a protein. This | ‘general shape is made up of alpha helices, beta sheets, and other [a7 | 8 | structures. In this problem, we will assume that the amino acid i composition of these regions is governed by an HMM. To keep this | 2+12 problem relatively simple, we do not use actual transition values or We will use ion probabilities below. 5 | 4 the state transition probabilities and e1 Alpha Helix | Beta Sheet Turn Other Alpha [lelix (6 OB at bu Beta Sheet 1 00 01 Turn ot a1 06 oa Other See 2 | | "Amino Acid | Alpha Helix” Beta Sheet | Turn Other i O07 ise O10 019 O15 Sn ee a) Draw this HMM as a FSM. b) Find the most likely state transition path for the amino acid sequence MLAE using Viterbi algorithm and its probability. Date: 29-09-2022 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, MIT CAMPUS 1T5012-Pattern Recognition V SEMESTE ASSESSMENT -1 Course Outcomes On completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1, Implement basic pattem classifier algorithms. Have knowledge about functionality of classifiers. Perceive the recent advancement in pattern recognition. Apply SVM and HMM algorithms for real time application Part A Implement advanced methodologies over image processing applications. (6X; Maximum Marks: 50 Have knowledge about the working principle of unsupervised algorithms. Questions: ks Write down the stages of Pattem re nition system, Given confusion matrix, define accuracy, precision, recall and speci he:perceniage of spam in the whale emails 3056. Th percentage of the Word ‘offer’ that occurs in spam e-mails 80%. The percentage of the word ‘offer’ that occurs in the desired e-mails is 10%. Find the probability of spam where the e-mail contains the word ‘offer’ using Bayes theorem. Distinguish supervised learning and unsupervised learning, Define Conditional Independence between random variables. Part B QX13 = 26) QNo. Questions Marks co | BL 6a(i) Suppose we have a two-classes problem (A, ~ A), with a single binary valued feature (x, ~ x). Assume the prior probability P(A) = 0.33. Given the distribution of the samples as shown in the following table, use Bayes Rule to compute the values of posterior probabilities of classes. Al~A x 248 | 167 ~x [82 _ [503 13,| 3 ae ation for the following, data 6 neces 5 7 — 5 1,3 i (OR) scat tomy Lage growe Yeoman [waters nt chides Toure er; Single Forest | rderaged [eum [res co | cova Yeung ig Te 3B) 43] 3 ter, [ow igh ve fake 7 [Waeged [tion Thee 7 Extended [nope [Har Te [Soule Pont [ow lew [re “| Ifthe test data is Single Parent, Young, and Low income, using Naive Bayes classifier predict whether they buy a car Derive Least Square Estimation of parameters of linear Ta 13 1,3 2 multivariate regression model. oe (oR) Derive Maximum Likelihood Estimation of parameters of] 1, ] 43] 2 7h \ | tinear regression model with Gaussian distribution. . Part C (x14=14) QNo. Questions Marks} CO | BL s 4 ]13 | 4 Ci Gulate the probability of getting chest i = Lo TaaT ae TR TOOT Roll No. [2 |p |u]e ANNA UNIVERSITY (UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS) B.E./ B. Tech / B. Arch (Full Time) - END SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, NoviDec 2022 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5" Semester 175012 & Pattern Recognition (Regulation 2019) Time: 3hrs CO1_| Implement basic pattern classifier algorithms. CO 2 _| Have knowledge about the working principle of unsupervised algorithms. CO3_| Have knowledge about functionality of classifiers. CO4_| Perceive the recent advancement in pattern recognition. CO5_| Apply SVM and HMM algorithms for real time applications. ‘CO6 | Implement advanced methodologies over image processing applications. BL - Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, LS - Appiying, L4 - Analyzing, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) nswer all Questions) [No Questions Marks | CO | BL | 1 | Compare and contrast supervised and unsupervised learning 2 [23a \) uo 2__ | Adiagnostic test has 98% accuracy and 63% of all people have 2 1 | B Covid-19. If a patient tests positive, wha is the probability that the person actually has the disease? 3 | Find the Manhattan distance and Chebyshev distance between 2a (ia [es the two data points X and Y each having five attributes. , 16, 24, 16, 4] 0, 14, 9, 11,6] 4 _ | Define Grid-based clustering. Name two Grid-based clustering 2 ope ete approaches. 5 _| Distinguish feature selection and feature extraction. 2) (ase ae 6 | What is meant by dimensionality reduction? Why is it done? a) aan & 7 | Differentiate the simple Markov model and Hidden Markov model, | 2 She eae 8 | What are support vectors in SVM? What is their significance in 2 Sua prediction? ‘9 | Can a fuzzy membership be True and False at the same time? 2 [46/8 Justify your answer. 740 | Define perceptron learning rule. 2° fsaeo) oie PART- B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks} (Resitict to maximum of 2 subdivisions) @No Questions Marks | CO | BL Maximum Likelihood Estimation of parameters of linear 11) | regression model with Gaussian distribution. ae eae lee OR Income | Student | Credit Buys Rating _| Computer Tigh no fair no high no excellent | no high no fair es medium — | no fair yes low yes [fair es Tow yes | excellent [no tow yes [excellent | yes medium [no fair no 14 (b) Tow. es fair yes. 13/43 1B medium | yes | fair yes. medium | yes | excellent yes medium [no excellent | yes high yes | fair es medium | no excelent [no above dataset, if the hypothesis = "Age'''<=30, edium", "Student'yes' , "Credit Rating":fair} is given, predict whether the person buy or will not buy a computer using Naive Bayes classifier. For the given set of points, identify clusters using the simple linkage agglomerative clustering. Draw dendograms. Use Manhattan distance. Sample No X ¥. PI 1 1 Bon P2 15 15 5 a) (i 2 | P3 s a P4 3 4 rp 4 4 P6 3 35 (il) | Explain Expectation-Maximization algorithm for clustering, 5 j2 yu OR Cluster the following dala points usin; om at se 9 K-means clusterin, algorithm with K=2 for two iterations. Assume first two data points 42 (b) (i) | as initial cluster centroids C1 and C2, 8 dataset = { (5,3), (10,15), (12,12), (20,10), (30,45), (85,70), (75.80)} (ii) | Explain DBSCAN algorithm for clustering. a {2 ua Explain the Principle Component Analysis for dim 13(@) | reduction. ’ a 13 |a3 tu OR 13(b) | Explain the techniques used for feature selection. 130 [4,3 [ur Explain Baum-Welch algorithm to find the unknown parameters of 14(a) | a hidden Markov model (HMM). Derive the expressions for the| 13 |5 | 13 parameters of HMM, OR Explain the working principle of support vector machine classifier. 44 (b) | Define the hyperplanes for linear SVM. How can the margin be maximized in SVM? 13 {5 B Consider a local area network (LAN) of interconnected workstations that communicate using\ Ethernet protocols at a maximum rate of 20 Mbit/s. The two fuzzy sets given below Tepresent the loading of the LAN: o4 03,00 ae 10 10 where § represents silent and.C represents congestion. Perform union and intersection over the two fuzzy sets. 15 (a) (i) 03,05 03 08 Design perceptron network to classify the two-dimensional pattern shown in figure. The symbol ‘ * ’ indicates data to be +1 and ~‘* indicates data to be -1. The patterns are C with target +1 and A with target -1. Train the network for one epoch with initial i weights as zero, 8 as 0 and aas 1. 9 wo aan ca 46 ees “A’ Target: -1 eee “C” Target: +1 OR Find the new weights for the Back Propagation Network given below. The network is presented with the input [1, 0] and target value +1, Use a leaming rate of 0.3 and binary sigmoidal 45 (b) (i) | function for activation. The initial weights are [v11_v21 vO1] = f.5 -0.1 02], [vi2 v22 vo2]=[-01 07 04] and [wi w2 wo]= ‘[0.3 0.2 -0.4]. 13, | 46 PART- C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks (Q.No.16 is compulsory) Q. No | Questions Marks co BL | 16. (i) Consider the sequence of emotions: H,H,G,G,G,H for 6 consecutive days. Using the Viterbi algorithm find out the most likelihood of the series of hidden states.

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